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I've been playing mmos for quite a few years now and feel as though things are getting a bit stale. The main thing I want from an mmo now is this:
A changing/evolving world that changes based on the actions and achievements of the majority of players (changes implemented in weekly or fortnightly patches)
I heard from a friend who plays WoW that they've added something like this in WoW (or rather made a step in the right direction) What they have in WoW though is not what I'm talking about. In WoW certain quests you do will change the world only FOR YOU and the players who also did that quest. In the sense that you wouldn't be able to interact with people who hadn't done it anymore - also similar to the thing they have in DDO where people who HAVE done something can't interact with those who HAVEN'T done the thing. That's not what I'd like though
What I'm hoping for is that every week or so there will be a patch implementing the changes for everyone. What gets changed could rely on either a certain number of players having achieved something (for example: In WoW, That flying necropolis fortress that attacked stormwind a couple of years ago - if not enough players managed to do something, then Stormwind would have been destroyed, and the only way to retake Stormwind (several patch days down the line) would be for enough players to complete another task) Or else for the developers to pay attention to what the majority of players were doing, which quests they were doing or where they were spending most time and then, when patch day, comes letting the world evolve in that direction.
I realise Blizzard is probably the only mmo company out there that would have the money and manpower to do something like that. Really what I'd love is for my mmo of choice to be like a tv series. With things happening and changing. If something awesome happened and then was patched out and you missed it by not being online then that'd just be your tough luck and you could try to be around for the next awesome thing.
The developers could make sure the directions the mmo was headed in could be well advertised though in their webpages so people wouldn't miss great things by not knowing about them.
I think if an mmo was to hire a great team of writers and a great team of programmers to implement what the writers want and what the players achieve, this could work out great.
Maybe it really would cost just too much though to be worth it but an mmo like that, to me, would definately be my mmo of choice and I'd like to think everyone else would choose it aswell.
"It's like a finger pointing away to the moon... Don't concentrate on the finger or you'll miss all the heavenly glory" (Bruce Lee)
(Insert your favourite mmo here): ......And behold, a pale horse.... And a million hellishly bad mmos followed with it.
I'm wating for the day when developers start incorporating this into games again too. And trust me, its been done in the its by no means not doable.
One of the best memories I have was back in Horizon's (now named Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted) when the players/community had to work together to "free" the new playable Races. The community had to build bridges, clear paths, Adventures had to kill MOBs and get resources for the Crafters, people needed to build workshops for the Crafters to craft the items the Adventurers needed to defeat the MOBs/NPCs guarding the new races, etc. Everyone was involved. Everyone had a part to play. And everyone needed one another to succeed in freeing the new Races that were to be playable.
It was awesome. Good times, good times.
They need more of this stuff in MMOs again and less of the crap that is there now.
That does indeed sound awesome
"It's like a finger pointing away to the moon... Don't concentrate on the finger or you'll miss all the heavenly glory" (Bruce Lee)
(Insert your favourite mmo here): ......And behold, a pale horse.... And a million hellishly bad mmos followed with it.
I agree! They're dumbing down the games to almost arcade versions nowadays. They think we want it easy all the time and that have made me get tired of MMO's at the moment.
Honestly, you guys are right. I am waiting for the return of true MMORPGs again too. But the majority do not want this...and the majority always dictates where anything goes. Because the majority is what brings the money. People want fast and easy and give-it-to-me-now-with-no-effort.
Most of what you want is going to come from indy developers - not the mainstream big companies (they will always cater to the majority). I've been checking out Xsyon lately. It seems to have alot of innovative concepts - tho it lacks a bit in graphics. But still, nonetheless, interesting.
I will probably wait a few months unitl after its release to see how it is shaping up with patching the bugs and balancing issue that any MMO is bound to have at release..
I have to admit, those were some of the best times I have ever had in a MMO.
I wish new games would use events like that.
I remember I was only lvl60 or so when the first event occurred in Horizons, but I still had a blast (some though mobs at the satyr place
dumbed down ... arcade...
OMG, its decided. At game night this weekend we play Shadow Over Mysteria and Tower of Doom.
Forever looking for employment. Life is rather dull without it.
That would be great idea to put in a MMO... I remember wow doing that to open the new Instance(i forget the name) in WOW where the whole server had to gather resources to open it ....which was awesome idea at the time...too bad they didn't take that idea and throw all over the would just make that game more epic..which i wouldn't mind since I can never seem to find a other to replace it...sigh
Playing: Nothing( stuck on a ship)
Future play: FFXIV,SW:TOR
It was an awesome idea, which WoW didn't invent. They got it from games like Horizons, Asheron's Call, and even Dark Age of Camelot.
If people realize one thing and one thing only I'll be happy, WoW has never EVER come up with a new feature .
and chevy did not invent the car, but Corvette will always be what I think of when I think of sports car.
Bad example, because what most companies do when they "borrow " ideas is, they take good solid ideas, and build on them, making something better, adding their own design ideas.
What Blizzard does, is they take the bare basics of a successful mechanic, and simplify it further to the point where it wouldn't confuse a toddler, and sell it to people who have a simple mentality. They don't improve or expand anything, they just simplify things.
I'm impressed at Blizzard's ability to make Corvettes simple enough for a toddler to drive.
Interesting how many people dismiss Blizzard's ability to develop great games and push the envelope further with every release...
and I don't even play WoW. ...
Anyway, I'd like to see a new game with a historical setting. We've seen the Fantasy, we've seen the Sci-Fi. How about some history? RTS's have been very popular exploring history. Why can't MMOs?
I blog for GamingWeez. Do you? Discuss everything MMO related in a community that lets YOU be the blogger.
I like your ideas too. I would also like it, if we all did not look the same. Most of the game I have played lately, we all have the same armor. I go to help my partner of there fighting a mob, and realize it was someone other warrior, paladin, sorceror!!!
I love to craft, and I think Horizons had a pretty good crafting system. I would love for them to get rid of explanation points on quests, and have us use our brains a bit, to figure them out.
Not much out there right now that looks too interesting.
Yeah, that sounds awesome. Who could possibly implement such a game...?
Give me liberty or give me lasers
I'd have to agree with you. What bother's me about games nowadays is that too many companies are just adding different content to the same gameplay mechanics. I'm looking for something new and refreshing, but I guess you can't blame companies for going for the money. (Personally, I think that's what Cryptik is failing from right now. After going from City of Heroes to Champions Online to Star Trek Online, I'm starting to see the dreaded treadmill effect. But on a side note, that's also how companies make their money. I love Bioware's multi-choice dialogue system.)
There are some games that are trying to break from the norm. Tera - they aren't using the point and click mechanic (Though not groundbreaking, it's great to see an MMO not follow the same formula as previous ones). Continents of the Ninth looks great, but I suspect that it's not an MMO (If you take a look at the gameplay videos, it would be crazy to have an MMO with the exact same game mechanics.) And Kingdom Under Fire 2 is hailing itself as an MMORTS (Yes, a different fresh look at MMO's instead of point, click, and autoattack.) Sadly, all the games I just listed were Korean. Somehow, I think the more original ideas are now coming from other countries who are slow to deliver a game to North America.
I'd like to see more depth and variety in next generation MMOs.
I generally like themepark MMOs. I prefer my games to have rules and goals but I'm not a huge fan of how static and predictable typical MMOs can be.
You're given a mission to raid a goblin mine and steal their ore, and long before you arrive there you already know how the encounter will go. You'll run into the cave, slaughter a few dozen heavily-armed goblins strategically arranged at certain stationary locations to make the battles manageable, grab the ore and leave.
I want to see the goblin miners mining. I want to see them swinging pick axes, digging out ore and putting it into carts. I want to see them falling over with fatigue and being whipped back to work by patrolling taskmasters. I want to see them eating lunch, talking to one another and sleeping. I want to be able to disguise myself AS a goblin and sneak into the mine, poison food, set traps, cause tunnels to cave in, start faction in-fighting, pick off strategic targets or just flat out steal everything that's not firmly nailed down.
But most importantly, I want the choice of which path I want to take to complete the mission.
I would love to see a MMO set in a long ago history also. There was a MMO in a Roman setting once, but I think it failed before it came out or right after it came it. DAoC was set in the Dark Ages right after the death of King Arthur. When the game was being made, They actually used real landscape from England and Ireland. Alot of people forget that one of the selling points of the game was a historical point. This was the last game that featured anything like this. It would be nice to see it again sometime in a MMO.
Actually, they did. Although racing and exotic cars existed as early as the 1800s, the term 'sports car' was not used until the late 1940s. The 1953 Chevy Corvettte (C1) was the first car actually marketed as a 'sports car'.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
You should take a look at heroes of telara, they are claiming to implement something like this in their game.