Newsflash, war sold over 1 milliom copies, aoc sold over 700k copies, hel CO probably old 200k+ copies. Any monkey can sell a game after hype. It dont mean shit unless you keep them playing.
Newsflash, war sold over 1 milliom copies, aoc sold over 700k copies, hel CO probably old 200k+ copies. Any monkey can sell a game after hype. It dont mean shit unless you keep them playing.
Read the rest of the thread so you don't make yourself look like an even bigger idiot.
Why are you here anyways? You claim to hate this game - yet - you can't stop discussing it....
Does anyone have an official release from Nsoft themselves rather than an IGN report about a Korean website reporter? It just seems very skewed and we all know how Chinese whispers en up. They were the ones also claiming the 3.5M subs number despite Nsoft not actually mentioning anything about it, so I don't exactly trust them.
That's because it's not true. Here is something official from NCSoft.
Do you see how close it is of their sale between Lineage II and AION?
I am sure as hell Lineage II does not have 3.5 million subscribers.
As a matter of fact, if the number on MMO Data is correct Lineage II has less than 1 million subscribers. But that's also bring up another issue because MMO Data estimate AION to have about 3 millions subscribers. Did the site owner not read NCSoft financial report?
Those figures of Aion are from Korea alone at that time, does not include China, Taiwan, Japan and the west
Correct - but the haters are coming so watch out
That's not even close to correct. When you are ignorant, being a fanboi does not fix that.
The IGN article mentioned the 3.5 millions subscribers was posted in May 2009. AION China was launched April 2009, so the Q2 number included AION China.
The IGN article even had the launch date wrong for AION China. Here is the quote: "since its launch in Asia in March, has built up 3.5 million subscribers."
If AION number was anywhere close to 3.5 millions subscribers in Asia like the article mentioned it would have showed up in NCSoft financial report for Q1 and Q2.
That's not even close to correct. When you are ignorant, being a fanboi does not fix that. The IGN article mentioned the 3.5 millions subscribers was posted in May 2009. AION China was launched April 2009, so the Q2 number included AION China. The IGN article even had the launch date wrong for AION China. Here is the quote: "since its launch in Asia in March, has built up 3.5 million subscribers." If AION number was anywhere close to 3.5 millions subscribers in Asia like the article mentioned it would have showed up in NCSoft financial report for Q1 and Q2.
China Aion isnt run by NCSoft so no China isnt in those figures
Eastern MMOs are not popular at all in the West. In fact a lot of people in NA/EU actually HATE (yes, hate a game) them. From the art style, to the grind, private shops, etc.
Aion's lore is nothing compared to games such as World of Warcraft, WAR, AoC, LOTR. For a game with no IP to generate nearly the same amount of interest as those games is interesting to say the least.
Its launch comes right after the horrid launches AoC and WAR suffered, which were massively over hyped. Due to this, a lot of players decided to wait before buying the game and see whether it's going to follow in AoC and WAR's footsteps or not in the coming weeks.
So considering those factors, for Aion to still be able to sell 700k is extremely good.
Total number of copies is not as important as if they are able to retain those customers. AoC sold 800k copies just a couple of months after release and where are they now?
What will be interesting is if Aion can keep high subscriber numbers 2-3 months from now.
IN game it has a drop.... it shows HOW the players ... stay or not. The overall rating in the HIT list is meaningless because it has an oversample vsv the other MMO's. Btw today it is even now at 55% down vs the opening week.
Uhm so what? WAR, AoC had over 50% drop after the free month and recently released Champions Online had a 70% drop. So a 50% drop for Aion seems normal.
Very few MMORPG do not see a big drop after a month. I believe WoW and Eve are the only known MMORPGs to have actually gained subs after the release-high ranking.
I work at a place that sells games, and Aion is a total bomb. I've only had to ring up one (yes, that's right, one) person that's bought the game since the initial relase date. We have NOT sold through the first order of the game, and unless sales pick up, sendbacks will be in its future. All those beautiful metal boxes just sitting there collecting dust. Sorry to say, but the entire MMORPG genre is dead, guys. Only WoW is still going strong; we get a couple people buying the game time cards every day. We don't even carry AoC anymore (except for a few time cards collecting dust), and no more orders for WAR. Aion looks to match the sales pattern of those games which was big in the beginning, then totally dead. I'm not saying this as a hater, I'm just telling the truth about the particular store that I work at, which may or may not be indicative of the games performance nation wide. Right now, console games are where its at: Uncharted 2, Borderlands, Dragon Age, Demon Souls, etc, are what the MMO customers have been into of recent.
oh thats so funny, i really do adore fanbou'ism .. if you look back at WAR , AoC or hell look back at Tabula Rasa, according to IGN they are all smash hits yet look at TR ... closed .
I take those sites with less than a grain of salt.
I work at a place that sells games, and Aion is a total bomb. I've only had to ring up one (yes, that's right, one) person that's bought the game since the initial relase date. We have NOT sold through the first order of the game, and unless sales pick up, sendbacks will be in its future. All those beautiful metal boxes just sitting there collecting dust. Sorry to say, but the entire MMORPG genre is dead, guys. Only WoW is still going strong; we get a couple people buying the game time cards every day. We don't even carry AoC anymore (except for a few time cards collecting dust), and no more orders for WAR. Aion looks to match the sales pattern of those games which was big in the beginning, then totally dead. I'm not saying this as a hater, I'm just telling the truth about the particular store that I work at, which may or may not be indicative of the games performance nation wide. Right now, console games are where its at: Uncharted 2, Borderlands, Dragon Age, Demon Souls, etc, are what the MMO customers have been into of recent.
well I, along with many others purchased downloaded copies of Aion. TBH, for awhile I didn't even think boxes were purchasable. And I think this is a trend for most PC games, the gamestop near me barely even stocks PC games because you can buy them all online with relative ease (to download). And if you don't download it, it's easy enough to get mail order.
With console games, the only avenue to get them is through the stores or mail order, and for some people (read younger kids to adults) using a console doesn't always come with unlimited use of a computer, so purchasing a game in store is the only way to get it.
I thought it was well know that digital download is the wave of the future for PC purchases. Isn't Torchlight only available by download?
MMOs played: Horizons, Auto Assault, Ryzom, EVE, WAR, WoW, EQ2, LotRO, GW, DAoC, Aion, Requiem, Atlantica, DDO, Allods, Earth Eternal, Fallen Earth, Rift Willing to try anything new
That's not even close to correct. When you are ignorant, being a fanboi does not fix that. The IGN article mentioned the 3.5 millions subscribers was posted in May 2009. AION China was launched April 2009, so the Q2 number included AION China. The IGN article even had the launch date wrong for AION China. Here is the quote: "since its launch in Asia in March, has built up 3.5 million subscribers." If AION number was anywhere close to 3.5 millions subscribers in Asia like the article mentioned it would have showed up in NCSoft financial report for Q1 and Q2.
China Aion isnt run by NCSoft so no China isnt in those figures
Damn - you beat me to it.... Still - keep hating onwards and upwards Thachsanh
I work at a place that sells games, and Aion is a total bomb. I've only had to ring up one (yes, that's right, one) person that's bought the game since the initial relase date. We have NOT sold through the first order of the game, and unless sales pick up, sendbacks will be in its future. All those beautiful metal boxes just sitting there collecting dust. Sorry to say, but the entire MMORPG genre is dead, guys. Only WoW is still going strong; we get a couple people buying the game time cards every day. We don't even carry AoC anymore (except for a few time cards collecting dust), and no more orders for WAR. Aion looks to match the sales pattern of those games which was big in the beginning, then totally dead. I'm not saying this as a hater, I'm just telling the truth about the particular store that I work at, which may or may not be indicative of the games performance nation wide. Right now, console games are where its at: Uncharted 2, Borderlands, Dragon Age, Demon Souls, etc, are what the MMO customers have been into of recent.
Right... cause MMO gamers buy their games from gaming stores... why dont you go look online and see how many DIGITAL copies they've sold instead of making yourself look like a tool? ya... that would help you along nicely.
I work at a place that sells games, and Aion is a total bomb. I've only had to ring up one (yes, that's right, one) person that's bought the game since the initial relase date. We have NOT sold through the first order of the game, and unless sales pick up, sendbacks will be in its future. All those beautiful metal boxes just sitting there collecting dust. Sorry to say, but the entire MMORPG genre is dead, guys. Only WoW is still going strong; we get a couple people buying the game time cards every day. We don't even carry AoC anymore (except for a few time cards collecting dust), and no more orders for WAR. Aion looks to match the sales pattern of those games which was big in the beginning, then totally dead. I'm not saying this as a hater, I'm just telling the truth about the particular store that I work at, which may or may not be indicative of the games performance nation wide. Right now, console games are where its at: Uncharted 2, Borderlands, Dragon Age, Demon Souls, etc, are what the MMO customers have been into of recent.
Aion is still the 4th most PLAYED game on XFIRE. Aion has sold 700k copies, and servers are full. The second most played MMO in the WEST from Korea ))
Most people buy games these days digitally. You sir have no idea and thats why your store cant even sell any games.
I work at a place that sells games, and Aion is a total bomb. I've only had to ring up one (yes, that's right, one) person that's bought the game since the initial relase date. We have NOT sold through the first order of the game, and unless sales pick up, sendbacks will be in its future. All those beautiful metal boxes just sitting there collecting dust. Sorry to say, but the entire MMORPG genre is dead, guys. Only WoW is still going strong; we get a couple people buying the game time cards every day. We don't even carry AoC anymore (except for a few time cards collecting dust), and no more orders for WAR. Aion looks to match the sales pattern of those games which was big in the beginning, then totally dead. I'm not saying this as a hater, I'm just telling the truth about the particular store that I work at, which may or may not be indicative of the games performance nation wide. Right now, console games are where its at: Uncharted 2, Borderlands, Dragon Age, Demon Souls, etc, are what the MMO customers have been into of recent.
Right... cause MMO gamers buy their games from gaming stores... why dont you go look online and see how many DIGITAL copies they've sold instead of making yourself look like a tool? ya... that would help you along nicely.
Cammy is right.
Me and many of my friends rarely go to Gamestop or Best Buy anymore to buy games. We always buy them online, as I assume A LOT of other people do as well considering it's much more convenient.
I am not surprised by the sales. AION was released with tons of polish. And even though I cancelled my sub (the linear gameplay is not for me, and by linear that is my opinion) I can see why others would prefer it. It's sexy, glitzy with lots of eye candy. The classes are pretty well put together for a PVE/PVP game and the PVP is pretty fun. All this isnt enough for me as I am turning more to sandboxy type games, but AION delivers on it's promises for many.
Finally some one who can explain why they didn't like the game and not have to bash it. Well said friend. I hope Aion continues to do well it has loads of potential.
I don't kno whow neone can't lov Aion. I mean, it's korean, which means it's asian, and it's awesome. And it's got angels, and they flip around 'n stuf. you cant make up xfire numbers like this. I love Aion, so much.
lol yep another game did the same thing.. can anyone remember?.. Do you know how long the game has been out? Do you know how EASY.. EASY it is to post REAL numbers, 150k, 300k, 700k players? So the posted sales. Yes its great but lol dont mean anything if people are NOT playing. Like I said . just ask them how many SUBS they have NOW. Do you know how many Age of Conan sold? LOL
They wont post subs.. ask them.. they WONT answer.
Which company is posting subscription numbers, besides CCP? Lets face it, as far as numbers are concerned, we're only going to hear about those that sound good and have some marketing value.
WoW hasnt posted sub numbers since Aion was released 1 year ago. And now WOW has introduced an Asian Cash Shop to milk its sheep for even more $$$. Its all rather interesting isnt it ))
Although exact figures weren't available, NCsoft executives estimate that Aion has surpassed 700,000 in sales in the U.S. and Europe, and will touch the 1 million mark by the end of the year.
It's an estimation, they don't even know and are guessing...........this is the same IGN that claimed Aion had 3.5 million users in Asia without ever providing a source. Please GET LOST!
If you bothered to read the source of this article, you'd notice it does not originate from IGN.
If you bothered to read my post before responding, you would know I JUST QUOTED THEIR "SOURCE" so I know it's not from IGN, still they keep on making these gargbage claims AND fanboys keep feeding these IGN trolls.
I have no idea why people bother with NA numbers they are like a leaf falling out of the big tree.Happy Farm has 23 million everyday users ,let me see 23 million users=at least 40-50 million accounts,umm 50 mil <>700k lmao,maybe the stem of that leaf falling out of the tree?
The network in China that delivers Happy Farm is making 400 million a quarter,selling virtual goods and online services.Their Happy Farm game has spin off games all over the world now,the total amount of farm game users is well over the 100 million number.
Happy Farm in China is considering to limit the DAILY new subscription maximum to 2 million a DAY !Governments have just introduced some new workplace laws because Government workers have been found playing Happy Farm,it is like another epidemic.
Here we have a poster talking about some game like they are proud of the 700k numbers lmao.I don't even bother to care about numbers in MMORPG games anymore,they have very little meaning to the big picture.
I think the Tvirus is spreading,only one person can save us from this epidemic...Mila Jovavic D.
Newsflash, war sold over 1 milliom copies, aoc sold over 700k copies, hel CO probably old 200k+ copies. Any monkey can sell a game after hype. It dont mean shit unless you keep them playing.
Read the rest of the thread so you don't make yourself look like an even bigger idiot.
Why are you here anyways? You claim to hate this game - yet - you can't stop discussing it....
That's because it's not true. Here is something official from NCSoft.
Do you see how close it is of their sale between Lineage II and AION?
I am sure as hell Lineage II does not have 3.5 million subscribers.
As a matter of fact, if the number on MMO Data is correct Lineage II has less than 1 million subscribers. But that's also bring up another issue because MMO Data estimate AION to have about 3 millions subscribers. Did the site owner not read NCSoft financial report?
Those figures of Aion are from Korea alone at that time, does not include China, Taiwan, Japan and the west
Correct - but the haters are coming so watch out
That's not even close to correct. When you are ignorant, being a fanboi does not fix that.
The IGN article mentioned the 3.5 millions subscribers was posted in May 2009. AION China was launched April 2009, so the Q2 number included AION China.
The IGN article even had the launch date wrong for AION China. Here is the quote: "since its launch in Asia in March, has built up 3.5 million subscribers."
If AION number was anywhere close to 3.5 millions subscribers in Asia like the article mentioned it would have showed up in NCSoft financial report for Q1 and Q2.
China Aion isnt run by NCSoft so no China isnt in those figures
Big deal. AoC had 1 Million boxes sold in the first month alone.
Alltern8 Blog | Star Wars Space Combat and The Old Republic | Cryptic Studios - A Pre Post-Mortem | Klingon Preview, STO's Monster Play
There are a few facts to consider:
So considering those factors, for Aion to still be able to sell 700k is extremely good.
Total number of copies is not as important as if they are able to retain those customers. AoC sold 800k copies just a couple of months after release and where are they now?
What will be interesting is if Aion can keep high subscriber numbers 2-3 months from now.
My gaming blog
Uhm so what? WAR, AoC had over 50% drop after the free month and recently released Champions Online had a 70% drop. So a 50% drop for Aion seems normal.
Very few MMORPG do not see a big drop after a month. I believe WoW and Eve are the only known MMORPGs to have actually gained subs after the release-high ranking.
My gaming blog
I work at a place that sells games, and Aion is a total bomb. I've only had to ring up one (yes, that's right, one) person that's bought the game since the initial relase date. We have NOT sold through the first order of the game, and unless sales pick up, sendbacks will be in its future. All those beautiful metal boxes just sitting there collecting dust. Sorry to say, but the entire MMORPG genre is dead, guys. Only WoW is still going strong; we get a couple people buying the game time cards every day. We don't even carry AoC anymore (except for a few time cards collecting dust), and no more orders for WAR. Aion looks to match the sales pattern of those games which was big in the beginning, then totally dead. I'm not saying this as a hater, I'm just telling the truth about the particular store that I work at, which may or may not be indicative of the games performance nation wide. Right now, console games are where its at: Uncharted 2, Borderlands, Dragon Age, Demon Souls, etc, are what the MMO customers have been into of recent.
oh thats so funny, i really do adore fanbou'ism .. if you look back at WAR , AoC or hell look back at Tabula Rasa, according to IGN they are all smash hits yet look at TR ... closed .
I take those sites with less than a grain of salt.
well I, along with many others purchased downloaded copies of Aion. TBH, for awhile I didn't even think boxes were purchasable. And I think this is a trend for most PC games, the gamestop near me barely even stocks PC games because you can buy them all online with relative ease (to download). And if you don't download it, it's easy enough to get mail order.
With console games, the only avenue to get them is through the stores or mail order, and for some people (read younger kids to adults) using a console doesn't always come with unlimited use of a computer, so purchasing a game in store is the only way to get it.
I thought it was well know that digital download is the wave of the future for PC purchases. Isn't Torchlight only available by download?
MMOs played: Horizons, Auto Assault, Ryzom, EVE, WAR, WoW, EQ2, LotRO, GW, DAoC, Aion, Requiem, Atlantica, DDO, Allods, Earth Eternal, Fallen Earth, Rift
Willing to try anything new
China Aion isnt run by NCSoft so no China isnt in those figures
Damn - you beat me to it....
Still - keep hating onwards and upwards Thachsanh
Right... cause MMO gamers buy their games from gaming stores... why dont you go look online and see how many DIGITAL copies they've sold instead of making yourself look like a tool? ya... that would help you along nicely.
Aion is still the 4th most PLAYED game on XFIRE. Aion has sold 700k copies, and servers are full. The second most played MMO in the WEST from Korea
Most people buy games these days digitally. You sir have no idea and thats why your store cant even sell any games.
GW2 the future of MMO gaming
Right... cause MMO gamers buy their games from gaming stores... why dont you go look online and see how many DIGITAL copies they've sold instead of making yourself look like a tool? ya... that would help you along nicely.
Cammy is right.
Me and many of my friends rarely go to Gamestop or Best Buy anymore to buy games. We always buy them online, as I assume A LOT of other people do as well considering it's much more convenient.
Finally some one who can explain why they didn't like the game and not have to bash it. Well said friend. I hope Aion continues to do well it has loads of potential.
I don't kno whow neone can't lov Aion. I mean, it's korean, which means it's asian, and it's awesome. And it's got angels, and they flip around 'n stuf. you cant make up xfire numbers like this. I love Aion, so much.
Male angels gives me an erection!!!
lol yep another game did the same thing.. can anyone remember?.. Do you know how long the game has been out? Do you know how EASY.. EASY it is to post REAL numbers, 150k, 300k, 700k players? So the posted sales. Yes its great but lol dont mean anything if people are NOT playing. Like I said . just ask them how many SUBS they have NOW. Do you know how many Age of Conan sold? LOL
They wont post subs.. ask them.. they WONT answer.
Which company is posting subscription numbers, besides CCP?
Lets face it, as far as numbers are concerned, we're only going to hear about those that sound good and have some marketing value.
WoW hasnt posted sub numbers since Aion was released 1 year ago. And now WOW has introduced an Asian Cash Shop to milk its sheep for even more $$$. Its all rather interesting isnt it
GW2 the future of MMO gaming
Why do you call it asian cash shop? Is it any different than a US or EU cash shop?
Btw, I was saddened to hear the bad news about Blizzard. One of the last castles of RMT free MMOs has fallen.
The source says this:
Although exact figures weren't available, NCsoft executives estimate that Aion has surpassed 700,000 in sales in the U.S. and Europe, and will touch the 1 million mark by the end of the year.
It's an estimation, they don't even know and are guessing...........this is the same IGN that claimed Aion had 3.5 million users in Asia without ever providing a source. Please GET LOST!
If you bothered to read the source of this article, you'd notice it does not originate from IGN.
If you bothered to read my post before responding, you would know I JUST QUOTED THEIR "SOURCE" so I know it's not from IGN, still they keep on making these gargbage claims AND fanboys keep feeding these IGN trolls.
I have no idea why people bother with NA numbers they are like a leaf falling out of the big tree.Happy Farm has 23 million everyday users ,let me see 23 million users=at least 40-50 million accounts,umm 50 mil <>700k lmao,maybe the stem of that leaf falling out of the tree?
The network in China that delivers Happy Farm is making 400 million a quarter,selling virtual goods and online services.Their Happy Farm game has spin off games all over the world now,the total amount of farm game users is well over the 100 million number.
Happy Farm in China is considering to limit the DAILY new subscription maximum to 2 million a DAY !Governments have just introduced some new workplace laws because Government workers have been found playing Happy Farm,it is like another epidemic.
Here we have a poster talking about some game like they are proud of the 700k numbers lmao.I don't even bother to care about numbers in MMORPG games anymore,they have very little meaning to the big picture.
I think the Tvirus is spreading,only one person can save us from this epidemic...Mila Jovavic D.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.