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This is definately my top choice for my MMO! I cannot wait untill release and it is just a few months away!
Customization - 5stars
Gameplay(ive seen)- 5 stars
Unique Gameplay- 5 Stars
This is my most anticipated MMO of this year being released! Whats your thoughts, you looking forward to the release? Or not bothered either way?
APB is looking to be a fresh new game for the MMO genre. I just hope that it includes the actual MMO aspect rather than just a "GTA Online" . I.E. Levels, Guilds, Raids, etc.. I'm not looking for another WoW but it IS called an MMORPG for a reason..
I suppose you are roleplaying 'Cops and robbers' so I can see where they are coming from with the MMORPG title. I do love teh fact there are no levels, only Rank, therefore no level requirements/rank requirements the game is based on skill
), another love I have for the game, just can't wait!
I'm not in Beta so I can't be 100% sure. But it looks like it's going to be a better version of GTA online.
There is a "free zone"/city or whatever they call it. Maybe it will have more rollplay in that. Inside the mission zone it seem to be just about action. And I think you are a bit forced to take action or you lose points etc. But I can be wrong.
Anyway, I can't wait to play it!
From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
Although I can see the resemblence to GTA IV I dislike the fact it is being compared to GTA. It may have a city and third person, but I don't see GTA because of those factors
Shame really this is looking better than GTA
I have to admit, I'm really looking forward to how this plays. I like the idea, I'm just worried of the kind of players it will attract i.e " hahaha pwned!" and stuff like that. It breaks immersion and thats what i look for. Hopefully theres a RP server. Hardcore gameplay, hardcore environment. Bring it on!
Longing for Skyrim, The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3
Don't hold your breath. This isn't an option. I do know what you mean by the pwned kiddies though.
Unfortunately for me i dont hold much out for this game. GTA holds all the cards on this genre i cant see these guys doing better than GTA on any facet of the game. As for it been MMO if they do that part well they may well just pull off a nice game that is different to current mmo's.
If its more than a couple months off then will not meet the 1st quarter date announced. Hopefully this is as good as it sounds. i am not in beta either. Was hoping someone who was could give us a yes its great sign of some kind. Understand the ndc is in place so blink once if ng and twice if we should get our preorders going.
This post is intentionally written as to not make any sense what so ever. Thank You Very Much.
At first I was thinking WOW when I was looking at some of the videos. Today I'm not sure.
They seem to have a lot of focus on cloths and character creation and cars. It sure look great and all, but I can see the flame coming when people with crap computers get angry when the game start to lag.
And why don't this game have bikes? People love them in the GTA games so why not? Too much focus on what jeans to wear?
The game also have different missions, but when I look at some videos it end up with just "go kill that guy" type of missions. How fun will that be in the long run?
I hope they have made the city ready for jumps etc that the GTA games also have. Something that you can do other then just run around a shoot and some dude 24/7.
It don't have drugs and I don't think you can take over buildings etc. So like I was saying before it all end with a just shooting on the street...
I'm going to wait a month or two when this game is out. Not sure it's that great anymore. It even have a music program... I mean where is the focus?
From Earth & Beyond, Anarchy Online, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa (Beta), EvE Online, City of Villians, Atlantica Online, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, RF Online, Second Life, Fallen Earth.
I guess it depends how they release. As for the lack of focus on missions you have to look at it as they are showing off features that set APB apart from the 100's of other MMO's out there. The lag you mention should not be an issue this is why they are using layers and stencils to make decals and clothes.
I agree with the no bikes thing I would like to see them too but on APB-Evolved someone did state that things like bikes can come later. This is not a game breaker for me as I am sure in the future they will be adding content to the game.
As for the missions on the Mark Rein videos it was not just go kill a bunch of guys at (X) location. They was doing pickup's and dropping off items and ended up being encountered by criminals trying to stop there mission from being completed.
I would love to see some sort of guild control so I agree with you on that one as for drugs again this is not a game breaker for me. But again guild control can be added later and I hope it is.
Crafters will love the creative side they are pretty much trying to cater for all player types not just the crafters we know PvP is in and expect it to be in maybe they are just showing off other aspects of APB rather than what you expect to see. They do not need to put 100% focus on combat or PvP when they are already using an engine that does this well. So right now I am not too worried about any lack of content. I just hope it all goes well together.
I have to disagree with you on that one. APB is being developed by Realtime Worlds, which was founded by former Rockstar and GTA mastermind David James. He sold the franchise after GTA 2 to startup this company, and they've been working on APB ever since.
To say that "GTA holds all the cards on this genre i cant see these guys doing better than GTA on any facet of the game" is a joke.
Meridian 59 Beta Tester circa 1996