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hey peopel, who can tell us ,.. which game actually offers the biggest or most impressive monsters nowadays?
i mean graphically big and impressive.. not like in guildwars, wher the biggest enemies are hard to kill, but are actually not bigger then others ;D
thank you in advance.. in hope for an interesting "talk"
There may be bigger, but I always liked the towering Midgard frost giant in DAOC
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
WoW has some pretty crazy tall mobs, but you are usually killing them via special quests which boost you up. I have seen some screenshots of some very large mobs in Fallen Earth as well. And I have always imagined that the Pandimoniom Warden from FFXI was huge... But I have no idea if that is true, lol.
If you are talking MMOs, there are many insanely large enemies to choose from- I remember walking under the legs of that giant in DAOC and really understanding the scope of the genre was infinite. One of my personal fall in love with MMO moments.
Not to say you can't do that in another genre, but the fact that other people were there with me made it feel so much more epic.
As for non-MMOs- Lost Planet 2 has insanely large enemies. Big enough to jump onto their backs, go into their mouths, etc. Super Mario 64 also has some very memorable large beasts- like the Nessie-thing you ride on.
i know Resistance 2 isn't a mmorpg, but it has some big buggers in there:)
thank you all for the posts!
i remember a game with lovely big monsters, which was just single game..
remembering ps2´s "colossus" ? ;D
wouldnt be that thing nice to be a mmorpg.. the graphics have beeen quite interesting though
Shadow of the Colossus - an amazing game, just recently finished it again
as for MMO's - Lineage 2's Antharas was pretty epic, i know theres some more huge mobs in that recently too.
On another note i just finished Dead Space and the final boss on that was Epic - the thing was Huuuuuge
tsk tsk, has no one ever told that it isn't size that matters?
Says mr small penis
I can't think of any mmorpg ones atm - maybe nagafen, EQ2?
Says Mr no-penis, aka a real-life GIRL. Insecurity much?
The sleeper (EQ1)
Rallos Zek PoP version (EQ1)
Hill, Sand, Frost, Forest Giants (EQ1)
those are the ones that come to mind when I think of the biggest monsters.
Sooner or Later
Says mr small penis
Says Mr no-penis, aka a real-life GIRL. Insecurity much?
Who's a girl? I confused
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
Says mr small penis
Says Mr no-penis, aka a real-life GIRL. Insecurity much?
Who's a girl? I confused
I think they know something we don't...
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Says mr small penis
Says Mr no-penis, aka a real-life GIRL. Insecurity much?
Who's a girl? I confused
I think they know something we don't...
Like a real girl? Normal, you are a gamer... ^^
ok the north american gamer is a girl in real life ok ..
but i dont care about that ;D
i am more interested in big enemies.. not only bosses btw.
Says mr small penis
Says Mr no-penis, aka a real-life GIRL. Insecurity much?
Who's a girl? I confused
I'm still confused, why are you talking in code. I can make out every word except GIRL. is this some kinda lame forum game?
Says mr small penis
Says Mr no-penis, aka a real-life GIRL. Insecurity much?
Who's a girl? I confused
I think they know something we don't...
Like a real girl? Normal, you are a gamer... ^^
There's no such things as girls. They're all guys. It's a conspiracy, it's part of the new world order.
last post dont talk about the monsters.. but its nice post ;D
Scarabs out of Halo 2 and 3 are MASSIVE.
Oh and its a mechanical monster just for you who would play it down as not being flesh and bone.
Played:runescape, WOW, Mu, Hellgate london, Floresia, Runes of magic, DDO, Rose online, Alantica, Flyff, Guild wars, Allods, Forsaken world,
playing: nothing
Loved: Guild wars series
future: GW2
(girl = Guy/Gamer In Real Life
On tpic, check out Shaiya, which has HUGE dragons, skeletons, and giants.
well i play shaia sometimes.. but the old engine is SOOO ugly ;D
some areas .. are so empty.. only a green hill.. no grass, few trees..
but skills and fighting is great, overall interface is quite great.
episode2 gave us finally 1680x1050.. (yesss) but not much difference in graphic quality.. too bad.)
what level necessary to encounter nice big enemies?
(btw: the dark side female enemies look nice haha.. but.. only 4 adults?, my son is 6 and playing too.. sometimes i am not sure if i shall send him to the lighties