i'm not sure exactly how you feel, but i know since i stopped playing WoW i haven't been able to get into another. They just all feel the same just a crappy version of WoW, but honestly there are a lot of mmo's coming out 2010 that look promising.
A lot of them get out of the fantasy genre that i think is needed.
ps to the guy saying TERA... lol... looks like every other korean mmo out there.
I know it's typical gameplay but the art direction is pretty cool. It's got decent character creation and the monsters aren't your typicals cutesy ones.
i'm not sure exactly how you feel, but i know since i stopped playing WoW i haven't been able to get into another. They just all feel the same just a crappy version of WoW, but honestly there are a lot of mmo's coming out 2010 that look promising. A lot of them get out of the fantasy genre that i think is needed. ps to the guy saying TERA... lol... looks like every other korean mmo out there.
Says the guy who played wow, why dont you get your mom or dad to hold you in your hand while you play a real MMORPG?
It would be kinda like playing WoW...
TERA seems to be a great game and before looking at it and saying it LOOKS like any other korean mmo perhaps you should try it once it launches?
Id say that the Korean games often holds a higher quality than many of the NA/EU ones, because many EU/NA ones crashes before getting into the air.
MMO's just aren't as interesting anymore to me i mean friends begged me to come back to WoW i did for a month but didn't play half as much as i did before and i cancelled again i have accounts for lotro,cot/cov, conan,guild wars, and non of it even interests me over the last few months i'm leaning towards getting a ps3 and playing console games again thats how bored i am of MMO's.
hell i've been more into playing my ds emulator and pokemon platinum & FFTA2 roms lol
i'm not sure exactly how you feel, but i know since i stopped playing WoW i haven't been able to get into another. They just all feel the same just a crappy version of WoW, but honestly there are a lot of mmo's coming out 2010 that look promising.
A lot of them get out of the fantasy genre that i think is needed.
ps to the guy saying TERA... lol... looks like every other korean mmo out there.
Try Requiem: Bloodymare.
I know it's typical gameplay but the art direction is pretty cool. It's got decent character creation and the monsters aren't your typicals cutesy ones.
Says the guy who played wow, why dont you get your mom or dad to hold you in your hand while you play a real MMORPG?
It would be kinda like playing WoW...
TERA seems to be a great game and before looking at it and saying it LOOKS like any other korean mmo perhaps you should try it once it launches?
Id say that the Korean games often holds a higher quality than many of the NA/EU ones, because many EU/NA ones crashes before getting into the air.
Why not just take a break? I mean I love pumpkin pie but i can't eat it everyday.
OFC you can but you will start wondering why your still doing it after it loses the taste it once had.
Yes I have found myself in the same fix. A few things I will do..
1. Switch back to a previous game enjoyed
2. Take a break for awhile... get some fresh air for a few months
3. Go new game hunting. Do your research and find that one that will light a spark again.
4. And dont worry about it too much.. true gamers go through this when grind, grind, grind..same-o same-o has run it's course.
Cheers outfctrl
so, teala, what is the name of the game u r testing?
MMO's just aren't as interesting anymore to me i mean friends begged me to come back to WoW i did for a month but didn't play half as much as i did before and i cancelled again i have accounts for lotro,cot/cov, conan,guild wars, and non of it even interests me over the last few months i'm leaning towards getting a ps3 and playing console games again thats how bored i am of MMO's.
hell i've been more into playing my ds emulator and pokemon platinum & FFTA2 roms lol