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Baldur's Gate is Hard

SuperXero89SuperXero89 Member UncommonPosts: 2,551

After playing Dragon Age for awhile and hearing about how similar the game was to the Baldur's Gate series, I decided to try the original once again.  Now I bought this game years ago, but I have no idea where I placed all the various CDs.  Long story short, I "acquired" a copy of Baldur's Gate and started playing it again, intending to actually play the game this time instead of seeing how many cows I can spawn in the center of the Friendly Arm Inn.  Man, is this game hard though.  Even though I've played the heck out of NWN and experienced playing the real PnP game through some online sessions (those are fun with the right software), I consider myself a D&D newb, but I didn't think I suckd quite this bad.  It seems like I can only make it through every two or three fights before someone in my party (sometimes more than one) takes a dirtnap, forcing me to run back to down to plug down 100 gold just to get him or her resurrected.  Despite this, I really enjoy the game though.  I actually the the game's graphics have aged rather well and the soundtrack is top notch, but it just sucks that I'm so terrible at the game.

Does anyone who's played this agree with me or have some solutions which may keep me alive? :P



  • ThillianThillian Member UncommonPosts: 3,156

    That's one of the strongest points of the game. It is hard for the start, but eventually you can learn it so well, than you will solo it with a bard as I recently did. While it normally is intented for full group of 6 characters.

    To give you tips for the start, try to make your main character a fighter-like character (elf preferably for higher dexterity) Fighter is great, Fighter/Thief even better.

    Neverwinter was hack'n slash basically, BG 1 is a lot more about exploration and the feel of being an inexperienced adventurer thrown out in a wilderness for the first time. It is my most favourite RPG of all time along with Planescape Torment and I think NWN or Dragon Age didn't touch the gameplay enjoyment of original Baldur's Gate 1 and imo are actually very different.


  • etlaretlar Member UncommonPosts: 864

     well..if you find it too hard to play, start a multiplayer session, create six chars from scratch, and play through the game with those, that will make it alot easier, but you will also miss out on some really great characters, in particular i still remember that guy with Boo the space hamster, he made remarks that can still make me smile today, lol :)

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,121
    Originally posted by SuperXero89

    After playing Dragon Age for awhile and hearing about how similar the game was to the Baldur's Gate series, I decided to try the original once again.  Now I bought this game years ago, but I have no idea where I placed all the various CDs.  Long story short, I "acquired" a copy of Baldur's Gate and started playing it again, intending to actually play the game this time instead of seeing how many cows I can spawn in the center of the Friendly Arm Inn.  Man, is this game hard though.  Even though I've played the heck out of NWN and experienced playing the real PnP game through some online sessions (those are fun with the right software), I consider myself a D&D newb, but I didn't think I suckd quite this bad.  It seems like I can only make it through every two or three fights before someone in my party (sometimes more than one) takes a dirtnap, forcing me to run back to down to plug down 100 gold just to get him or her resurrected.  Despite this, I really enjoy the game though.  I actually the the game's graphics have aged rather well and the soundtrack is top notch, but it just sucks that I'm so terrible at the game.
    Does anyone who's played this agree with me or have some solutions which may keep me alive? :P


    I actually just did the same thing and purchased a 4 disk set of Baldur's Gate, BG II, Tales of the Sword Coast and Throne of Bhaal. I have trouble actually running Baldur's Gate so I have to go back to my mac version.

    I do remember them being hard but in a way I liked the challenge. Also, you can set the difficulty level so you should be able to tone down the game. hmmm, well in BG II I know you can so I am thinking you should be able to do this for BG.

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • ThillianThillian Member UncommonPosts: 3,156
    Originally posted by etlar

     well..if you find it too hard to play, start a multiplayer session, create six chars from scratch, and play through the game with those, that will make it alot easier, but you will also miss out on some really great characters, in particular i still remember that guy with Boo the space hamster, he made remarks that can still make me smile today, lol :)


    I would definetly not recommend this! There are some extremly well scripted and written characters (Xan, Montaron, Xarl, Tiax!, Edwin ...). Some are completely mad, some are raving about rabbits, and some will even pick up fights between each other (eventually killing themselves)


  • etlaretlar Member UncommonPosts: 864

     Absolutely correct Thillian, He should definetely play through without doing that, just a friendly tip though ;)

  • Kaisen_DexxKaisen_Dexx Member UncommonPosts: 326

    Minsc and Boo were always my favorite characters in Baldur's Gate.

    Butt-Kicking for Goodness!

    Go for the Eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!

  • Kungaloosh1Kungaloosh1 Member Posts: 260


  • ThillianThillian Member UncommonPosts: 3,156

    I did finish BG1 for about ten times, basically replaying it every year. Some could call me a fanatic, but I really fell in love with the game.

    By the way, if you have a larger monitor and wish to play it in higher resolution, try this program ,

    which allows you to change the in-game resolution to any you set.


  • KithcaKithca Member Posts: 118
    Originally posted by Kaisen_Dexx

    Minsc and Boo were always my favorite characters in Baldur's Gate.
    Butt-Kicking for Goodness!
    Go for the Eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!


    I think they almost gained more popularity than the game itself, O.o

    Baldur's Gate is definitely a classic and it really set a standard for single player RPGs.  I still have my original CD's around here somewhere.  I will never forget how I fell in love with the cut scenes in it and how it uses the good ole' 2.0 rule set for DnD.  OR how I killed my party in a game by attacking a shopkeeper, on purpose.  Mmm, killing townsfolk; bye bye good alignment! Sadly I'ma bad girl, I never played the sequel; shame on me.

  • SuperXero89SuperXero89 Member UncommonPosts: 2,551

    Somehow I figured this would get some replies.


    Yeah, I've downloaded the widescreen patch and even the mod which lets you run BG1 in BG2's game engine.


    As of right now, Minsc attacked my party because we took too long rescuing this girl from the gnoll fort, and I have two guys dead in my party with only 8 gold to ressurect them, but one thing I'm doing is just running around trying to level up all my characters a bit.  It seems to take forever though and I still die almost every other fight, and once I successfully kill something, I get jumped when I try to rest and then I die :P

  • illanadanillanadan Member Posts: 314

     Ahh Memories! Now I have to dig out my old disc's (do they even use CD's anymore?!?!) and play it again.

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    "I like wow, I like aion and I like AoC all for different reasons.....the later cause i get to see boobs, but still its a reason!!" - Sawlstone

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,121
    Originally posted by SuperXero89

    Somehow I figured this would get some replies.
    Yeah, I've downloaded the widescreen patch and even the mod which lets you run BG1 in BG2's game engine.
    As of right now, Minsc attacked my party because we took too long rescuing this girl from the gnoll fort, and I have two guys dead in my party with only 8 gold to ressurect them, but one thing I'm doing is just running around trying to level up all my characters a bit.  It seems to take forever though and I still die almost every other fight, and once I successfully kill something, I get jumped when I try to rest and then I die :P


    Do you have a trustworthy link for that?

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • SuperXero89SuperXero89 Member UncommonPosts: 2,551
    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by SuperXero89

    Somehow I figured this would get some replies.
    Yeah, I've downloaded the widescreen patch and even the mod which lets you run BG1 in BG2's game engine.
    As of right now, Minsc attacked my party because we took too long rescuing this girl from the gnoll fort, and I have two guys dead in my party with only 8 gold to ressurect them, but one thing I'm doing is just running around trying to level up all my characters a bit.  It seems to take forever though and I still die almost every other fight, and once I successfully kill something, I get jumped when I try to rest and then I die :P


    Do you have a trustworthy link for that?



  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196

    Ah, good old Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale. I remember being on Gamespy Arcade all day every day playing those games. They dont make them like that anymore. I have been thinking about trying to re collect those games.

  • stuxstux Member Posts: 462

     I completed it more then once and don't recall it being that hard.

  • Zorvan01Zorvan01 Member CommonPosts: 390

    It's not that Baldur's Gate is hard, it's that games since then have been made increasingly easier.


  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,121
    Originally posted by SuperXero89

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by SuperXero89

    Somehow I figured this would get some replies.
    Yeah, I've downloaded the widescreen patch and even the mod which lets you run BG1 in BG2's game engine.
    As of right now, Minsc attacked my party because we took too long rescuing this girl from the gnoll fort, and I have two guys dead in my party with only 8 gold to ressurect them, but one thing I'm doing is just running around trying to level up all my characters a bit.  It seems to take forever though and I still die almost every other fight, and once I successfully kill something, I get jumped when I try to rest and then I die :P


    Do you have a trustworthy link for that?




    Thank you very much ; )

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    Originally posted by Zorvan01

    It's not that Baldur's Gate is hard, it's that games since then have been made increasingly easier.



  • jdnewelljdnewell Member UncommonPosts: 2,237

    i have not played any of the BG or IWD series in years. Recently looked on amazon and they have the box set for both around $40 for games plus expansions.

    After playing DA think im gonna order those sets. I miss those games lol.

    On a side note I was at a buddies of mine recently who just moved back to my town and was helping him unpack and saw he had an unopened box for Planescape torment lol. The original big box in perfect condition unopened of all things.

    I told him he should install that immediatly and play it that night. Many good memories from those old games =)

  • TryggviTryggvi Member Posts: 83

     God, I really wish they would make a genuine Baldur's Gate 3 and not one those so-called movie-style spinoffs.  I have been disappointed by almost every BG2 "descendant."  Baldur's Gate 2 is like the Oblivion of the isometric D&D-based RPGs, way too much to do.

  • CeridithCeridith Member UncommonPosts: 2,980

    Originally posted by Tryggvi
     God, I really wish they would make a genuine Baldur's Gate 3 and not one those so-called movie-style spinoffs.  I have been disappointed by almost every BG2 "descendant."  Baldur's Gate 2 is like the Oblivion of the isometric D&D-based RPGs, way too much to do.

    It's a shame every developer has lately become more concerned with pretty graphics than with the content of the gameplay itself. If they spent as much time on the gameplay as they did with the graphics, we wouldn't be wishing for remakes of the classic from 10 or so years ago.

    I guess it really goes to show just how much the gaming industry has stagnated, despite the glitzy graphics.

  • TryggviTryggvi Member Posts: 83

     I seriously can replay Baldur's Gate 2 whenever I want and it's a whole new game.  These new games are just so plain and what you'd expect.  I don't need lots of movie-style cut scenes or every single line of text to have voice acting.  I prefer no voices, like with the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past or FF7 and 8, as compared to FFX, etc.  Giving my character a voice is not immersive at all, especially if the hero of the tale sounds like a 14-year-old boy.  Let us spring back 10 years gameplay wise and keep the graphics.  Hell, I'd rather the gameplay was great and the graphics were tolerable at best.

  • RiotgirlRiotgirl Member UncommonPosts: 520

    Good shout!

    I can attest to the difficulty (you are definitely thrusted into the wilderness and straight into the thick of the action) because I remember it took me a heck of a long time to adjust my game-play - especially at the beginning when you're inexperienced and weak, and practically every aggressive situation involves having to retreat, and draw the mobs to you to try and split them into seperate groups. Lots of trips to the Healers!

    Also, as one poster mentioned, you also have the difficulty of assassins popping up every now and then, and internecine conflict as your party mutinies due to alignment problems.

    I've forgotten how good Baldur's Gate was / is, and I barely scratched 1/4th of the content! Not to mention the attention to detail, such as being able to un-petrify statues, and then recruit the fortunate un-petrified adventurer into one's party. That reminds me: those basilisks were mean. One was hard enough to fight, without someone being petrified; but then another would wander into the area and upset the odds.

    I still have the original game-disks, so will re-install, and with luck should also have my original game-save position.


    "If you think I'm plucky and scrappy and all I need is love, you're in way over your head. I don't have a heart of gold or get nice. There are a lot nicer people coming up. We call them losers."

  • PhilbyPhilby Member Posts: 849

    Trying to kill Drizzt is something I will never forget. I finally decided making friends with him was the way to go. :)

    WOW isnt great because it has 12 million players. WOW has 12 million players because its great.

  • theAsnatheAsna Member UncommonPosts: 324

    Originally posted by SuperXero89

    After playing Dragon Age for awhile and hearing about how similar the game was to the Baldur's Gate series, I decided to try the original once again.  Now I bought this game years ago, but I have no idea where I placed all the various CDs.  Long story short, I "acquired" a copy of Baldur's Gate and started playing it again, intending to actually play the game this time instead of seeing how many cows I can spawn in the center of the Friendly Arm Inn.  Man, is this game hard though.  Even though I've played the heck out of NWN and experienced playing the real PnP game through some online sessions (those are fun with the right software), I consider myself a D&D newb, but I didn't think I suckd quite this bad.  It seems like I can only make it through every two or three fights before someone in my party (sometimes more than one) takes a dirtnap, forcing me to run back to down to plug down 100 gold just to get him or her resurrected.  Despite this, I really enjoy the game though.  I actually the the game's graphics have aged rather well and the soundtrack is top notch, but it just sucks that I'm so terrible at the game.

    Does anyone who's played this agree with me or have some solutions which may keep me alive? :P


    Well. Especially the early steps are rather dangerous in Baldur's Gate. An ogre or even a pack of wolves might crush your "tanks". A few hits will kill most low level adventurers. Later on it will get easier as the adventurers gain more power and better equipment.

    I resort to using ranged weapons and have only one or two party members engage in melee. Sometimes more micro management is required if enemies change their targets (no threat mechanics like MMORPGs are using). Kiting might be a cheesy tactic but it works. I let meleers retreat from close combat if they are severely wounded.

    I mostly use a ranger or rogue to scout ahead. In the early levels avoiding some fights will save you time and money. CC spells like 'Command', 'Sleep', 'Charm Person', 'Entangle', 'Hold Person" or "Hold Monster' help too. 'Summon monster X' or 'Animate Dead' will give you access to some cheap cannon fodder.

    There will be some parts in the early game where you have to fight bandits armed with bows (with/without fiery arrows). CC, focus fire with ranged weapons and a tank with enough healing potions will win the fight.

    With the right tactics the game is a cakewalk.

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