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Best graphical MMO out?

DotnetDotnet Member UncommonPosts: 34

 Other than Aion and Darkfall? I have no interest in playing Darkfall and already play Aion CN need something to do until Aion comes out in September. Have tried Age of Conan before as well.




  • DalzKDalzK Member Posts: 9

    Guild Wars has very nice graphics. More importantly though its a truely amazing game.

  • ninjajucerninjajucer Member Posts: 219

    Guild Wars is hardly a MMO, only time you see other people is in the major cities, outside, its another single player game. Graphicsa are nice though.

    Best would probably be Age of Conan with DX10 and everything maxed out.

  • ElsaboltsElsabolts Member RarePosts: 3,476


    " Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who  Would Threaten It "
  • AurukAuruk Member Posts: 36


  • Brianadams73Brianadams73 Member Posts: 7

    Guild Wars, it has good graphics and can be played on a range of systems and has awesome pve content as well as pvp

  • PapadamPapadam Member Posts: 2,102

    LotrO best world graphics. AoC best character graphics.

    IMO thoose 2 MMOs really stand out from the rest when it comes to graphics. None of the other comes close (EVE looks nice but its just space)

    If WoW = The Beatles
    and WAR = Led Zeppelin
    Then LotrO = Pink Floyd

  • KrayzjoelKrayzjoel Member Posts: 906

    IMO i like both AOC and EVE graphics. Ill check out Aion when it comes out.

    Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
    Playing EVE Online and AOC.
    Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD

  • DalzKDalzK Member Posts: 9

    [quote]Guild Wars is hardly a MMO, only time you see other people is in the major cities, outside, its another single player game. Graphicsa are nice though..[/quote]

    Apart from the fact its:

    Massive - There alooooot of active accounts on guild wars

    Multiplayer - It is multiplayer no? You can see up to 100 people at once in a town/city and see up 16 people outside it.

    Online - Its online

    Im pretty sure its a MMORPG :D


  • Suomalainen1Suomalainen1 Member Posts: 19

    The answer is very easy and all those mentioned above look like nothing compared to this:

    Entropia Universe

  • TryggviTryggvi Member Posts: 83

     Entropia does have pretty good graphics, but my vote for best graphics goes to Age of Conan.

    If they made an MMORPG that looked and played like Baldur's Gate 2, that would be my vote.   But since people think 3d is better because it's newer, I had to pick a 3d game.

  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,228

    Vanguard or LoTRO.

    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • Label_ThisLabel_This Member Posts: 171

    Like that 1 wise fellow has already said, Age of Conan with dx10 and everything maxed is by far the most graphical game.

    Why are there so many cutesie, fantasy, childish MMO's. Give me blood, gore and a long lasting challenge. I don't need my hand being held along the way. Thanks.

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Originally posted by Tryggvi

     Entropia does have pretty good graphics, but my vote for best graphics goes to Age of Conan.
    If they made an MMORPG that looked and played like Baldur's Gate 2, that would be my vote.   But since people think 3d is better because it's newer, I had to pick a 3d game.


    AOC is nice ,but i preferred Vanguard because it had more of everything.

    I think they are going to be surpassed by FFXIV,FFXI already had decent detail using VERY low tech and they promise to have high detail in the new engine/game,so i think theat game wil lbe the clear cut winner.

    I am a big stickler when comes to detail,things like working doors,armour that has a lot of detail in it,textures with  good detail albeit that is simpler than creating actual detail in models .One simple example in FFXI,the goblin moves around his little pouch o nthe back flops up and down,most games would have made that pouch as part of the armour texture no detai lat all.

    You play FFX you see a ton of detail,characters hair moves realistically,heck Yuna's wedding the shoal was fluttering and moving incredible realistic like as she moved,the attention to detail in many areas of the game is staggering.Many games use one simplistic texture and colour for an effect,i njoy seeing games use multi layering and using shaders and using several colours it all adds to the detail.

    A poster awhile back here posted a picture that she "thought" showed amazing detail in Aion.This shows how many people actually don't know what they are looking at.The picture clearly had no shadows from the sun and had a tree also with no shadows.The reef that surrounded as trim,was merely part of the trim texture and not detail at all,there were MANY poorly detailed parts to the picture,it showed Aion did VERY little effort in the map design,probably a lot is generated.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,228
    Originally posted by Tryggvi

     Entropia does have pretty good graphics, but my vote for best graphics goes to Age of Conan.
    If they made an MMORPG that looked and played like Baldur's Gate 2, that would be my vote.   But since people think 3d is better because it's newer, I had to pick a 3d game.

    Seriously? Entropia is U-G-L-Y.

    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • VolstagVolstag Member Posts: 25
    Originally posted by IceShadeX2



    I second this.


    uhhh... dang.

  • TryggviTryggvi Member Posts: 83
    Originally posted by skeaser Seriously? Entropia is U-G-L-Y.

    You think the new graphics engine is ugly?  You must not be able to play it on high settings.

  • TyrantasTyrantas Member UncommonPosts: 369

     EVE ? No way.

  • cukimungacukimunga Member UncommonPosts: 2,258
    Originally posted by DalzK

    [quote]Guild Wars is hardly a MMO, only time you see other people is in the major cities, outside, its another single player game. Graphicsa are nice though..[/quote]

    Apart from the fact its:

    Massive - There alooooot of active accounts on guild wars
    Multiplayer - It is multiplayer no? You can see up to 100 people at once in a town/city and see up 16 people outside it.

    Online - Its online

    Im pretty sure its a MMORPG :D


    Lets look at TF2.


    Massive? Its the most played FPS so im sure there a lot of players.

    Multiplayer? Yes not sure how many people can play at a time though

    Online? check

    It has classes too and you play a role.

    So I guess that Team Fortress 2 is a MMORPG as well with your logic.

    I guess its just how someone sees it. I see these 2 games as MMOG. Even though GW is a RPG i see it as mostly an offline RPG with some online features like Diablo was.  But for it to be a full fledged MMORPG the game world has to be open to a decent amount of people.  IF GW would have done the channels thing for the world outside of the cities then I would have called it a MMORPG.

    But to be on topic

    I was always partial to LOTRO graphics.

  • NikopolNikopol Member UncommonPosts: 626
    Originally posted by skeaser

    Originally posted by Tryggvi

     Entropia does have pretty good graphics, but my vote for best graphics goes to Age of Conan.
    If they made an MMORPG that looked and played like Baldur's Gate 2, that would be my vote.   But since people think 3d is better because it's newer, I had to pick a 3d game.

    Seriously? Entropia is U-G-L-Y.


    I think they're talking about the new Cryengine2 version, which is really up there in terms of graphical quality. Of course, you may not like the artwork, but overall I'd say it's way ahead of the competition. Cryengine2 is really impressive but graphics cards still struggle maxin it out and keeping an acceptable frame rate.

    As for Infinity engine visuals, I'd rank the art in Planescape: Torment the highest, above BG2.


  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870
    Originally posted by IceShadeX2



    EVE's graphics though are nice, they are still simple. There is hardly any actual animation involved, as in visible moving parts. You just see things getting nearer or farther away. The "space" that you see is just a 360 degree skybox with no land to block it out that doesn't change dynamically.  The skybox only changes if you go somewhere else.

    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • TryggviTryggvi Member Posts: 83

     Hey Nikopol, I never got around to Planescape: Torment.  As a BG2 lover, would PS:T do justice for me?  I've heard it's a great game but is it linear or open like BG2?

  • NikopolNikopol Member UncommonPosts: 626
    Originally posted by Tryggvi

     Hey Nikopol, I never got around to Planescape: Torment.  As a BG2 lover, would PS:T do justice for me?  I've heard it's a great game but is it linear or open like BG2?

    (I'm just gonna hijack the thread here for a bit to reply to this, folks, my apologies)


    In my opinion, if you like the Infinity engine games, you have to play Planescape: Torment. It's not by Bioware, it's by Black Isle, the guys who made the first two Fallout games. It has beautiful 2D artwork (granted it was probably quite low resolution, I have no idea if you can run them in today's high resolutions). It also has the best story I have ever got to play in a computer game.

    Seeing as you're a BG2 sort of player, you probably enjoy interesting characters, deep lore, deep story and a lot of choices in how you get through that story. I myself love Baldur's Gate 2 because of these. PS:T has all of that. What I thought it had even better was that the story felt even more engaging, and your interactions with the NPCs in your party seemed to matter more and played more deeply into the game. And you really want to dig into their history, because they're some of the most unforgettable characters in computer RPG games.

    One other thing that astounded me about PS:T was how you can avoid most of the combat and find other resolutions to conflicts. Rumour has it that you can complete the game without fighting at all if you really push it, except maybe 1 key encounter. Or you can slay everybody in your path. Sure you still have to follow a story and meet certain people to get to the end, but overall I'd say it gives you more freedom than BG2.

    Mind, though, that you can't exactly create a main character in this game. Your main character, the protaganist of the story is set - the Nameless One... But you can make anything out of him - rogue, caster, warrior... I played each and all is good. Though if you're a story person, having high Wisdom and Intelligence helps a great deal. Especially when you reach the end of the game! So I'd probably go a caster with both high in my first run..

    The game has a load of dialogue, which is very well-written. Actually, it has to be one of the most quoted games out there - keep Morte, Dak'kon and Nordom in your party for some time and you'll see why :)

    Actually, some fans of the game like the story so much they put all the stuff together and made a novel out of it!


  • Suomalainen1Suomalainen1 Member Posts: 19
    Originally posted by skeaser

    Originally posted by Tryggvi

     Entropia does have pretty good graphics, but my vote for best graphics goes to Age of Conan.
    If they made an MMORPG that looked and played like Baldur's Gate 2, that would be my vote.   But since people think 3d is better because it's newer, I had to pick a 3d game.

    Seriously? Entropia is U-G-L-Y.


    Have you been living in a cave or something?! Entropia is the most beautiful MMORPG ever.

  • DiekfooDiekfoo Member Posts: 583

    Mortal Online.  

  • ThillianThillian Member UncommonPosts: 3,156
    Originally posted by Tryggvi

     Hey Nikopol, I never got around to Planescape: Torment.  As a BG2 lover, would PS:T do justice for me?  I've heard it's a great game but is it linear or open like BG2?


    BG2 was linear.

    If you liked BG2, I don't think you would enjoy Planescape Torment.

    Planescape Torment is closer to the Baldur's Gate 1, not really in the exploration element, but in the way it is done and in the overall feeling.

    BG1 nor Planescape Torment was made by Bioware, they were both made by Black Isle - people that went to Troika mostly and Obsidian.


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