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This stickied EVE thread is against your Rules of Conduct

-Zeno--Zeno- Member CommonPosts: 1,298

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The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.


  • twiggy550twiggy550 Member UncommonPosts: 492

    You must be bored.

    "IRL is a pretty upstanding MMO with thousands of classes, a lot of PvP and even some pretty unique emotes and titles you can acquire. Explore that world first, then we'll talk about this virtual one."

  • abyss404abyss404 Member UncommonPosts: 68

    "James T Kirk was a great man, but that was another life." Nice signature Zeno.

    Think we have a Star Trek Online fanboy here trying to start crap with EVE?

  • -Zeno--Zeno- Member CommonPosts: 1,298

    Just pointing out the obvious.  A free month is a reward and has a real world dollar value since you can actually buy ISK for real money (PLEX) and buy game time with ISK.  The only way it would not be against their Rules of Conduct is if CCP is paying them to keep the thread open.

    Edit: Its about time I change my sig.  I like games like EVE, Shadowbane, and Darkfall.  The Star Trek MMO does not interest me.

    The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

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