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(sorry text wall but please read it, I need your help)
I know runescape is one of the worst games out their but I just had the most fun playing it out of any other MMOs. (Besides UO, got hacked and just cant stand redoing it all) I am just going to list all the things I liked about runescape and a few of the things I would like to see added and hopefully someone will help me out. (I am talking about the old 2d - early 3d runescape, not the new HD runescape they crapped up so badly)
What it had that I liked: (most important at top and underlined, least important is at the end)
Quests: Only about 100 of them, each 1 had a good storyline that was normally tied in with other quests, none of them where simple fetch quests or go kill X amount of monster. They would have you go out and explore a dungeon and find some hidden object or solve a puzzle. My favorite was 1 where they had you solve a massive puzzle by reflecting lights around a huge temple (legend of zelda style) and at the same time fighting off hundreds of shadow monsters and dodging traps. (took me two 12 hour play sessions to beat it, was epic)
Armor / Weapons: It did not have millions of them. Whenever you got a new weapon or peace of armor you normally kept it for a long time so you felt attached to it. The weapons/ armor also was easy to tell apart. If someone is running at you, you can tell how strong they are just by looking at what they are equipped with.
Realistic Combat: The highest HP you could get was 99. Not 30-40k. Armor and shields blocked attacks, not absorbed 70% of the damage. (I never understood why in most MMOs if you block an attack with a shield / armor you still take damage, just seems stupid to me) A group of level 50s could kill a level 105 (not easy) if he was low on health. Example: I was in Castle Wars (a mini game) and I had just killed a bunch of guys close to my level (105) so my HP was low and then 3 level 50-70s attacked me, i killed 1 of them but the other 2 managed to finish me off. Their was no invisible shield around me that blocks every attack that comes at me from someone with a lower level then me.
^Shortened: someone with a much lower level then you should still be able to kill you if your HP is real low or something from fighting other people. You should not just be invincible to everyone who is < 5 levels below you.
Skills: Runescape had a lot of them and you could do them all. Also it was fun and easy to train skills for the most part. You did not have to go look for some random uceless item to make things. (most wow skills)
PvE: true a grindfest but it was not all bad. You did not have to worry about not argoing a group of monsters that would kill you whenever you went anywhere. Most monsters stayed within their dungeons/zones and you could travel where ever you wanted without having to worry about being jumped.
Death: It was hard to die in runescape but if you did you lost all your item you had with you. I think that was a grate way to do it. Make it hard to die, easy to run away from monsters, but if you do die you lose big. ( ok srsly why do monsters stun you in WoW? its like they build the game hopeing you would die)
PvP: you could make a lot of cash by doing it, or lose a lot if you got killed. It also had meaning, dieing was not "oh grate now I got to wait 30 seconds to respawn" it was "OMG I CANT BELIEVE I DIED I LOST A LOT OF MY GEAR!!! " Grate way to treat PvP.
Environmental Danger: the environment could kill you. Loved it. Slip on a rock in a dark cave? Forgot your matchbook to relight you torch? your guna get eaten by the monsters in the cave that fear light. 100% loved it. Most dungeons had traps and things like that. Added a sence of realism to things. Was a lot of fun having to cut grass out of your way in a jungle or using a rope to cross a fast moving river.
Bad things about runescape I would like to see improved.
THE GRIND!!: 3 years of 4-6 hour game play sessions and only level 105 out of 126 (skills are about 60/99). Way to long a grind.
Combat: it is just click and watch inless you are a mage. no controll at all over combat.
On a side note I love champions online but I just dont want to be a super hero, just not my playstyle. Looking for kind of a middle-dark ages set game. Or a si-fi kinda thing. (il still play anything as long as its good)
Thanks for reading. Can you help me? (iv posted several times but i think this is the most accurate of what im looking for. If i dont get anything good il prob just go back to playing single player games til mortal online)
Currently playing champions online and looking at mortal online and that funcom game with no name. was hopeing darkfall would be good but it made my uninstall 3 days after buying.
EvE (liked it but did not like the hole spaceship thing)
Guid wars (good but beat it already)
AoC (good but kinda fell flat)
Tabath Ruth or w/e that was called (did love it but we all know what happened...)
UO (good game just to old and dieing)
Fallen earth (grate game but the hole being a clone thing kinda makes me feel worthless, and i just dont get the story, some kinda flu killed a lot of people and mutated other, then everyone nuked each other???)
Always nice to see runescape players. To tell you the truth runescape is a unique game and you can't get anything similar to it well in my entire gaming career ive never seen anything like it anyways, the best thing to do is look for games that have a similar feel. I think you would enjoy ryzom or darkfall and games like mortal online, earthrise, dawntide seem to have promise but there still in development.
Despite Runescape's many glaring shortcomings in terms of graphics, gameplay and the calibre of player it tends to attract, the game did a lot of things correctly, up until their well-intentioned but game-changing fight against real world traders.
But as Gabby said, there's nothing out there really like it. I'd like to find a game like what Runescape was, but with far less grind, more modern graphics and a more mature community, but for some reason no one has ever tried creating it. I've been searching for a long time, and there's nothing like it, nor is there anything like it on the horizon, as far as I can tell.
Good luck with your search. If you do find something, please tell.
Hmm... Eternum Online? Runescape without the crap community.
If you can survive the SNES-esque graphics and the small, small community, I'd second this. Just for the love of god, play it on the site and not through Facebook. The Facebook version is a trainwreck of lag.
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Is there any crafting there?
I took a lot at the game a while back and could fine next-to-nothing in terms of documentation, but what I found did not mention crafting at all.
And is it open-world PvP? Sounds like it if they have a "most wanted" list on their homepage (I'm assuming there's a bounty system of sorts or something then).
No clue. I didn't play long. I'm pretty sure there are newbie safe areas though.
Crafting I never looked into.
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Eve online i know you palyed it and you dont like the whole "space ship thing" but if you want a great sandbox and a great all around game with a awesome 1 server community come and play=]
Ah, another runescape player
Hello there my friend!
I can understand where your coming from by wanting to play a game that is similar to Runescape. I had that feeling too when I stopped playing Runescape. For some reason, the gameplay had some sort of charm to it even though Runescape has got to be one of the biggest grinds known to MMO history. Regardless, the game was just awesome to play =P
Unfortunately, there is currently no other game out that is anywhere close to being like Runescape. My suggestions is just to keep trying out games....perhaps you'll even up finding a game out there that has the same charm as Runescape =D
thanks for conforming my thoughts on the rest of the MMOs on the market. Hopefully some day someone will make a runescape clone with modern graphics and less a grind. (for god sakes they cant possibly make any more WoW clones)
Yeah, personally, I'd look into Mortal Online. It's giving me an RS vibe.
For something completely new, I'd check out Ryzom, Vendetta, A Tale In the Desert, EvE, or, as I'm finding to be kind of fun, DOMO and Grand Fantasia.
Just threw those out there in case you could find something else with a sort of charm. =]
Check out the MUD I'm making!

From what I'm hearing so far about Mortal Online, it's pretty close to the 'runescape clone' you're looking for, except with modern graphics and gameplay. I haven't heard too much about grind times, but the game is much more open-ended and realistic. The bad point is if you don't like first-person MMOs you won't like Mortal Online. Also, in terms of launch and development it is quickly starting to turn into what happened at Darkfall (few updates, sudden release, messed up at the last minute and encouraged a disgusting community to arise). Of course Darkfall has become better now, but it still isn't a great MMO in my eyes.
Anyway MO promises similar things to what Runescape has - multiple relevant skills (not silly gimmick skills with no use like in Darkfall), open-ended world, decent crafting (although more complicated and diverse unlike in Runescape) and PvP with high risks and rewards. Siege is also being planned (which is a bit like Castle Wars only with much higher risks) . What is has that Runescape doesn't have however is the fact you can craft items out of many different materials and these materials give them different strengths and weaknesses. Also the combat is in first-person and it's a lot more skill-based because you, your shield and weapons have hitboxes so you can hit someone with their shield up if you hit the right spot. I haven't been in or seen the beta so I don't know the actual gameplay or how the game will turn out at release, but it's a good idea to keep an eye on Mortal Online over Christmas.
Unique upcoming indie space-based mining and combat game - Miner Wars.
Try Eternal Lands, it's a lot like Runescape. Not nearly as many players. Also Ashen Empires is similar to Runescape, but looks like a mid-to-late 90s RPG.