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I'm putting up my first POS!

x_rast_xx_rast_x Member Posts: 745

It takes a while and I think it's cool so I'm putting up a post about it!  *flamesuit on*

Been wandering about WH space in my carebear domi (on my main) and an Orca (on my alt) with a billion ISK of crap in the hold for a few days now, looking for a C3 system with a static lowsec link to set up in.  Today I found an empty C4 with a static C3 link, and I'm nervous about probing about WH space in said Orca so I'm putting down the tower (and only the tower) so I can get my covops out of my Orca to check out these C3 systems until I find one that fits what I'm looking for.  Maybe do some sites in the C3s I find until then, though probably not 'cause I can't get my 'oops I locked myself out of my system' alt out there until I get set up in a permanent location.

Like I said, nothing really notable, just cool 'cause I've been playing almost 3 years and never done POS crap until now.  Here's a screenshot!

Fake edit: Yay onlining now! :D


  • qazymanqazyman Member Posts: 1,785

    Originally posted by x_rast_x

    It takes a while and I think it's cool so I'm putting up a post about it!  *flamesuit on*

    Been wandering about WH space in my carebear domi (on my main) and an Orca (on my alt) with a billion ISK of crap in the hold for a few days now, looking for a C3 system with a static lowsec link to set up in.  Today I found an empty C4 with a static C3 link, and I'm nervous about probing about WH space in said Orca so I'm putting down the tower (and only the tower) so I can get my covops out of my Orca to check out these C3 systems until I find one that fits what I'm looking for.  Maybe do some sites in the C3s I find until then, though probably not 'cause I can't get my 'oops I locked myself out of my system' alt out there until I get set up in a permanent location.

    Like I said, nothing really notable, just cool 'cause I've been playing almost 3 years and never done POS crap until now.  Here's a screenshot!

    Fake edit: Yay onlining now! :D

    Congrats image  I had a blast staying in a WH for about 6 month, and yeah you got to have the POS. I rarely was in our actual WH though, I would wait each day and scan out the new connecting WH's. Some day's, with just a little scanning, you could go from empire, to L-Sec, to Null, to a L5 WH in just a few jumps LOL. I liked the Null Sec WH's the best, you could pop out deep in the middle of no where and no one would have a clue. Of course, most of the time it was just a few low-sec opening, but the possiblities are always there. One day a Merc corp came in a ran us off, but hey that's EVE.

  • sadeyxsadeyx Member UncommonPosts: 1,555


    Did something similar when apochrypha came out...  but honestly we all ended up getting bored of WSpace

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,107

    Just moved into a new wormhole and my corp encourages everyone to set up their own POS.  Anyone have a good guide they'd recommend on setting up and operating a POS. Its part of the game I never paid much attention to before and once again, time to learn something new.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

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    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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  • ComnitusComnitus Member Posts: 2,462

    "Corp Hangar - The Snugglebunny"?


    I think it'll be a while until I try any POS stuff, but it definitely seems interesting.


  • EricDanieEricDanie Member UncommonPosts: 2,238

    Congratulations, I'm still maxing a few combat skills before going into WH space (I'm playing as a lone wolf currently), that will be after the release of Tyrannis though, getting some passive incoming from WH space will probably be interesting :P

  • Rockgod99Rockgod99 Member Posts: 4,640


    I've played eve for close to two years now (on and off) and still have not even begun to do something like this or even touch most of the other indy stuff.

    Seriously Eve is going to keep me busy for years.


    Playing: Rift, LotRO
    Waiting on: GW2, BP

  • sadeyxsadeyx Member UncommonPosts: 1,555

    Originally posted by Rockgod99


    I've played eve for close to two years now (on and off) and still have not even begun to do something like this or even touch most of the other indy stuff.

    Seriously Eve is going to keep me busy for years.

    Not nessesarily! yes, eve will keep you going for years but , POS stuff is usually a joint corp activity part of a wider objective or plan and in fairness, its a fairly mundane activity that becomes more of a chore than an adventure.


    I had not done anything with this side of thing until I joined a corp and it was all done very quickly, but I was dis-iullusioned after a month

  • throckmortonthrockmorton Member Posts: 314

    Setting up a POS made me cry. Anchor - > online - > anchor - > online - > slit wrists

    I'm glad I only had to do it once.

    Here are some helpful links:

    MyPOS (EFT for POSs):

    A list of some POS builds:

  • StonedogStonedog Member UncommonPosts: 32

    just wait, moving it's even more  fun :)

  • x_rast_xx_rast_x Member Posts: 745

    Well, I finally found a suitable site and I'm setting up more permanently now.  Will need to bring my jump freighter out with the rest of my POS mods and a few months of fuel (and then do another trip to bring out ships and other supplies) but the hardest part is over, I think.

    I was kind of bitching earlier, "It took a week to find this damn place!".. but then I realized that's actually really cool compared to most MMOs, and the fact that accomplishments in EvE take time, real effort, and some planning and motivation aside from "Let's see what the NPCs/devs want me to do today!" is the reason I've been playing EvE for so long.

  • DreathorDreathor Member Posts: 537

    Every thread I read tempts me into subbing again.

    *twiddles thumbs*

    Congrats on the find and good luck with your POS!

    "If all you can say is... "It's awful, it's not innovative, it's ugly, it's blah.." Then you're an unimaginative and unpolished excuse for human life" -eburn

  • sadeyxsadeyx Member UncommonPosts: 1,555

    Originally posted by Dreathor

    Every thread I read tempts me into subbing again.

    *twiddles thumbs*

    Congrats on the find and good luck with your POS!


    well next expansion is may 14th or something, which means test server will have it a few weeks before, so Im guessing ill be getting ready to re-sub one of my accounts mid to late april.


    Tyrannis dev blogs are starting to trickle througfh xD

  • TyphadoTyphado Member Posts: 177

    aaahh, I remember setting up my first pos. A drug lab in amarr low sec only lasted a few weeks till I ran out of gas and took it down.


    Fuel runs are a bitch though =s. I really need to get a JF

    Into the breach meatbags

  • Rockgod99Rockgod99 Member Posts: 4,640

    Originally posted by sadeyx

    Originally posted by Rockgod99


    I've played eve for close to two years now (on and off) and still have not even begun to do something like this or even touch most of the other indy stuff.

    Seriously Eve is going to keep me busy for years.

    Not nessesarily! yes, eve will keep you going for years but , POS stuff is usually a joint corp activity part of a wider objective or plan and in fairness, its a fairly mundane activity that becomes more of a chore than an adventure.


    I had not done anything with this side of thing until I joined a corp and it was all done very quickly, but I was dis-iullusioned after a month

    It sounds cool to me. I've been in corps/alliances with POS i've just never gotten into the nuts and bolts of everything. mostly just a grunt thats pointed toward a Red and told to kill.

    Now that im more casual im starting to touch on new aspects of the game and im reading up on the indy stuff mroe and more.


    Playing: Rift, LotRO
    Waiting on: GW2, BP

  • sadeyxsadeyx Member UncommonPosts: 1,555

    Originally posted by Rockgod99

    Now that im more casual im starting to touch on new aspects of the game and im reading up on the indy stuff mroe and more.

    Yup, and with Tyrannis you'll have a lot more to play about with....  POS At at the moon, and factories on the planet of that moon :D

    I wonder if some of the stuff that comes out of PI will require POS factory slots... if so its win win for you

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