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The main reason SWG:ToR will fail in the long run.



  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    Originally posted by stckmojo

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by immodium

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    uh teala that is not even remotely true. they have said several times that the game will have standard mmo elements. What they have not done is "shown" us how those elements will manifest themselves.

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

    Are you actually paying to play this game yet? Then they don't have to tell you anything.

    At the end of the day they have got you interested if your posting here.

    So tell me again, did you pass reading comprehension 101 - at all?  Seriously.   I never said they had to tell us anything... I said they hadn't.   This in turn means we players cannot start threads on something we know nothing about.   Which was a reply to some posters complaining that we don't have more positive threads discussing aspects of the game.  Well what should we discuss that hasn't all ready been discussed to death - the voice acting?  The graphics?  The story driven game play?   Races?  Classes?  How can we possibly discuss anything other than those things?   Bioware has not released any substantial info on anything else really.

    Before I leave... I'm willing to bet 75% of Teala's posts are "OMGWTFTROLL" related :D

    I couldn't think of something rational to talk about on here unless I had no legs and was confined to my house 24/7 on that kind of scale

    LOL!  Whatever. 

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,123

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    uh teala that is not even remotely true. they have said several times that the game will have standard mmo elements. What they have not done is "shown" us how those elements will manifest themselves.

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

    Wel that's the thing, players are their own worst enemies.

    They get themselves in a froth and because they can't access their new games of choice and speculate and argue and condemn and extol and when they finally get the game in their hands they hate it and move on.

    It's a bit like buyer's remorse I think.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • Asmiroth20Asmiroth20 Member Posts: 346

        First of all, dumb basis to create a thread about, Teala.  Congrats or not.  Second, I've never heard so much crap about a game that hasn't release all its details and is supposedly coming out NEXT YEAR.  Lastly, the same people who keep attacking the game, I still think you're a sad bunch of spiteful, jaded, ill-informed, spastic nerfherders. 

        Please, for the love of all that is decent, stop for once.  Making remarks about stuff that you obviously haven't thought through and just want to be loud and moronic about how the game is going to fail or whatever crap you like to spout on about isn't doing any good.  The people who are interested will stay interested until they play the game and are either satisfied or aren't.  In which case, if they aren't , then move on.  I've said this crap what seems to be a thousand times, but it appears to not have any affect on those who won't listen to logic or reason.

        Wait until you can actually get your hands on it, try it out and then make a judgement.  Because talking about how a game will fail when not all the details are release is garbage and if you're an adult, you should know better!  So please, stop talking out of your ***es and wait!  Where's the tylenol?


  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Bioware is its own game company

    No. Not any more they aren't.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by heerobya

    Originally posted by Teala

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

    The reason why is...... what again?

    Because you thought 6,1,2,3 sucked?

    Makes a lot of sense...

    Yeah it does.   Because of one key word that the developers keep tossing out there - ICONIC!   That is a Lucas catch phrase.   It was that catch phrase that was used to try to sell players SWG: NGE.    It is a phrase that Lucas himself loves to toss around when discussing his films.   Seems the BioWare guys love to use it as well.   That is like a huge red flag of warning.

    Well this seems to be an ICONIC forum thread, reminiscent of the great trolls of   I don't think the word iconic is trademarked by George Lucas.  


    The entirety of this thread is suspect Teala,  you start by complaining that a game IP that was already successful, well after the movies released,  will fail because of these same movies.  There are tons of star wars games that do well, this thought process is flawed from the get go.   


    Then we go into the perceived lack of information.  You ask "So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.  "   yet you post negative threads regarding the topic with ease.  Again, this is easily biased and flawed.


    God forbid that the same things you think will end up in this games failure are the very same things people feel will make this game a success.  Differences of opinion for the win.    Of course that would rely heavily on you having information about this game in the first place,  which you feel there isn't any, so its interesting to me how you could form your opinion.

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    Originally posted by immodium

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by immodium

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    uh teala that is not even remotely true. they have said several times that the game will have standard mmo elements. What they have not done is "shown" us how those elements will manifest themselves.

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

    Are you actually paying to play this game yet? Then they don't have to tell you anything.

    At the end of the day they have got you interested if your posting here.

    So tell me again, did you pass reading comprehension 101 - at all?  Seriously.   I never said they had to tell us anything... I said they hadn't.   This in turn means we players cannot start threads on something we know nothing about.   Which was a reply to some posters complaining that we don't have more positive threads discussing aspects of the game.  Well what should we discuss that hasn't all ready been discussed to death - the voice acting?  The graphics?  The story driven game play?   Races?  Classes?  How can we possibly discuss anything other than those things?   Bioware has not released any substantial info on anything else really.

    Cant you just use your imagination? Instead of starting such posts as "IThis game will fail", why not post things you would like to see in the game and get people excited  and discuss what they would like.

    But im guessing you lack an imagination.

    Simple answer.  BioWare has told us that if we're expecting a free-form open ended game -we're mistaken.   It is not a sandbox game.   They have repeatedly told us this.   So instead we're left to discuss what kind of game it looks like it is going to be, a  single player, story driven game with elements of an MMO tacked on.   

  • oakthornnoakthornn Member UncommonPosts: 863

    Originally posted by Teala

    To those saying that because the game is based on the Star Wars IP it cannot fail. 

    So if you honestly think that BioWare has a auto win button and all they have to do is push it and their game will be a success...LOL!  


          I believe TOR will sell like Hotcakes at launch.. I'd estimate at least 750,000- 1 million copies will be sold.. I would state my life and heavenly posessions on this...

      Now, the big question I have is, Will Bioware be able to keep the playerbase interested past 30 days??? That I'm not so sure of based on the information I've read regarding the direcection and current state of the game now... It seriously looks like a single player rpg with mmo elements.. People will realize just how little the game will offer as a subscription based MMORPG.. Of course, I'm stating all this based on the information released so far.. Now, I could end up being waaaaay off and super wrong... I surely hope I am, because I want TOR to be a truly legendary mmorpg experience...

    Rallithon Oakthornn
    (Retired Heirophant of the 60th season)

  • stckmojostckmojo Member Posts: 61

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Bioware is its own game company

    No. Not any more they aren't.

    I take that back teala... you've been a member since 04...

    Just having the name "mmo-doubter" and the fact he has 5 bazillion posts since 7/09 tells me all I need to know.

  • UmbroodUmbrood Member UncommonPosts: 1,809

    Originally posted by TheTooke

    Originally posted by Teala

    Star Wars: Phantom Menace Review  <<<  this says it all.  


     That was an amazing, professional review.  I am so glad you linked it for us.  My views on the films are forever changed. image

    Not sure if you are ironic or not, with emoticon and all.

    But I actually watched all 7 episodes of that review, and my view on the phantom menace HAVE changed.

    Yes I found the movie atrocious before.

    But now I just feel unclean for having watched it, ever.

    As someone said in the comments to one of the clips.

    "Why do i get the feeling that this guy put more thought and energy into this review then Lucas did with all 3 prequels combined?"

    Well I am of to watch the review of episode 2, I know for a fact that the review for episode one had TONS more entertainment value then the actual film.

    Originally posted by Jerek_

    I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts.

  • TheTookeTheTooke Member Posts: 55

    Originally posted by Darth_Osor

    Originally posted by Teala

    To those saying that because the game is based on the Star Wars IP it cannot fail.   Let's look at the history of IP's for a sec. 

    Age of Conan...OMG a huge IP.  We're talking about the IP with Conan the Barbarian and the world of Hyboria!   It is not doing so hot.   Funcom is trying to recover from the bungled launch still.    It never saw the success it should have seen.

    Star Trek Online, another well known and cherished IP and it is struggling to retain players.   How could it possibly fail?  I mean my God, we're talking Star Trek here!  Yet the game is doing horrible in subscriptions.   How bad of game is it?   It is so bad they can't give the game away!

    SWG - the original.  You'd think it would have been a massive hit.   Wrong.   In fact in two years after it's launch it is estimated that the number of subs had dropped to low as 30k.   Down from the 350k it had before that.   But it is Star Wars!  How could it possibly fail?!   5 letters come to mind.  CU and NGE.    SOE did not know thier target audiance at all.   Fail!

    So if you honestly think that BioWare has a auto win button and all they have to do is push it and their game will be a success...LOL!   I want the herbs you all are smoking!  Sounds like great stuff!

    Where do you live that Conan is a huge IP?  Certainly not in the USA.  Ask random non-gamers in the US who R.E. Howard is, and I'd be surprised if more than 5% know.  AoC's draw here was it being touted for "mature" gamers, cutting edge graphics, and sadly, boobs.


     Yep, those are the reasons that sold me, not the IP.  Even went as far as building a grandiose computer just to run it.  I became a bigger boob than the jugs in the game!  Two months after release, I went right back to a game that worked, World of Warcraft.  BRILLIANT!   image

    Robots will kill you!

  • Darth_OsorDarth_Osor Member Posts: 1,089

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Just curious what MMOs you've followed that were still 10-12 months (at least) from launch where you had solid details about game mechanics.

    Conan 6 months from launch was going to have 20ish classes (pared down to 12).   Levels 1-5 were going to be classless, then at 5 when you got to Tortage, you would pick an archtype class, and then at 20 you would get your advanced class.  200 vs 200 sieges (LOL).  Three tiers of endgame raiding at launch (more LOL).  Tortage was going to be able to be played offline for free.  How'd announcing all these game details so far out from launch work out for Funcom?

    What upside is there to releasing all these details so far out?

  • immodiumimmodium Member RarePosts: 2,610

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by immodium

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by immodium

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    uh teala that is not even remotely true. they have said several times that the game will have standard mmo elements. What they have not done is "shown" us how those elements will manifest themselves.

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

    Are you actually paying to play this game yet? Then they don't have to tell you anything.

    At the end of the day they have got you interested if your posting here.

    So tell me again, did you pass reading comprehension 101 - at all?  Seriously.   I never said they had to tell us anything... I said they hadn't.   This in turn means we players cannot start threads on something we know nothing about.   Which was a reply to some posters complaining that we don't have more positive threads discussing aspects of the game.  Well what should we discuss that hasn't all ready been discussed to death - the voice acting?  The graphics?  The story driven game play?   Races?  Classes?  How can we possibly discuss anything other than those things?   Bioware has not released any substantial info on anything else really.

    Cant you just use your imagination? Instead of starting such posts as "IThis game will fail", why not post things you would like to see in the game and get people excited  and discuss what they would like.

    But im guessing you lack an imagination.

    Simple answer.  BioWare has told us that if we're expecting a free-form open ended game -we're mistaken.   It is not a sandbox game.   They have repeatedly told us this.   So instead we're left to discuss what kind of game it looks like it is going to be, a  single player, story driven game with elements of an MMO tacked on.   

    Well done.  Now is that a good or bad thing? SW:TOR , based on the information we have,  being a themepark based game and not a sandox?

    Couldn't you have just started that thread instead?

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by stckmojo

    Just having the name "mmo-doubter" and the fact he has 5 bazillion posts since 7/09 tells me all I need to know.

    Yes. I realize that 'doubt' is a sin to many posters here. I might as well have labeled myself "Heretic". I understand how religion works.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • stckmojostckmojo Member Posts: 61

    I honestly just think everybody should get mount and blade: warband and play that.

    It's a fabulous game, has stat tracking and levelling in beta phases right now and is just a great time killer

    Can't we all just get along? :/  lol

  • nikoliathnikoliath Member UncommonPosts: 1,154

    Originally posted by Garvon3

    Oh lord, another mindless sheep complaining about how bad the movies were.


    As bad as you think they were, they weren't terrible movies. They could have been much better with some minor changes, or a better actor for Anakin, but the movies over all were good entertainment, too many people just had MASSIVE expectations that no person in the world could have ever lived up to. 


    Also, Episode 6 is my favorite. It has the best lightsaber duel of the Original Trilogy, and the best space fight scene. 

    Watch this series of reviews, brilliant

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by nikoliath

    Watch this series of reviews, brilliant

    Yes, they are brilliant. I wish this guy played MMOs.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • KorithianKorithian Member Posts: 243

     I don't know if it will fail or not. But I am pretty sure that the MMO demographic is changing and we will never see the sucess of games like WoW. Instead more and more MMO will all have part of the MMO market and ultimately players will benefit as there will be an MMO for most tastes and IPs.


    Where it will likely fail is when one MMO needs far too high number of Subs lured by WoWs profits and even though sucessful is not given the backing and support of the parent company cause figures aren't what they were hoping. In this case the game will fail not cause it is a bad game or people aren't enjoying it. But cause the developers aren't given the funding and patches are fewer and further between with less and less new content *cough cough WAR cough*

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,123

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Bioware is its own game company

    No. Not any more they aren't.

    meaning that they have a great deal of creative control over their projects.

    Sort of like saying "he's his own person".

    Though I'm sure they get "encouragement" from their own overlords and input from lucas.

    But as we both have said, you look at SWToR and see their stamp all over it.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • FdzzaiglFdzzaigl Member UncommonPosts: 2,433

    Originally posted by Teala


    Oh because I do not hold this game up and praise it as the next coming of a game that will lead us to the land of better MMO's, you decide to attack; not my opinion...but me personally.   Nice.

    No Teala, it is because you make idiotic threads like this, of which we have far too many in the first place.

    George Lucas is not directly involved with this project and if you would have went through some of the dev posts; you'd see that the developers themselves almost never tout the prequels, but are in the first place inspired by the characters and moments in the first trilogy, such as the characters journey to heroism, the mystic nature of the force and the dark underbelly of civilization.

    You can find examples in the first 'announcement' video documentaries and in the developer blogs in which they account what inspired them.

    This threads only purpose is to throw dirt at the game; dirt that does not exist out of well tought-out arguments; but, and forgive me the harshness, completely unrelated bullshit grasped out of thin air.

    Have a good day.

    Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!

  • MavadoKenyenMavadoKenyen Member Posts: 104

    I would reply with comments on your general failures in this original post ranging from your grammar fails to alleged facts based on your opinion....But instead I'll respond with the classic, "DON'T PLAY THE GAME IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT" remark. You're like those people who go to schools and say to not have sex until you are married. You are trying to tell people to avoid this game because of minor flaws. 

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    But as we both have said, you look at SWToR and see their stamp all over it.

    Yup, because the story and voice acting is all we have been shown and we haven't been told what the business model is yet.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • greed0104greed0104 Member Posts: 2,134

    Those of you saying ToR is a SPRPG.

    There is nothing wrong with bringing SPRPG content quality into an mmo, this doesn't mean this is an MMO to SPRG conversion. I'm not sure what you're basing this on. If what they say below is true, this game will not be a SP game.

    • Quote :"There is exploration, there is combat, it is a wide-open world" - MMOGamer - Blaine Christine

    • Quote: "Going to have crafting and harvesting, going to have guilds and social activities" - MMOGamer - Blaine Christine

    • Quote:" “Hey, if I’m really into more the crafting, harvesting, auction house type of gameplay, are you going to support that?” "Absolutely" - MMOGamer - Blaine Christine

    • Quote from James Olhen: "Our public areas are one contiguous world", "Not just our cities - 90% of the game, actually, will be areas where you can run into other players" - PC Gamer UK April 2010

    • Quote from James Olhen: "Its not going to feel like a heavily instanced game" - PC Gamer UK April 2010

    • A space Experience will be in game, its still being worked on - Machinima

    • Quote :"There is exploration, there is combat, it is a wide-open world" - MMOGamer - Blaine Christine

    • Quote: We are going to have crafting, because that's a big part of MMOs. We're going to implement crafting in a way that 'feels' right for Star Wars. - Massively TOR 2008

    • Quote: We’ve spent quite a bit of time discussing how to ensure that crafters – true dedicated crafters – can make a name for themselves and be important in their community. - Dev Blog Damion Schubert

    • PvP is in TOR - Multiple Interviews

    • Quote from James Olhen: "We're going to have open world PvP, As for the more structured PvP, I can't going into details but we will have it" - PC Gamer UK April 2010

    • Small amount of PvP action shown between 3 players during Dev. Video (4.00) - Designing the Darkside

    • Quote: "We're looking at classic [endgame] systems, but we're also doing something brand new that hasn't been done in an MMO before - CVG March 2010

    • End Game Content like Raiding is available if players do not want to re roll- MMOGamer

    • Quote: The general gist is that we want to reward grouping, but not so much that grouping is the only way to play the game - XP Damion Schubert

    • Quote from Daniel Erickson: Subject Solo'ing: "There will be content you never see, but you can play from first level to last level solo." - G4TV GDC 2010


    PvP content, PvE content, Crafting, Professions, group content solo players will never see, huge wide open world(s). Sounding like an MMO to me.

  • ghost047ghost047 Member UncommonPosts: 597

    Originally posted by nikoliath

    Originally posted by Garvon3

    Oh lord, another mindless sheep complaining about how bad the movies were.


    As bad as you think they were, they weren't terrible movies. They could have been much better with some minor changes, or a better actor for Anakin, but the movies over all were good entertainment, too many people just had MASSIVE expectations that no person in the world could have ever lived up to. 


    Also, Episode 6 is my favorite. It has the best lightsaber duel of the Original Trilogy, and the best space fight scene. 

    Watch this series of reviews, brilliant

    Go read post #13 of this thread. Maybe you should start to read at the beginning before you post.

    Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!

  • BadSpockBadSpock Member UncommonPosts: 7,979

    Originally posted by greed0104

    • Quote :"There is exploration, there is combat, it is a wide-open world" - MMOGamer - Blaine Christine

    • Quote: "Going to have crafting and harvesting, going to have guilds and social activities" - MMOGamer - Blaine Christine

    • Quote:" “Hey, if I’m really into more the crafting, harvesting, auction house type of gameplay, are you going to support that?” "Absolutely" - MMOGamer - Blaine Christine

    • Quote from James Olhen: "Our public areas are one contiguous world", "Not just our cities - 90% of the game, actually, will be areas where you can run into other players" - PC Gamer UK April 2010

    • Quote from James Olhen: "Its not going to feel like a heavily instanced game" - PC Gamer UK April 2010

    • A space Experience will be in game, its still being worked on - Machinima

    • Quote :"There is exploration, there is combat, it is a wide-open world" - MMOGamer - Blaine Christine

    • Quote: We are going to have crafting, because that's a big part of MMOs. We're going to implement crafting in a way that 'feels' right for Star Wars. - Massively TOR 2008

    • Quote: We’ve spent quite a bit of time discussing how to ensure that crafters – true dedicated crafters – can make a name for themselves and be important in their community. - Dev Blog Damion Schubert

    • PvP is in TOR - Multiple Interviews

    • Quote from James Olhen: "We're going to have open world PvP, As for the more structured PvP, I can't going into details but we will have it" - PC Gamer UK April 2010

    • Small amount of PvP action shown between 3 players during Dev. Video (4.00) - Designing the Darkside

    • Quote: "We're looking at classic [endgame] systems, but we're also doing something brand new that hasn't been done in an MMO before - CVG March 2010

    • End Game Content like Raiding is available if players do not want to re roll- MMOGamer

    • Quote: The general gist is that we want to reward grouping, but not so much that grouping is the only way to play the game - XP Damion Schubert

    • Quote from Daniel Erickson: Subject Solo'ing: "There will be content you never see, but you can play from first level to last level solo." - G4TV GDC 2010

    I'm going to start quoting this in EVERY SW:ToR thread. Brilliant. 

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    "A space Experience will be in game, its still being worked on - Machinima"

    It's unbelievable that anyone would take that as anything other than a manipulative dev-speak dodge. "Space Experience"? What is wrong with you?

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

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