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The Secret World: Gathering User Questions



  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584

    well I read some questions but if what I ask here as already mentioned, sorry XD


    1) how the target system will work? will be click and point or free aim?(like in fantasy earth zero or falllen earth, you have really aim to hit something)

    2) character development , how it will work? levels? skills? both? we will have the ability to put stats like str, int, agi? or is a simple template for all?

    3) how will work the craft system? if it will be on the game?

    4) will have "raids"?

    5) will have any kind of pvp? battleground/ free for all/ faction based?

    6) all factions will have they own maps or will all be on the same maps?

    7) linear or sandbox? quest based or grind?

    8) equips, will have basic ones for everyone or we can customize equips to our heart desire? (it work for upgrades and looks), also what kind of upgrades will be here for equips?(enchants and options?)

    9) any kind of transport for players?(cars, choppers, aircraft, maybe horses?)

    10) what are the plans for the game after the launch? development will be in little parts or several huge expansions?

    11) what the people behind the game think or they have a vision of they like the game will be in a long run?


    well for now I guess its all XD.

    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • Slayer991199Slayer991199 Member UncommonPosts: 11

    Will there be an opposing faction?

    This seems interesting..

  • AxeionAxeion Member UncommonPosts: 418

    1. How willl the faction afect players grouping?

    2. Size of the game zones an number at launch?

    3.Gear can be customized for look?

    4. Gear can be customized for effect?

    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." — Robert E. Howard, The Tower of the Elephant (1933)

  • just1opinionjust1opinion Member UncommonPosts: 4,641

    Will anyone be ANSWERING any of these questions, and if so....when?


    That's the only question I have left for now......    O.o

    President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club

  • DarhammDarhamm Member UncommonPosts: 68

    Will there be a NPC based on Lovecraft himself?

  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726

    Let us just hope that Funcom realizes how fast pace of character development in AoC hurt the game and does not allow such to happen in this game.   I find it hard to trust them after the AoC debacle.

  • inleinle Member UncommonPosts: 62

    hears my questions :D


    is there going to be crafting ?

    is pvp avoidable or is it open pvp ?   (as i prefer not to partake in pvp)

  • Perdition_ukPerdition_uk Member Posts: 181

    Will there be a skill cap, or will a single character be able to eventually do everything given enough time? 

  • IllyssiaIllyssia Member UncommonPosts: 1,507

    Originally posted by Ozmodan

    Let us just hope that Funcom realises how fast pace of character development in AoC hurt the game and does not allow such to happen in this game.   I find it hard to trust them after the AoC debacle.

    If you want my opinion AoC was an unfinished buggy mess at launch with a lot of ideas, only of which a few completely worked. Believe it or not the starting zone at Tortage was a lot of fun and quite a well crafted starting game in itself. After that it becomes a more traditional leveller, and the next 20 levels are quite fun, and then after that the quests sort of fall away and the last 10 levels are a grinders paradise. That folks was the AoC experience on launch plus a million bug of one form or another. Thinking back to when I played it I think there must have been a slightly schizophrenic development cycle to the game, I'll bet you level 1-20 style of game was planned for the whole game, then Funcom started to run out of time on it and cut corners. Same with the end-game, lots of bugs and stuff that didn't really work, massive-scale PvP, EQ-style dungeon boss raiding, city building. A mess. 

    The above is why I am sceptical about Secret World until it becomes beta. Sure give Funcom another chance if they produce a good game, a full and extended open beta will tell us that. As a result I find it hard to believe the hype levels SW is building, but there you go. 

  • Gel214thGel214th Member UncommonPosts: 188

    Quick Questions:

    1) Combat - Auto Lock or Free Aim?

    2) Death - Respawn, resurrect like World of Warcraft, or long corpse run like Everquest? Loss of XP or just a run back to the action? Loss of money? No losses? What's the Death system like?

    3) Missions - Instanced Missions? Open World, or a hybrid?

    4) Soloability - Can we play the game solo from start to finish without feeling like we've missed a lot? Is Teaming required?

    5) Grouping - What happens with XP when grouped? Does it increase?

    6) Grouping - Can we see the quests of other members of the Group? Do we get XP for completing those quests?

    7) Travel - Is Travel designed to be a Timesink as with World of Warcraft? Or can you get to missions and where you have to go quickly? Is there a Map with Quest Markers to NPCs or objectives as in EQII, LOTRO, Or the Carbonite Plugin for World of Warcraft?

    8) MiniGames - Are Professions or Crafting defined by Minigames? Or is it a Collect X,Y,Z and click a button to build method?

    9) Combat - Anything new with the combat interface? Or will players have to sift through the same style of 20 combat powers on hotbars? Clicky clicky crazy clickity?

    10) Flight - is Flight built into the game? Can our characters Fly through some sort of innate powers?

    11) Is there a driving component (Borderlands or Halo style of vehicle control not A + D to steer) for traveling?

    12) When is the expected Release date? 2011? 2012? What is the plan for dealing with the launch of Star Wars TOR if launch is 2011?

    13) How many of your team members are actual Free Masons? ^_^

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,656

    Is there the will to hold back launch until the game is a finished product?

  • drbaltazardrbaltazar Member UncommonPosts: 7,856


  • heartlessheartless Member UncommonPosts: 4,993

    It has been mentioned before but I want to add my support to the question by asking a similar question.

    Both Age of Conan and Anarchy Online had serious issues at launch and for some time after. What is Funcom doing to insure a stable, content filled product that people can enjoy from day one and not a year or two after? Will you push the game's launch back if it becomes obvious that the game is simply not ready?

    Also, communication with your players, especially beta testers is key. During AoC's beta, the communication with testers was lacking, at best. Are there plans to implement a more direct way, or any way for that matter, for players to communicate with developers?


  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,656

    For those of you who have the same concern as me, the solution is simple, wait till 6 months after launch before you play. I do that with any MMO regardless of the companies history.

    Ok now for a serious question:

    Do we get an online g/f in red, white and black leather if we join the Templars?

  • woggiewoggie Member UncommonPosts: 13

    Originally posted by Amathe

    Question: A game without levels sounds refreshing. But just like a level 10 player can't make much of a contribution to a level 30 boss fight in the average game, how will a less developed player in your levelless system be able to contribute to harder encounters? And if they can't contribute, what will encourage other players to group with them other than personal relationships?

    Think about that question a bit, huh? What convinces players in sandbox games like EVE Online to help out and cooperate, even teach each other and help out financially within the game?


    My questions are more graphical and physics-based in nature:

    1. If my character shoots or hits something, will the target react to being struck, or will they continue to act as before, as if nothing happened?


    2. If the system says the target dodges, will the target's animation actually have them dodge, or will they just stand there and let my character's foot or club pass through them?


    3. Will there be edge detection between characters, or will they just pass through each other if they happen to be headed the same direction but past each other?


    That's probably good for a start.

  • HalibrandHalibrand Member UncommonPosts: 136

    My question goes to the very heart and tone of the game: character names.  The game is set in a variant of the real world, in current time.  Will the players then have names like real people?  Generally, this means a first name and a last name.  I think it would completely shatter any real-world feel to the game if people were running around with a single-name character, like World of Warcraft, or Anarchy Online.  It would especially ruin the setting if the names people were using existed of the sadly ubiquitous Omgwtfbbq, Pwnzorz, and whatnot.  So what is Funcom planning for names in The Secret World?  Myself, I would suggest a new variant for name selection in character creation: pull-down menus.  For last names, and for each gender, you could have pull-down menus where you select an ethnicity or region of name to choose from, and then from the corresponding menus (which of course would consist of hundreds or even thousands of options per menu) people would choose their specific first and last names.  This would keep names appropriate to the setting, and the work put into creating this system would save at least as much time later dealing with naming violations once the game is live.  Alternatively, you could not allow us to create a character name at all, and instead our characters would share our own real-life names, pulled from our profiles in account creation.  I am very much looking forward to The Secret World, and would really like to play it, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it if, in this real-world setting, every time I saw another player, I got annoyed reading names like Fixersmurf and Orgazmo.  Sure, you could cheap out and allow us to create bios where we list a real name of our choosing, but then run around sporting our secret-agent-Facebook-handles (or whatever you end up calling it) like Pwntastic and Penithman... but bios will be rarely read, Orgazmo is sending me tells asking for money, and Penithman and Omgwtfbbq are having an argument in a public channel (look, I just described World of Warcraft.)  So... what are you planning for character names, which in the end will be the fundament of both the game setting, and the player community?

  • borisdogborisdog Member Posts: 9

    I played Anarchy Online for 7 years,and tried AoC when it came out   for 2 weeks (was/is a crap game).I gave up on AO a few months ago due to an ingame incident that neither ark's or GM's wanted to know about.At this time I had 2 paid accounts with full expansions and 15 toons,including 7  220's one bring a 220/70/30 shade;lots of work,and my question is this,The Secret World looks like its going to be a good game,and having read the book and seen the movie on its base play,I am sort of looking forward to it ,but dont want to have the same thing happen to me as in AO;ie   lack of support and patches only making gameplay worse.I dont mind a pay to play game  but I need to be assured that my money just isnt going to be used for more FC parties and not used to improve the game.A reply would be most welcome   Thanks.

  • just1opinionjust1opinion Member UncommonPosts: 4,641

    Considering the length between posts here....I'm wondering who (if anyone) actually plans on asking the developers these questions.


    Gamescom might have been a good opportunity, if anyone went.....


    So, any news to report or link to this thread, mods?

    President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club

  • DoubleDeckerDoubleDecker Member Posts: 3

    1.  How much will player's really effect the world besides basic's like what World of Warcraft has; crafting and auction house economy?  Will I beable to have a "private house" or "guild housing.?"

    2.  Will the pc and xbox 360 players beable to play together in the same persistent world.

    3.  Is it really a persistent world?  Is it instanced into zones?  How big is the world, can it be compared to another mmorpg?

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