Artists impressions of hotels look nice too but I dont think my hotel would turn out like the impression
Lets wait and see how it looks and how it plays. Game bashing is generally something done by players who have very little experience of playing online games.
Earthrise is more Sci-Fi. Cool armor, cool weapons, better looking characters, better looking world, better graphics. Just look at these ( from ): I know they are small, but people that say this game look worse then Fallen Earth must be drunk. Only thing they have in common is the destroyed world. Look at the Earthrise pictures and then these:
I think Earthrise will have better combat, pvp, pve also. Thank you!
Is it just me or do those forest shots look as though those areas are on a rail, you can't venture from? To me it looks like a small path through a forest you can't explore. I could be wrong, but it looks that way.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I know they are small, but people that say this game look worse then Fallen Earth must be drunk. Only thing they have in common is the destroyed world.
Look at the Earthrise pictures and then these:
I think Earthrise will have better combat, pvp, pve also.
Thank you!
Is it just me or do those forest shots look as though those areas are on a rail, you can't venture from? To me it looks like a small path through a forest you can't explore. I could be wrong, but it looks that way.
It's not instanced. But yes some places you might not be able to explore.. like in normal life. But I'm sure you will have a lot to explore.
Played: From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
Thanks for the additional information in this thread. Im looking forwrd to Earthrise, and as a FE player, probable soon to be ex, earth-tone color palet is not the problem, but Im glad to see there is more visual diversity in color with Earthrise.
I know they are small, but people that say this game look worse then Fallen Earth must be drunk. Only thing they have in common is the destroyed world.
Look at the Earthrise pictures and then these:
I think Earthrise will have better combat, pvp, pve also.
Thank you!
I love Fallen Earth (gamers wise) as some might have noticed with the screenshots I keep adding in the photosection but will definitly admit Earthrise does look allot better in those screenshots. Hope the game delivers aswell in gameplay.
Originally posted by Scyris I kinda worry about Earthrise being a post-apoc mmorpg after how crappy and bland fallen earth was.
Crappy and bland? FE is one of very very few games that distinguished themselves from the crowd. Just as Eve Online they had to start from almost nothing. They *could* rise if they stay true to their origins and don't run for easy money by oversimplifying the game.
I kinda worry about Earthrise being a post-apoc mmorpg after how crappy and bland fallen earth was. This may sound silly but I am tired of post-apoc games being nothing but grey and browns for color pallette, it just looks lazy on the devs part. Going to start following the game again though, Earthrise that is, I kinda stoped following it once I read post-apoc mmorpg due to the others like it out there. I am personally looking for a good sci-fi mmorpg, and I am hoping this fits that spot. Eve Online was pretty boring and bland, fallen earth was just a all around terrible game. Anarchy Online is too.. old. Good game though.
To some up your post:
70% bashing games (interesting read *yawn*)
30% nonsense (I like post-apocalyptic games but only when they are cheerful and colorful)
Artists impressions of hotels look nice too but I dont think my hotel would turn out like the impression
Lets wait and see how it looks and how it plays. Game bashing is generally something done by players who have very little experience of playing online games.
Is it just me or do those forest shots look as though those areas are on a rail, you can't venture from? To me it looks like a small path through a forest you can't explore. I could be wrong, but it looks that way.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
It's not instanced. But yes some places you might not be able to explore.. like in normal life. But I'm sure you will have a lot to explore.
From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
Thanks for the additional information in this thread. Im looking forwrd to Earthrise, and as a FE player, probable soon to be ex, earth-tone color palet is not the problem, but Im glad to see there is more visual diversity in color with Earthrise.
I love Fallen Earth (gamers wise) as some might have noticed with the screenshots I keep adding in the photosection but will definitly admit Earthrise does look allot better in those screenshots. Hope the game delivers aswell in gameplay.
Crappy and bland? FE is one of very very few games that distinguished themselves from the crowd. Just as Eve Online they had to start from almost nothing. They *could* rise if they stay true to their origins and don't run for easy money by oversimplifying the game.
I love the screenshots ... but omg I hate the targeting video. I take comfort in thats is really old :-)
I hope the game shapes up into something good.
100% Trolling? *yawn*
EvE doors
See the best doors on EvE-on!
graphics is the last thing you need in a mmo game ...
Looking forward to this one. Sounds interesting
"I play Tera for the gameplay"