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FE here FE there FE somewhere.. Why do I keep hearing about FE?

StoneLegionStoneLegion Member UncommonPosts: 709

I hear about it a lot now and I did play the game I even made a silly sniper video:


Now I hear FE a lot even considering coming back but I'm one of these guys that does not want to read every patch note but also like to learn a big list of main things that has changed since I played.


When I played the game crashed so much though I semi fixed it by turning my settings down.. But one city forget the name always crashed.. I missed that btw I bet there is not even 1/10 of the people there anymore...


Anyways another thing was it felt like the game was dead or going to die.


I hope you guys can offer me some reading material and maybe help promote this game to me heck if you make it good make a new post so people can see it and link it for me.


I hope something good comes out of this :)



  • japojapo Member Posts: 306

    It's got a free 10 trial.

    Try it....or not.  It's up to you to decide, it's not up to us to convince you.  See for yourself what's changed.

    Then, pay to play....or not.  Your choice.


    That's all.

  • HandsomeHussHandsomeHuss Member UncommonPosts: 100

    I agree with Japo, just try the trial and see for yourself. I only started playing about a month ago, but the game runs smooth and looks great with the new graphical improvements. I didn't play at launch, but from what I hear, its much better now than it was then.

    Seriously though, the number 1 reason why I play this game, is because it does not feel like its going to die. FE has so much potential, with committed devs and a solid community, they can push this game so far.

  • Einherjar_LCEinherjar_LC Member UncommonPosts: 1,055
    Originally posted by japo

    It's got a free 10 trial.
    Try it....or not.  It's up to you to decide, it's not up to us to convince you.  See for yourself what's changed.
    Then, pay to play....or not.  Your choice.
    That's all.




    Not sure how long it's been since you've played(sounds like early beta)but the game has changed by leaps and bounds since then, heck, since release.


    Graphics opitmizations, a tonne of bug and glitch fixes, vehicle physics refinement, etc.  Haven't had a CTD issue, nor heard of it being an issue within the last few months.


    As for the population issue...I feel like there are more people playing now than there were 3 months ago.  Major towns and starter towns are crowded and rarely is there a town where I see no one else around.


    There really has been so many changes it would be too much to list and the only way you'll know for sure is to try it out.


    Free 10 day trial on the official site(link in my sig).

    Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!

  • BinkoBinko Member Posts: 267

    Try the 10 days trail. It's free and it takes around 2 - 3 hours to install and patch.

    I took it down yesterday, I'm feel a little sick so I didn't play much. But some things that I did and didn't like was.

    • Graphics are not nice. It look very old and I think some people will not even touch the game when they see it. The character creation have the things you like in a MMORPG, BUT it look terrible and most of the stuff you click on don't change your character much. I think it would be great if they could change the charater creation into something like SWG have. SWG is old so it might be possible. Or not... maybe it's too late to change character design? They build the game so who knows.
    • How you control the character is also wierd. I hope they can change that. TAB, TAB turn run. It just feel wierd and I don't like it.
    • AI must be blind. I don't know, but they all stand there and it's a bit easy to kill them. Is that just a bug or is this how the game work?

    Other that that the game seems cool. I like the world and the story that it have. It is a litte oldish but I get a feeling that this can turn into something great. Just look how Anarchy Online have changed or the huge graphic update in EvE etc. It's possible.

    From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.

  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495
    Originally posted by kanechart

    I hear about it a lot now and I did play the game I even made a silly sniper video:
    Now I hear FE a lot even considering coming back but I'm one of these guys that does not want to read every patch note but also like to learn a big list of main things that has changed since I played.
    When was that?, I must admit I only cranked up all settings to very high since a few weeks and game runs very VERY good, considering the size, the one server and me being in the EU it's great to me. The game overall keeps improving in lots of way's. What you might consider doing is a full defrag and filecheck in launcher menu, this seems to help allot of people who experainced performance issues, aswell knowing your system and what it actually CAN handle in terms of games, just don't compare it to max setting of heavy instanced mmo's or singleplayer games. And aint using a current high end system myself.
    When I played the game crashed so much though I semi fixed it by turning my settings down.. But one city forget the name always crashed.. I missed that btw I bet there is not even 1/10 of the people there anymore...
    Not sure how you got that idea, been here since release and if anything I keep seeing fresh faces that want/gonna or are now subbed after their trial period. Still it aint a MMORPG for everyone so obvious there will be people that don't like the game, just like there will be people that do like it.
    Anyways another thing was it felt like the game was dead or going to die.
     Hmm, never felt this at all, not even since release so as asked before how did you get this idea?
    I hope you guys can offer me some reading material and maybe help promote this game to me heck if you make it good make a new post so people can see it and link it for me.
    As others said the only true and honost opinion you can form about the game is to do the trial:
    I hope something good comes out of this :)


  • illuvatarilluvatar Member Posts: 26

    The game has improved tremendously for me personally. I have played beta in the past, which was rather clunky (performance wise) and didn't offer any suggestions, hints etc.

    After playing the 10-day free trial it seems that they have found the right balance between informing new players and letting them find certain things out for themselves. The performance has increased greatly as well. I'm now able to run FE ;1680x1050 with settings on high, while playing on my laptop (2ghz dual core, ati mobility 4670).

    I've got the feeling that I'll be playing this game for quite some time..

    Everyone that's still on the fence; just give the 10 day free trial a go!

  • BinkoBinko Member Posts: 267

    The game feels dead? Maybe if you look at the world your in. It's like the Fallout games. It's made to look empty.

    One thing that makes me a little bit worried is the Help chat. It's full of people asking questions, and it have GM's helping and also other players. It makes me think that the game is still in Beta.

    For example after the patch yesterday the Mail system got broken. And the Mobs just stand still when you attack them and when you walk to the side your character move wierd etc. Little things that I can't help thinking about. The character animations seem all bugged or not done. How will the rest of the game be?

    Not sure I'm going to pay to play a game that still have not got out of Beta. =/

    If only it was made right, then it would be one of the best. Gaah I dunno... play or not play... 10 days will tell...

    From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.

  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779

    I love the game personally. Doesn't feel like a beta to me, just feels like there needs to be more direction. But then again I love it anyways.

  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495
    Originally posted by Binko

    The game feels dead? Maybe if you look at the world your in. It's like the Fallout games. It's made to look empty.
    One thing that makes me a little bit worried is the Help chat. It's full of people asking questions, and it have GM's helping and also other players. It makes me think that the game is still in Beta.
    For example after the patch yesterday the Mail system got broken. And the Mobs just stand still when you attack them and when you walk to the side your character move wierd etc. Little things that I can't help thinking about. The character animations seem all bugged or not done. How will the rest of the game be?
    Not sure I'm going to pay to play a game that still have not got out of Beta. =/
    If only it was made right, then it would be one of the best. Gaah I dunno... play or not play... 10 days will tell...


    Just want to let you know that about 70% of the questions asked in /help could be eliminated if people would do and the intro tutorial and the extended tutorial, would lessen ALLOT of the questions we keep seeing, so it isn't the game, it's simply people not really paying attention.

    Playing since release, no other MMORPG has done this the last several years, so it's good enough for me and actually beats most A-Title MMO's in how it totally suite the playstyle I want from a MMORPG, yes it has some issue's, yes mail didn't work properly, tho it wasn't broken as it still worked, just not as intented, seen worse bugs in other MMORPG so it aint a really big issue to call it still beta.

    Do hope you enjoy the rest of the game......have fun..

  • DarkholmeDarkholme Member UncommonPosts: 1,212
    Originally posted by Binko
    One thing that makes me a little bit worried is the Help chat. It's full of people asking questions, and it have GM's helping and also other players. It makes me think that the game is still in Beta...


    You're being facetious right? The help channel is full of players asking questions? Really... Name one MMOG that doesn't have any bugs in it, where new bugs aren't introduced sometimes, and where new players don't need help of some sort to figure something out. If the game was rife with game-breaking bugs and playing it was a convoluted mess then you might have a point, but it is neither of those things at all.


    "Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places..." ~ H.P.Lovecraft, "From Beyond"

    Member Since March 2004

  • Justarius1Justarius1 Member Posts: 381
    Originally posted by kanechart

    I hear about it a lot now and I did play the game I even made a silly sniper video:
    Now I hear FE a lot even considering coming back but I'm one of these guys that does not want to read every patch note but also like to learn a big list of main things that has changed since I played.
    When I played the game crashed so much though I semi fixed it by turning my settings down.. But one city forget the name always crashed.. I missed that btw I bet there is not even 1/10 of the people there anymore...
    Anyways another thing was it felt like the game was dead or going to die.
    I hope you guys can offer me some reading material and maybe help promote this game to me heck if you make it good make a new post so people can see it and link it for me.
    I hope something good comes out of this :)


    My friend, the biggest changes were these:

    1) Vastly improved graphics.  The grass looks better.  The textures look better.  I never really had an issue with the graphics in the first place, but due to community outcry, the development team really did a killer job with some improvements.  Kick up your graphics as hard as you can for your system to see what I mean.  (Keep in mind, Fallen Earth still is very graphics-card intensive.)

    2) Vastly improved launcher/updater system.  It just patches and does all those maintenance things much more quickly now.

    3) Vastly improved performance when it comes to crashes.  I play for hours at a time now without a crash.

    4) Addition of "social areas" - not a huge deal for me but they might become popular with a few guilds and such.  There are underground bunkers and such where you can gamble now. 

    I believe there's a free trial so you have nothing to lose.  Give it a whirl yourself.  Game mechanics wise, in terms of PvP combat, many mutations/stuns/etc have been changed to be less effective.


  • kakasakikakasaki Member UncommonPosts: 1,205

    For those of you still on the fence about playing FE or not, give the free trial a shot. I was very critical of this game when it came out (yeah without playing it) but decided to give the free trial a shot. I was very   pleasantly surprise about how much fun it is to play. Needless to say, I am subscribing after the free trial.

    A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...

  • project8sixproject8six Member Posts: 271

    i was in the beta for a while and after some time i gave up hope. but now coming back and trying the game i am liking it a lot. going to sub once my trial is up ...2 more days.

    die. <3

  • Oblivi0nOblivi0n Member Posts: 58

    I hoped I would feel that UO game when trying it out, sadly pvp is restricted to certain areas, so I don't think this is the one for me.

    I'd give it about an 8 in every category so far.   I even thought the graphics were fine compared to what so many people here said.  It needs to be expanded in a lot of areas but I see great potential in this game.

  • illuvatarilluvatar Member Posts: 26

    Yesterday I hit level 10 on my trial account....And seeing that you don't gather more experience after that, I directly bought the full version with my Fallen Earth ATV ;)

    Not that I'm going to use it a lot, seeing that it consumes fuel like I consume coffee, but still

  • ironhelixironhelix Member Posts: 448

    Fallen Earth desperately needs a marketing campaign. I followed the game through development, largely because I like the setting/theme, but as launch drew closer, I lost interest. I lost interest mainly because of some videos and other media that made the game look bad. After hearing some internet chatter about how the game was shaping up, I gave the free trial a try. Two days into the trial, and I was hooked. You really just have to try it, it's quite unique in a lot of ways, and has more of an "old-school" flavor that I really like. In the 10 days that I have been playing, it seems like there are more people than when I started, I really do think Fallen Earth is growing.

  • illuvatarilluvatar Member Posts: 26

    Marketing is probably quite expensive for companies like Icarus. For the exact same reason we've not seen extensive marketing campaigns for games like DaoC, Horizons, etc. in the past. Hopefully FE's development will follow the same path as EVE. Word to mouth *can* bring you far, and if you're generating a steady revenue you can more easily spend money on marketing campaigns.

    I do agree with the fact that the FE trailers are quite poor - quality wise. They definitely don't do the game justice if you ask me. The problem is that a large part of FE 's attraction comes from the open world, crafting and complexity - things that are hard to capture with a two minute trailer that normally emphasizes on combat.

  • FuggoFuggo Member Posts: 121

    YouTube have some player made movies, but most of them are not that nice. I don't know why people make movies that are 20 sec short and it show a player doing a dance move or run around in the destert killing a chicken...........

    Give it some time and people will make better movies.

    When I understand the game more, I will start making one myself!


    [Earthrise ss in my profile][Coming out Q2 2010]

  • valthalion2valthalion2 Member Posts: 1

    I quit MMOs 13 months ago...was just burned out and with the exception of EVE, they all ended up feeling about the same.  My biggest complaint is the WoW model where the "game doesnt begin until you max level".  Now, I did hae a very good time getting to max level in WoW, but i just dont like Raid end game play...never have.  To funnel poeple to the end game, the levelling has gotten faster and more linear, thus making the journey less enjoyable.  EQ2 was had a single levelling path.  WoW has two main paths, one on each side. 

    I got an email from reveiwing FE and it piqued my interest...espcially the "sandbox" description.  I started the trial and after 2 days, i subscribed.  Now, FE may yet suffer from this same fate as a new character will start in the same set of towns as before, be the same race, have access to the same items and skills.  However, what doesnt feel linear is the questing (missions) where many of them serve only to advance the story line by filling in background, not necessarily sending you off on the next step in the race to 45. 

    I like that if i use APs, i can not "redo".  make a decision and live with it.  I like that mobs of equal level ar tough to beat in many cases and if one gets behind you, you can go down quick.  I like the free form crafting system where i dont have to choose a profression and can spend the time / effort / money to become as good as i want to be in any or all of the tradeskills.  I like that I can choose to spend AP to improve my core skills (compat, armor  etc) as I see fit, yet they do have recommendations based on a number of play style preferences.   I like that items are mostly player crafted and that i can make a large amount of it myself.  I like that there arent (or at least i havent seen) very powerful weapons for their level, such as the rare / ultra rare items in WoW. 

    I am still frustrated by the Auction House.  I cant figure out what sells and what doesnt....and it seems that nearly everything is priced higher than what the merchants sell for....any thoughts on that? 

    I have played for two weeks now and the only crashes I have had are when i ALT-TAB to another process.  So. i quit doing that when in dangerous areas.  I have had to log out and back in about 3 times to clear up some kind of odd interface bug, but over-all I would say this game is no worse than any other MMO and maybe better than many, for having been out only 5 months.

    I have not ventured into PVP yet, and am in no hurry. 


  • Kaynos1972Kaynos1972 Member Posts: 2,316

    FE is a niche game you either like it or not.  Things to consider before trying that could help you decide. 

    1-Skill base game

    2-Shooter like combat

    3-Sandbox feel

    4-Crafting heavy game

    5-Above average learning curve

    If you like the above, you might like the game.

  • Robdc84Robdc84 Member Posts: 156
    Originally posted by Aguitha

    FE is a niche game you either like it or not.  Things to consider before trying that could help you decide. 
    1-Skill base game
    2-Shooter like combat
    3-Sandbox feel
    4-Crafting heavy game
    5-Above average learning curve
    If you like the above, you might like the game.


    crafting heavy no kidding just wish they would bring a balnce with crafting vs item drops i think that would be a nice change. i have also thought about resubing just to see all the changes.


  • ironhelixironhelix Member Posts: 448
    Originally posted by valthalion2

    I quit MMOs 13 months ago...was just burned out and with the exception of EVE, they all ended up feeling about the same.  My biggest complaint is the WoW model where the "game doesnt begin until you max level".  Now, I did hae a very good time getting to max level in WoW, but i just dont like Raid end game play...never have.  To funnel poeple to the end game, the levelling has gotten faster and more linear, thus making the journey less enjoyable.  EQ2 was had a single levelling path.  WoW has two main paths, one on each side. 
    I got an email from reveiwing FE and it piqued my interest...espcially the "sandbox" description.  I started the trial and after 2 days, i subscribed.  Now, FE may yet suffer from this same fate as a new character will start in the same set of towns as before, be the same race, have access to the same items and skills.  However, what doesnt feel linear is the questing (missions) where many of them serve only to advance the story line by filling in background, not necessarily sending you off on the next step in the race to 45. 
    I like that if i use APs, i can not "redo".  make a decision and live with it.  I like that mobs of equal level ar tough to beat in many cases and if one gets behind you, you can go down quick.  I like the free form crafting system where i dont have to choose a profression and can spend the time / effort / money to become as good as i want to be in any or all of the tradeskills.  I like that I can choose to spend AP to improve my core skills (compat, armor  etc) as I see fit, yet they do have recommendations based on a number of play style preferences.   I like that items are mostly player crafted and that i can make a large amount of it myself.  I like that there arent (or at least i havent seen) very powerful weapons for their level, such as the rare / ultra rare items in WoW. 
    I am still frustrated by the Auction House.  I cant figure out what sells and what doesnt....and it seems that nearly everything is priced higher than what the merchants sell for....any thoughts on that? 
    I have played for two weeks now and the only crashes I have had are when i ALT-TAB to another process.  So. i quit doing that when in dangerous areas.  I have had to log out and back in about 3 times to clear up some kind of odd interface bug, but over-all I would say this game is no worse than any other MMO and maybe better than many, for having been out only 5 months.
    I have not ventured into PVP yet, and am in no hurry. 

    I am an EVE player as well, and I agree with you 100%. I was at the same point of giving up on these games until I tried the Fallen Earth trial. Only took me 2 days to become hooked.

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