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NooiTNooiT Member Posts: 93

Yo, ben playing assult for a couple of hours now and i gotta say a big MEEEH

anyone found the class to be just perfect and loving it? i find it mostly lacking in both dmg and survivability, ofcourse im only lv8 or so and i do realise that at later levels thay will be able to withstand allot more dmg and have much more hp but so far i'vent felt any power or "fun" playing the class, made a robot guy which is way more versitile and more fun to play, i intend to try em all to figure out what really suits me but so far assult is a meh class, also i find that male assults are too big for the screen and end up blocking the view when ppl are meleeing u.

How about you?


  • ZukanZukan Member Posts: 161

    It takes a few levels for the Assault to come into his own. By level 20 you'd be pretty well off.

  • NooiTNooiT Member Posts: 93


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