My only point about color palette was that a post apocalyptic setting needn't be restricted to a dull color palette. If the location requires a muted color palette, say on the moon, I'd expect all greys. Not all locations are the Sonoran desert. Just look at Chernobyl today.
Chernobyl and colorful? I might have missed something when I went with a friend of mine to Pripyat, which is an abandoned town nearby Chernobyl. It has tons of grey (concrete), brown (rust and earth and dirst), some green (plants) and every here and there a colorful spot (a flower).
What is it if not dull, grey and brown?
Not only was your point so well made it was hammered home, it also brought a van load of mates round as well, burnt the house down and kicked the dog to death.
My only point about color palette was that a post apocalyptic setting needn't be restricted to a dull color palette. If the location requires a muted color palette, say on the moon, I'd expect all greys. Not all locations are the Sonoran desert. Just look at Chernobyl today.
So, in an earlier post, you talk about how a palette consisting mostly of browns "isn't realistic"... and then go on to say it "needn't be restricted to a dull pallette" in this post. Have you ever seen the Grand Canyon, which is the area FE takes place in? In order for the area FE takes place in to be realistic it does, indeed, require a lot of browns. Because that's what the region looks like.
Looks like a lot of brown to me! And look... very few other colors!
The color scheme in FE, given the region it takes place in, and given that it's in the wake of both a virus and nuclear destruction, is quite "realistic". There are some forest areas, there is some green and other colors provided by local plant-life and such.
Your Chernobyl example and various screenshots completely miss the point... Chernobyl is not located in the middle of hundreds of square miles of *dry, desert climate*. The Grand Canyon, where FE takes place, is. I can't believe you're even trying to force your point with that.
Now, are you personally not happy with the color scheme in FE? If so, that's fine. You're entitled to your preferences. However, to try and tie your personal preference into some kind of debate about "what's realistic" when your own ideas are very *un*realistic for the area in question is, well... You're trying too hard.. let's put it that way.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
My only point about color palette was that a post apocalyptic setting needn't be restricted to a dull color palette. If the location requires a muted color palette, say on the moon, I'd expect all greys. Not all locations are the Sonoran desert. Just look at Chernobyl today.
So, in an earlier post, you talk about how a palette consisting mostly of browns isn't realistic... and then go on to say it "needn't be restricted to a dull pallette" in this post. Have you ever seen the Grand Canyon, which is the area FE takes place in? In order for the area FE takes place in to be realistic it does, indeed, require a lot of browns. Because that's what the region looks like.
Looks like a lot of brown to me! And look... very few other colors!
The color scheme in FE, given the region it takes place in, and given that it's in the wake of both a virus and nuclear destruction, is quite "realistic". There are some forest areas, there is some green and other colors provided by local plant-life and such.
Your Chernobyl example and various screenshots completely miss the point... Chernobyl is not located in the middle of hundreds of square miles of *dry, desert climate*. The Grand Canyon, where FE takes place, is. I can't believe you're even trying to force your point with that.
Now, are you personally not happy with the color scheme in FE? If so, that's fine. You're entitled to your preferences. However, to try and tie your personal preference into some kind of debate about "what's realistic" when your own ideas are very *un*realistic for the area in question is, well... You're trying too hard.. let's put it that way.
Ehh, well I think you're trying too hard... because you have missed my point by a mile. Or maybe I did not communicate my point clearly enough. (Edit: It seems that I did not communicate very well)
First, I never mentioned in an earlier post mostly browns is unrealistic for every situation. (It seems I first did, but I tried to clarify in a later post that if the setting required it, such as the sonora desert specifically, a muted color palette is just fine).. But sometimes post-apoc settings, such a chernobyl, or others that come to mind, don't have to always be so drab. There are plenty of scenarios where post-apoc can have color.
Also, my screens had nothing to do with FE in particular, just post-apoc in general, and in response specifically to the idea that chernobyl was always drab, which it is not. In fact I thought I had made the distinction between chernobyl and the sonora desert quite clear.
Lastly, I pointed out that you *can* make a desert with vibrant color, still using browns and reds, as Earthrise (the game we're actually talking about) has done so in their "boneyard" zone. I pointed this out because the OP seemed to have a concern that Earthrise was going to use a drab color palette, yet the screenshots clearly show otherwise, even in their "desert" zone.
This may or may not be your preference. It does seem to be the OPs. My preference actually is somewhere in the middle. I don't like my games to look like a comic, but neither do I like them to look like an old photograph.
So yeah, this is my only point. I do not believe all post-apoc videogames have to have a drab color scheme in order to be realistic.
I'd worry less about the color schemes and be more concerned about the fact the game is being developed by yet another under funded indie developer and the real question is can they deliver a full featured, well tested product to market in a reasonable time frame.
Few companies do, even the big houses, so its a relevant concern, unlike the color scheme.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
I'd worry less about the color schemes and be more concerned about the fact the game is being developed by yet another under funded indie developer and the real question is can they deliver a full featured, well tested product to market in a reasonable time frame. Few companies do, even the big houses, so its a relevant concern, unlike the color scheme.
Please do not say an under funded company as we simply do not know if that is true with Masthead Studios. Unlike other new indie companies Masthead Studios funding is private and is coming from an unknown source. For all we know this source could be a multi-billionaire. So when it comes to how much does Masthead Studios has we simply do not know. So please do not spread false information that is not true and you simply do not know what you are talking about.
I'd worry less about the color schemes and be more concerned about the fact the game is being developed by yet another under funded indie developer and the real question is can they deliver a full featured, well tested product to market in a reasonable time frame. Few companies do, even the big houses, so its a relevant concern, unlike the color scheme.
Please do not say an under funded company as we simply do not know if that is true with Masthead Studios. Unlike other new indie companies Masthead Studios funding is private and is coming from an unknown source. For all we know this source could be a multi-billionaire. So when it comes to how much does Masthead Studios has we simply do not know. So please do not spread false information that is not true and you simply do not know what you are talking about.
They're probably the only freakin' major game developer in Bulgaria. They must have some cash.
I kinda worry about Earthrise being a post-apoc mmorpg after how crappy and bland fallen earth was. This may sound silly but I am tired of post-apoc games being nothing but grey and browns for color pallette, it just looks lazy on the devs part. Going to start following the game again though,.
Fallen Earth is a great game.
What do you think a post apocalyptic game should be? all pretty buildings all perfectly clean with lots of vibrant colors? Looking like there was nob apocalypse? Do you want it to look like Wow or a nother childs game?
Seriously, five minutes spent looking at screenshots/videos will give you an accurate idea of Earthrise's scenery. It's post-apoc, but it's not: "Hey, we just had a nuclear World War III! What do we do now? Let's shoot each other in the face and fight over resources!" It's more like: "Hey, we just had a nuclear World War III and the only place to survive is this island called Entrana! Let's flee there, establish a government, become dissatisfied with that government, revolt, and create a rebel coalition plus a bunch of other splinter factions... with technology!" There's a great variety of zones. Urban centers, the Eastern Gardens which has an Asian theme, deserts, plant-filled domes, etc.
sort of sounds like blade runner in way. minus flee to island
This game look more like a better version of Anarchy Online. Sci-Fi game with both sand and great nature.
Fallen Earth... it is what it is... haha... well it's like the name so... and it have way worse graphics, combat etc then this game. Fallen Earth look worse and have bad animations then games waaaaaaay back. Even SWG look better and have much better animations.
Played: From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
This game look more like a better version of Anarchy Online. Sci-Fi game with both sand and great nature. Fallen Earth... it is what it is... haha... well it's like the name so... and it have way worse graphics, combat etc then this game. Fallen Earth look worse and have bad animations then games waaaaaaay back. Even SWG look better and have much better animations.
You've been in FE after graphic optimation? It now looks beautiful, with up-to-date graphics even! Check it out, try the 10 day trial.
Currently playing: Fallen Earth
Wants to play: Divergence, Earthrise, Final Fantasy XIV, Star Wars: The Old Republic and The Secret World
Have played these games: Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, Aion, Cabal Online, EverQuest II, Guild Wars, Guild Wars Factions, Guild Wars Nightfall, Hellgate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Runescape and World of Warcraft
Ehh, well I think you're trying too hard... because you have missed my point by a mile. Or maybe I did not communicate my point clearly enough. (Edit: It seems that I did not communicate very well)
First, I never mentioned in an earlier post mostly browns is unrealistic for every situation. (It seems I first did, but I tried to clarify in a later post that if the setting required it, such as the sonora desert specifically, a muted color palette is just fine).. But sometimes post-apoc settings, such a chernobyl, or others that come to mind, don't have to always be so drab. There are plenty of scenarios where post-apoc can have color.
Also, my screens had nothing to do with FE in particular, just post-apoc in general, and in response specifically to the idea that chernobyl was always drab, which it is not. In fact I thought I had made the distinction between chernobyl and the sonora desert quite clear.
Lastly, I pointed out that you *can* make a desert with vibrant color, still using browns and reds, as Earthrise (the game we're actually talking about) has done so in their "boneyard" zone. I pointed this out because the OP seemed to have a concern that Earthrise was going to use a drab color palette, yet the screenshots clearly show otherwise, even in their "desert" zone.
This may or may not be your preference. It does seem to be the OPs. My preference actually is somewhere in the middle. I don't like my games to look like a comic, but neither do I like them to look like an old photograph.
So yeah, this is my only point. I do not believe all post-apoc videogames have to have a drab color scheme in order to be realistic.
You're right it doesn't always have to be, but there's a good reason it is. Drab colors give way to a somber mood and atmosphere, that's what they are trying to portray. We have an emotional bond inside us that is brought out by different color saturation's. Bright colors bring on a comforting feeling, where dull dark colors bring a feeling of gloom. Which makes perfect sense to use them in a setting depicting end-times. A comforting feeling would be out of place in such an atmosphere.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I'd worry less about the color schemes and be more concerned about the fact the game is being developed by yet another under funded indie developer and the real question is can they deliver a full featured, well tested product to market in a reasonable time frame. Few companies do, even the big houses, so its a relevant concern, unlike the color scheme. of the few posters I follow...
Irony will always have a home among the rabble rousers....they won't understand you....but still funny from my seats here at the stadium.
It's better to lurk in forums and be thought a fool...than to endlessly "Quote" and remove all doubts.
A true post apocalyptic world would still have plenty of color. Maybe even some intense glowing colors depending. The overuse of brown and grey is unrealistic both in the real world and in videogames.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to Earthrise quite a bit. I just hope that it is polished and finished. Personally, I thought FE was a respectable effort by an indie studio. Hopefully Masthead has the funding and talent to get it right.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? Aside from it being a bit more red in areas, especially in the Sedona/Oak Creek area, the colors are pretty drab - and would be even moreso with dead trees.
Huge, huge expanses of the Sonoran desert - where I happen to live - are even more drab in color schemes than the most drab scene from Fallen Earth. Not only is is realistic, it captured the look of my home state perfectly.
There is a big would out there other then grand Canyon you know? and FE takes place 100 years after the fall so please don't tell me there is not enough color left in world.
Stop bashing those who can imagine a more colorful post -apoc world. Its not something we have experinced ourselves to be so sure how exactly a world will look 100 of years in future after apocalypse.
Look, there is simply no reason a post-apoc world should be brown and grey except that some games paint it that way. A post-apoc world would be just as colorful as ours, once any nuclear winter was over. For proof, go look at pictures of the Chernobyl area as it is today. It's green and full of wildlife.
A true post apocalyptic world would still have plenty of color. Maybe even some intense glowing colors depending. The overuse of brown and grey is unrealistic both in the real world and in videogames.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to Earthrise quite a bit. I just hope that it is polished and finished. Personally, I thought FE was a respectable effort by an indie studio. Hopefully Masthead has the funding and talent to get it right.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? Aside from it being a bit more red in areas, especially in the Sedona/Oak Creek area, the colors are pretty drab - and would be even moreso with dead trees.
Huge, huge expanses of the Sonoran desert - where I happen to live - are even more drab in color schemes than the most drab scene from Fallen Earth. Not only is is realistic, it captured the look of my home state perfectly.
There is a big would out there other then grand Canyon you know? and FE takes place 100 years after the fall so please don't tell me there is not enough color left in world.
Stop bashing those who can imagine a more colorful post -apoc world. Its not something we have experinced ourselves to be so sure how exactly a world will look 100 of years in future after apocalypse.
The point is that many of us have experienced the actual region depicted in FE. It looks like FE depicted it. I could imagine it more colorful but that would be fantasy. FE did it just right.
I have no problem with Earthrise being colorful. They can open up the bloom and look as pretty as they want. It is a sci-fi game depicting a totally fictional place which might be very colorful indeed. I look forward to exploring the world of Earthrise. But it is not a post-apocolyptic game in the same sense that FE is.
A true post apocalyptic world would still have plenty of color. Maybe even some intense glowing colors depending. The overuse of brown and grey is unrealistic both in the real world and in videogames.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to Earthrise quite a bit. I just hope that it is polished and finished. Personally, I thought FE was a respectable effort by an indie studio. Hopefully Masthead has the funding and talent to get it right.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? Aside from it being a bit more red in areas, especially in the Sedona/Oak Creek area, the colors are pretty drab - and would be even moreso with dead trees.
Huge, huge expanses of the Sonoran desert - where I happen to live - are even more drab in color schemes than the most drab scene from Fallen Earth. Not only is is realistic, it captured the look of my home state perfectly.
There is a big would out there other then grand Canyon you know? and FE takes place 100 years after the fall so please don't tell me there is not enough color left in world.
Stop bashing those who can imagine a more colorful post -apoc world. Its not something we have experinced ourselves to be so sure how exactly a world will look 100 of years in future after apocalypse.
The point is that many of us have experienced the actual region depicted in FE. It looks like FE depicted it. I could imagine it more colorful but that would be fantasy. FE did it just right.
I have no problem with Earthrise being colorful. They can open up the bloom and look as pretty as they want. It is a sci-fi game depicting a totally fictional place which might be very colorful indeed. I look forward to exploring the world of Earthrise. But it is not a post-apocolyptic game in the same sense that FE is.
Why does colorful automatically make it fantasy?
Fictional in the sense that it takes place on a fictional island however it still takes place here on Earth. It is still a post-apocalyptic game however unlike FE the world was much more advanced at the time of the apocalypse. Also it is said in the lore that the rest of the world is gone and nothing but irradiated wasteland and that this island was the only one to survive the radiation. Also there will be sections of the island that will be radiated due to continoma doing. There will be desert and there will be a place called the hatchery which looks like how places look after a fire just swept through it. There is going to be some black. brown and grey. They are just adding more colors such as red, yellow and some green which are desert colors to the desolate areas.
Really this whole a post-apocalyptic color scheme has to look like this convention has to stop cause it is simply not true at all.
Also, Earthrise's apocalypse wasn't entirely due to nuclear weapons. There were also other types like nanite and seismic weapons that wouldn't have the same fallout effects.
i think what will set earthrise away from fallen earth is the setting and background story. i do love the look of earthrise so far and i did like fallen earth as well. the major thing i am worried about is crafting i mean i don't mind it but balance it out. i know in fallen earth it is crafting roughly 80% of the time which gets old after a while that is my only worry.
Look, there is simply no reason a post-apoc world should be brown and grey except that some games paint it that way. A post-apoc world would be just as colorful as ours, once any nuclear winter was over. For proof, go look at pictures of the Chernobyl area as it is today. It's green and full of wildlife.
Surely that depends on the nature of the apocolypse? By definition it is total devistation whether that is meteorite, nuclear, or even biological (FE). Chernobyl whilst certainly a disaster, was hardly an apocalypse. FE is bleak because it is set in the Grand Canyon not because of the disaster (the Shiva virus). I have always thought that in an expansions pockets of humanity will be discovered living in green and verdant lands.
Maybe one of the colourful cutsey Asian games might be a better option for the OP, you know the ones where they have mutated with huge eyes and things almost glow with over saturated colours. hehehe
Even if the apocalypse was caused by nuclear war... the world would look essentially the same as it did before within a year. There are trees and grass in hiroshima and nagasaki.
Also, according to some the earth suffered a cataclysmic event billions of years ago that killed off the dinosaurs, and it still looks just fine.
ok i know it's just some Info and depth about the game that we even haven't tried yet, i too played FE for around a months, but i dont see Earthrise being the same at all with FE
I know they are small, but people that say this game look worse then Fallen Earth must be drunk. Only thing they have in common is the destroyed world.
Look at the Earthrise pictures and then these:
I think Earthrise will have better combat, pvp, pve also.
IDK, try not going in winter?
Chernobyl and colorful? I might have missed something when I went with a friend of mine to Pripyat, which is an abandoned town nearby Chernobyl. It has tons of grey (concrete), brown (rust and earth and dirst), some green (plants) and every here and there a colorful spot (a flower).
What is it if not dull, grey and brown?
Not only was your point so well made it was hammered home, it also brought a van load of mates round as well, burnt the house down and kicked the dog to death.
Kicked the dog indeed:
So, in an earlier post, you talk about how a palette consisting mostly of browns "isn't realistic"... and then go on to say it "needn't be restricted to a dull pallette" in this post. Have you ever seen the Grand Canyon, which is the area FE takes place in? In order for the area FE takes place in to be realistic it does, indeed, require a lot of browns. Because that's what the region looks like.
Quick Google search provides these examples:
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Looks like a lot of brown to me! And look... very few other colors!
The color scheme in FE, given the region it takes place in, and given that it's in the wake of both a virus and nuclear destruction, is quite "realistic". There are some forest areas, there is some green and other colors provided by local plant-life and such.
Your Chernobyl example and various screenshots completely miss the point... Chernobyl is not located in the middle of hundreds of square miles of *dry, desert climate*. The Grand Canyon, where FE takes place, is. I can't believe you're even trying to force your point with that.
Now, are you personally not happy with the color scheme in FE? If so, that's fine. You're entitled to your preferences. However, to try and tie your personal preference into some kind of debate about "what's realistic" when your own ideas are very *un*realistic for the area in question is, well... You're trying too hard.. let's put it that way.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
So, in an earlier post, you talk about how a palette consisting mostly of browns isn't realistic... and then go on to say it "needn't be restricted to a dull pallette" in this post. Have you ever seen the Grand Canyon, which is the area FE takes place in? In order for the area FE takes place in to be realistic it does, indeed, require a lot of browns. Because that's what the region looks like.
Quick Google search provides these examples:
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Looks like a lot of brown to me! And look... very few other colors!
The color scheme in FE, given the region it takes place in, and given that it's in the wake of both a virus and nuclear destruction, is quite "realistic". There are some forest areas, there is some green and other colors provided by local plant-life and such.
Your Chernobyl example and various screenshots completely miss the point... Chernobyl is not located in the middle of hundreds of square miles of *dry, desert climate*. The Grand Canyon, where FE takes place, is. I can't believe you're even trying to force your point with that.
Now, are you personally not happy with the color scheme in FE? If so, that's fine. You're entitled to your preferences. However, to try and tie your personal preference into some kind of debate about "what's realistic" when your own ideas are very *un*realistic for the area in question is, well... You're trying too hard.. let's put it that way.
Ehh, well I think you're trying too hard... because you have missed my point by a mile. Or maybe I did not communicate my point clearly enough. (Edit: It seems that I did not communicate very well)
First, I never mentioned in an earlier post mostly browns is unrealistic for every situation. (It seems I first did, but I tried to clarify in a later post that if the setting required it, such as the sonora desert specifically, a muted color palette is just fine).. But sometimes post-apoc settings, such a chernobyl, or others that come to mind, don't have to always be so drab. There are plenty of scenarios where post-apoc can have color.
Also, my screens had nothing to do with FE in particular, just post-apoc in general, and in response specifically to the idea that chernobyl was always drab, which it is not. In fact I thought I had made the distinction between chernobyl and the sonora desert quite clear.
Lastly, I pointed out that you *can* make a desert with vibrant color, still using browns and reds, as Earthrise (the game we're actually talking about) has done so in their "boneyard" zone. I pointed this out because the OP seemed to have a concern that Earthrise was going to use a drab color palette, yet the screenshots clearly show otherwise, even in their "desert" zone.
This may or may not be your preference. It does seem to be the OPs. My preference actually is somewhere in the middle. I don't like my games to look like a comic, but neither do I like them to look like an old photograph.
So yeah, this is my only point. I do not believe all post-apoc videogames have to have a drab color scheme in order to be realistic.
Can we simply forget about colour-schemes?
It's allready proven by looking at thes screenshots of Earthrise, that it won't be all brown and grey but very colourful instead.
I think Earthrise will be something between EvE Online and Tabula Rasa, if we take all the information available.
I'd worry less about the color schemes and be more concerned about the fact the game is being developed by yet another under funded indie developer and the real question is can they deliver a full featured, well tested product to market in a reasonable time frame.
Few companies do, even the big houses, so its a relevant concern, unlike the color scheme.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Please do not say an under funded company as we simply do not know if that is true with Masthead Studios. Unlike other new indie companies Masthead Studios funding is private and is coming from an unknown source. For all we know this source could be a multi-billionaire. So when it comes to how much does Masthead Studios has we simply do not know. So please do not spread false information that is not true and you simply do not know what you are talking about.
Please do not say an under funded company as we simply do not know if that is true with Masthead Studios. Unlike other new indie companies Masthead Studios funding is private and is coming from an unknown source. For all we know this source could be a multi-billionaire. So when it comes to how much does Masthead Studios has we simply do not know. So please do not spread false information that is not true and you simply do not know what you are talking about.
They're probably the only freakin' major game developer in Bulgaria. They must have some cash.
Fallen Earth is a great game.
What do you think a post apocalyptic game should be? all pretty buildings all perfectly clean with lots of vibrant colors? Looking like there was nob apocalypse? Do you want it to look like Wow or a nother childs game?
sort of sounds like blade runner in way. minus flee to island
This game look more like a better version of Anarchy Online. Sci-Fi game with both sand and great nature.
Fallen Earth... it is what it is... haha... well it's like the name so... and it have way worse graphics, combat etc then this game. Fallen Earth look worse and have bad animations then games waaaaaaay back. Even SWG look better and have much better animations.
From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
You've been in FE after graphic optimation? It now looks beautiful, with up-to-date graphics even! Check it out, try the 10 day trial.
Currently playing: Fallen Earth
Wants to play: Divergence, Earthrise, Final Fantasy XIV, Star Wars: The Old Republic and The Secret World
Have played these games: Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, Aion, Cabal Online, EverQuest II, Guild Wars, Guild Wars Factions, Guild Wars Nightfall, Hellgate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Runescape and World of Warcraft
Ehh, well I think you're trying too hard... because you have missed my point by a mile. Or maybe I did not communicate my point clearly enough. (Edit: It seems that I did not communicate very well)
First, I never mentioned in an earlier post mostly browns is unrealistic for every situation. (It seems I first did, but I tried to clarify in a later post that if the setting required it, such as the sonora desert specifically, a muted color palette is just fine).. But sometimes post-apoc settings, such a chernobyl, or others that come to mind, don't have to always be so drab. There are plenty of scenarios where post-apoc can have color.
Also, my screens had nothing to do with FE in particular, just post-apoc in general, and in response specifically to the idea that chernobyl was always drab, which it is not. In fact I thought I had made the distinction between chernobyl and the sonora desert quite clear.
Lastly, I pointed out that you *can* make a desert with vibrant color, still using browns and reds, as Earthrise (the game we're actually talking about) has done so in their "boneyard" zone. I pointed this out because the OP seemed to have a concern that Earthrise was going to use a drab color palette, yet the screenshots clearly show otherwise, even in their "desert" zone.
This may or may not be your preference. It does seem to be the OPs. My preference actually is somewhere in the middle. I don't like my games to look like a comic, but neither do I like them to look like an old photograph.
So yeah, this is my only point. I do not believe all post-apoc videogames have to have a drab color scheme in order to be realistic.
You're right it doesn't always have to be, but there's a good reason it is. Drab colors give way to a somber mood and atmosphere, that's what they are trying to portray. We have an emotional bond inside us that is brought out by different color saturation's. Bright colors bring on a comforting feeling, where dull dark colors bring a feeling of gloom. Which makes perfect sense to use them in a setting depicting end-times. A comforting feeling would be out of place in such an atmosphere.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson of the few posters I follow...
Irony will always have a home among the rabble rousers....they won't understand you....but still funny from my seats here at the stadium.
It's better to lurk in forums and be thought a fool...than to endlessly "Quote" and remove all doubts.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? Aside from it being a bit more red in areas, especially in the Sedona/Oak Creek area, the colors are pretty drab - and would be even moreso with dead trees.
Huge, huge expanses of the Sonoran desert - where I happen to live - are even more drab in color schemes than the most drab scene from Fallen Earth. Not only is is realistic, it captured the look of my home state perfectly.
There is a big would out there other then grand Canyon you know? and FE takes place 100 years after the fall so please don't tell me there is not enough color left in world.
Stop bashing those who can imagine a more colorful post -apoc world. Its not something we have experinced ourselves to be so sure how exactly a world will look 100 of years in future after apocalypse.
Look, there is simply no reason a post-apoc world should be brown and grey except that some games paint it that way. A post-apoc world would be just as colorful as ours, once any nuclear winter was over. For proof, go look at pictures of the Chernobyl area as it is today. It's green and full of wildlife.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? Aside from it being a bit more red in areas, especially in the Sedona/Oak Creek area, the colors are pretty drab - and would be even moreso with dead trees.
Huge, huge expanses of the Sonoran desert - where I happen to live - are even more drab in color schemes than the most drab scene from Fallen Earth. Not only is is realistic, it captured the look of my home state perfectly.
There is a big would out there other then grand Canyon you know? and FE takes place 100 years after the fall so please don't tell me there is not enough color left in world.
Stop bashing those who can imagine a more colorful post -apoc world. Its not something we have experinced ourselves to be so sure how exactly a world will look 100 of years in future after apocalypse.
The point is that many of us have experienced the actual region depicted in FE. It looks like FE depicted it. I could imagine it more colorful but that would be fantasy. FE did it just right.
I have no problem with Earthrise being colorful. They can open up the bloom and look as pretty as they want. It is a sci-fi game depicting a totally fictional place which might be very colorful indeed. I look forward to exploring the world of Earthrise. But it is not a post-apocolyptic game in the same sense that FE is.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? Aside from it being a bit more red in areas, especially in the Sedona/Oak Creek area, the colors are pretty drab - and would be even moreso with dead trees.
Huge, huge expanses of the Sonoran desert - where I happen to live - are even more drab in color schemes than the most drab scene from Fallen Earth. Not only is is realistic, it captured the look of my home state perfectly.
There is a big would out there other then grand Canyon you know? and FE takes place 100 years after the fall so please don't tell me there is not enough color left in world.
Stop bashing those who can imagine a more colorful post -apoc world. Its not something we have experinced ourselves to be so sure how exactly a world will look 100 of years in future after apocalypse.
The point is that many of us have experienced the actual region depicted in FE. It looks like FE depicted it. I could imagine it more colorful but that would be fantasy. FE did it just right.
I have no problem with Earthrise being colorful. They can open up the bloom and look as pretty as they want. It is a sci-fi game depicting a totally fictional place which might be very colorful indeed. I look forward to exploring the world of Earthrise. But it is not a post-apocolyptic game in the same sense that FE is.
Why does colorful automatically make it fantasy?
Fictional in the sense that it takes place on a fictional island however it still takes place here on Earth. It is still a post-apocalyptic game however unlike FE the world was much more advanced at the time of the apocalypse. Also it is said in the lore that the rest of the world is gone and nothing but irradiated wasteland and that this island was the only one to survive the radiation. Also there will be sections of the island that will be radiated due to continoma doing. There will be desert and there will be a place called the hatchery which looks like how places look after a fire just swept through it. There is going to be some black. brown and grey. They are just adding more colors such as red, yellow and some green which are desert colors to the desolate areas.
Really this whole a post-apocalyptic color scheme has to look like this convention has to stop cause it is simply not true at all.
Fallen Earth = some years after the apocalypse in the region of the Grand Canyon = brown and grey
Earthrise = 2-300 years after the apocalypse on a pacific island = all clours you'd expect to see on a tropical island
Make yourself free of the mindset, that the whole world will be all brown and grey after the apocalypse... it won't.
If anything, it'll be all grey and frozen (white/blue) due to the nuclear winter and temperatures dropping rapidly because of the lack of sunlight.
Also, Earthrise's apocalypse wasn't entirely due to nuclear weapons. There were also other types like nanite and seismic weapons that wouldn't have the same fallout effects.
i think what will set earthrise away from fallen earth is the setting and background story. i do love the look of earthrise so far and i did like fallen earth as well. the major thing i am worried about is crafting i mean i don't mind it but balance it out. i know in fallen earth it is crafting roughly 80% of the time which gets old after a while that is my only worry.
Surely that depends on the nature of the apocolypse? By definition it is total devistation whether that is meteorite, nuclear, or even biological (FE). Chernobyl whilst certainly a disaster, was hardly an apocalypse. FE is bleak because it is set in the Grand Canyon not because of the disaster (the Shiva virus). I have always thought that in an expansions pockets of humanity will be discovered living in green and verdant lands.
Maybe one of the colourful cutsey Asian games might be a better option for the OP, you know the ones where they have mutated with huge eyes and things almost glow with over saturated colours.
Even if the apocalypse was caused by nuclear war... the world would look essentially the same as it did before within a year. There are trees and grass in hiroshima and nagasaki.
Also, according to some the earth suffered a cataclysmic event billions of years ago that killed off the dinosaurs, and it still looks just fine.
to OP:
i suggest you to read this before further worrying
ok i know it's just some Info and depth about the game that we even haven't tried yet, i too played FE for around a months, but i dont see Earthrise being the same at all with FE
So What Now?
Earthrise is more Sci-Fi. Cool armor, cool weapons, better looking characters, better looking world, better graphics.
Just look at these ( from ):
I know they are small, but people that say this game look worse then Fallen Earth must be drunk. Only thing they have in common is the destroyed world.
Look at the Earthrise pictures and then these:
I think Earthrise will have better combat, pvp, pve also.
Thank you!
[Earthrise ss in my profile][Coming out Q2 2010]