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No End Game Content in STO



  • blondehblondeh Member UncommonPosts: 540


    MMO's have truly lost thier direction. And why are people so botherd about hiting this so called "endgame" and "completing" the game? I thought mmo's were all about the social interatcion between people residing in a virtual world.  I guess alot of mmo's that release nowadays arnt like the old "virtual worlds" we experianced in earlier games, but still. Stop playing these games like their Counter-Strike or Call of Duty or whatever.

    If I could choose between completing a raid in WoW and obtaining a shiny sword or reliving the old playerbase battles in SWG (pre-cu) complete with all the drama, fueds, adrenaline rush, banter and rivialrys, I know which I would personally choose.

    Ah well. As an mmo fan I'll give STO a whirl.  My shelf is full of mmo boxes gathering dust, possibly adding another wont really hurt. Hopefully STO it will fill some spare time and keep me entertained until SWTOR is released. I aint fussed about "ENDGAME" anyway.


  • RydesonRydeson Member UncommonPosts: 3,852
    Originally posted by Maverz290

    Originally posted by Rydeson

    What end game content are you talking about?   Really?   Especially with the way the 'loot" is given out to the highest dps'er.. I can see it now..  New End Game 45 level Fleet encounter.. Borg cube with uber shield..  20 ships attack the boss cube.. The ONLY ships that are going to roll for the loot will 99% be escorts since they do the highest dps on average..  The cruisers and science get no chance, even tho they were there to help with damage mitigation to keep escorts alive.. LOL
    Before you even get to end game.. Cryptic needs to address their insanely stupid mechanics of loot distribution in a group (fleet) setting first.... LOL 
    Personally.. I think the statements of  "we are adding end game soon" is nothing more then a carrot to keep ya'll interested until they figure out what to do.. C'mon already, they took 5 levels OFF the max from 50 to 45 because they didn't complete that part of the game, and you think that end game is done and waiting to be loaded?  Any end game you see now, was probably pulled out of their backside within the last couple weeks, and I'm sure it will be followed with a "Yes, it's not the complete end game because we just wanted to give more people an opportunity to achieve admiral status, and more will come later" carrot on a stick..


    Thats rubbish mate. Myself and others fought Neg Vhars, or whatever there called. Big ships anyway. The loot drop and allocating seemed to be random as I fought one for ages, did alot of damage as a cruiser. I can match his damage by the way, but he fires no shots on the target, and gets the loot.

    So your theory isn't true. As for starbse 24 etc, I think thats more true. It's as many enemies you engage, ships you heal, and ships you destroy. Loot allocation is random though. I can say that with 99% certainty. Just as I think I see a pattern, I'm proved wrong. Not bashing you or anything, you sound like you think you've been given the short end of the stick in the loot, but your theory just isn't true. Otherwise, myself as a cruiser wouldn't be getting loot over the escorts in the fleet. Neither would the science ships, who do get the loot aswell.


    that is FACT mate :).. it has been addressed and debated on pages and pages on the STO forums.. Go have a read, then come back and apologize..

    PS.. apology not accepted :)

  • RydesonRydeson Member UncommonPosts: 3,852

    agreed blonde

    Personally I hate end game raid grinding..  I don't mind MMO's that have some "raid" type boss encounters for those that are into that, however I enjoy more of the PvP and PvE battles where medium and large numbers can get involved without the need of "raid" drop loot to compete..  Give me more of a sandbox end game, not a linear raid chase..

  • BinkoBinko Member Posts: 267

    Rule nr 1 in MMORPG.) Do NOT rush it like a singel player games. No MMORPG have an end. Thats the thing with MMORPG, you get more and more and more and more and more until someone screw it up and then pull the plug... or they keep it alive to suck money from players that are real fanbois and can't leave it even if the population is very low and the game is fucked for all time.

    Good luck!

    From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.

  • RydesonRydeson Member UncommonPosts: 3,852
    Originally posted by Binko

    Rule nr 1 in MMORPG.) Do NOT rush it like a singel player games. No MMORPG have an end. Thats the thing with MMORPG, you get more and more and more and more and more until someone screw it up and then pull the plug... or they keep it alive to suck money from players that are real fanbois and can't leave it even if the population is very low and the game is fucked for all time.
    Good luck!


    The biggest problem tho I see, is that even 3rd party reviews and by the lips of JACK himself has said the average player will reach max level in 80 hours.....  80 HOURS?   Even Jack E. admits to this and yet had no content in the game knowing how quickly 80 hours of gameplay will be reached..   Really now, with it being a week since the head start, 80 hours is very reachable..   There is absolutely no excuse for no end game..

  • Maverz290Maverz290 Member Posts: 447
    Originally posted by Rydeson

    Originally posted by Maverz290

    Originally posted by Rydeson

    What end game content are you talking about?   Really?   Especially with the way the 'loot" is given out to the highest dps'er.. I can see it now..  New End Game 45 level Fleet encounter.. Borg cube with uber shield..  20 ships attack the boss cube.. The ONLY ships that are going to roll for the loot will 99% be escorts since they do the highest dps on average..  The cruisers and science get no chance, even tho they were there to help with damage mitigation to keep escorts alive.. LOL
    Before you even get to end game.. Cryptic needs to address their insanely stupid mechanics of loot distribution in a group (fleet) setting first.... LOL 
    Personally.. I think the statements of  "we are adding end game soon" is nothing more then a carrot to keep ya'll interested until they figure out what to do.. C'mon already, they took 5 levels OFF the max from 50 to 45 because they didn't complete that part of the game, and you think that end game is done and waiting to be loaded?  Any end game you see now, was probably pulled out of their backside within the last couple weeks, and I'm sure it will be followed with a "Yes, it's not the complete end game because we just wanted to give more people an opportunity to achieve admiral status, and more will come later" carrot on a stick..


    Thats rubbish mate. Myself and others fought Neg Vhars, or whatever there called. Big ships anyway. The loot drop and allocating seemed to be random as I fought one for ages, did alot of damage as a cruiser. I can match his damage by the way, but he fires no shots on the target, and gets the loot.

    So your theory isn't true. As for starbse 24 etc, I think thats more true. It's as many enemies you engage, ships you heal, and ships you destroy. Loot allocation is random though. I can say that with 99% certainty. Just as I think I see a pattern, I'm proved wrong. Not bashing you or anything, you sound like you think you've been given the short end of the stick in the loot, but your theory just isn't true. Otherwise, myself as a cruiser wouldn't be getting loot over the escorts in the fleet. Neither would the science ships, who do get the loot aswell.


    that is FACT mate :).. it has been addressed and debated on pages and pages on the STO forums.. Go have a read, then come back and apologize..

    PS.. apology not accepted :)


     Why would I apologise? I haven't offended you, hopefully anyway, otherwise I'd be worried for your sake.

     The fact of the matter is, if ships in a fleet are getting loot from ships that they didn't even TOUCH with their weapons, then the idea you presented and LOL'd to the high heavens, is impossible. Unless the game is so royally screwed that it can't make up which system it wants to follow, random, or damage based. Which,.... I wouldn't rule out ....god knows the game has alot more problems than loot allocation.

    Longing for Skyrim, The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662

    People power leveling? lol it takes you 100 hours to reach cap cryptic said so.

    You can reach cap in a week then no end game? I know this game and even CO was rushed up just to earn some quick bucks but they could of made something to do at cap no?

  • RuinalRuinal Member Posts: 195

    About loot drops, if you are solo and 'tag' an npc first you'll get the loot. If you are teamed, the team leader has options to set how the loot is distributed, be it round-robin or random.

    For me, end-game means factional warfare (pvp) and big badass raids. While some is coming apparently, both are missing in any meaningful way right now. Once the pve raiding gets patched in, then we can call foul or not.

    Imo, people grinding to the max level are likely the gold farmers. Loot drop get progressively more valuable the higher level stuff you take on and this'll be how they can even offer 100s thousands of energy for sale already.

  • Maverz290Maverz290 Member Posts: 447
    Originally posted by Ruinal

    About loot drops, if you are solo and 'tag' an npc first you'll get the loot. If you are teamed, the team leader has options to set how the loot is distributed, be it round-robin or random.
    For me, end-game means factional warfare (pvp) and big badass raids. While some is coming apparently, both are missing in any meaningful way right now. Once the pve raiding gets patched in, then we can call foul or not.
    Imo, people grinding to the max level are likely the gold farmers. Loot drop get progressively more valuable the higher level stuff you take on and this'll be how they can even offer 100s thousands of energy for sale already.


    Thankyou for clearing things up on the loot system. It explains alot.

    Longing for Skyrim, The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3

  • SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167

    The problem I've discovered is that it's too easy and too quick to level. I'm casual, a couple of hours per day since headstart, and I'm already level 20 - that's nearly mid way after a week. I'm normally a slow level with my first toon as I want to experience the content but the problem with STO is the content is too repetitive to make you actually want to savour it, you just want to do it so you can get to you next tier ship. So, it looks like I may get a couple of months gameplay - Fed to 45 then Klink to 45 and then I'll be looking for something new again.

    As for loot distribution, it does seem random. I have a science ships so I'm not doing as much damage and the loot seems random as I've had both blue and grey loot.

  • nate1980nate1980 Member UncommonPosts: 2,075
    Originally posted by Gyrus

    For those of you saying that you should not power level...
    One of the reccurring themes on this site is "everyone likes to play differently".
    Well, okay.  I am definitely not a power leveler myself but I don't begrudge those that are.
    In any case, that's not the point.
    This is supposed to be an MMO?  That implies not just levelling - but something to do when you get there?

    Yeah they are going to 'unlock' the endgame content next week... right... let's hope they have finished it by then?
    This screams 'unfinished game'!
    Are people levelling faster than Cryptic thought?  Maybe... in which case they learnt nothing from Champions Online.
    And based on the Champions Online response to this... expect a massive nerf next patch.


    Everyone does like to play differently, but not everyone should be catered to by the developers. It's a persons choice to play the way they want, but don't come whining when you run out of content due to your unhealthy and obsessive playstyle. People may play differently, but there's a right and wrong way to play. The right way to play STO, it seems, is to play casually in 1 hour chunks (for the episodes). As for games in general, I believe in the journey being more important than the destination. I also disagree and oppose those who think the journey doesn't start until level cap. I firmly believe that those who think and play this way, are not good for the community, not good for our culture in real life, thus don't offer anything of worth for me to appreciate or respect their way of playing. You can disagree with me, curse at me, insult me, but that won't change the way I think or what's right. People rushing to level cap are playing wrong, someone has to say it, and I honestly don't give a shit if they're complaining now. I'm not impressed with their obsessive personalities, their lack of a meaningful real life, which are both a given if they're already reaching level cap. So their accomplishments are nothing to me, and likely nothing to most gamers. People like that are the same people that give gamers a bad name. Their the people on these talk shows that neglect their wives, children, and school. Their the unhealthy looking people on youtube throwing keyboards, computers, and nerdraging when things don't go their way. Their the people some healthy social people make fun of in real life, because they walk around without their hair brushed, they smell, wear dirty clothes, and have odd behavior and social skills.

    Yeah, I'll get crucified on this website for saying such things, since this is like their homebase, but it's true.

  • tyyryktyyryk Member Posts: 14
    Originally posted by Guillermo197

    Originally posted by Rydeson


    They already unleashed their Carrot, by stating that the first big content patch is coming in 45 days.

    It makes me laugh of anyone that believes in this crap still, as it's the exact same 45 day trick Cryptic used with Champions Online to lure people into subscribing for another month.


    Cryptic has brought out the worst in a 'gaming' company. Basically using the gamerbase to turn a quick profit by putting out garbage before enough word gets out. From the lifetime subscription offer during open beta to player races and shit costing RL cash in their online store to a 45 day patch to try to lure people into subscribing; these people are snake oil salesmen...


    They need to be run out of town (or the internet in this case) by a mob with burning toches and pitchforks (or burning copies of CO and STO on pitchforks...).


    Greedy greedy Cryptic.

    Remember that they knew what they were getting into when they took over the license from Perpetual Worlds, and how much they scrapped from that.

  • Maverz290Maverz290 Member Posts: 447

    I have to say, as a business, they've succeeded, but in the long term, they've effected future products chances by blowing up on the micro transactions and crap like that. Again, as a business, yeah they can drink champaign this month, financial success.

    Longing for Skyrim, The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3

  • RydesonRydeson Member UncommonPosts: 3,852

    As a wise proverb says, "A fool and his money are soon parted".

    It is that which keeps certain companies in business.. 

  • Rockgod99Rockgod99 Member Posts: 4,640
    Originally posted by mackdawg19

    Do people even play games for fun anymore? I remember the days when me and my friends used to make up our own content in EQ. Guess that's just to hard for people to do these days...


    It is.

    These arent games for fun anymore.

    These players are way too competitive and try to out do one another on many fronts of a particular game.

    They forgo fun for the thrill of personal victory even if that means totally missing the point of the actual game.

    Oh well, All we could do is keep playing games our way huh? Let them ruin it for themselves I still consider these games fun to play and not just some task that i need to complete asap.





    Playing: Rift, LotRO
    Waiting on: GW2, BP

  • sadeyxsadeyx Member UncommonPosts: 1,555

    Hitting Max level in a few days is quite good for Cryptic, lol - I think people did it on the first day in CO

    And I absoloutly refuse to agree that MMO's release with "no end game"...  thats just an awfull idea that Dev's should never hear players saying!


    If you can hit max level in a week, or even in a month, then End game content should be there, theres just no excuse.

  • jaxsundanejaxsundane Member Posts: 2,776
    Originally posted by tyyryk

    Read for yourself:, up to 61 pages in one day.
    Apparently players are hitting level cap already, Cryptic was unaware (come on guys, have you not been following mmo news and know these guys just live for the rush) and there is much back and forth.
    Hilarity ensues....


    I take it your point is that Cryptic is somehow at fault because they rushed through til the end of the game in less than a week?  I don't go out of my way to fault players who do this but I sure don't feel sorry for someone whining that he has nothing left to do in game and while I'm sure Cryptic is going to try to keep up with the Jones' and give these guys more content I could care less if it took months and those types of players moved on.

    And another thought on the topic let's bring the drama down a bit, if I knew nothing about mmo's I would assume that once these people reached max level they were forced to stand around in an empty space with nothing to do.  When the truth is they don't have more new content to burn through.  These types of players will obviously be unsatisfied with any mmo ever made that doesn't have unlimited levelling because there are things again for them to do they just see no reason to do these things I guess as long as they are not "climbing".

    And to the people claiming that no game releases with end game content I beg to differ many games release with very light end game some games have even released with everything absent after the tutorial so I just challenge the sentiment that Cryptic is the first or last company to not have accesible end game content at launch.

    No matter what I can't express enough how unsympathetic I am towards anyone who has rushed through to this point and turn around now to complain.

    but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....

  • taus01taus01 Member Posts: 1,352
    Originally posted by Warjin

    Originally posted by tyyryk

    Read for yourself:, up to 61 pages in one day.
    Apparently players are hitting level cap already, Cryptic was unaware (come on guys, have you not been following mmo news and know these guys just live for the rush) and there is much back and forth.
    Hilarity ensues....

    Lol here we go again, Look NO MMO starts of with end game content as MMO are progressed games with a unfolding story.

    So If people want to rush to the end only to find that they have nothing ot do well It's there own dam fault for having to Rush IMO, I never played STO but played many MMO and hear the same old story "No EnD GaMe, Waaaaaaa", Well, no shit, your plaing a MMO not a Ps3 game, your $50 paid your you to get started in a ever unfolding story not $50 for a Finished product like you would see with RPG's.

    What again?

    I don't know what mmo's you played or how old you are but there was a time when mmo's where released feature coplete with endgame and only expansions would be added or level caps raised.

    Yes, they had features like crafting that actually works, an economy, quests and missions that had a story with a great Finale. I know it must sound like i make it up, but it really is true.




    "Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"

  • WarjinWarjin Member UncommonPosts: 1,216
    Originally posted by taus01

    Originally posted by Warjin

    Originally posted by tyyryk

    Read for yourself:, up to 61 pages in one day.
    Apparently players are hitting level cap already, Cryptic was unaware (come on guys, have you not been following mmo news and know these guys just live for the rush) and there is much back and forth.
    Hilarity ensues....

    Lol here we go again, Look NO MMO starts of with end game content as MMO are progressed games with a unfolding story.

    So If people want to rush to the end only to find that they have nothing ot do well It's there own dam fault for having to Rush IMO, I never played STO but played many MMO and hear the same old story "No EnD GaMe, Waaaaaaa", Well, no shit, your plaing a MMO not a Ps3 game, your $50 paid your you to get started in a ever unfolding story not $50 for a Finished product like you would see with RPG's.

    What again?

    I don't know what mmo's you played or how old you are but there was a time when mmo's where released feature coplete with endgame and only expansions would be added or level caps raised.

    Yes, they had features like crafting that actually works, an economy, quests and missions that had a story with a great Finale. I know it must sound like i make it up, but it really is true.




    My First MMO was Asheron's Call 1 I started back in 1999 and played many, Many others, What I really mean by unfinished is that the games come out with content as they progress so in terms It's never finished, So seeing as STO is new It's no wonder Its lacking end game.

    From AC to WoW none of those games started with end game, WoW only had UBRS 10 man while MC was still in the works AC and EQ had nothing at first so unless I'm missing something I really can't remember a MMO with endgame right out the box and when I mean Endgame I mean Raiding.

  • nate1980nate1980 Member UncommonPosts: 2,075
    Originally posted by Rydeson

    Originally posted by Binko

    Rule nr 1 in MMORPG.) Do NOT rush it like a singel player games. No MMORPG have an end. Thats the thing with MMORPG, you get more and more and more and more and more until someone screw it up and then pull the plug... or they keep it alive to suck money from players that are real fanbois and can't leave it even if the population is very low and the game is fucked for all time.
    Good luck!


    The biggest problem tho I see, is that even 3rd party reviews and by the lips of JACK himself has said the average player will reach max level in 80 hours.....  80 HOURS?   Even Jack E. admits to this and yet had no content in the game knowing how quickly 80 hours of gameplay will be reached..   Really now, with it being a week since the head start, 80 hours is very reachable..   There is absolutely no excuse for no end game..


    Playing on average of 3 hours a day since last Friday, so a week, I'm Lt. Cmd 1. In other words, level 11 out of 50? So I reached lvl 11 out of 50 in 18 hours, but I had no prior experience with STO. I never played beta, and was learning all of the STO controls for the first time. I read all of the mission texts. So if it took me 18 hours to get to where I am now, is it likely I'll reach lvl 50 in 80 hours? Probably not. Keep in mind, in that interview a range of 80-120 hours was given. That's a very wide margin of error, showing that the developers really don't know how long it'll take. 80 hours is probably a conservative amount, taking into consideration the powergamers. I think 80 hours is reasonable. That's 2 40 hour weeks, meaning a full-time job. Anyone who hit max level by now wasn't doing anything but playing the game. Does a person with good business sense cater to those people or the people who play the game in a healthy manner? Does anyone really care what the no-life's do? We don't care about them in society, so why should we in a game? I don't.

  • DelphosDelphos Member UncommonPosts: 46

    If you're on the cap level already, it's your own fault. You should've learned that power level in mmos is stupid,  and you loose all the fun. MMO's aren't the right place for power levelers, in special new mmo's, old games like wow and eq/eq2 could  change the things a bit, but power lever in new games like STO is totaly stupid.

  • MeridionMeridion Member UncommonPosts: 1,495

    Just hopping in to confirm "no-lifer" argument.

    I've been playing 3-4 hours/day since headstart on last friday and I just hit Lt.Commander (level 11). I've been doing exploration, DS combat and mainly regular episodes.

    Anyone who's hitting level cap now is NOT entitled to complain about missing endgame. Go get some asia grinder.

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342

    Originally posted by nate1980

    Playing on average of 3 hours a day since last Friday, so a week, I'm Lt. Cmd 1. In other words, level 11 out of 50? So I reached lvl 11 out of 50 in 18 hours, but I had no prior experience with STO. I never played beta, and was learning all of the STO controls for the first time. I read all of the mission texts. So if it took me 18 hours to get to where I am now, is it likely I'll reach lvl 50 in 80 hours? Probably not. Keep in mind, in that interview a range of 80-120 hours was given. That's a very wide margin of error, showing that the developers really don't know how long it'll take. 80 hours is probably a conservative amount, taking into consideration the powergamers. I think 80 hours is reasonable. That's 2 40 hour weeks, meaning a full-time job. Anyone who hit max level by now wasn't doing anything but playing the game. Does a person with good business sense cater to those people or the people who play the game in a healthy manner? Does anyone really care what the no-life's do? We don't care about them in society, so why should we in a game? I don't.

    I really enjoy reading your posts for their very calm and nice attitude but with your 2 last ones you go a bit further than I would expect from you.

    There are people that can play MMO games 15 hours a day but the reasons might be very different than that they 'lack of a meaningful real life', are 'obsessive personalities', 'they neglect their wives, children, and school' or some other disgracefull description you used.

    There are people who play for many hours a day because they are locked to their homes for reasons that are often not funny or pityfull as you imply.

    Back to topic:

    I have no reason to worry about Cryptic effort and will because they proved themself during open and after release - the amount of improvements they can pull out in so short amount of time is impressive, I find it a bit distrubing that there is no 'end game' content.

    Even though I have no high meaning about 'end game' concept, it is odd that there is supposedly absolutely nothing to do. I would at least expect some minimal repetitive meaningless content such as any end game is.
    This is not about content but more a lack of concept, I am affraid.

    But then I would need to read more reviews about how the game is after reaching the highest rank.

  • MeridionMeridion Member UncommonPosts: 1,495
    Originally posted by Gyrus

    For those of you saying that you should not power level...
    One of the reccurring themes on this site is "everyone likes to play differently".
    Well, okay.  I am definitely not a power leveler myself but I don't begrudge those that are.
    In any case, that's not the point.
    This is supposed to be an MMO?  That implies not just levelling - but something to do when you get there?

    Yeah they are going to 'unlock' the endgame content next week... right... let's hope they have finished it by then?
    This screams 'unfinished game'!
    Are people levelling faster than Cryptic thought?  Maybe... in which case they learnt nothing from Champions Online.
    And based on the Champions Online response to this... expect a massive nerf next patch.

    To each their own is ONE thing, but hitting level cap within a week in this game implies extreme poweleveling (see my post above).


    No casual game is fit for this, and NO, no modern games were. Even the so greatly appraised WoW had no endgame when it launched. EQ2 was lacking any raid when the first super-power-level-groups hit level cap. LotRO had only one 24 man instance and nothing else to do for over 6 months. DaoC had RvR at the level cap, but initially only one (and a half) raids.

    So again, hate-spitting by people who double-measure. If you critisize STO for having no endgame 4 days after launch, be fair and include the fact that even the most successful games added endgame content weeks and months after release.


  • Maverz290Maverz290 Member Posts: 447
    Originally posted by Meridion

    Originally posted by Gyrus

    For those of you saying that you should not power level...
    One of the reccurring themes on this site is "everyone likes to play differently".
    Well, okay.  I am definitely not a power leveler myself but I don't begrudge those that are.
    In any case, that's not the point.
    This is supposed to be an MMO?  That implies not just levelling - but something to do when you get there?

    Yeah they are going to 'unlock' the endgame content next week... right... let's hope they have finished it by then?
    This screams 'unfinished game'!
    Are people levelling faster than Cryptic thought?  Maybe... in which case they learnt nothing from Champions Online.
    And based on the Champions Online response to this... expect a massive nerf next patch.

    To each their own is ONE thing, but hitting level cap within a week in this game implies extreme poweleveling (see my post above).


    No casual game is fit for this, and NO, no modern games were. Even the so greatly appraised WoW had no endgame when it launched. EQ2 was lacking any raid when the first super-power-level-groups hit level cap. LotRO had only one 24 man instance and nothing else to do for over 6 months. DaoC had RvR at the level cap, but initially only one (and a half) raids.

    So again, hate-spitting by people who double-measure. If you critisize STO for having no endgame 4 days after launch, be fair and include the fact that even the most successful games added endgame content weeks and months after release.



     It's true, although I'm all for people playing how they want, you just can't stomp and cry or complain when the majority of content is with the majority of players who are still leveling like people who have other things to do with their lives. We don't all have parents to pay our subscription fee's and slide food under the door. Reminds me of the south park world of warcraft episode. "We are dealing with someone who absoloutely has no life."

     "How do you 'please' that which has no life?"

    Longing for Skyrim, The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3

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