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Any game that makes you click and click and click just to auto attack is a big NO in my book. I feel MMO's should look in to making games have less clicking not more. I got carpal tunnel once and find myself looking at games that have a design that tries to cut down on the clicking. Do you feel the MMO industry should be looking in to this more? Anyway I wanted to play this game and find I just can't handle all the clicking.
Fallen Earth is an FPS styled game, it would make as much sense here to have auto attack as it would to in Counter Strike. Plus when its ammo based, auto attack would be terrible, youd lose half your ammo before you fully got a target then youd keep shooting as they moved and would send 90% of your ammo past them.
Auto attack is just pure laziness and offers 0 amount of skill, all you have to do is line your character up and the game does everything else.
My Guild Wars 2 Vids
How about we stop trying to make every game like every other game.
Gamers are always crying for something new and different, yet when it appears, many cry that it's not like "the other game"
Want point and click? Play every other game out there.
Fallen Earth is new and different....let's keep it that way.
I do dislike clickfests, although sometimes it can add a more engaging feel to a game.
However, FE isn't a clickfest imho. You do know realize that you can hold the mouse button down and your character will attack repeatedly, correct? Essentially only requiring a single click when initiating combat.
I definitely would not support auto attack in FE, simply because I personally believe that it would be a de-evolution of the games combat system instead of evolving it.
Yep I agree with Xerith. FE is going for a different style of play here so auto attack won't work in this game.
However on a side note I wish FE would pull the reigns in on the absolute need to craft. Everything else about FE is new and different and I truly enjoyed my experience while it lasted, I just can't get past the fact that a game pretty much forces you to do a particular thing. Oh well, I hope everyone else sticks around and enjoys their stay...
When I tried it I recall repeat attack by holding down the left mouse button. Why would you want an autoattack in an FPS anyway ?
Could you elaborate abit on why you feel having a crafter is an essential part of the game?
I personally have played since launch, and do not have a crafter on my account. I have yet to notice it hindering my gameplay experience. I have a Melee PvP character @ 45, as well as a Pistoleer @ 45, and have never had any issues progressing through the game at all.
If I find that I need something I cannot easily get access to, my clans crafters are always happy to assist. It is one of the elements of the game that I truly enjoy, the fact that I can rely on someone who plays a crafter regularily to supply me with goods and services, without the need for one on my own account.
Very reminiscent of Pre-CU SWG imho.
Could you elaborate abit on why you feel having a crafter is an essential part of the game?
I personally have played since launch, and do not have a crafter on my account. I have yet to notice it hindering my gameplay experience. I have a Melee PvP character @ 45, as well as a Pistoleer @ 45, and have never had any issues progressing through the game at all.
If I find that I need something I cannot easily get access to, my clans crafters are always happy to assist. It is one of the elements of the game that I truly enjoy, the fact that I can rely on someone who plays a crafter regularily to supply me with goods and services, without the need for one on my own account.
Very reminiscent of Pre-CU SWG imho.
Current generation of people into games don't want to rely on others.
Myself fully agree on what you said tho being a crafter myself, but help plenty of people who have no desire into crafting, and they are plenty around as to me they more MMORPG player then the full solo players we see trying to play games in this genre. Of course we also have plenty of social solo players that know it's no crime to rely on others if something isn't what they want to play, just not this new generation of people into this genre.
And if people arn't new and still don't understand that they could rely on others then they have changed allot or simple don't really want a social experiance from games in this genre, thankfully they already have plenty of choices of games that work that way , just like these auto attack games plenty of 'em and definitly isn't needed in Fallen Earth.
But then it's the way this new generation seems to be instead of adepting to the game they want the game to adept to them.
This post cracks me up. Like not having auto attack adds skill to the game. 0_0 From the post above they say you can just hold down the mouse button and you attack over and over. So what is different about that and just putting in auto attack so you don't have to hold the button down? They could make it a option for those that feel clicking over and over adds skill or what ever they think it adds.
With that said since I can just hold down the button to attack over and over I will have to try it out again if my 10 days are not up.
I couldn't agree more
And may I ask what this has to do with auto attack? If I have auto attack on I would still have to aim correct?
This post cracks me up. Like not having auto attack adds skill to the game. 0_0 From the post above they say you can just hold down the mouse button and you attack over and over. So what is different about that and just putting in auto attack so you don't have to hold the button down? They could make it a option for those that feel clicking over and over adds skill or what ever they think it adds.
With that said since I can just hold down the button to attack over and over I will have to try it out again if my 10 days are not up.
You still have to AIM, and when the mob tries to get BEHIND you, it might be a good idea to turn around and AIM at it....otherwise, you're just going to be swinging your sword in the wind....
The LAST damn thing FE needs is auto attack, imo. How much skill does it take to right click a mob, get up and go make a sandwich and coffee, and come back to find the mob dead? attack is awesome. NO. Just simply NO.
Please do NOT come back to FE if what you're looking for is for Icarus to make the game comply to the way "other games" do things. Those of us that are paid subscribers....aren't interested. Thank you very much.
Oh and another thing....
Just how do you think auto attack would work on sighted-rifles? Hmm? Yeah, see....the mobs in FE don't just stand still in one place and let you shoot them or hit them....they move. They move behind you, they circle you, they run AT you and then back away, they do all kinds of things. If all you want is "whack a mole"....surely there's a game out there that has that style of play. Nothing wrong with that if it's what you like, but don't expect every game to cater to that preference.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Holding down the mouse button is a viable option, but completely different from an auto attack. Like someone else stated, auto attack would be useless with sited rifles and also would work horribly with guns like the crossbow which has a long reload time between single shots. If you have an auto attack, you would fire as soon as it was reloaded, and if the target was moving you would just miss over and over as it would give you 0 time to aim.
FE takes skill in that you have to actually aim at your target and then shoot, not simply right click to auto attack and then watch as you magically land every attack at the target even if they are moving.
My Guild Wars 2 Vids
Um no.
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!
lol op dont play them then as for me ,its a change but i think its a very nice change.for me as long as there a short cut button
i can take the time to press it!
If I hold down mousebuttons, the attack repeats. Not sure why you think you need to keep clicking.
But if you are using pistols or rifles, you might want to be more economically with your ammo.
do you mean autofire?
do you mean autofire?
Hmm, if the OP meant auto fire, the game already has it as mentioned in previous posts so problems solved.
If the OP meant auto attack....still no.
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!
Just hold down the mouse button when you attack and you don't have to click, click, click!
From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
If having to aim and click bothers you so much, play another game, I heard Aion is a lot of fun!
As for Fallen Earth, the PvP does take a lot more skill then say the PvP in WoW, anyone who is 45 and has tried PvP knows I speak the truth, it's not something I can really explain but something others would have to see for themselves.
Right now my guild is organizing a faction v faction event at the end of the month, though I have a feeling Travs are gonna win, go go pistols! XD
[Mod edit]
I'm sorry that you've had carpal tunnel, but I really think it would be game-breaking for me if they put auto-attack in.
I like having to swing my sights all over the place because the mobs don't stand still and wait to be killed. I like having to measure out my ammo and try not to waste shots. Auto-attack on a pistoleer would mean crafting nothing but bullets morning noon and night. No thanks, I think it's just fine as it is.
I have a question for you. Who is more stupid. The person that is new to the game that has a good reason to want auto attack or the person who acts like a buttwhole claiming the guy is stupid we don't need auto attack in this game to find out it pretty much is? :P
If all you have to do is hold down the button to auto attack I would say it's pretty much in the game already and I'm a happy camper.
ill just file this with the other posts tryingto turn FE into WoW.
No it doesn't. Move on.
You all do realize that auto attack is in the game pretty much by just holding down the mouse button right? I guess you all should quit now for this game is like wow. 0_0 And I thought I left most of these types of replies in the wow forum. :P