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with "wilderness survival", i mean a realistic need to eat, drink, rest/sleep, cure diseases/infections etc - and a game world which makes those elements actually challenging and important.
Does Fallen Earth have that, or do you only have to deal with mobs?
btw. what do you think about that feature in general? Games like Fallout or Stalker usually don't have it and you need to get mods to add it - Developers are probably afraid players might think it's boring and tedious. But if done right, it's actually great imo. It adds a whole new and unique layer of strategy to a game. Unfortunately, mods can usually only offer a rather shallow version of wilderness survival...
Hype train -> Reality
Not really any wilderness survival involved. Only mobs.
I know there is a Fallout 3 mod out that deals with all of those things you listed,..but no that's not in FE
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
During the games build and beta, people did argue for more "survival".
But everything but Ammo crafting was whined down by the melee crowd.
Tho they did use the excuse "keepin it real" when it came to ammo... Never could get em to use the same excuse for water, food, healin... Ya know, the things that affected everyone and not just the ones that didn't want to play a sword and clubs game.
The only MMO I've played where food was mandatory was Everquest.
It looked realistic in the beggining but after some time it just turned into a micromangement PITA for me.
I don't like it.
plus in FE your inventory space is very limited and already most of it get used for ammo and you already have a dozen other crafting tools and repair kits you have on you at all times.
There is also the weight limit to think about.
I use food and drinks in FE, but only the ones that drop from mobs while I PVE.
In PVP, it's smart to use the food and drinks that give you the best buffs for your char build.
You do have skills and abilities to cure disseases, DoT's and other debuffs though.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
Never played EQ, but that sounds like the boring verison of survival - just buy food or cook mob drops. Basicly a money sink that's very similar to using ammo.
The good version would be: In order to be effective at getting water, you need to plan your travel routes, know all the sweet spots, use equiment like detectors, pumps, purifiers, etc. - a whole system and economy built around survival. If someone chooses to ignore all that, some minor "punishment" like reduced XP-gain or lowered stats would probably be enough.
i kinda dislike food for buffs or healing...
"I got shot, help me!!"
"Here, take a sandwich."
Hype train -> Reality
Did the originally Everquest have these mechanics?
I do remember keeping food and water on my character at all times. However do any of these mechanics excist in the new mmorpgs of today?
While food and drink aren't technically 'mandatory', they offer some nice buffs. Because of this, and the fact that I always have a pile of crafted food on me, I eat and drink all the time. My character should actually gain weight (or become irradiated) from all the food and drink I use.
There are some areas in the world that have radiation damage (beside the map borders). I like this aspect, and wish they'd implement more world states that affect players.
Currently Playing: LOTRO; DDO
Played: AC2, AO, Auto Assault, CoX, DAoC, DDO, Earth&Beyond, EQ1, EQ2, EVE, Fallen Earth, Jumpgate, Roma Victor, Second Life, SWG, V:SoH, WoW, World War II Online.
Games I'm watching: Infinity: The Quest for Earth, Force of Arms.
Find the Truth:
I don't think there any real survival mmos out there at all...
In fact, I don't know many survival games at all.
Any tips?
Here's a F2P indie game:
"You have crash-landed on planet Notrium. Your food supplies are running low, a pack of predatory aliens have got your scent. There are no more bullets for your pistol, your only weapon a handful of rocks. The night is coming, and you are desperately looking for wood to make a fire. Notrium is a game of survival."
Hype train -> Reality
Just make an RP guild and role play the whole survival thing, the quests play into it as does the overall lore.
The good version would be: In order to be effective at getting water, you need to plan your travel routes, know all the sweet spots, use equiment like detectors, pumps, purifiers, etc. - a whole system and economy built around survival. If someone chooses to ignore all that, some minor "punishment" like reduced XP-gain or lowered stats would probably be enough.
I like those ideas actualy.
Sounds cool.
But no, nothing like that in FE atm.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
All i want is S.T.A.L.K.E.R artifact system/hunting gimmiks and gadgets
i just figured players can build stuff like tents and campfires now - what is that all about?
Does FE have more survival features meanwhile?
Hype train -> Reality
Okay what you can do.
Pick up some basic weaponry recipes, take a few cooking recipes, perhaps even some medicine skills, make sure you have nothing in your pack/inventory except take a camp and some friends with you and go out and explore, set up the camp if you find a nice place where there are things to harvest/scavage/kill, find all the material/components from scavage to be able to make some weaponry from the basic recipes you picked up, prepare some foods for you and your friends for certain bonusses/buffs, harvest for some medicine short just RP if you into something like survival, FE is suited if you want something like this, but it takes some imagination to actualy do it, meant as having imagination to come up with idea's like this to actualy do it, not as in some none-gamers think you need to imagine all this, it's not scripted, it's not holding your hand to go in survival mode, it's up to you and the tools are there to do so.
Aw no, don't give me that "FE is so sandbox!". Survival IS sandbox gameplay. And FE doesn't have it because the devs are afraid that it would make the apocalypse not casual and convienient enough. They even said so in an interview.
Instead of keeping it somewhat realistic and immersive and building good mechanics around that, they are simply turning everything into WoW-Buffs.
Eating? Buff. Drinking? Buff. Building shelters and campfires? Buff. Just like every other cookie-cutter mmo.
Sleeping, day- and night-time, weather, temperature, with actual gameplay effects? Proper Hunting? Doesn't even exist.
Sure you could replace some of that experience with roleplaying, but the actual gameplay to go with it just isn't there.
Hype train -> Reality
Survival is not sandbox. It is themepark. However, instead of riding the " fun " rollercoaster you will spend your time riding the "survival " rollercoaster. I'm not saying it is a bad thing, but do not consider a true survival game as being sandbox.
Aw no, don't give me that "FE is so sandbox!". Survival IS sandbox gameplay. And FE doesn't have it because the devs are afraid that it would make the apocalypse not casual and convienient enough. They even said so in an interview.
Instead of keeping it somewhat realistic and immersive and building good mechanics around that, they are simply turning everything into WoW-Buffs.
Eating? Buff. Drinking? Buff. Building shelters and campfires? Buff. Just like every other cookie-cutter mmo.
Sleeping, day- and night-time, weather, temperature, with actual gameplay effects? Proper Hunting? Doesn't even exist.
Sure you could replace some of that experience with roleplaying, but the actual gameplay to go with it just isn't there.
haha, funny where did you see me write FE is a sandbox, or even "so sandbox", sorry but think something like Wurm Online is the closest to being a sandbox MMORPG, other MMORPG like SWG, Vanguard, EVE, Fallen Earth have sandbox feature/elements, doesn't make them sandbox MMORPG, but MMORPG's with sandbox elements/feature's in 'em.
You see WOW because that is what YOU WANT to see, sorry nothing about FE is WOW like.
As said it takes a gamers imagination to come up with idea's to make your own fun, shame so many people need to be handhold meaning you seem to need mechanics to hold your hands....instead of your own playstyle...
So sure blame a game due to your own playstyle as that's all I read in your reply.....sorry.
one thing noone mentioned was that you can make meds against poison and disease haven't needed any for disease yet. still early in the game. not true to life, but fun none the less
the pain!!
I guess every thread has to turn into another themepark vs. sandbox discussion sooner or later xP
I really disagree. A sandbox game does not NOT offer total freedom in every possible way - in fact, a "game" that offers total freedom is, by definition, not actually a game anymore (f.e. Second Life).
A game poses problems and has rules. Rule: If your HP are 0, you die. Is a game more "sandbox" if it removes death? Monsters will keep hitting you, but you are free to simply ignore that. Well... you get my drift.
Hype train -> Reality
Sandvich is credit to team.
I guess every thread has to turn into another themepark vs. sandbox discussion sooner or later xP
I really disagree. A sandbox game does not NOT offer total freedom in every possible way - in fact, a "game" that offers total freedom is, by definition, not actually a game anymore (f.e. Second Life).
A game poses problems and has rules. Rule: If your HP are 0, you die. Is a game more "sandbox" if it removes death? Monsters will keep hitting you, but you are free to simply ignore that. Well... you get my drift.
Don't be coy, you know what most posters are representing when they mention sandbox. They are usually are talking about a game that has features and elements of 1 of 3 games. Those games are UO, Eve and SWG.
Sure there have been other sandboxy games but it's usually 1 of those 3 that they are referring to.
Maybe it's just me, but without gameplay, it's not really fun. It lacks the depth and challenge I'm looking for. Anyone played Stalker: Call of Pripyat? In FE, you'll never have to look for shelter to get out of fallout or acid rain, because there is no such thing. Of course, you'll never randomly meet anyone at a shelter either. Not much you can do about that. And then gameplay also happens to get in your way - my post-apocalyptic horse seems pretty spoiled and picky, as it will only eat horse food and refuse to share a sandwich with my char. Both will actually refuse to eat an apple, unless the apple is properly crafted into "food". It's kinda odd anyway that my horse needs to eat, but my char doesn't. And so on...
Don't get me wrong, i kinda like FE - but it's too similar to other mmos for my taste. It's supposed to be post-apocalyptic, but doesn't have many features to go with that. Stalker actually does better in that regard.
Hype train -> Reality
Maybe it's just me, but without gameplay, it's not really fun. It lacks the depth and challenge I'm looking for. Anyone played Stalker: Call of Pripyat? In FE, you'll never have to look for shelter to get out of fallout or acid rain, because there is no such thing. Of course, you'll never randomly meet anyone at a shelter either. Not much you can do about that. And then gameplay also happens to get in your way - my post-apocalyptic horse seems pretty spoiled and picky, as it will only eat horse food and refuse to share a sandwich with my char. Both will actually refuse to eat an apple, unless the apple is properly crafted into "food". It's kinda odd anyway that my horse needs to eat, but my char doesn't. And so on...
Don't get me wrong, i kinda like FE - but it's too similar to other mmos for my taste. It's supposed to be post-apocalyptic, but doesn't have many features to go with that. Stalker actually does better in that regard.
Oh man, Stalker CoP, Definitly COOLNESS for sure, love the game, in fact love all parts since (very buggy) SoC, but then they are singleplayer games and those type of games are good due to them being just that.....singleplayer games.
Sure would love to see nature elements put ingame, but we never must forget technoligy and what it can do within a MMORPG, we might see rain one day, some MMORPG's have it, I am already glad to see day/night cycles and everything else that makes FE feels more like a world then most current MMORPG do to me and my playstyle/freedom I want out of a MMORPG. But would definitly like the idea of NEEDING food/drinks for my character to be just that a need for food instead a buf type.
And I am sorry I just don't see most feature's in other MMORPG's, else I am sure I would be playing other MMORPG aswell, maybe, just maybe you focus to much on feature's and you might need to let your mind abit more free (just a idea and in no way meant offensive), tho I have tried and even bought plenty MMO's the last couple of years but none suited the freedom I need towards the playstyle I desire, in fact it has taken years before a MMORPG actually grabbed me again in the way FE has grabbed.
I still stick my first idea, would even ad to get naked (apart from your underwear) grab some craft recipes and go out survive, without futher assistance of any merchants/trade or auction, you will get a feel for suvival, and I doubt you could do this in other MMORPG's the way you could be doing it in FE, obviously I could be wrong cause I havn't played 300+ MMO's that are out there, but those I did play/try/bought which often where these so-called A-Tittle MMO's never gave me the tools/chance to do something like this simple idea I just gave.