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Woman arrested for deleting savegame

This is too funny, I would've changed my passsword the minute they broke up :p




  • emoskater1emoskater1 Member Posts: 16

  • SerienSerien Member CommonPosts: 8,460

    Define Owned.

    great article


  • dsorrentdsorrent Member CommonPosts: 1,627

    LOL.. that's pretty damn funny... I have to go password protect my computer now.

    Although, isn't Lineage an online game? Why do they store that information client side?


  • AngryHippieAngryHippie Member Posts: 214

    The evulness people do... image

    "Maybe your ram is bad."

  • VenQWishVenQWish Member Posts: 51

    She deleted his account, so basically his characters and everything he virtually owned, it isn't stored client side but you can manage it through the account.

    One word: Sucker :p

  • VenQWishVenQWish Member Posts: 51

    Ugh, sorry for double post, seems opera doesn't like this forum or something :p

    So plz delete this, can't seem to do it myself ^^

  • JohnarkJohnark Member Posts: 901

    Ahh those japanese gamers...

    Anyone heard of last month's Playstation 2 Demo Disc where if you ran one of the demo games on the Disc, it would format your Memory Cards?  Strangely enough, I never heard of anyone sueing Sony for that, but somehow the Police in Japan can arrest someone for hacking into your MMORPG account.

    Scary... I'm glad I never let my girlfriends know my MMORPG passwords. image

    ___________ ___ __ _ _ _
    Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P

  • sdoughtysdoughty Member Posts: 149
    wat kinda loser wud fone the police about a deleted file, especially on his ex-girlfriend,my friends 93% san andreas file for mysteriously deleted but he didnt ring the police, its ridiculous

    Toughest rater in the world
    Try to impress me, please, i dare u

    Toughest rater in the world
    Try to impress me, please, i dare u

  • Iceman12321Iceman12321 Member Posts: 992

    what a dork...

    nice revenge::=^~::

  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360


  • XzaroXzaro Member UncommonPosts: 1,719

    Originally posted by sdoughty
    wat kinda loser wud fone the police about a deleted file, especially on his ex-girlfriend,my friends 93% san andreas file for mysteriously deleted but he didnt ring the police, its ridiculousToughest rater in the world
    Try to impress me, please, i dare u

    Why not? Have more revenge on your ex. Revenge tastes great ::::02::


  • VenQWishVenQWish Member Posts: 51

    Hehe, yeah, that woman got her revenge allright, if he comes online again now, she can butcher him everytime :D

  • bobblerbobbler Member UncommonPosts: 810

    i would have killed that girl for doing that >_>


    Bobbler master of the obvious/rules


  • digitydarkmandigitydarkman Member Posts: 2,194

    something kinda like this has happened to me... TWICE, lol once with UO, was on vacation let a friend at the time use my account came back to find all my chars and items, houses gone, was pretty pissed. then a few years down the line same thing happend with AO, but all i did was contact funcom support and they gave me my characters back, no items or money though


  • BlizzagenBlizzagen Member Posts: 167
    Please..please...don't tell me you gave your AO account to the same friend who did it to your UO account. image


  • digitydarkmandigitydarkman Member Posts: 2,194

    Originally posted by Blizzagen
    Please..please...don't tell me you gave your AO account to the same friend who did it to your UO account. image



  • VenQWishVenQWish Member Posts: 51

    Thank god :D

    Too bad that stuff happened to ya though :/

  • ViolentYViolentY Member Posts: 1,458

    You have to remember, in the Asian countries, they treat MMORPGs like we treat football or Nascar. They have several channels--not shows, but entire channels--for just MMORPGs such as Lineage, the biggest MMORPG there.

    In South Korea, one of the main things the police actually trained for is riots due to MMORPGs... in fact, deleting/ruining someone's MMORPG account is actually considered motive for murder there.

    And before you all think I'm talking out of my ass, I did a report on Lineage, NCSoft, and South Korea a few years ago.

    "Io rido, e rider mio non passa dentro;
    Io ardo, e l'arsion mia non par di fore."


  • Originally posted by VenQWish

    This is too funny, I would've changed my passsword the minute they broke up :p


       NICE link and article! It was the guy's fault anyway. He gave her his login info? While she didn't give him her login info? Then if he's going to break up with her, he should've changed his info before breaking up LOL!

     I really feel bad for her and nothing for him LOL!

  • DuckyDucky Member Posts: 413

    lol, she got her revenge, he got his revenge (getting her arrested), but i am sure he feels alot more, as the person comment about 93% san adreas, that is really nothing, maybe 30 hours of work, i bet this guy had put in around 3 or 4 more months of actual play time.


  • ViscepraViscepra Member Posts: 2

    Doughty don't be dumb.

    The guy put alot of time and concentration into an MMO and just because they broke up doesn't give the Girlfriend the right to delete all his stuff.

  • j-monsterj-monster Member Posts: 1,060

    Originally posted by Viscepra

    Doughty don't be dumb.
    The guy put alot of time and concentration into an MMO and just because they broke up doesn't give the Girlfriend the right to delete all his stuff.

    even if it is sidesplittingly hilarious.
  • jayheld90jayheld90 Member UncommonPosts: 1,726

    Originally posted by dsorrent
    LOL.. that's pretty damn funny... I have to go password protect my computer now.Although, isn't Lineage an online game? Why do they store that information client side?Odd...

    hehehe too funny, and yes dsorrent it is online, and no it is not stored client side they are on the game server. she accessed his account using his login and password and then deleted his characters. but he must not have played it for a while because your characters "sit" when you say delete and it gives you a few days to cancel the process.

  • qurckqurck Member Posts: 91
    its one of those situations where you just point, laugh and if they try to kill you, run like hell!

    We call the village idiot Mr. President


  • zethcarnzethcarn Member UncommonPosts: 1,558
    I'd have to say I would want to kill her too.  To me, it's the same as stealing something valuable I owned and burning it right in front of me.
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