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Fallen Earth - great MMO from indie developer

illuvatarilluvatar Member Posts: 26

Recently I've played a lot of 'indie' MMO's, as they tend to promise the most interesting gameplay. It's probably no big surprise that I'm looking for a game that offers a lot of freedom to it's players, instead of forcing you into a specific role.

Because of this promise I've played Darkfall for some time recently.It's not a bad game like so many people proclaim it is. It actually has a lot of promise. I just can't stand the crafting in that game, combined with the fact that I hate the races and setting. The idea of PvP with consequences really appeals to me, but unfortunately it also attracts a very vocal and annoying (dare I say young?) community.

Before Darkfall I've played Ryzom for quite some time, which is an awesome game. Can't really agree with the feel of the graphics/art, but this is a minor issue for me. The problem with that game is the really low population though. I just can't play a MMO where I have the feeling that it's going to 'die' within a year or so. It's about justifying the time I spent in a game. Seeing that I have a busy social life (not bragging here, it's just reality when you're in your late twenties and having certain obligations in your life), so I don't want to spend all those hours into game that won't make until the end of this year (not saying that this will happen to Ryzom, but the current population combined with the age of the game didn't comfort me).

I also went back to my first MMO, DaoC, for a while, but the same applies for this game. EU servers are shut down, US only has one cluster left...Better to keep the fond memories I have than starting a new character and get steamrolled by the remaining RVR guilds that still play the game.

So it was around this time that I thought about Fallen Earth. Having played the beta (or was it alpha?) I could see the potential, but was put off by the bugs and really poor performance of the game. I kept on visiting the official forum though, to see if the devs would listen to the community and change the game accordingly. And lo and behold, one day I noticed the 10-day free trial on the website.

I'm now in the last days of the trial and I'm definitely going to subscribe. The game runs perfectly (even on my laptop) at pretty decent settings. More importantly; I really enjoy the gameplay. The crafting options are insane, the world is huge and interesting and they struck a good balance between PvP and PvE. It reminds me of (pre NGE) SWG in many ways, which is a great thing. I also love the fact that everyone is on the same server (cluster), just like in EVE. Out in the wild it's pretty quiet and desolate, but in the different hubs there are people everywhere.

I would definitely recommend this MMO to people who enjoy playing MMO's for the sake of building, exploration and to be part of a virtual world. If you ever saw the potential in games like Darkfall, Vanguard, Mortal Online (which still has potential, although the open beta is really poor imo), but felt that they failed reaching their potential...please give Fallen Earth a try.



  • SylarX1SylarX1 Member Posts: 81

    indeed, I agree on everything you said. I would recommend FE aswell, and I really don't see any other appealling MMOs at the momment. Try it out, take the trial and join the appocalypse!

    Currently playing: Fallen Earth

    Wants to play: Divergence, Earthrise, Final Fantasy XIV, Star Wars: The Old Republic and The Secret World

    Have played these games: Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, Aion, Cabal Online, EverQuest II, Guild Wars, Guild Wars Factions, Guild Wars Nightfall, Hellgate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Runescape and World of Warcraft

  • WarjinWarjin Member UncommonPosts: 1,216

    /Agreed, not only are they a small Indie. company but they also take the time to offer Box Copies unlike most, that to me alone shows that they want to make this game work and not just a (get rich quick company)

    Other Indie companies should learn of Fallen Earth and EvE.

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,105
    Originally posted by parrotpholk

     FE is a very good indie MMO especially if you stack it against other offerings out there lately. The company is top notch and hope they will continue a great run.


    I agree. They have delivered a much better game so far.


    [Mod edit]

  • BrotheryangBrotheryang Member UncommonPosts: 174

    I got my copy of FE free from a contest but i can honestly say its the only mmo i would tell people is worth the $50 you spend at first. This game has a lot to offer from a small-ish indie company.

  • MazinMazin Member Posts: 640

    I played the open beta and I like a lot of what I saw in FE, but there was one major thing that kept me from buying the game.

    That was the movement, do you still move like a brick or is it more fluid yet?


  • BinkoBinko Member Posts: 267

    I love all the Fallout games and I'm still going back to SWG from time to time. So I don't hate this game. I even go back to the old Anarchy Online game.

    I know it's not a big company that have made this, still this game lack at some stuff that I just can't understand why they made it that way.

    I will try it out more, I have 8 days left. Made a female character and so far I like that character better. Still it's not that fun to play a female when your a male irl... but better then a caveman character. And they have a thong... woo j/k

    If you don't focus on the animations and poor graphics, then you might like this game more then I do.

    From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.

  • illuvatarilluvatar Member Posts: 26

    Mazin: I don't have the feeling that my character is walking like a brick. And I don't think the graphics are that poor to be honest. In my opinion it's a good trade-off between graphics and scale. MMO's with 'cutting' edge graphics engines like AoC tend to offer environments that feel quite small and cramped with content.

    I prefer games like Darkfall or Vanguard, both offering a seamless world that enhances the immersion. And again: at high settings and with shadows enabled the game looks quite good if you ask me. At least on par with almost every released MMO out there, except for AoE and Aion.

  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495
    Originally posted by Binko

    I love all the Fallout games and I'm still going back to SWG from time to time. So I don't hate this game. I even go back to the old Anarchy Online game.
    I know it's not a big company that have made this, still this game lack at some stuff that I just can't understand why they made it that way.
    I will try it out more, I have 8 days left. Made a female character and so far I like that character better. Still it's not that fun to play a female when your a male irl... but better then a caveman character. And they have a thong... woo j/k
    If you don't focus on the animations and poor graphics, then you might like this game more then I do.


    Do you really think the game has poor graphics?


    Click to enlarge, and not made with a current high end system so imagine how they would look at a today's high end system. To me they already look great.

  • KostKost Member CommonPosts: 1,975
    Originally posted by Reklaw

    Do you really think the game has poor graphics?
    Click to enlarge, and not made with a current high end system so imagine how they would look at a today's high end system. To me they already look great.


    Great post Rek, I couldn't agree more.

    It shocks me to still see people complaining about the quality of the visuals. Obviously I expect people to have varying opinions on what they like and don't like, but in terms of mmorpg's FE has some of the highest quality visuals available (imho).

    Unless you are comparing the game to Crysis, or some other single player game that has exceptionally high quality visuals, I just cannot see how anyone could find them to be poor quality. The only mmorpg with visuals anywhere near the quality of FE's is AoC.

  • CoffeeGruntCoffeeGrunt Member Posts: 192

    As an Fe closed, open  Beta and subscriber my final thoughts on the game are these:


    What gives you an ugly impression concerning the graphics and the ' you need to get used to that' controls and gameplay, turn out to be quite entertaining throughout your adventure in the sectors .

    But the real problems start when getting 45 and going into the endgame pvp buisness . Unbalanced , obviously unfixable Bugs wich are turning the game into a farce from time to time , ploiters and epeen monkeys (of course the 'were an US Army guild " ..from Texas shitheads FOE).


    The Game has potential ...more than any other title out there atm

    And i think  all the involved GM /DEV ppl i met in beta , should bring back their dedicvation and communication towards the community they once had


  • Justarius1Justarius1 Member Posts: 381

    Agree with you on all points.  Fallen Earth is currently my favorite MMO, and it keeps getting better.

    The development community listens to its players, asks for feedback.  It's amazing how much work they have done with the game in such a short time, IMHO.

    Even if you look at the graphics from the beginning, they have so vastly improved what I considered fairly decent graphics to begin with; it's clear they have a huge commitment to this game.  With the indie studio, this IS their baby.  It's not a side project like some MMO's for the larger companies.  Their success rises or falls with that of Fallen Earth, so of course they have a lot of incentive to make their game work.

    And for many, they have.  As I like to point out to people who read other MMO sites besides this one, Massively gave them their "Game of the Year" award.  And, again in my opinion, I feel it was much, much more deserved than EVE - a game which I absolutely cannot stand but realize some people just love to play... ;)


  • Justarius1Justarius1 Member Posts: 381
    Originally posted by CoffeeGrunt

    As an Fe closed, open  Beta and subscriber my final thoughts on the game are these:
    What gives you an ugly impression concerning the graphics and the ' you need to get used to that' controls and gameplay, turn out to be quite entertaining throughout your adventure in the sectors .
    But the real problems start when getting 45 and going into the endgame pvp buisness . Unbalanced , obviously unfixable Bugs wich are turning the game into a farce from time to time , ploiters and epeen monkeys (of course the 'were an US Army guild " ..from Texas shitheads FOE).
    The Game has potential ...more than any other title out there atm
    And i think  all the involved GM /DEV ppl i met in beta , should bring back their dedicvation and communication towards the community they once had


    What level 45 character do you play on FE?  My guild and I have lots of fun.  Perhaps if I knew who your "end game" character was on FE I could offer some suggestions of things to do, events, etc., that in all honesty are some of the most fun I've ever had in a game's PvP.




  • pekshmaerpekshmaer Member Posts: 58

    In AoC and Aion all maps to merge you got Sector 1 in FE with nice graphic!   


  • SouvecSouvec Member UncommonPosts: 693

    While I have yet to purchase the game (played the trial and the 10 day comeback) if I had the money to shell out for a new MMO this would be the only one on my shopping list.  This is the only MMO that I can honestly say has kept me interested and have found to be unique in its genre.  I was not sure whether or not I would have enjoyed the quests as I was looking for a pure sandbox, but found FE to be a pleasent compromise between the two.  I have yet to find myself bored to tears, and enjoy the feeling of freedom to my adventure.

    If your on the fence about FE I would highly recommend giving it a shot.  It may be the only game that will keep me from my all-time favorites: EVE and Ryzom.

  • BafucinBafucin Member Posts: 276
    Originally posted by Reklaw

    Originally posted by Binko

    I love all the Fallout games and I'm still going back to SWG from time to time. So I don't hate this game. I even go back to the old Anarchy Online game.
    I know it's not a big company that have made this, still this game lack at some stuff that I just can't understand why they made it that way.
    I will try it out more, I have 8 days left. Made a female character and so far I like that character better. Still it's not that fun to play a female when your a male irl... but better then a caveman character. And they have a thong... woo j/k
    If you don't focus on the animations and poor graphics, then you might like this game more then I do.


    Do you really think the game has poor graphics?


    Click to enlarge, and not made with a current high end system so imagine how they would look at a today's high end system. To me they already look great.


    FE don't look that good.


    Guild Wars 2


    Global Agenda




    Just some exampels of games before or same year. Fallen Earth still look good?



  • TerranahTerranah Member UncommonPosts: 3,575

    I'm playing STO right now but I just can't seem to hit the cancel button on my FE subscription.  It has many good qualities.  Namely, one server and no loading screens. I also like the skill system and crafting, but instead of sandbox they went with a hybrid game, which is okay.


    I'm really waiting for housing and player cities or something to get implemented.   I'll come back to FE when I am bored with STO I guess.

  • BrotheryangBrotheryang Member UncommonPosts: 174

    Cant really compare it to an AAA title but Global agenda can be compared in the graphics category  *another indie game* and yes GA does win, it does not mean the graphics are all that bad. I know that can keep some people from getting immersed into into the game but i dont think it takes a whole lot away but then again i remember when all games were 2d but since we have come so far i could see how people would want the games to keep up.

  • just1opinionjust1opinion Member UncommonPosts: 4,641
    Originally posted by Bafucin

    Originally posted by Reklaw

    Originally posted by Binko

    I love all the Fallout games and I'm still going back to SWG from time to time. So I don't hate this game. I even go back to the old Anarchy Online game.
    I know it's not a big company that have made this, still this game lack at some stuff that I just can't understand why they made it that way.
    I will try it out more, I have 8 days left. Made a female character and so far I like that character better. Still it's not that fun to play a female when your a male irl... but better then a caveman character. And they have a thong... woo j/k
    If you don't focus on the animations and poor graphics, then you might like this game more then I do.


    Do you really think the game has poor graphics?


    Click to enlarge, and not made with a current high end system so imagine how they would look at a today's high end system. To me they already look great.


    FE don't look that good.


    Guild Wars 2


    Global Agenda




    Just some exampels of games before or same year. Fallen Earth still look good?




    In short....YES.


    Yes, on my computer it looks FAR better than what those screens posted of FE above look. Also...I'm pretty sick of high fantasy and Rainbow Brite colors. It's all a matter of preference. I'm not playing just for gfx alone. I want a world that lends itself to role playing well. And honestly....if I have to look at ONE more orc, elf, barbarian, etc, etc....I'm seriously going to barf.  I've been "doing" the high fantasy thing since UO. And before that...I was playing adventure games. To be honest....I'd rather play Grim Fandango, The Longest Journey, The Pandora Directive, or hey....even Myst....than play one more elf and fairy game.


    To each....their own.


    Oh, and for the record....imo....Global Agenda is NOT an MMO. It's an MOG, for sure, but not an MMO. But then, that opens up another whole can of worms, doesn't it?





    President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club

  • masterbbb26masterbbb26 Member Posts: 181

    I think FE looks great. My favorite book is The Road by cormac mcarthy (yes it has been my favorite book for years) so im a little bias lol. I hate graphics that are rainbow bright with pixies, unicorns and pretty flowers (yes i signed the diablo 3 petition). And in an fps game performance is really important so im glad the graphics arnt amazing or i wouldnt be able to pvp!.

    Currently Playing: Fallen Earth
    Played and liked: TCOS, Vanguard, Guild Wars, DDO
    Played and didn't like: CO, MO, STO, DF, AoC, WAR, WoW, EQ2, EVE, most f2p
    Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, Secret World

  • AstralglideAstralglide Member UncommonPosts: 686
    Originally posted by Bafucin

    Originally posted by Reklaw

    Originally posted by Binko

    I love all the Fallout games and I'm still going back to SWG from time to time. So I don't hate this game. I even go back to the old Anarchy Online game.
    I know it's not a big company that have made this, still this game lack at some stuff that I just can't understand why they made it that way.
    I will try it out more, I have 8 days left. Made a female character and so far I like that character better. Still it's not that fun to play a female when your a male irl... but better then a caveman character. And they have a thong... woo j/k
    If you don't focus on the animations and poor graphics, then you might like this game more then I do.


    Do you really think the game has poor graphics?


    Click to enlarge, and not made with a current high end system so imagine how they would look at a today's high end system. To me they already look great.


    FE don't look that good.


    Guild Wars 2


    Global Agenda




    Just some exampels of games before or same year. Fallen Earth still look good?



    Uhhh.. Fallen Earth Still looks great! The games you are comparing it with have a very different art and graphic style. FE is supposed to be gritty and dirty... the world ended with a viral plague and a nuclear war for Christ's sake! If you want to compare the game to anything, it would have to be LOTRO, not because they share  a theme (not even close) but because they were both trying for a less "cartoony" or "animeish" approach. I think that, graphically, LOTRO would still win. But that does not mean that Fallen Earth has shitty graphics. Also





    LOTRO is still better graphically, IMO, but not by much




    A witty saying proves nothing.

  • DarkholmeDarkholme Member UncommonPosts: 1,212
    Originally posted by Bafucin 
    Just some exampels of games before or same year. Fallen Earth still look good?

    Yes because it's not about good or bad, it's about preference and opinion. The graphics of FE fit the game, and they are well done. Just because you do not prefer them over stylized, colorful, cartoonish graphics doesn't make them "bad". I wish people would stop trying to pawn off opinion as fact...

    "Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places..." ~ H.P.Lovecraft, "From Beyond"

    Member Since March 2004

  • BafucinBafucin Member Posts: 276

    FE are more close to Neocron 2 from 2004 or Anarchy Online from 2001 when it comes to graphics.



    You can make the world full of trash and dust or whatever and still look good (see Fallout 3).


    Or this one. CrimeCraft. Not a fantasy game with Orcs and pritty flowers. Still it don't look that bad eh?


    I'm just saying. =)






  • majimaji Member UncommonPosts: 2,091
    Originally posted by Bafucin

    FE are more close to Neocron 2 from 2004 or Anarchy Online from 2001 when it comes to graphics. 


    The graphics of FE are technicallywise among the best in current MMORPGs (ie viewing distance, texture quality, number of objects displayed at once, realistic dynamic shadows, polygon-count on models etc). Now whether you like the style or not is a matter of personal preference. Some people like games whichs optics equal a peek into a preschoolers toybox in matters of choice of shapes and colors, and others like games with a more realistic approach. Some people like games where a female warriors plater armor is made of a steel thong and spiky-bra and in which people dual-wield swords which according to their mass and size should weight about the same as a car each. And some people like games that are aiming at a.... mature audience, instead of teens squirting testosterone out of every orifice from their puberty-tortured bodies and minds, paying subscription fees to games so they can fap fap fap to elves and princesses in skimpy clothes. :)

    Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)

    Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)

  • Ubel12Ubel12 Member UncommonPosts: 153

    Wow such anger there Maji =) Anyway I am giving the 10 day free trial a go, and its installing at this very minute. Any ideas on what type of char would be good for solo play in those 10 days, and where I should put my points would be a great help! Also give me a tell in game. I think my name will be Frank TheFarmer.


    Cheers all!

  • majimaji Member UncommonPosts: 2,091
    Originally posted by Ubel12

    Wow such anger there Maji =) Anyway I am giving the 10 day free trial a go, and its installing at this very minute. Any ideas on what type of char would be good for solo play in those 10 days, and where I should put my points would be a great help! Also give me a tell in game. I think my name will be Frank TheFarmer.
    Cheers all!


    Nah, not anger, I was chuckling while I wrote it. :P

    If I'd be you I'd crafting since else you miss half of the game, and I personally enjoyed rifles (to which crossbows belong) most, since there you got to try and headshot stuff and it's fun to improve your ranged weapons with your crafting skills. I did a victory dance when I made my first scoped rifle. :P

    And try to get a horse soon, you can have them as quickly as level 2 to 4.

    Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)

    Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)

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