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STO Ship Tiers and Star Charts

SuricataSuricata Member Posts: 89

Hey all,

Just thought I'd share some resources I made for Star Trek Online to help make players experiances more enjoyable and less frustrating.

Firstly, the STO Galactic Star Chart, I created this chart in a high resolution so it can be printed out at poster size. I try to update it when patchs add new content. It has a list of all systems in the game alphabetically, so you can find any systems that elude you from any missions you have. It also has a list of starbases as well as where the games Fleet Actions are located.

The other resource is my STO Ship Tiers Chart. This chart, like the above one, is in high resolution for printing out in poster size. It includes all the playable starships in the game, along with thier stats, in an organised fashion so that you can easily compare what ships can do what. It should be very handy for players unsure of what ship to get next, without having to wade though pages of stats on websites or wiki's. I've also included weapon types and science skill stats on the chart as well, to help players when choosing what science consoles or weapons types they want to equip.

Both the charts are been updated on a regular basis, so if you see any mistakes on them, or spot something you feel could be added to make them even more useful, then please let me know!

---- "Fate protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise" ----


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