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The main reason SWG:ToR will fail in the long run.



  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,123

    Originally posted by Teala

    All we have to do is look at the Star Wars movies to find the answer.    Episodes 1, 2, 3, and 6.   Lucas took full control over every aspect of those movies and look at how bad they turned out.   OMG...they sucked.  Sorry, but they did!   In fact the episodes 1,2,3 are some of the worst examples of movie making ever seen on the big screen.   Poor casting, poor writing, horrible story telling and the acting was atrocious!   I mean come on who cast this picture?  Lucas!  He hand picked all the actors. 

    Oh and don't tell me it was made for children.    LOL!  That is the biggest bunch of BS ever.    After episode V: Empire Strikes Back, Lucas took what could have been a great story and turned it into a franchise to rake in as much money as possible.  

    Why do I bring this up?

    Because Lucas and Lucas Arts have a lot at stake here.   If you think BioWare has free reign in how this game is made...think again.   I can see Lucas's paws all over this game.

    Well, first of all, I agree with your assessment that the very first two Star Wars movies were the only good ones.

    Now that that is out of the way, it doesn't matter about George Lucas' involvement because the general populace won't care. They will see Star Wars and want to try it out.

    Bioware doesn't make bad games. They might make games that don't appeal to a certain type of player and their games might have bugs (I've never played a bioware game that didn't have bugs, though nothing game breaking) but I have no doubt that their version of a Star Wars mmo will do well.

    I have no doubt that hard core star wars people and hard core old school mmo players might hate it. But as one gets closer to the edge of a demographic it becomes somewhat clear that they are always the hardest to please.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • NytakitoNytakito Member Posts: 381

    Originally posted by Teala

    All we have to do is look at the Star Wars movies to find the answer.    Episodes 1, 2, 3, and 6.   Lucas took full control over every aspect of those movies and look at how bad they turned out.   OMG...they sucked.  Sorry, but they did!   In fact the episodes 1,2,3 are some of the worst examples of movie making ever seen on the big screen.   Poor casting, poor writing, horrible story telling and the acting was atrocious!   I mean come on who cast this picture?  Lucas!  He hand picked all the actors. 

    Oh and don't tell me it was made for children.    LOL!  That is the biggest bunch of BS ever.    After episode V: Empire Strikes Back, Lucas took what could have been a great story and turned it into a franchise to rake in as much money as possible.  

    Why do I bring this up?

    Because Lucas and Lucas Arts have a lot at stake here.   If you think BioWare has free reign in how this game is made...think again.   I can see Lucas's paws all over this game.

     Anger leads to hate, Hate the path to the dark site it is.. RMMMMMMMMMMM

    "If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse." - Henry Ford

  • LeucrottaLeucrotta Member Posts: 679

    Originally posted by Garvon3


    I'm sick of stupid people. 

    Didnt mention 1 word about Aliens as the reason i didnt like indy 4 as much as the other 3 but im a dumb person?

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Bioware doesn't make bad games.

    They don't make MMOs, either.


    They might make games that don't appeal to a certain type of player and their games might have bugs (I've never played a bioware game that didn't have bugs, though nothing game breaking)

    Hmm. Define "bad game" then.

    but I have no doubt that their version of a Star Wars mmo will do well.

    "Do well", doesn't mean it's a good game, or does it?

    I have no doubt that hard core star wars people and hard core old school mmo players might hate it. But as one gets closer to the edge of a demographic it becomes somewhat clear that they are always the hardest to please.

    Boy, that sounds a LOT like what defenders were saying about STO.

    It is a huge mistake to make a game that the IP's hardcore fans won't like.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • Garvon3Garvon3 Member CommonPosts: 2,898

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

    Originally posted by Garvon3

    Originally posted by Leucrotta

    Originally posted by Teala

    After episode V: Empire Strikes Back, Lucas took what could have been a great story and turned it into a franchise to rake in as much money as possible.  

    Bit offtopic i know, but its not just Star Wars, he killed Indiana Jones as well.


    Number 5 is coming up  :(  dont think many people are waiting for an 70 year old Indiana Jones

    Want to tell me what was wrong with Indy 4? It was a hell of a lot better than Indy 2.

    The Indiana Jones movies have always been throwbacks to the old 40s adventure serials. When they moved into the 50s, the focus became 50s B movies, many of which revolved around aliens, and had jokes about nukes and fallouts, and hiding under tables and in fridges. 


    You cannot with a straight face tell me that all the Indy movies have been serious and realistic. You have faces melting in the first movie. You have VOODOO and MIND CONTROL in the second. And you want to complain about a 5 second shot of some aliens in a temple? Actually, they weren't even aliens, they were "interdimensional beings". Frankly. I could care less WHAT they were, the entire point is, they were powerful beings that an ancient people worshiped. Who knows, maybe the God the jews worshiped, that powered the Ark, were just aliens. 


    I'm sick of stupid people. 

    You're right that the indiana jones films were not always realistic.. they were often about the mystery of the artifacts and what not.  They followed a good portion of what made Indiana Jones popular in the fourth,  but even the actors knew it wasn't a great movie and were quoted as saying so.

    I never claimed it was a great movie, but it didn't RUIN the franchise. It stayed in line mostly with what was in all the other movies. It's a fun adventure movie, and had some really cool moments in it. You can't really top the groundbreaking return to cinema that Raiders had for adventure movies, and you can't really top Sean Connery and the Holy Grail. 

  • Garvon3Garvon3 Member CommonPosts: 2,898

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Bioware doesn't make bad games.

    They don't make MMOs, either.


    They might make games that don't appeal to a certain type of player and their games might have bugs (I've never played a bioware game that didn't have bugs, though nothing game breaking)

    Hmm. Define "bad game" then.

    but I have no doubt that their version of a Star Wars mmo will do well.

    "Do well", doesn't mean it's a good game, or does it?

    I have no doubt that hard core star wars people and hard core old school mmo players might hate it. But as one gets closer to the edge of a demographic it becomes somewhat clear that they are always the hardest to please.

    Boy, that sounds a LOT like what defenders were saying about STO.

    It is a huge mistake to make a game that the IP's hardcore fans won't like.

    I have no doubt that SWTOR will do well. I also have no doubt that it will be almost nothing like an MMORPG, and it will be unoriginal at best. 

  • Jimmy562Jimmy562 Member UncommonPosts: 1,158

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    They don't make MMOs, either.

    Neither did Blizzard before World of Warcraft....

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by Garvon3

    Originally posted by maskedweasel

    Originally posted by Garvon3

    Originally posted by Leucrotta

    Originally posted by Teala

    After episode V: Empire Strikes Back, Lucas took what could have been a great story and turned it into a franchise to rake in as much money as possible.  

    Bit offtopic i know, but its not just Star Wars, he killed Indiana Jones as well.


    Number 5 is coming up  :(  dont think many people are waiting for an 70 year old Indiana Jones

    Want to tell me what was wrong with Indy 4? It was a hell of a lot better than Indy 2.

    The Indiana Jones movies have always been throwbacks to the old 40s adventure serials. When they moved into the 50s, the focus became 50s B movies, many of which revolved around aliens, and had jokes about nukes and fallouts, and hiding under tables and in fridges. 


    You cannot with a straight face tell me that all the Indy movies have been serious and realistic. You have faces melting in the first movie. You have VOODOO and MIND CONTROL in the second. And you want to complain about a 5 second shot of some aliens in a temple? Actually, they weren't even aliens, they were "interdimensional beings". Frankly. I could care less WHAT they were, the entire point is, they were powerful beings that an ancient people worshiped. Who knows, maybe the God the jews worshiped, that powered the Ark, were just aliens. 


    I'm sick of stupid people. 

    You're right that the indiana jones films were not always realistic.. they were often about the mystery of the artifacts and what not.  They followed a good portion of what made Indiana Jones popular in the fourth,  but even the actors knew it wasn't a great movie and were quoted as saying so.

    I never claimed it was a great movie, but it didn't RUIN the franchise. It stayed in line mostly with what was in all the other movies. It's a fun adventure movie, and had some really cool moments in it. You can't really top the groundbreaking return to cinema that Raiders had for adventure movies, and you can't really top Sean Connery and the Holy Grail. 

    I agree... kind of.  I wouldn't say a complete reboot of this franchise is needed or anything. The movie was entertaining,  it wasn't great,  but it was entertaining.  I saw it in theaters and I'm glad I did.  I didn't buy it or anything though.  Its something that I was happy to see one time and know what happened for the sake of it being Indiana Jones.

  • MMO.MaverickMMO.Maverick Member CommonPosts: 7,619

    Originally posted by Teala

    Star Wars: Phantom Menace Review  <<<  this says it all.   Seriously.    The more I read on this game, the more I realize that the developers of this game have no clue about the audiance they are aiming at.    Yes the made a wonderful single player game in KoToR.  That does not mean they can make a good MMORPG.   Do you honestly think that they can translate a single player  game into a multiplayer game?  

    Worked for Blizzard, with turning RTS Warcraft into a MMO World of Warcraft.


    Bioware even has a better franchise, Star Wars is a strong IP. I wonder about the people who said WoW would fail before it released. Boy, are they feeling stupid now.

    Anyway, guess all you like while Bioware will just continue to work further on their MMO, and if you don't like how they're going about it, then just don't play it. Enough others will.

    The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's

    The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
    Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."

  • April-RainApril-Rain Member UncommonPosts: 316

    Originally posted by Teala

    All we have to do is look at the Star Wars movies to find the answer.    Episodes 1, 2, 3, and 6.   Lucas took full control over every aspect of those movies and look at how bad they turned out.   OMG...they sucked.  Sorry, but they did!   In fact the episodes 1,2,3 are some of the worst examples of movie making ever seen on the big screen.   Poor casting, poor writing, horrible story telling and the acting was atrocious!   I mean come on who cast this picture?  Lucas!  He hand picked all the actors. 

    Oh and don't tell me it was made for children.    LOL!  That is the biggest bunch of BS ever.    After episode V: Empire Strikes Back, Lucas took what could have been a great story and turned it into a franchise to rake in as much money as possible.  

    Why do I bring this up?

    Because Lucas and Lucas Arts have a lot at stake here.   If you think BioWare has free reign in how this game is made...think again.   I can see Lucas's paws all over this game.


    id stop smoking your own herb, the only bad star wars is episode 1, and please dont play the game as one less of you the better it will be for the rest of us ;)

    Playing: FFXIV
    Future: wishing for SWG 2, World of Warcraft Classic
    Played: Most current and extinct MMO's - 18 Years in....

    Interesting Fact - I own 27 Tarantula's

  • WhiteLanternWhiteLantern Member RarePosts: 3,319

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Bioware doesn't make bad games.

    They don't make MMOs, either.

    Yes, history has proven that every company's first MMO has been a complete failure. Just like Blizzard's.

    I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil

  • FdzzaiglFdzzaigl Member UncommonPosts: 2,433

    G. Lucas is not directly involved with this project, yes there is a quote on that and no I'm not going to look it up for you.


    Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    Originally posted by cyphers

    Originally posted by Teala

    Star Wars: Phantom Menace Review  <<<  this says it all.   Seriously.    The more I read on this game, the more I realize that the developers of this game have no clue about the audiance they are aiming at.    Yes the made a wonderful single player game in KoToR.  That does not mean they can make a good MMORPG.   Do you honestly think that they can translate a single player  game into a multiplayer game?  

    Worked for Blizzard, with turning RTS Warcraft into a MMO World of Warcraft.

     They also had the Diablo franchise. Both franchises were multiplayer games, as well.

    Bioware even has a better franchise, Star Wars is a strong IP. I wonder about the people who said WoW would fail before it released. Boy, are they feeling stupid now.

    The ones who predicted STO would fail aren't.

    Anyway, guess all you like while Bioware will just continue to work further on their MMO, and if you don't like how they're going about it, then just don't play it. Enough others will.

    Depends on how many KOTOR fans there are.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • KothosesKothoses Member UncommonPosts: 931

    Originally posted by Teala

    All we have to do is look at the Star Wars movies to find the answer.    Episodes 1, 2, 3, and 6.   Lucas took full control over every aspect of those movies and look at how bad they turned out.   OMG...they sucked.  Sorry, but they did!   In fact the episodes 1,2,3 are some of the worst examples of movie making ever seen on the big screen.   Poor casting, poor writing, horrible story telling and the acting was atrocious!   I mean come on who cast this picture?  Lucas!  He hand picked all the actors. 

    Oh and don't tell me it was made for children.    LOL!  That is the biggest bunch of BS ever.    After episode V: Empire Strikes Back, Lucas took what could have been a great story and turned it into a franchise to rake in as much money as possible.  

    Why do I bring this up?

    Because Lucas and Lucas Arts have a lot at stake here.   If you think BioWare has free reign in how this game is made...think again.   I can see Lucas's paws all over this game.

    Where did you play test it? are you in the very first wave of alpha testing?


    Or are you just full of rubbish and what you really ment to say was "Reasons why I think tor will fail" look lets be honest, Tor wont fail, with the amount of money behind it, it wont be allowed to fail.  It wont reach wows peak sub numbers (But I doubt any mmo in the next 10 years will) but there is no doubt it will succeed, if it will be a good game or not is a wait and see matter, but it wont fail not by a long shot.


    If you think the that in the commercial sense something being a "bad product" equates automatically to failing is nonsense 4 sluts in a handbag shop (Sex in the city) is a major success despite being utter tripe.

  • NytakitoNytakito Member Posts: 381

    My opinion remains unchanged.  BioWare is gonna rock the mullett with TOR.

    "If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse." - Henry Ford

  • Garvon3Garvon3 Member CommonPosts: 2,898

    Originally posted by Jimmy562

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    They don't make MMOs, either.

    Neither did Blizzard before World of Warcraft....

    Yes but all the lead developers were hardcore EverQuest raid leaders.

    Besides, that's not a good example, because Blizzard didn't come up with any original ideas. They just made a kid version of EQ and marketed it at people who didn't like MMOs. 

  • KothosesKothoses Member UncommonPosts: 931

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by cyphers

    Originally posted by Teala

    Star Wars: Phantom Menace Review  <<<  this says it all.   Seriously.    The more I read on this game, the more I realize that the developers of this game have no clue about the audiance they are aiming at.    Yes the made a wonderful single player game in KoToR.  That does not mean they can make a good MMORPG.   Do you honestly think that they can translate a single player  game into a multiplayer game?  

    Worked for Blizzard, with turning RTS Warcraft into a MMO World of Warcraft.

     They also had the Diablo franchise. Both franchises were multiplayer games, as well.

    Bioware even has a better franchise, Star Wars is a strong IP. I wonder about the people who said WoW would fail before it released. Boy, are they feeling stupid now.

    The ones who predicted STO would fail aren't.

    Anyway, guess all you like while Bioware will just continue to work further on their MMO, and if you don't like how they're going about it, then just don't play it. Enough others will.

    Depends on how many KOTOR fans there are.

    Question, have you ever posted anything of relevance? or anything insightful?

  • KothosesKothoses Member UncommonPosts: 931

    Originally posted by Garvon3

    Originally posted by Jimmy562

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    They don't make MMOs, either.

    Neither did Blizzard before World of Warcraft....

    Yes but all the lead developers were hardcore EverQuest raid leaders.

    Besides, that's not a good example, because Blizzard didn't come up with any original ideas. They just made a kid version of EQ and marketed it at people who didn't like MMOs. 

    Raid leader and GM of 4 years here, trust me, the reason wow was sucecssful was not the formulaic content devised by Tigole and furor.

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by cyphers

    Originally posted by Teala

    Star Wars: Phantom Menace Review  <<<  this says it all.   Seriously.    The more I read on this game, the more I realize that the developers of this game have no clue about the audiance they are aiming at.    Yes the made a wonderful single player game in KoToR.  That does not mean they can make a good MMORPG.   Do you honestly think that they can translate a single player  game into a multiplayer game?  

    Worked for Blizzard, with turning RTS Warcraft into a MMO World of Warcraft.

     They also had the Diablo franchise. Both franchises were multiplayer games, as well.

    Bioware even has a better franchise, Star Wars is a strong IP. I wonder about the people who said WoW would fail before it released. Boy, are they feeling stupid now.

    The ones who predicted STO would fail aren't.

    Anyway, guess all you like while Bioware will just continue to work further on their MMO, and if you don't like how they're going about it, then just don't play it. Enough others will.

    Depends on how many KOTOR fans there are.

    BioWare also had the NWN and BG franchises that had multiplayer too.


    STO was destined to fail and it had nothing to do with the IP... it had to do with Champions Online and them rehashing that engine.  I'm sure there were other issues with the IP that made fans dislike the game too (wouldn't know, not a star trek fan),  but fundamentally the entire system was flawed.


    KOTOR and KOTOR 2 sold millions.  BioWare games continue to sell millions.  Can we expect the same with this title?  I don't know.

  • greed0104greed0104 Member Posts: 2,134

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.

  • oakthornnoakthornn Member UncommonPosts: 863

    Originally posted by Teala

    Star Wars: Phantom Menace Review  <<<  this says it all.   Seriously.    The more I read on this game, the more I realize that the developers of this game have no clue about the audiance they are aiming at.    Yes the made a wonderful single player game in KoToR.  That does not mean they can make a good MMORPG.   Do you honestly think that they can translate a single player  game into a multiplayer game?    Because the more they tell us about it, the more it is looking like a single player game that has MMO elements tacked onto it.   



            My thoughts exactly.. I don't want to believe TOR will fail, but after researching the direction of the game, it sounds a lot like a single player rpg with MMO elements... Basically, KOTOR3 online...

             Although, I don't agree with you on the Star Wars Movies.. I'm a pretty huge fan of the entire Star Wars Mythos and Sci Fi Genre... I enjoyed all 6 movies for what they were, not what they weren't.. Although, I could have written a much better script than the story Lucas gave us.. Basically, the universe of Star Wars was just to big and marvelous to just be revolved around 2 characters, Anakin and Luke.. I recognize a lot of mistakes and flaws in the original 3 movies, only because I've read some of the novels the followed the movies.. Basically when Yoda stated Luke was the last Jedi, lol good god Yoda was wrong.. There were still at least a half dozen Jedi left in hiding, not to mention dark jedi's, Sith Witches, and force sensitive people such as Mara Jade who were the Emperor's force sensitive personal assassin agents..

    Anyway, the books that followed the movies are so much better than the actual movies simply because the writing skills and awesome imaginations of these "professional" writers far surpassed the writing skills of George Lucas... But, I still enjoyed the movies for what they were even though the direction and writing of the overall story could have been so much better....

    Rallithon Oakthornn
    (Retired Heirophant of the 60th season)

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,123

    Originally posted by MMO_Doubter

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Bioware doesn't make bad games.

    They don't make MMOs, either.


    They might make games that don't appeal to a certain type of player and their games might have bugs (I've never played a bioware game that didn't have bugs, though nothing game breaking)

    Hmm. Define "bad game" then.

    but I have no doubt that their version of a Star Wars mmo will do well.

    "Do well", doesn't mean it's a good game, or does it?

    I have no doubt that hard core star wars people and hard core old school mmo players might hate it. But as one gets closer to the edge of a demographic it becomes somewhat clear that they are always the hardest to please.

    Boy, that sounds a LOT like what defenders were saying about STO.

    It is a huge mistake to make a game that the IP's hardcore fans won't like.

    I think the "they don't make mmo's" is a red herring argument.

    Blizzard had never made an mmo before wow, Sony had never made an mmo before EQ, CCP had never made an mmo before EVE, etc.

    Given that the genre is not new there is a huge amount of information and experienced talent available for those willing to access it or pay for it. Given that, Bioware has access to Mythic's experience and any developers who ever worked in the mmo field that they have hired.

    If I was to make an mmo I wouldn't start taking classes and just start making one. I would hire people who had a track record of making such games and they would assemble a team of professionals. I essentialy would just bankroll the thing. So "I" wouldn't need experience making an mmo. This by the way is how many companies break into new markets. They find companies that know what they are doing, hire talent that knows what they are doing and acquire them.

    And remember, sometimes it's companies that don't have experience in a particular field that sometimes find new ways of making a product because the companies that do have experience making those products get caught up in entrenched ways of thinking and can't think "outside the box".

    As far as a "bad game" there is a large group of players who have played and love bioware games. So regardless of one's personal taste there is evidence that they are hugely successful in creating games that can capture the imagination and loyalty of a segment of the playerbase. If they made "bad games' they wouldn't be able to do that.

    "do well" means "financially well". Whether it's a "good game" or not will fall to each individual who tries it. I am old enough to know that the fickle personal tastes of people can run the gamut and one person's pot of gold is another person's sludge. So using one's personal opinion on whether a game is good or not is really only valuable to that person and maybe those who share his position.

    As far as the "fans" of the game I would say at this point Star Wars has quite a large fan base that covers quite a large sampling of different people.

    Remember, when star trek came out it wasn't a huge success, only running 3 seasons. It appealed to a select group of people and gained traction over the years. When Star Wars came out it was a huge mega hit that appealed to a large sampling of people from all walks of life.

    So it's rather hard to make the argument that they need to cater to their fans when they have such a large and diverse group of people who love star wars.

    Or to put it another way, hordes of people went to see the last two star wars movies regardless of whether or not others said they were good movies. I imagine that those people would be considered "fans" and that they probably don't care whether george lucas has his hands all over the game or not.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • LeucrottaLeucrotta Member Posts: 679

    Originally posted by Kothoses

    Tor wont fail, with the amount of money behind it, it wont be allowed to fail. 

    Ahhh thats the key behind succes...TR ring any bells?
  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198

    Originally posted by greed0104

    Amazing how the most asinine negative threads grow faster and bigger then the most constructive informational threads.

    Its because there are no more (only) constructive informational threads.  In every thread if there is no "fail" post, then it wouldn't be

  • stckmojostckmojo Member Posts: 61

    Originally posted by Teala

    All we have to do is look at the Star Wars movies to find the answer.    Episodes 1, 2, 3, and 6.   Lucas took full control over every aspect of those movies and look at how bad they turned out.   OMG...they sucked.  Sorry, but they did!   In fact the episodes 1,2,3 are some of the worst examples of movie making ever seen on the big screen.   Poor casting, poor writing, horrible story telling and the acting was atrocious!   I mean come on who cast this picture?  Lucas!  He hand picked all the actors. 

    Oh and don't tell me it was made for children.    LOL!  That is the biggest bunch of BS ever.    After episode V: Empire Strikes Back, Lucas took what could have been a great story and turned it into a franchise to rake in as much money as possible.  

    Why do I bring this up?

    Because Lucas and Lucas Arts have a lot at stake here.   If you think BioWare has free reign in how this game is made...think again.   I can see Lucas's paws all over this game.


    Matt Damon.......  Matt Damon.. Matt Damon...

    Honestly, thats all I see when people type ignorant gibberish like this.

    Swtor is going to do just fine... Because if it doesn't, bioware will keep that scar for life..

    Also... people know about 20% or less about the whole game so far. I suppose you can see the future or something to that effect.

This discussion has been closed.