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The main reason SWG:ToR will fail in the long run.



  • MMO.MaverickMMO.Maverick Member CommonPosts: 7,619

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by cyphers

    Originally posted by Teala

    Star Wars: Phantom Menace Review  <<<  this says it all.   Seriously.    The more I read on this game, the more I realize that the developers of this game have no clue about the audiance they are aiming at.    Yes the made a wonderful single player game in KoToR.  That does not mean they can make a good MMORPG.   Do you honestly think that they can translate a single player  game into a multiplayer game?  

    Worked for Blizzard, with turning RTS Warcraft into a MMO World of Warcraft.

     They also had the Diablo franchise. Both franchises were multiplayer games, as well.

    Bioware has Mythic people collaborating with them too for SW ToR, and NWN is decidedly multiplayer, even multiplayer world servers however small. For the rest, you're nitpicking, point is, both companies hadn't made a massively MORPG before, Bioware has even more experience with the RPG part of the MMORPG equation than Blizzard.

    Want more examples? Ok, Verant had no experiences with MMORPG's before Everquest, and Origin Systems/Richard Garriot had no experience with MMORPG's as well before Ultima Online.

    Anyway, guess all you like while Bioware will just continue to work further on their MMO, and if you don't like how they're going about it, then just don't play it. Enough others will.

    Depends on how many KOTOR fans there are.

    And Star Wars fans, and Bioware fans, and RPG fans, and MMORPG gamers who are interested enough to give the game a shot. Seems like enough as a base to me.


    Look, you'll probably go on and find some other lame arguments, since that's what you do post-WH Online, but not everybody has become that jaded that they only see the worst aspects in games. No offence meant, it sucks for you that the WH Online failure has burnt you enough to become this super cynical, but some people have a more balanced view: you know, seeing both good and bad sides.

    The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's

    The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
    Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."

  • MMO.MaverickMMO.Maverick Member CommonPosts: 7,619

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.

    Its because there are no more (only) constructive informational threads.  In every thread if there is no "fail" post, then it wouldn't be

    I found it amazing too at first. But it's like soaps and other shows on tv, they thrive on conflict, and conflict is what makes people keep on watching.

    On forums it's even more: if you see a viewpoint that affronts someone, that person feels the urge to react upon it faster than reading posts they agree with.

    The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's

    The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
    Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    I think the "they don't make mmo's" is a red herring argument.

    My point was that if they can break one mold, then they can break the other one, too.

    Blizzard had never made an mmo before wow, Sony had never made an mmo before EQ, CCP had never made an mmo before EVE, etc.

    Given that the genre is not new there is a huge amount of information and experienced talent available for those willing to access it or pay for it. Given that, Bioware has access to Mythic's experience

    Wow. You say that like it's a good thing. You are aware of how WH Online turned out, right? That game is a punch line now. The only people I would use from Mythic are the art department, and the UI design team.

    and any developers who ever worked in the mmo field.

    If I was to make an mmo I wouldn't start taking classes and just start making one. I would hire people who had a track record of making such games

    I would hire people who had made good MMOs. Or at least people who had made good systems for MMOs.

    and they would assemble a team of professionals. I essentialy would just bankroll the thing. So "I" wouldn't need experience making an mmo. This by the way is how many companies break into new markets.

    Yes, but that's clearly not what BioWare has done. This MMO has their stamp all over it.

    They find companies that know what they are doing, hire talent that knows what they are doing and acquire them.

    As far as a "bad game" there is a large group of players who have played and love bioware games. So regardless of one's personal taste there is evidence that they are hugely successful in creating games that can capture the imagination and loyalty of a segment of the playerbase.

    Single player games.

    If they made "bad games' they wouldn't be able to do that.

    "do well" means "financially well". Whether it's a "good game" or not will fall to each individual who tries it. I am old enough to know that the fickle personal tastes of people can run the gamut and one person's pot of gold is another person's sludge. So using one's personal opinion on whether a game is good or not is really only valuable to that person and maybe those who share his position.


    You see - as a player - I don't care if BioWare makes a kajillion dollars or not. I care whether the game is fun to play.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • stckmojostckmojo Member Posts: 61

    Originally posted by Leucrotta

    Originally posted by Kothoses

    Tor wont fail, with the amount of money behind it, it wont be allowed to fail. 

    Ahhh thats the key behind succes...TR ring any bells?

    Being a active player until the end...

    Tr was doing great when ncsoft pulled the plug on the game. There was obviously alot of tension between garriott and ncsoft and from what I've read, Tr was shut down to eliminate a whole branch in dallas and to get rid of r.g.

    A group of my buddies have been contacting game developers/producers trying to get tr picked back up, but ncsoft has no interest in selling their code do the the multi million dollar lawsuit between rg and them.

    If you look at ncsofts track record.. any game that doesn't pull outstanding cash flow usually gets the axe...

    Other than pre cu swg, tr was the most fun I've had in a mmo.

  • NytakitoNytakito Member Posts: 381

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by cyphers

    Originally posted by Teala

    Star Wars: Phantom Menace Review  <<<  this says it all.   Seriously.    The more I read on this game, the more I realize that the developers of this game have no clue about the audiance they are aiming at.    Yes the made a wonderful single player game in KoToR.  That does not mean they can make a good MMORPG.   Do you honestly think that they can translate a single player  game into a multiplayer game?  

    Worked for Blizzard, with turning RTS Warcraft into a MMO World of Warcraft.

     They also had the Diablo franchise. Both franchises were multiplayer games, as well.

    Bioware even has a better franchise, Star Wars is a strong IP. I wonder about the people who said WoW would fail before it released. Boy, are they feeling stupid now.

    The ones who predicted STO would fail aren't.

    Anyway, guess all you like while Bioware will just continue to work further on their MMO, and if you don't like how they're going about it, then just don't play it. Enough others will.

    Depends on how many KOTOR fans there are.

     Never played KOTOR I nor KOTOR II and I will be playing TOR...  So it doesn't depend on how many KOTOR fans there are.. Really depends more on how many Star Wars fans there are who like video games.

    "If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse." - Henry Ford

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by stckmojo

    Matt Damon.......  Matt Damon.. Matt Damon...

    Honestly, thats all I see when people type ignorant gibberish like this.

    Swtor is going to do just fine... Because if it doesn't, bioware will keep that scar for life..

    Also... people know about 20% or less about the whole game so far. I suppose you can see the future or something to that effect.

    "Swtor is going to do just fine"

    Apparently, you can.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • stckmojostckmojo Member Posts: 61

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by stckmojo

    Matt Damon.......  Matt Damon.. Matt Damon...

    Honestly, thats all I see when people type ignorant gibberish like this.

    Swtor is going to do just fine... Because if it doesn't, bioware will keep that scar for life..

    Also... people know about 20% or less about the whole game so far. I suppose you can see the future or something to that effect.

    "Swtor is going to do just fine"

    Apparently, you can.


    Matt Damon....

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    To those saying that because the game is based on the Star Wars IP it cannot fail.   Let's look at the history of IP's for a sec. 

    Age of Conan...OMG a huge IP.  We're talking about the IP with Conan the Barbarian and the world of Hyboria!   It is not doing so hot.   Funcom is trying to recover from the bungled launch still.    It never saw the success it should have seen.

    Star Trek Online, another well known and cherished IP and it is struggling to retain players.   How could it possibly fail?  I mean my God, we're talking Star Trek here!  Yet the game is doing horrible in subscriptions.   How bad of game is it?   It is so bad they can't give the game away!

    SWG - the original.  You'd think it would have been a massive hit.   Wrong.   In fact in two years after it's launch it is estimated that the number of subs had dropped to low as 30k.   Down from the 350k it had before that.   But it is Star Wars!  How could it possibly fail?!   5 letters come to mind.  CU and NGE.    SOE did not know thier target audiance at all.   Fail!

    So if you honestly think that BioWare has a auto win button and all they have to do is push it and their game will be a success...LOL!   I want the herbs you all are smoking!  Sounds like great stuff!

  • safetysafety Member Posts: 219

    I wonder if Star Wars 2 and 3 would have been better if that awful lightweight Hayden Christiansen had been replaced by Christian Bale who really can brood like a Sith lord should.

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by safety

    I wonder if Star Wars 2 and 3 would have been better if that awful lightweight Hayden Christiansen had been replaced by Christian Bale who really can brood like a Sith lord should.

    He would never have read those lines.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • stckmojostckmojo Member Posts: 61

    Lol.. I swear....

    Between this forum and Ufc undisputed 2010's... I'm not sure which one get the cake for being the most negative gaming forum on the net.

    I would of tossed wow in there, but 30% of the time they have a constructive thread that just plain helps you out.


    Bottom line.. all mmos suck now and they are a waste of time. It's all about money, always will be, the original mmos were only cool because of the "new" factor and if you don't like it.. go buy a basketball and go outside or join a debate club.

  • greed0104greed0104 Member Posts: 2,134

    Originally posted by Teala

    To those saying that because the game is based on the Star Wars IP it cannot fail.   Let's look at the history of IP's for a sec. 

    Age of Conan...OMG a huge IP.  We're talking about the IP with Conan the Barbarian and the world of Hyboria!   It is not doing so hot.   Funcom is trying to recover from the bungled launch still.    It never saw the success it should have seen.

    Star Trek Online, another well known and cherished IP and it is struggling to retain players.   How could it possibly fail?  I mean my God, we're talking Star Trek here!  Yet the game is doing horrible in subscriptions.   How bad of game is it?   It is so bad they can't give the game away!

    SWG - the orignal.  You'd think it would have been a massive hit.   Wrong.   In fact in two years after it's launch it is estimated that the number of subs had dropped to low as 30k.   Down from the 350k it had before that.   But it is Star Wars!  How could it possibly fail?!   5 letters come to mind.  CU and NGE.    SOE did not know thier target audiance at all.   Fail!

    So if you honestly think that BioWare has a auto win button and all they have to do is push it and their game will be a success...LOL!   I want the herbs you all are smoking!  Sounds like great stuff!

    For once I agree with you, SWTOR is not immune to failure, a lot rides on the success of this game. Anybody that truely believes this game can not fail are not taking enough into consideration. But I think it's safe to say, BioWare is cappable of making a game that may do very well if what they have said (on whats in the game) is true.

  • NytakitoNytakito Member Posts: 381

    Originally posted by Teala

    To those saying that because the game is based on the Star Wars IP it cannot fail.   Let's look at the history of IP's for a sec. 

    Age of Conan...OMG a huge IP.  We're talking about the IP with Conan the Barbarian and the world of Hyboria!   It is not doing so hot.   Funcom is trying to recover from the bungled launch still.    It never saw the success it should have seen.

    Star Trek Online, another well known and cherished IP and it is struggling to retain players.   How could it possibly fail?  I mean my God, we're talking Star Trek here!  Yet the game is doing horrible in subscriptions.   How bad of game is it?   It is so bad they can't give the game away!

    SWG - the orignal.  You'd think it would have been a massive hit.   Wrong.   In fact in two years after it's launch it is estimated that the number of subs had dropped to low as 30k.   Down from the 350k it had before that.   But it is Star Wars!  How could it possibly fail?!   5 letters come to mind.  CU and NGE.    SOE did not know thier target audiance at all.   Fail!

    So if you honestly think that BioWare has a auto win button and all they have to do is push it and their game will be a success...LOL!   I want the herbs you all are smoking!  Sounds like great stuff!

     They already have two succesful Star Wars games in roughly the same time period as this up and coming MMO; in fact I think sales of the two top 2 million boxes sold, I'm pretty sure a decent chunk of those will play because they like the two single player versions; and most likely won't have some baby fit about a story, or companion character etc.. They will probably enjoy having other people to play with.  The whole time what will you be doing??  Throwing a fit because the game isn't perfect for you in your eyes?  Guess what, you're the loser there because the people playing a game won't give a crap that you are upset about it.

     And yes, you do need the herbs we are all smoking, maybe you'd chill a tad instead of keeping your blood pressure up.

    "If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse." - Henry Ford

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by stckmojo

    Bottom line.. all mmos suck now and they are a waste of time. It's all about money, always will be, the original mmos were only cool because of the "new" factor and if you don't like it.. go buy a basketball and go outside or join a debate club.

    It's raining outside.

    I am inclined to agree with the rest of this, though. Hope springs eternal. I haven't quite given on the genre.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    Originally posted by Nytakito

    Originally posted by Teala

    To those saying that because the game is based on the Star Wars IP it cannot fail.   Let's look at the history of IP's for a sec. 

    Age of Conan...OMG a huge IP.  We're talking about the IP with Conan the Barbarian and the world of Hyboria!   It is not doing so hot.   Funcom is trying to recover from the bungled launch still.    It never saw the success it should have seen.

    Star Trek Online, another well known and cherished IP and it is struggling to retain players.   How could it possibly fail?  I mean my God, we're talking Star Trek here!  Yet the game is doing horrible in subscriptions.   How bad of game is it?   It is so bad they can't give the game away!

    SWG - the orignal.  You'd think it would have been a massive hit.   Wrong.   In fact in two years after it's launch it is estimated that the number of subs had dropped to low as 30k.   Down from the 350k it had before that.   But it is Star Wars!  How could it possibly fail?!   5 letters come to mind.  CU and NGE.    SOE did not know thier target audiance at all.   Fail!

    So if you honestly think that BioWare has a auto win button and all they have to do is push it and their game will be a success...LOL!   I want the herbs you all are smoking!  Sounds like great stuff!

     They already have two succesful Star Wars games in roughly the same time period as this up and coming MMO; in fact I think sales of the two top 2 million boxes sold, I'm pretty sure a decent chunk of those will play because they like the two single player versions; and most likely won't have some baby fit about a story, or companion character etc.. They will probably enjoy having other people to play with.  The whole time what will you be doing??  Throwing a fit because the game isn't perfect for you in your eyes?  Guess what, you're the loser there because the people playing a game won't give a crap that you are upset about it.

     And yes, you do need the herbs we are all smoking, maybe you'd chill a tad instead of keeping your blood pressure up.

    See you are thinking like all the people that played their single player games no doubt play MMO's.   In one sense you maybe right, on the other, you maybe wrong and there are a lot of people out there that might play SPRPG games and never touch an MMO.    I know plenty of just such gamers.   Some just do not like the fact that they have to pay to play a game.

  • JerYnkFanJerYnkFan Member UncommonPosts: 342

    Originally posted by Teala

    To those saying that because the game is based on the Star Wars IP it cannot fail.   Let's look at the history of IP's for a sec. 

    Age of Conan...OMG a huge IP.  We're talking about the IP with Conan the Barbarian and the world of Hyboria!   It is not doing so hot.   Funcom is trying to recover from the bungled launch still.    It never saw the success it should have seen.

    SWG - the original.  You'd think it would have been a massive hit.   Wrong.   In fact in two years after it's launch it is estimated that the number of subs had dropped to low as 30k.   Down from the 350k it had before that.   But it is Star Wars!  How could it possibly fail?!   5 letters come to mind.  CU and NGE.    SOE did not know thier target audiance at all.   Fail!

    So if you honestly think that BioWare has a auto win button and all they have to do is push it and their game will be a success...LOL!   I want the herbs you all are smoking!  Sounds like great stuff!

    That would be my concern that if the game isn't as successful at first as they want and they pull another NGE.

  • MMO.MaverickMMO.Maverick Member CommonPosts: 7,619

    Originally posted by Teala

    To those saying that because the game is based on the Star Wars IP it cannot fail.   Let's look at the history of IP's for a sec. 

    bzz bzz bzz - snip -

    So if you honestly think that BioWare has a auto win button and all they have to do is push it and their game will be a success...LOL!   I want the herbs you all are smoking!  Sounds like great stuff!

    No, people were disagreeing with your saying that the game would fail because of  that it was Star Wars/George Lucas.

    Now , be fair: hand over the herbs that you are smoking, because it smells even greater image

    The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's

    The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
    Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."

  • stckmojostckmojo Member Posts: 61

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by stckmojo

    Bottom line.. all mmos suck now and they are a waste of time. It's all about money, always will be, the original mmos were only cool because of the "new" factor and if you don't like it.. go buy a basketball and go outside or join a debate club.

    It's raining outside.

    I am inclined to agree with the rest of this, though. Hope springs eternal. I haven't quite given on the genre.

    Thats the whole reason I keep checking... I really hope Swtor lives up to the hype and I'm also pleased that it's getting pushed back because bioware doesn't want to release a unfinished product.

    That being said, I doubt it will fail.. but this being star wars and the most expensive game ever made... The whole mmo industry will take a massive hit (if) it fails to deliver.

    I have total faith though and will just stick with my ps3 until it releases, as I'm completely burnt out on mmos after all the crappy ones that came out within the last 6 years.

  • dogtownmarkdogtownmark Member UncommonPosts: 35

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    Originally posted by cyphers

    Originally posted by Teala

    To those saying that because the game is based on the Star Wars IP it cannot fail.   Let's look at the history of IP's for a sec. 

    bzz bzz bzz - snip -

    So if you honestly think that BioWare has a auto win button and all they have to do is push it and their game will be a success...LOL!   I want the herbs you all are smoking!  Sounds like great stuff!

    No, people were disagreeing with your saying that the game would fail because of  that it was Star Wars/George Lucas.

    Now , be fair: hand over the herbs that you are smoking, because it smells even greater image

    No..some of the posters were stating that the game will not fail because it is Star Wars.   I stated my opinion on that flawed way of thinking.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,143

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    I think the "they don't make mmo's" is a red herring argument.

    My point was that if they can break one mold, then they can break the other one, too.

    Blizzard had never made an mmo before wow, Sony had never made an mmo before EQ, CCP had never made an mmo before EVE, etc.

    Given that the genre is not new there is a huge amount of information and experienced talent available for those willing to access it or pay for it. Given that, Bioware has access to Mythic's experience

    Wow. You say that like it's a good thing. You are aware of how WH Online turned out, right? That game is a punch line now. The only people I would use from Mythic are the art department, and the UI design team.

    and any developers who ever worked in the mmo field.

    If I was to make an mmo I wouldn't start taking classes and just start making one. I would hire people who had a track record of making such games

    I would hire people who had made good MMOs. Or at least people who had made good systems for MMOs.

    and they would assemble a team of professionals. I essentialy would just bankroll the thing. So "I" wouldn't need experience making an mmo. This by the way is how many companies break into new markets.

    Yes, but that's clearly not what BioWare has done. This MMO has their stamp all over it.

    They find companies that know what they are doing, hire talent that knows what they are doing and acquire them.

    As far as a "bad game" there is a large group of players who have played and love bioware games. So regardless of one's personal taste there is evidence that they are hugely successful in creating games that can capture the imagination and loyalty of a segment of the playerbase.

    Single player games.

    If they made "bad games' they wouldn't be able to do that.

    "do well" means "financially well". Whether it's a "good game" or not will fall to each individual who tries it. I am old enough to know that the fickle personal tastes of people can run the gamut and one person's pot of gold is another person's sludge. So using one's personal opinion on whether a game is good or not is really only valuable to that person and maybe those who share his position.


    You see - as a player - I don't care if BioWare makes a kajillion dollars or not. I care whether the game is fun to play.

    1, that remains to be seen then doesn't it? As far as their witholding information I applaud them for it. I only care about what is revealed during an open preview event and release. Let them add and cut races or add and cut features without having to justify each step to eager players. In other words, let them release info that they know is solid and is in the game. So I don't see any reason to speculate on their possible failure and just take it as it comes.

    2, Mythic also made DAoC? isn't that one of the most touted games of earlier games? And having access to one's experience doesn't mean that are handing the reigns over to mythic. It means that if they have certian problems, issues, questions, they can ask a group of people who have experience with creating an mmo and use them as a reference. Besides the fact, even given its issues, I liked warhammer so that sort of nulifies your point. I had a blast playing warhammer. So if I have a blast playing SWToR then kudos to them.

    3, Maybe they have hired good people? besides their access to mythic do we have a list of every developer/artist who is working on SWToR? And again, Bioware is the one making this game. If you look at the released information regarding the game's core thrust and you know anyting about games then you will say "hmmm, sounds like a bioware game" not "sounds like one of mythic's games".

    4, Yes, it does have their stamp all over it. And this to me is a good thing. So my point is that they are not entrenched in what an mmo should be what what one might be. Whether they succeed or not is yet to be seen.

    5, again, see above. so what if they've made single player games? It's usually said that the game play of single player games is far better than game play in mmo's. So if they can imbue an mmo with that same game play then I say job well done.

    6, I don't disagree whether Bioware makes a kajillon dollars either and I agree, it matters that the game is fun to play. It's more than pessimistic to start putting wet blankets on things that we haven't experienced and to say without any hands on knowledge that they have failed before they have released anything that can fail.

    I don't care about what people/organizations say they are going to do. Ever. Don't care. What I care about is what they actually do. The world is strewn with grand announcements of one kind or another that state some sort of great project that never sees the light of day.

    I will withold full judgment until I get a hands on experience. I'm not going to sit around wringing my hands at how bioware has never made an mmo or that they have mythic as an experienced group for reference.

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • stckmojostckmojo Member Posts: 61

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


     It's a reason to point out how ignorant some people are +  try and pad my posts since they are low :D

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,200

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by Nytakito

    Originally posted by Teala

    To those saying that because the game is based on the Star Wars IP it cannot fail.   Let's look at the history of IP's for a sec. 

    Age of Conan...OMG a huge IP.  We're talking about the IP with Conan the Barbarian and the world of Hyboria!   It is not doing so hot.   Funcom is trying to recover from the bungled launch still.    It never saw the success it should have seen.

    Star Trek Online, another well known and cherished IP and it is struggling to retain players.   How could it possibly fail?  I mean my God, we're talking Star Trek here!  Yet the game is doing horrible in subscriptions.   How bad of game is it?   It is so bad they can't give the game away!

    SWG - the orignal.  You'd think it would have been a massive hit.   Wrong.   In fact in two years after it's launch it is estimated that the number of subs had dropped to low as 30k.   Down from the 350k it had before that.   But it is Star Wars!  How could it possibly fail?!   5 letters come to mind.  CU and NGE.    SOE did not know thier target audiance at all.   Fail!

    So if you honestly think that BioWare has a auto win button and all they have to do is push it and their game will be a success...LOL!   I want the herbs you all are smoking!  Sounds like great stuff!

     They already have two succesful Star Wars games in roughly the same time period as this up and coming MMO; in fact I think sales of the two top 2 million boxes sold, I'm pretty sure a decent chunk of those will play because they like the two single player versions; and most likely won't have some baby fit about a story, or companion character etc.. They will probably enjoy having other people to play with.  The whole time what will you be doing??  Throwing a fit because the game isn't perfect for you in your eyes?  Guess what, you're the loser there because the people playing a game won't give a crap that you are upset about it.

     And yes, you do need the herbs we are all smoking, maybe you'd chill a tad instead of keeping your blood pressure up.

    See you are thinking like all the people that played their single player games no doubt play MMO's.   In one sense you maybe right, on the other, you maybe wrong and there are a lot of people out there that might play SPRPG games and never touch an MMO.    I know plenty of just such gamers.   Some just do not like the fact that they have to pay to play a game.

    Some may feel that way, but if BioWare sells half of what Dragon Age or Mass Effect sold on the PC, and retains a half of that number,  then financially the game will still be sound.    The game isn't guaranteed to do well... but it isn't guaranteed to fail like you believe it is... and it DEFINITELY isn't guaranteed to lose subscriptions in the long run because you think the movies were bad. 

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by dogtownmark

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.


    What informational threads?

    I would love it if BioWare would show us the crafting, end game, and PvP to discuss.

    Still waiting.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

    Originally posted by immodium

    Originally posted by Teala

    Originally posted by cyphers

    Originally posted by Teala

    To those saying that because the game is based on the Star Wars IP it cannot fail.   Let's look at the history of IP's for a sec. 

    bzz bzz bzz - snip -

    So if you honestly think that BioWare has a auto win button and all they have to do is push it and their game will be a success...LOL!   I want the herbs you all are smoking!  Sounds like great stuff!

    No, people were disagreeing with your saying that the game would fail because of  that it was Star Wars/George Lucas.

    Now , be fair: hand over the herbs that you are smoking, because it smells even greater image

    No..some of the posters were stating that the game will not fail because it is Star Wars.   I stated my opinion on that flawed way of thinking.

    well what do you expect when you post retarded posts?

    Speak for yourself.

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