Bethesda should make a Elder scrolls MMO instead, Fallout 3 was a fine game but it wasn't really a Fallout game. A massive MMO based on Daggerfall would work a lot better for them.
I am not too impressed on how Interplay treated Bioware in the past (they stole their gfx engine for Icewind dale so they lost the publishing rights to Neverwinter nights just before the release) but they did some good games once, they should have the chance to make the MMO based on their own IP.
Originally posted by onetruth MMOs are all the same silly game, and Fallout was something truly original that doesn't need to be defiled and deformed into an mmo.
That is not exactly true even if many MMOs are very similar. You can actually do a original MMO (Everquest and UO were that, or Eve and Guildwars if you want a later games) if you have the right ideas.
Chances are big that they will mess it up no matter who makes it but there is the small possibility that it actually becomes good and I say that makes it worth a try.
I am going to say interplay should make the fallout mmo, because bethesday is one of my favorite developers, and I think they should be working on their elder scrolls games. To me it just seems like the elder scrolls world is their baby, and they would be much more pasionate about working on games in that world. I am currently playing fallout 3 now and enjoying it, but i still feel like oblivion was a much more life like game, and had a more real feel to it.
I couldn't stand Fallout 1 or 2, the combat systems of those games was so bad it killed the game for me, granted you probably wouldn't have the same combat system for an MMO, but Bethesda's game is so far the only one in the series I can stomach enough to play for a while, so I would probably give them the edge and my vote.
I agree, obvious 1 and 2 are very dated in these day's but I personaly felt FO3 was how I imagined the FO franshise to mature into, could it have been more, of course, every game I play there are things in my mind that I feel could have added something to the game. For example didn't really like the 3rd person view in FO3, how ever first person view was done very well.
OP, you should try the original Fallout 3 demo It's rough, highly buggy, and entirely composed of real-time gameplay, but it offers an look at what could have been had Black Isle been given the resources to create a new Fallout with their in-house 3D technology. Don't use the download here link but one of the links scroll down that page.
After playing that I a was very glad Bethesda got the licence for FO3.
But regardless who makes the Fallout MMO, I just hope it turns out as a great MMO experience.
Truth be told I never played Fallout 1 or 2 but I enjoyed 3 a lot. I love the game in almost every aspect it's probably 1 of my top 10 games of all time. With that said I am obviously biased, therefor my opinion is somewhat mute. On the contrary, when a gaming company makes a game that I love and the general population love based on sheer ratings, reviews, and's a good thing. So, in my biased opinion, I'd go Bethesda.
No problem, bro. I'm just a grumpy longtime Fallout fan. =D
In any case, I do think this opinion is valid, though I stand by with the opinion that awards mean nothing because Inglorious Basterds is getting a few awards and, as a whole, it was one of the worst movies I've seen recently. It had its moments but they were few and far between.
Majority rule...I can't argue with that one...not unless it's WoW or Halo 3...
Even though I love the original fallout games. The devs are gone. Bethesda made the most succesful fallout game of all time in fallout 3. I think its best for the franchise that bethesda make the game. I think it will be a better game as well. Interplay hasn't done jack shit for years and Bethesda is fresh of making a great fallout game and all the expansions, nevermind their other successful rpgs of late. Also Bethesda has more money. They can afford to take their time and do it right.
Fallout 3 are like Avatar. Both sell a lot and thats why they get awards. But how good are they?
Fallout 3 have the same look like the old games, but for me it was not real Fallout.
Avatar... god I hate that movie... without all the special crap effects it's nothing... media brainwashed people so much... sad, sad.
I say Interplay!
Played: From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
Honestly, I don't know. For once, I hold both companies in great esteem. Interplay is for me more a glory of the past though. I connect great memories with it, but I don't recally ANYTHING from the presen. So it may be asked if they are ready to make something as daring as a MMO when they have no great title in the present? Bethesda has created quite good single player games, and I loved their Fallout 3, even tho I was a fan of the old, I did see it as a worthy new version. So I see nothing wrong per se giving it to Beth either.
But we all know a MMO is an entirely different beast as a single player game. Ideally they should cooperate. Creative uniformity is never good, so having more different visions could only be good. But thats quite unlikely I guess. So since Bethesda has proven itself in the presence a bit more, I'd say 61 for Beth and 59 to interplay. But of course I know almost zip about both companies ideas atm.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Interplay isn't making Fallout they are having Masthead Studios make the Fallout MMO. Masthead are the guys making Earthrise. That was the last I heard about it anyway.
You people who think otherwise are as bad as people that use macs.
Playing: *sigh* back to WoW -------- Waiting for: SW:TOR, APB, WoD --------- Played and loved: Eve and WoW -------- Played and hated: WoW:WotLK, Warhammer, every single F2P
I loved Interplay and their games but that was a long time ago when they were a completely different company. The Interplay of today is totally incompetent and would not do the IP justice no matter how many of the original devs they got back. The total lack of competent management at the executive level will show through in any game they produce... If they can even produce a game as screwed up as their company is now. As much as I did enjoy the original games I also liked Fallout 3 just as much. Sure it was different but just as good in it's own way.
Bethesda is a proven company that can produce AAA games that top the ratings charts. If I personally had the choice of who I'd rather see produce a Fallout MMO my first choice would be the Interplay of 15 years ago but that is impossible at this point. Because of the current state of both companies and their production records over the last 10 years I would have to choose Bethesda over the 'new' Interplay hands down. Some may not have liked Fallout 3 but it was a highly polished complete game that won many awards and topped the best sellers charts for weeks after it released. Bethesda would produce a much better quality Fallout MMO in my honest opinion.
Fallout 3 are like Avatar. Both sell a lot and thats why they get awards. But how good are they? Fallout 3 have the same look like the old games, but for me it was not real Fallout. Avatar... god I hate that movie... without all the special crap effects it's nothing... media brainwashed people so much... sad, sad. I say Interplay!
Avatar was never intended to have a mind-blowing plot only mind-blowing CGI. The plot is nothing new, but the craftsmanship of the movie was what made it brilliant.
The same goes for Fallout 3, the storyline and plot wasn't anything new, it was pretty similar to Oblivion when you striped it to the bare bones. But Fallout 3's delivery was what made it so good. Interplay's original Fallout and the sequel were good, they were deep and interesting don't get me wrong, but Bethesda created a much better game. I actually found the storyline to be a little more interesting, it wasn't as deep but it kept me a little more intrigued than 1 and 2.
With all that in mind, and Interplay's current state, I would say Bethesda should be doing it. I just don't think Interplay can deliver the goods.
Interplay is only a shadow what it once was, most of the successful titles were all made by Black Isle (now Obsidian) and Bioware, when they closed it down (Black Isle) right before Fallout 3 (Van Buren Project) they lost pretty much every value they once had.
I am exited to see the continuation of the original crew with Fallout New Vegas.
Interplay is only a shadow what it once was, most of the successful titles were all made by Black Isle (now Obsidian) and Bioware, when they closed it down (Black Isle) right before Fallout 3 (Van Buren Project) they lost pretty much every value they once had. I am exited to see the continuation of the original crew with Fallout New Vegas.
I agree. I really liked Fallout 3. I thought it really did the original titles justice, however, some important thematic elements, and game-play features that were in the original two were lacking in the Bethesda installment. I would like to see a game with the totally open-ended elements from the first two games. I also agree with the OP's assertion that F3 was too much about "alignment" one was. I think that Interplay COULD'VE made a great MMO back when they were still working closely with Black Isle, but I'm not sure that they will be able to pull it off. That being said, Fallen Earth is very close in theme to the Fallout series and I think that it is a great game for those who crave a post-apocalyptic game. I still have Fallout 1, 2, 3 and FE available to me
Interplay is only a shadow what it once was, most of the successful titles were all made by Black Isle (now Obsidian) and Bioware, when they closed it down (Black Isle) right before Fallout 3 (Van Buren Project) they lost pretty much every value they once had. I am exited to see the continuation of the original crew with Fallout New Vegas.
Interplay hasn't released a good game in the last decade, and they are having financial problems. Bethesda has released some of the best RPGs of the last decade, and they are one of the few gaming companies that is financially sound.
Some people don't seem to realize Fallout 2 was released in 1998. Interplay is not anywhere near the same company as they were in 98.
I don't really see how anyone can lean towards Interplay, unless you just don't want Bethesda to lose production time on single player games.
I want the Interplay who made the first two fallouts to make Fallout: The MMO. BUT that ain't going to happen, those people long since moved on.
Worse, the audience has moved on. Part of the reason Fallout 1-2 were so much more open was because they were so much more simple. It is far easier and cheaper to draw a 2D world in low detail then draw a 3D world in high detail. Some thing as simple as the grove would have looked far simpler in the old games, and so the dev would have had more time to add story details, rather then just trying to make sure you could walk through every part of it without getting stuck, or seeing a wrong texture.
It is the same reason Bioware has been loosing depth. Far easier to add endless conversation options when all you got to do is write them, not record them AND try to find space for them on the consoles.
But enough ranting about how everything was better in the old days.
If Bethseda makes the Fallout MMO I think it will be okay, but we will get a lot of pretty graphics over actually depth. Geez, I wonder if that will sell to todays kiddies... oops there I go again.
I actually think Fallout MMO is a bad idea. I would like to see the whole thing get dropped. Here's my reasoning.
First, I think Bethesda did a horrible Job on Fallout 3, likewise I think they did a horrible job on Oblivion. The last game that I feel they actually put innovation in was Morrowind, and the innovation was still small (Go play Daggerfall if you don't think so). Mostly the only differences from these games came from being able to push through better graphics, more AI processes along with larger worlds and interconnecting maps. With that said, I'd rather not see Bethesda put out Fallout MMO because I don't think they would be able to make a solid innovative and fun MMO.
I don't want to see Interplay make the game, because well.. They aren't making the game anyway even though they have the rights to it. They sublicenced it out to the people making Earthrise which is.. Oh wait another Post-Apoc MMO. Why would a company make two Post-Apoc MMOs back to back? It just makes me wonder why..
Lastly, Between Earthrise and Fallen Earth I think we have a good Post-Apoc MMO representation. I currently subscribe to Fallen Earth and will check out Earthrise, but honestly Fallen Earth feels like everything a Fallout MMO would be like, without the Fallout specific factions.
So yah. Even thoug a Fallout MMO sounds like a good idea, I'd rather not see one finish development.
a Fallout MMO i think would be a bad idea, i didnt really like fallout 3 personally - post apocalyptic games .. i just think that there are enough titles already out there doing that, if it has to be a futuristic sci-fi game, then something a bit more upbeat would definitely be more welcome. Bethesda and Interplay, i think Bethesda actually make really good single player games, imo their probably better at it than Bioware are - Oblivion is still, for me the best Single player fantasy game out there, better even than Dragon Age;origins imo, although DA:O is definitely better graphically, in all other respects Oblivion has much better game play, and combat dynamics - especially the magic system in Oblivion, so while i dont think that Bethesda can't make a MMO, i just think that fallout is perhaps not the best way to go about it.. I can understand why different games developers are looking to move into the MMO scene, its obviously big business and more and more games seem to need an online element in order to be successful, though after the COD:MW2 fiasco (for the PC anyway) i really think they need to approach it a lot more carefully.
Bethesda should make a Elder scrolls MMO instead, Fallout 3 was a fine game but it wasn't really a Fallout game. A massive MMO based on Daggerfall would work a lot better for them.
I am not too impressed on how Interplay treated Bioware in the past (they stole their gfx engine for Icewind dale so they lost the publishing rights to Neverwinter nights just before the release) but they did some good games once, they should have the chance to make the MMO based on their own IP.
That is not exactly true even if many MMOs are very similar. You can actually do a original MMO (Everquest and UO were that, or Eve and Guildwars if you want a later games) if you have the right ideas.
Chances are big that they will mess it up no matter who makes it but there is the small possibility that it actually becomes good and I say that makes it worth a try.
I am going to say interplay should make the fallout mmo, because bethesday is one of my favorite developers, and I think they should be working on their elder scrolls games. To me it just seems like the elder scrolls world is their baby, and they would be much more pasionate about working on games in that world. I am currently playing fallout 3 now and enjoying it, but i still feel like oblivion was a much more life like game, and had a more real feel to it.
I agree, obvious 1 and 2 are very dated in these day's but I personaly felt FO3 was how I imagined the FO franshise to mature into, could it have been more, of course, every game I play there are things in my mind that I feel could have added something to the game. For example didn't really like the 3rd person view in FO3, how ever first person view was done very well.
OP, you should try the original Fallout 3 demo It's rough, highly buggy, and entirely composed of real-time gameplay, but it offers an look at what could have been had Black Isle been given the resources to create a new Fallout with their in-house 3D technology. Don't use the download here link but one of the links scroll down that page.
After playing that I a was very glad Bethesda got the licence for FO3.
But regardless who makes the Fallout MMO, I just hope it turns out as a great MMO experience.
No problem, bro. I'm just a grumpy longtime Fallout fan. =D
In any case, I do think this opinion is valid, though I stand by with the opinion that awards mean nothing because Inglorious Basterds is getting a few awards and, as a whole, it was one of the worst movies I've seen recently. It had its moments but they were few and far between.
Majority rule...I can't argue with that one...not unless it's WoW or Halo 3...
Bastards was an awesome movie!
Bethesda if you ask me.
I loved Morrowind...
I loved Oblivion...
I loved Fallout 3...
I have just as much love for Bethesda as I do for Bioware.
I never played F1 or F2, but I doubt I'd like them even if I did.
"The question that sometimes drives me hazy: Am I, or the others crazy?" - Albert Einstein
Even though I love the original fallout games. The devs are gone. Bethesda made the most succesful fallout game of all time in fallout 3. I think its best for the franchise that bethesda make the game. I think it will be a better game as well. Interplay hasn't done jack shit for years and Bethesda is fresh of making a great fallout game and all the expansions, nevermind their other successful rpgs of late. Also Bethesda has more money. They can afford to take their time and do it right.
Cliff notes Bethesda
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
Obsidian :P.
Fallout 3 are like Avatar. Both sell a lot and thats why they get awards. But how good are they?
Fallout 3 have the same look like the old games, but for me it was not real Fallout.
Avatar... god I hate that movie... without all the special crap effects it's nothing... media brainwashed people so much... sad, sad.
I say Interplay!
From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
Honestly, I don't know. For once, I hold both companies in great esteem. Interplay is for me more a glory of the past though. I connect great memories with it, but I don't recally ANYTHING from the presen. So it may be asked if they are ready to make something as daring as a MMO when they have no great title in the present? Bethesda has created quite good single player games, and I loved their Fallout 3, even tho I was a fan of the old, I did see it as a worthy new version. So I see nothing wrong per se giving it to Beth either.
But we all know a MMO is an entirely different beast as a single player game. Ideally they should cooperate. Creative uniformity is never good, so having more different visions could only be good. But thats quite unlikely I guess. So since Bethesda has proven itself in the presence a bit more, I'd say 61 for Beth and 59 to interplay. But of course I know almost zip about both companies ideas atm.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Interplay isn't making Fallout they are having Masthead Studios make the Fallout MMO. Masthead are the guys making Earthrise. That was the last I heard about it anyway.
Fallout 1 & 2 sucked.
You people who think otherwise are as bad as people that use macs.
Playing: *sigh* back to WoW
Waiting for: SW:TOR, APB, WoD
Played and loved: Eve and WoW
Played and hated: WoW:WotLK, Warhammer, every single F2P
No. They're not. Interplay is making the Fallout MMO. All Masthead is doing is letting Interplay use their engine.
Check out the MUD I'm making!

I loved Interplay and their games but that was a long time ago when they were a completely different company. The Interplay of today is totally incompetent and would not do the IP justice no matter how many of the original devs they got back. The total lack of competent management at the executive level will show through in any game they produce... If they can even produce a game as screwed up as their company is now. As much as I did enjoy the original games I also liked Fallout 3 just as much. Sure it was different but just as good in it's own way.
Bethesda is a proven company that can produce AAA games that top the ratings charts. If I personally had the choice of who I'd rather see produce a Fallout MMO my first choice would be the Interplay of 15 years ago but that is impossible at this point. Because of the current state of both companies and their production records over the last 10 years I would have to choose Bethesda over the 'new' Interplay hands down. Some may not have liked Fallout 3 but it was a highly polished complete game that won many awards and topped the best sellers charts for weeks after it released. Bethesda would produce a much better quality Fallout MMO in my honest opinion.
Avatar was never intended to have a mind-blowing plot only mind-blowing CGI. The plot is nothing new, but the craftsmanship of the movie was what made it brilliant.
The same goes for Fallout 3, the storyline and plot wasn't anything new, it was pretty similar to Oblivion when you striped it to the bare bones. But Fallout 3's delivery was what made it so good. Interplay's original Fallout and the sequel were good, they were deep and interesting don't get me wrong, but Bethesda created a much better game. I actually found the storyline to be a little more interesting, it wasn't as deep but it kept me a little more intrigued than 1 and 2.
With all that in mind, and Interplay's current state, I would say Bethesda should be doing it. I just don't think Interplay can deliver the goods.
Veiled Black, Darkness Incarnate
Interplay is only a shadow what it once was, most of the successful titles were all made by Black Isle (now Obsidian) and Bioware, when they closed it down (Black Isle) right before Fallout 3 (Van Buren Project) they lost pretty much every value they once had.
I am exited to see the continuation of the original crew with Fallout New Vegas.
I agree. I really liked Fallout 3. I thought it really did the original titles justice, however, some important thematic elements, and game-play features that were in the original two were lacking in the Bethesda installment. I would like to see a game with the totally open-ended elements from the first two games. I also agree with the OP's assertion that F3 was too much about "alignment" one was. I think that Interplay COULD'VE made a great MMO back when they were still working closely with Black Isle, but I'm not sure that they will be able to pull it off. That being said, Fallen Earth is very close in theme to the Fallout series and I think that it is a great game for those who crave a post-apocalyptic game. I still have Fallout 1, 2, 3 and FE available to me
A witty saying proves nothing.
A witty saying proves nothing.
Interplay hasn't released a good game in the last decade, and they are having financial problems. Bethesda has released some of the best RPGs of the last decade, and they are one of the few gaming companies that is financially sound.
Some people don't seem to realize Fallout 2 was released in 1998. Interplay is not anywhere near the same company as they were in 98.
I don't really see how anyone can lean towards Interplay, unless you just don't want Bethesda to lose production time on single player games.
I want the Interplay who made the first two fallouts to make Fallout: The MMO. BUT that ain't going to happen, those people long since moved on.
Worse, the audience has moved on. Part of the reason Fallout 1-2 were so much more open was because they were so much more simple. It is far easier and cheaper to draw a 2D world in low detail then draw a 3D world in high detail. Some thing as simple as the grove would have looked far simpler in the old games, and so the dev would have had more time to add story details, rather then just trying to make sure you could walk through every part of it without getting stuck, or seeing a wrong texture.
It is the same reason Bioware has been loosing depth. Far easier to add endless conversation options when all you got to do is write them, not record them AND try to find space for them on the consoles.
But enough ranting about how everything was better in the old days.
If Bethseda makes the Fallout MMO I think it will be okay, but we will get a lot of pretty graphics over actually depth. Geez, I wonder if that will sell to todays kiddies... oops there I go again.
I actually think Fallout MMO is a bad idea. I would like to see the whole thing get dropped. Here's my reasoning.
First, I think Bethesda did a horrible Job on Fallout 3, likewise I think they did a horrible job on Oblivion. The last game that I feel they actually put innovation in was Morrowind, and the innovation was still small (Go play Daggerfall if you don't think so). Mostly the only differences from these games came from being able to push through better graphics, more AI processes along with larger worlds and interconnecting maps. With that said, I'd rather not see Bethesda put out Fallout MMO because I don't think they would be able to make a solid innovative and fun MMO.
I don't want to see Interplay make the game, because well.. They aren't making the game anyway even though they have the rights to it. They sublicenced it out to the people making Earthrise which is.. Oh wait another Post-Apoc MMO. Why would a company make two Post-Apoc MMOs back to back? It just makes me wonder why..
Lastly, Between Earthrise and Fallen Earth I think we have a good Post-Apoc MMO representation. I currently subscribe to Fallen Earth and will check out Earthrise, but honestly Fallen Earth feels like everything a Fallout MMO would be like, without the Fallout specific factions.
So yah. Even thoug a Fallout MMO sounds like a good idea, I'd rather not see one finish development.
a Fallout MMO i think would be a bad idea, i didnt really like fallout 3 personally - post apocalyptic games .. i just think that there are enough titles already out there doing that, if it has to be a futuristic sci-fi game, then something a bit more upbeat would definitely be more welcome. Bethesda and Interplay, i think Bethesda actually make really good single player games, imo their probably better at it than Bioware are - Oblivion is still, for me the best Single player fantasy game out there, better even than Dragon Age;origins imo, although DA:O is definitely better graphically, in all other respects Oblivion has much better game play, and combat dynamics - especially the magic system in Oblivion, so while i dont think that Bethesda can't make a MMO, i just think that fallout is perhaps not the best way to go about it.. I can understand why different games developers are looking to move into the MMO scene, its obviously big business and more and more games seem to need an online element in order to be successful, though after the COD:MW2 fiasco (for the PC anyway) i really think they need to approach it a lot more carefully.
I'd like to see those companies to bury the lawsuit hatchet and join forces to make the Fallout MMO the greatest MMO to ever hit the market!
If only, Fusion. If only.....
A witty saying proves nothing.
Neither, Bethesda don't have a clue about Fallout and, as has been said, Interplay are existing only in name.