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The main reason SWG:ToR will fail in the long run.



  • TheTookeTheTooke Member Posts: 55

    Originally posted by oakthornn

    Originally posted by Teala

    Star Wars: Phantom Menace Review  <<<  this says it all.   Seriously.    The more I read on this game, the more I realize that the developers of this game have no clue about the audiance they are aiming at.    Yes the made a wonderful single player game in KoToR.  That does not mean they can make a good MMORPG.   Do you honestly think that they can translate a single player  game into a multiplayer game?    Because the more they tell us about it, the more it is looking like a single player game that has MMO elements tacked onto it.   



                   Basically when Yoda stated Luke was the last Jedi, lol good god Yoda was wrong.. There were still at least a half dozen Jedi left in hiding, not to mention dark jedi's, Sith Witches, and force sensitive people such as Mara Jade who were the Emperor's force sensitive personal assassin agents..

    Anyway, the books that followed the movies are so much better than the actual movies simply because the writing skills and awesome imaginations of these "professional" writers far surpassed the writing skills of George Lucas... But, I still enjoyed the movies for what they were even though the direction and writing of the overall story could have been so much better....

     If you are refering to Episode 6, wasn't it Obi-Wan who said to Yoda, "The boy is our only hope", to which Yoda responds, "No, there is another." (I'm sure that isn't word for word) Refering to Luke's sister.

    Also keep in mind about the imaginations of those "professional" writers.  If it wasn't for Lucas, we wouldn't have Star Wars. image

    Robots will kill you!

  • greed0104greed0104 Member Posts: 2,134

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    The ones you don't post in because it didn't start out with complete negativity and retardation.

    Btw didn't you say you was leaving? I guess that big open world was to much for you. Welcome back.

  • stckmojostckmojo Member Posts: 61

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    So now you're upset that they aren't overhyping their game and telling you every last thing that could/will be in the game a year before it releases?   Conan did this if I remember correctly and 40% still isn't in the game :D

    Sounds like you need to be put into a self induced coma until feb 2011. Everything info wise should be released by then and the beta will probably be running...

    You should look into that, otherwise I fear you might give yourself a stroke from raging over a game :D

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voice acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

  • greed0104greed0104 Member Posts: 2,134

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    If they had laid out everything about being an MMO you would be complaining about not knowning what made it different.

  • dogtownmarkdogtownmark Member UncommonPosts: 35

    its still a year away? so why would they tell us everything that is going to be in the game? just wait it out

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,143

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    uh teala that is not even remotely true. they have said several times that the game will have standard mmo elements. What they have not done is "shown" us how those elements will manifest themselves.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • stckmojostckmojo Member Posts: 61

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    If they had laid out everything about being an MMO you would be complaining about not knowning what made it different.

    lol amen to that... nobody is ever happy anymore. :(

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    If they had laid out everything about being an MMO you would be complaining about not knowning what made it different.

    Right...right...::rolls her eyes::

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    2, Mythic also made DAoC? isn't that one of the most touted games of earlier games?

    I'm pretty sure most of the creative people behind DAOC were gone before WH Online was made.

    As for NWN - I liked it a lot. How many people from that game are working on SWTOR? Any?

    And having access to one's experience doesn't mean that are handing the reigns over to mythic. It means that if they have certian problems, issues, questions, they can ask a group of people who have experience with creating an mmo and use them as a reference. Besides the fact, even given its issues, I liked warhammer so that sort of nulifies your point. I had a blast playing warhammer.

    Are you still playing it?

    I played it for a year. Not because it was a good game, but because it was the only game out there that offered the gameplay I wanted - faction-based PvP from L1.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    uh teala that is not even remotely true. they have said several times that the game will have standard mmo elements. What they have not done is "shown" us how those elements will manifest themselves.

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

  • aranhaaranha Member UncommonPosts: 171

    I gotta say that i dont have high hopes for SW:TOR since they want it to be story driven. Just like they MURDERED the Mass Effect series by making Mass Effect 2 like a movie. In ME1 There was tons of tons of old fascioned weapons armor and lot to be gathered while in ME2 they just popped in 1-5 guns of each type whilst one was the best and the rest was lesser and removed all armor components so guns was the only gear wise things to gather.

    Lets just hope they can make it in a way that the MMORPG croud can enjoy it and not just some shiny hallowed voice acting movielike game!

  • BadSpockBadSpock Member UncommonPosts: 7,979

    Originally posted by Teala

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

    The reason why is...... what again?

    Because you thought 6,1,2,3 sucked?

    Makes a lot of sense...

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    uh teala that is not even remotely true. they have said several times that the game will have standard mmo elements. What they have not done is "shown" us how those elements will manifest themselves.

    That's right. The problem is - having them and doing them well are two very different things.

    WH Online has end game content. STO has 'crafting' and 'exploration'.

    People who have followed the recent big name releases ought to know by now, that having features is no guarantee that they won't be crap.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Originally posted by Elitekill4

    Don't feed the troll.

    Unless it's laced with rat poison.

    Oh because I do not hold this game up and praise it as the next coming of a game that will lead us to the land of better MMO's, you decide to attack; not my opinion...but me personally.   Nice.

  • Darth_OsorDarth_Osor Member Posts: 1,089

    Originally posted by Teala

    To those saying that because the game is based on the Star Wars IP it cannot fail.   Let's look at the history of IP's for a sec. 

    Age of Conan...OMG a huge IP.  We're talking about the IP with Conan the Barbarian and the world of Hyboria!   It is not doing so hot.   Funcom is trying to recover from the bungled launch still.    It never saw the success it should have seen.

    Star Trek Online, another well known and cherished IP and it is struggling to retain players.   How could it possibly fail?  I mean my God, we're talking Star Trek here!  Yet the game is doing horrible in subscriptions.   How bad of game is it?   It is so bad they can't give the game away!

    SWG - the original.  You'd think it would have been a massive hit.   Wrong.   In fact in two years after it's launch it is estimated that the number of subs had dropped to low as 30k.   Down from the 350k it had before that.   But it is Star Wars!  How could it possibly fail?!   5 letters come to mind.  CU and NGE.    SOE did not know thier target audiance at all.   Fail!

    So if you honestly think that BioWare has a auto win button and all they have to do is push it and their game will be a success...LOL!   I want the herbs you all are smoking!  Sounds like great stuff!

    For the record, I'm not one who believes TOR "can't" fail, I just don't think it will, because Bioware doesn't make crap games.  What game have they made recently that hasn't sold like blockbusters?  They have 3 pools of people to draw from...SW fans, MMO fans, and Bioware fans.  Make no mistake, there will be tons of people who never played a MMO before and don't really even care all that much about SW that will try TOR because of Bioware.  If Bioware and make up it's own sci-fi IP (Mass Effect) and clean up with that, TOR will sell over a million easily, but will people stay?  Remains to be seen.  It's not about an "auto win" button, it's about some companies having a rep for constantly producing quality products.

    Where do you live that Conan is a huge IP?  Certainly not in the USA.  Ask random non-gamers in the US who R.E. Howard is, and I'd be surprised if more than 5% know.  AoC's draw here was it being touted for "mature" gamers, cutting edge graphics, and sadly, boobs.

    STO's fail could be seen from miles away just looking at Cryptic's previous fail, CO.  The game engine alone guaranteed STO was be an epic disaster.  They could have leased and reskinned EVE and STO would have been 100x better.

    The revisionist history of SWG never ceases to amaze.  It was a fail long before CU and NGE.

  • immodiumimmodium Member RarePosts: 2,610

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    uh teala that is not even remotely true. they have said several times that the game will have standard mmo elements. What they have not done is "shown" us how those elements will manifest themselves.

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

    Are you actually paying to play this game yet? Then they don't have to tell you anything.

    At the end of the day they have got you interested if your posting here.

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    Originally posted by heerobya

    Originally posted by Teala

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

    The reason why is...... what again?

    Because you thought 6,1,2,3 sucked?

    Makes a lot of sense...

    Yeah it does.   Because of one key word that the developers keep tossing out there - ICONIC!   That is a Lucas catch phrase.   It was that catch phrase that was used to try to sell players SWG: NGE.    It is a phrase that Lucas himself loves to toss around when discussing his films.   Seems the BioWare guys love to use it as well.   That is like a huge red flag of warning.

  • stckmojostckmojo Member Posts: 61

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by heerobya

    Originally posted by Teala

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

    The reason why is...... what again?

    Because you thought 6,1,2,3 sucked?

    Makes a lot of sense...

    Yeah it does.   Because of one key word that the developers keep tossing out there - ICONIC!   That is a Lucas catch phrase.   It was that catch phrase that was used to try to sell players SWG: NGE.    It is a phrase that Lucas himself loves to toss around when discussing his films.   Seems the BioWare guys love to use it as well.   That is like a huge red flag of warning.

    lol... all that over 1 word?

    Seriously... if sony was making the game, I'd be letting out huge *sighs*

    Just because it's Iconic, how does that make you get so upset.

  • greed0104greed0104 Member Posts: 2,134

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Originally posted by Elitekill4

    Don't feed the troll.

    Unless it's laced with rat poison.

    Oh because I do not hold this game up and praise it as the next coming of a game that will lead us to the land of better MMO's, you decide to attack; not my opinion...but me personally.   Nice.

    I attacked you personally? What exactly did I say about you personally? I was talking to that guy, making some what of a joke. Not everything is about you Teala, you're not that special. Unless of coarse, you believe you're the troll here, well then, that's not my problem, that's all you.

  • BadSpockBadSpock Member UncommonPosts: 7,979

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by heerobya

    The reason why is...... what again?

    Because you thought 6,1,2,3 sucked?

    Makes a lot of sense...

    Yeah it does.   Because of one key word that the developers keep tossing out there - ICONIC!   That is a Lucas catch phrase.   It was that catch phrase that was used to try to sell players SWG: NGE.    It is a phrase that Lucas himself loves to toss around when discussing his films.   Seems the BioWare guys love to use it as well.   That is like a huge red flag of warning.

    The entire premise of Star Wars was based upon the "iconic" and "classic" story telling elements of the Hero's journey and many aspects from ancient Greek mythology as well as overt tones of religious symbolism.


    Using words like "iconic" mean that Bioware understands what made the story so good in the classic movies and that they are aiming to have story in ToR that is just as iconic and classic as the originals. 

    It's a good thing, for those of us who understand such things. 

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    Originally posted by immodium

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    uh teala that is not even remotely true. they have said several times that the game will have standard mmo elements. What they have not done is "shown" us how those elements will manifest themselves.

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

    Are you actually paying to play this game yet? Then they don't have to tell you anything.

    At the end of the day they have got you interested if your posting here.

    So tell me again, did you pass reading comprehension 101 - at all?  Seriously.   I never said they had to tell us anything... I said they hadn't.   This in turn means we players cannot start threads on something we know nothing about.   Which was a reply to some posters complaining that we don't have more positive threads discussing aspects of the game.  Well what should we discuss that hasn't all ready been discussed to death - the voice acting?  The graphics?  The story driven game play?   Races?  Classes?  How can we possibly discuss anything other than those things?   Bioware has not released any substantial info on anything else really.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,143

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    2, Mythic also made DAoC? isn't that one of the most touted games of earlier games?

    I'm pretty sure most of the creative people behind DAOC were gone before WH Online was made.

    As for NWN - I liked it a lot. How many people from that game are working on SWTOR? Any?

    And having access to one's experience doesn't mean that are handing the reigns over to mythic. It means that if they have certian problems, issues, questions, they can ask a group of people who have experience with creating an mmo and use them as a reference. Besides the fact, even given its issues, I liked warhammer so that sort of nulifies your point. I had a blast playing warhammer.

    Are you still playing it?

    I played it for a year. Not because it was a good game, but because it was the only game out there that offered the gameplay I wanted - faction-based PvP from L1.

    that is probably true, the originators of DAoC are probably not working on SWToR. But they dont need to be. Bioware has access to any documented information and anyone in mythic who has any knowledge and experience with DAoC.

    If I want to make an air plane (and I know you hate analogies but bear with me) I don't need to go to the person who created the best airplane. Alll I need to do is access all the information that led to success.

    Bioware is its own game company and they have a vision of what they want to do. I'm sure George Lucas will have some say in it but it's his IP so no matter if people like or hate his input, it's his to play with. They can access any information that is relative to creating an mmo from any documentation or any people in mythic who work on DAoC or warhammer. That's all they need. Doesn't mean they are going to take it all verbatim and not do any thinking on their own.

    As far as Warhammer "yes" I play it in stints as that is the type of game I feel it is. One to play for periods of time where i want immediate pvp "wargames".

    do I play it now? no, I'm in lotro and vanguard and just downloaded AoC so I can see some of the changes. Will I play it in a month? Oh most assuredly yes.

    And I don't play games that are bad or that I don't like but that they are the only games that offer a semblance of what I want.

    life is too short for that way of living in my opinion. I'd rather do somethign else. So, if you see me playing a game it's because I genuinely like it.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • stckmojostckmojo Member Posts: 61

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by immodium

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    uh teala that is not even remotely true. they have said several times that the game will have standard mmo elements. What they have not done is "shown" us how those elements will manifest themselves.

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

    Are you actually paying to play this game yet? Then they don't have to tell you anything.

    At the end of the day they have got you interested if your posting here.

    So tell me again, did you pass reading comprehension 101 - at all?  Seriously.   I never said they had to tell us anything... I said they hadn't.   This in turn means we players cannot start threads on something we know nothing about.   Which was a reply to some posters complaining that we don't have more positive threads discussing aspects of the game.  Well what should we discuss that hasn't all ready been discussed to death - the voice acting?  The graphics?  The story driven game play?   Races?  Classes?  How can we possibly discuss anything other than those things?   Bioware has not released any substantial info on anything else really.

    Before I leave... I'm willing to bet 75% of Teala's posts are "OMGWTFTROLL" related :D

    I couldn't think of something rational to talk about on here unless I had no legs and was confined to my house 24/7 on that kind of scale

  • immodiumimmodium Member RarePosts: 2,610

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by immodium

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    Exactly, all the developers seem to wish to tell us is how well the voive acting is and how it is a story driven game.  Well what about the MMO aspects?   How much of an MMO will it actually be?  no sound bites, not non-discript answers.   Give us something to discuss MMO wise and you'll see some threads about those aspects of the game.   Many of us would love to discuss guild mechanics, auction houses, trading, crafting, and many other MMO related game mechanics...the problem is BioWare tell us nothing substantial about these things - so how can we possibly discuss them?

    uh teala that is not even remotely true. they have said several times that the game will have standard mmo elements. What they have not done is "shown" us how those elements will manifest themselves.

    That is my point.  All we have gotten is sound bites and non-discript answers.  Nothing substantial.   So how can we possible have threads discussing something that we know nothing about.    People are bitching because there are not threads discussing these things and I just gave the reason why.

    Are you actually paying to play this game yet? Then they don't have to tell you anything.

    At the end of the day they have got you interested if your posting here.

    So tell me again, did you pass reading comprehension 101 - at all?  Seriously.   I never said they had to tell us anything... I said they hadn't.   This in turn means we players cannot start threads on something we know nothing about.   Which was a reply to some posters complaining that we don't have more positive threads discussing aspects of the game.  Well what should we discuss that hasn't all ready been discussed to death - the voice acting?  The graphics?  The story driven game play?   Races?  Classes?  How can we possibly discuss anything other than those things?   Bioware has not released any substantial info on anything else really.

    Cant you just use your imagination? Instead of starting such posts as "IThis game will fail", why not post things you would like to see in the game and get people excited  and discuss what they would like.

    But im guessing you lack an imagination.

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