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sekrogsekrog Member Posts: 261

I wanna get excited about this...but what on Earth can they do with such a small sub dev team that can possibly demand a dramatic countdown!

I hope I'm proven wrong, though...I'll be happily surprised.





  • batolemaeusbatolemaeus Member CommonPosts: 2,061

    Mh, i'm intrigued.

  • jezvinjezvin Member UncommonPosts: 804

    Maybe this game will start to turn into something? I only played for a little over a month it was alot of fun but in terms of development there was bassicly none.

    Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 86.67%, Killer 60.00%, Socializer 33.33%


  • batolemaeusbatolemaeus Member CommonPosts: 2,061

    They resurrected a zombie and had a skeleton crew working on a codebase they were unfamiliar with, so development was kinda slow.
    I hope they have a solid financial basis now, since the combat and crafting system in ryzom is very, very sexy. They need to churn out some content though some day so one can put the good mechanics to use.

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