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To stay or not to

Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440

So as some of you might know i've been playing this game for about 2 weeks now, first week which was the tutorial was fantastic and i literally had played the most i ever had in the last few months. Second week i get into mainland at zora, my guild who btw are wonderful people took me out to explore and get some TP, trekking i think you guys call it? which i fairly enjoyed, for a 5 year old game i would say if it was released today it would still be fantastic. Now the same thing struck me as many others who previously also warned me about the game said, there's no sense of direction or anything. I'm just dropped here and i literally have no clue what to do, i killed some monsters but that got boring after awhile, i tried doing the missions but they don't give any direction at all on where the mob is and well don't even pay anything worth noticing not to mention the fact that alot of them are timed.

At this moment i literally am kind of forcing myself to play the game to see if it changes because im pretty sure it will or atleast i hope so. Now some of you might think i want hand holding and i should go play a themepark but trust me ive played many games and i know what i want. Main things concerning me at this moment are well that i've been using the same spell (acid dmg) for ever and well it's not really that engaging, yes there's rot, cold etc and all the other spells but its just like switching my acid with that spell plus it just seems like you press the button and you take turns hitting each other when i obviously am going to win so no real sense of accomplishment either. Second thing is that the population is quite low, i thought it wouldnt be a problem but it just seems awkard like when i go on the forums and there's literally no new posts or the universe chat is even quite dead i feel like it's just me and the handful of guildies the only ones playing. Thirdly like i mentioned in one of my earlier posts i just don't think there's enough content besides just mainly killing things? and yes i hate harvesting so rule that out, and since it takes quite a while to master just one skill its gonna be quite grindy. Someone mentioned there's dungeons and raids but how do these play out? are they your wow/eq type of raids which take alot of players and hours to complete and main point is to get gear?


I dno maybe im just sick of MMO's but somedays i literally have no inspiration to play a game =(


  • RavZterzRavZterz Member UncommonPosts: 618

    Try Horizons.

    I haven't played Ryzom for a few months so I can't comment on the population but if you want exploring and some sort of direction you might like horizons.  It has dated graphics but Ryzom does as well.

    Make games you want to play.

  • Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440

    Actually i did try horizons before but the game lacked the same things, low population and not so engaging combat plus animations/graphics and everything were just way too dated.

  • NizurNizur Member CommonPosts: 1,417

    The early levels are a major chore for sure. One thing that keeps me going is my guildmates and seeing their different spells and abilities. Also, when I get sick of leveling one skill, I move on to another. I keep rotating through things as I get sick of them. I also just goof around with guildmates some nights, and don't even worry about leveling anything. My guild holds special events regularly to mix it up a bit, which helps.

    I also only play a couple hours every other night or so, so it never feels like a chore for me. If I get it into my head that I MUST level magic to 100, or I MUST bump magic # levels, then it becomes a job.

    Have you been customizing your stanzas? Tried creating new ones?

    Population is definitely small, but I do see people other than my guildmates around. You're more likely to see them in the cities than out and about. Universe chat will be quiet for long periods some nights, but there are definitely people out there. It also depends on when you're on. I'm usually on later, so it's quiet, but I've been on earlier in the day and it can be hopping in places.

    The majority of what you'll be doing, especially at the earlier levels, is killing mobs if you're not interested in harvesting/crafting. The devs are aware that the game needs more stuff to do, and more stuff for the higher levels is promised in the next patch. The last couple of patches have added some more stuff for the lower levels.

    Current: None
    Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
    Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
    Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN

  • seeyouspacec0wboyseeyouspacec0wboy Member UncommonPosts: 714

    sign up for beta. great indie sandbox mmo.

    Originally posted by Scagweed22
    is it the graphics? the repetativenesses? i mean what is the point? you could be so much more productive in real life
    Real life brings repetition and pointlessness too. The only thing real life offers is Great graphics. Its kinda expensive too and way to dependent on the cash shop. Totally pay to win as well. No thank you. Ill stick to my games.

  • NizurNizur Member CommonPosts: 1,417

    Originally posted by Ozreth
    sign up for beta. great indie sandbox mmo.

    If the OP is already bored of Ryzom, and isn't looking to help debug a beta, he'll be bored within a couple minutes in Dawntide. It's in early, early beta, nowhere near ready.

    Current: None
    Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
    Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
    Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN

  • MaDSaMMaDSaM Member Posts: 627

    Yes, Ryzom is hard to love.

    I can only speak for myself, but my love for it just comes from the fact that at one time there´s "not so much to do" in the traditional sense of Quests and NPC driven content, and from the fact that "there´s much to do", in the sense of "self driven content".


    1. I´m an avid RP Gamer. I love to RP and I participate in every chance I can get.

    2. I don´t like to be "led by the nose" along preset paths, to some obscure riches that sooner or later everyone will possess. I love to do "my own thing", in organizing hunts, storyteller events and other things. Games that lead my character trough an endless line of "Do this, for that" bore me to no end and well, numb my creativity. I create my own "Missions" and "Quests" if you like. For example if I need a new sword, I´ll ask a good crafter to build it for me. He´ll tell me what he´ll need and I´ll do my best to get the "needed parts", by trading with others, or participating in hunting parties. Thus my "reward" for my self created "quest" is a new sword, that will hopefully serve me well for some time.

    3. And while I have no trouble grinding away for an hour or two, I´m doing it for fun. And not because I´ve set a goal to reach, other than maybe : "I´ll hit 250 some day in some skill."  I´m a very casual player regarding levels and since release my highest level actually is 245 in elemental Magic, as of yesterday evening.

    4. I love to explore and simply go out on my own from point A to B and I still find things I´ve not seen before. I love to "trek" with others and just see the sights. Always teleporting from A to Z is in my mind cutting yourself off from a significant part of the game.

    5. I take small steps. One at a time and actually "take my time" taking them. There´s no rushing to a goal for me, or any need to "maximise my efficiency". I just go along as I play. For example I´m still learning to craft and when I need more materials to get to a higher level in it, well I dig them up. So I level foraging, slowly but surely.

    6. And that´s probably the most personal point: I don´t PvP. That´s because I´m just not suited to it. Slow in Hand Eye coordination and likely to loose overview in crowded battles. So there´s no need for me to become 1337 in any skill. Although, despite others telling you so, a relatively low player might also participate and do some good in PvP. I know some who do so quite successfully.

    My advice to you, as you state that "Themepark" games aren´t your line of choice and Ryzom still hasn´t got what you think it needs is:

    1. Wait a bit and see. The new Devs are doing the best they can to deliver some more "content" into the game. Btw. the patch previous to last, brought some very good new "low level Missions", that DO point you in the right direction quite well. And if it doesn´t suffice, it´s never to hard to ask ;) either in Universe, or your guildmates.

    2. Make the "path your goal". Just don´t rush things.


    Edit: As to "Raids", they´re mostly player organized, large hunting parties. That band together to storm one of the Kitin hives. Mostly for fun and the action of it. At the end of a hive there might await some very good crafting materials in the form of Kitin-Larvae, but those are rare and people will rush to get them.

    Other forms of mass combat include the (in)famous Invasions, that are a two sided sword indeed.

    Once the Kitin or any other menace has invaded some land, or even lands, many players begin to complain that their normal way of playing is hindered by this event. Not realizing that this is in fact the goal of all invaders everywhere. To interrupt the normal flow of things and apply pressure on the occupied. And the occupied then have to fre themselves from the invading forces. Mistakes have certainly been made in the last big one, but this is not the place to discuss broken eggs. The Invasions are part an parcel of Ryzom and will occur ever so often.


    In addition there are Life Events, that do drive the overall story, the meta-plot, of the game towards some unknown future zenith. To participate in these, you´ll just have to check the motd, serverwide messages in Universe and of course the RPG-Forums. For mostly these Events revolve around RP, with some nice combat action sprinkled in once in a while. They occur with quite some regularity but as all of Ryzom, won´t and can´t be rushed. History takes time to develop after all. And these Events are your chance to participate in it. Just make the most of it. :)





    Ryzom, we dare to be different.
    Do you dare to adapt?
  • metalhead980metalhead980 Member Posts: 2,658

    So you strickly using magic with your character?

    You don't like Digging and probably crafting either (assuming).

    Honestly all you would be doing in Ryzom is killing mobs either solo or with guildies.

    The game has kitin lairs but these are very challenging and I wouldn't advise you to try those bfore you have atleast one combat or support skill to 200

    The game has boss mobs roaming around, I'm sure you've seen them. They're those oversized versions of regular mobs with actual names. They drop high quality materials and require a group to take down.

    When it comes to Ryzoms spell system it may seem basic at first but as you level you can customize more and more.

    As an example in Ryzom you have Acid bolt as you level it you can change the spell quite a bit through the stanza system.

    you can increase range, damage add several different AoE effects, add a DoT effect to it.

    I have five or six versions of acid bolt. One that jumps from mob to mob and one that sprays a group of mobs I could go on and on.

    Also in the defensive magic line you get fear, blind, root and other cool magics. Once you hit 120 magic you unlock the racial spells like Fire, shockwave and others.

    All in all if you add up all the spell combinations Ryzom actually has way more spell possibilities than any other mmo.

    Same goes for melee, prospecting, crafting and more.

    You say you have a good guild, let me guess do they make armor for you ever time you level up? have they given you cats? Did they supply a mount, packers and apt?

    While guilds are great in Ryzom they also can destroy any type of goal you may have if you were on your own. Like working toward that apt or digging and having the satisfaction of making your own armor and weapons as you level.

    Even trekking you to every area could destroy the mystery of Atys.

    When I first played last year, I had that happen to me and I was left with nothing but a well geared Fyros 2h sword character that did nothing but grind mobs all day.

    I had nothing to work toward except skill cap and since getting to 200 takes a while I got frustrated and bored.

    Recently I created a new character thats totally self suffcient and I'm loving the game, I have all of these goals now and the game feels so much better.

    Anyway sorry for the long post If you do leave Ryzom I wish you luck in your next game.

    PLaying: EvE, Ryzom

    Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum

  • GilgameeshGilgameesh Member UncommonPosts: 412
    Originally posted by metalhead980

    You say you have a good guild, let me guess do they make armor for you ever time you level up? have they given you cats? Did they supply a mount, packers and apt?

     While guilds are great in Ryzom they also can destroy any type of goal you may have if you were on your own. Like working toward that apt or digging and having the satisfaction of making your own armor and weapons as you level.

     Even trekking you to every area could destroy the mystery of Atys.

    I agree with you. Unfortunately, some guild focus all the newbie activity to raise the skills fast to be able to add more people in OP battles. This is a big misleading people to boredom. Ryzom is not just pvp, it's an entire strange world to discover. If you just kill plants over and over, you will leave the game pretty fast.

    to the OP:

    About using the same skill over and over, well, at beginning you have few choices but, the more u increase the skills the better.

    Also consider that, if you always go around in a big team of 4-5 people, maybe with some master, you will never need to fine tune your actions. It's obvious that if i am in a team with 2 healers, 2 nukers and a tanker, any action u use doesn't make a big difference, you can even be a bit gimped and can't fail.

    The real point is: once you find yourself in different situations, are you able to use the right actions? The stanza system is made to make you build actions that can differ very little, but 'that very little' can make the difference. Same thing is with crafted weapons and armors.

    An example: as a healer, are you able to heal a tanker in a 'duo' team, without the need to be recharged every time? Or, to be able to heal until the end of a fight without running out of sap/hp, while hunting nameds/bosses?

    I assure you I can heal a tanker hunting Great Kinchers almost forever, or in need to recharge only if very unlucky with the kinchers crits or to recover nasty situations (ie: adds).

    So, in the end: you sure can use always the same action over and over, but sure you will not learn the real power of the stanza system in this way, and you will find lost when need to manage different situations other than hunting in big teams with some master into.


    Nickname registered on

  • TuyetTuyet Member Posts: 135

     I've been playing a couple years now and have several masters.

    Boss hunts are a daily activity for many players with or near master level, lasting 1-3 hours usually. Also we will kill a lot of the named Creatures we see along the way. With the last patch the Boss's are not always in the same location so finding them is a bit more work now and some of the new locations are pretty challenging.

    There are roaming named creatures and Boss mobs in every zone, you might want to try killing some of them with say a group of 4 of the appropriate level. Even duoing a named mob with a tank and healer of 10 or 20 more slkill levels than the named creature level can be challenging if doable.

    For those of us with Master PR Forage skills, a few hours or more a week of digging Sup and Ex mats is usually fun and helpful for crafting equip. The server resets refill the PR Sup and Ex nodes if you ever wondered why they rebooted the server every week when it only takes 10 minutes or so.

    Crafters can also spend a lot of time dveloping recipes for equipment. I personally have spent well in excess of a month developing recipes. One doesn't have to be a master crafter to dvelop recipes either. All the basic crafting patterns are available at lev 20, Medium quality patterns at lev 50 and High quality patterns at lev 150 iirc.

    We have had a few good OP Battles recently. There has been a competitive OP Battle every week or 2. Usually players can start participating in the OP Battles with a heal of lev 80 or so -- personally i started with lev 40 healing. Melee or Elemental of lev 200 is prob effective. And Autolaunchers or Launchers of lev 150 work well and you can get to level 151 using Rifles before that skill tree splits in 3. I'm not really a PvP person myself but I do enjoy the OP Battles and there is just no other experience I've had that compares to a great OP Battle.

    We have 1 player that has been organizing a raid on a Kitin Nest every month or 2 lately. Probably need to be level 150 or so to really help on that. The action gets quite intense in a nest.

    There are also Exterminator mobs left over from the last Kitin of the Depths invasion. Similar to Boss's except they are all Kitin and have more HPs and Regen than normal Boss's. Normal Boss's can be killed with 4 but the Exterminators prob take at least 12 and been 18 or more every time i've seen one killed.

    There are 4 Bandit Boss's that drop unique crafting plans and mats and also take around 20 players to kill. Each of them presents unique situations to deal with. We haven't been doing them too much, maybe every other month or so. But there could be a guild killling em all every week and i just don't know about it. And the group i do them with now has done only 1 of them and we have our sights on a 2nd soon.

    The GMs have been running an event every weekend lately. Usually about a 2 hour event on Saturaday and another on Sunday. And each is run twice so you have 2 chances to participate each day. These events appear to be connected too.

    Personally i think new players should focus on a 2 Handed Sword or Axe, Elelmental, and Heal Magic skills. Maybe a 2 Handed Mace for melee. I would do whatever fit in well with others i could group with. I think digging works good while one waits for someone to group up with. A little digging here and a some more there and sooner or later you might get hooked. Most players don't level a range skill much till they have a melee master and a high dig skill as one really needs to craft ones own ammo although I guess one might find a way around that with a nice ammo crafter friend.

    With Elemenatl Magic, one gets access to a double missile spell at lev 100. so you cold cast 2 lev 100 acid damage missiles in one cast -- or 1 acid and 1 rot. and the graphic is different if the top spell is acid or rot -- sort of neat. And at lev 125, one gets the 4 racial damage spells - Fire, Shockwave, Poison, and Electricity.

    Usually when one gets around level 100, one will want to raise a fation fame if they decide to align with one of the factions. It is necessary to faction align for 250 level zone TPs and PR zone TPs. One can always renounce ones conversion and then convert to other faction if one wishes or go neutral. However being able to use the TPs is real handy for a lot.

    The only other missions that are somewhat useful are the completed Encyclopedia missions, none of them are really necessary but some do give some nice rewards like +50 Sap, +50 Focus, extra map landmarks, etc.. The best reward is prob the reward that gives extra durability to crafted items. I think most of the Encyclopedia missions require a +34 Civilization fame for the land it is in so not a bad idea to raise some civilization fames when one can. Might also want to look at them before becoming a citizen of one of the Races as I believe 1 or 2 of the other civ fames might be capped below 34 for a citizen. Citizenship can also be renounced so not like one won't be able to do them if one really wants just have to redo fame to get citizenship back.

    Gaining Tribal Fame can be some fun and some of the tribes can be helpful in killling creatures for you if you like to hunt by them. But for the most part very little to be gained at the moment in raising tribal fames. However it really looks to me like the Devs originally meant to really develop the tribes into more meaningful roles.

    As for the hunting in Ryzom, either you like it or you don't. I think it is better than other MMO's I've played, EQ was pretty good and somewhat close to Ryzom before it got ruined with all those expansions. I even enjoy the palnt fields, some think its too easy but with palnt fields one has to do 2-3 mobs at once off and on and there is no way to split them up or taunt one away as they don't move. And non-boss plants only go up to lev 233 with lev 228 plants being the highest really grindable plant. So eventually one has to do some Najabs, Cuttlers, Tyranchas, Kinchers, Plods, etc...

    And although most of us do just grind exp as fast as we can on the craetures we know will give good fast exp, You don't have to, you really don't have to rush, if you only like killing carnivores, kill carnivores.

    There is usually a lot of exploration to do too. The newbie treks are usually just to get the Civilization Capitol TPs and a few along the way. There are plenty of other zones you can explore and solo trek to get the TPs in as you level up.

    As for loot, Boss and Named Creature mats and Sup and EX Dug mats are used to make most of the good equioment in the game. There are some uses for less than EX mats. Outpost mats are used to make special tools or special Outpost Weapons that have unique abilities like a free cast 5% of the time. Outposts also produce most of the Experience Catalysts in the game.

    Of course if one isn't so much into the gameplay there's always the community and chat. Plenty of nice friendlty folks!



  • Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440

    Gotta hand it to you guys, you have put that excitement of playing back into me. There's just so much to this game that isn't covered on the website or anywhere, which really makes it standout. Now i only have 3-4 days before my trial expires and ill try my best to get a better feeling of the game and see if it can grab me, otherwise i got about 5 more games to go through before im officially done trying literally every single game worth mentioning. Hopefully i can make a decision on which game to play or otherwise it's a go into hibernation mode for awhile kinda thing.

  • GilgameeshGilgameesh Member UncommonPosts: 412
    Originally posted by Tuyet

     .... wall of text cut .... 


    I was reading the forums after a long ryzom session and before going to bed and, after reading your post, i felt the will to relog into game!!!

    Well, it's really too late so it's bedtime, anyway this is a great post


    Nickname registered on

  • MaDSaMMaDSaM Member Posts: 627
    Originally posted by Gabby-air

    Gotta hand it to you guys, you have put that excitement of playing back into me. There's just so much to this game that isn't covered on the website or anywhere, which really makes it standout. Now i only have 3-4 days before my trial expires and ill try my best to get a better feeling of the game and see if it can grab me, otherwise i got about 5 more games to go through before im officially done trying literally every single game worth mentioning. Hopefully i can make a decision on which game to play or otherwise it's a go into hibernation mode for awhile kinda thing.


    Don´t try too hard though

    Relax and don´t let the urge "to find something useful and exciting" press you into stressing out on it now.

    Find your own pace and don´t let others dictate what you "have" to do.

    If they think its fun, ok. But that doesn´t mean its your idea of a good time.

    For example, some may tell you that once you´ve got all TPs, running around on your own is a "waste of time". And you´ll only accumulate DP that reduce your leveling time and such blahblahblah... ;)

    Ok, so they think and if it is to them, alright. To each his own.

    But, you might just see exploring as a dangerous and exciting adventure!

    Trying to sneak past MOBs is an exhilarating experience. No risk, No Fun!

    And if the MOBs do get you, don´t be too frustrated, just try it again. Just this time try to remember the "aggro range" of the MOB that got you. And if the DP are too high to take anymore,

    find a group to level them of, taking revenge on the critters that got you

    And then, simply try again. You will surely have learned something from the previous experience, so this time use this experience to your advantage. Don´t go too near that one mob and see if you can try that knowledge on another.

    Step by Step you´ll reach your goal Beaten and bruised maybe but, happier for it





    Ryzom, we dare to be different.
    Do you dare to adapt?
  • NizurNizur Member CommonPosts: 1,417

    Originally posted by MaDSaM
    But, you might just see exploring as a dangerous and exciting adventure!Trying to sneak past MOBs is an exhilarating experience. No risk, No Fun!And if the MOBs do get you, don´t be too frustrated, just try it again. Just this time try to remember the "aggro range" of the MOB that got you. And if the DP are too high to take anymore, find a group to level them of, taking revenge on the critters that got you imageAnd then, simply try again. You will surely have learned something from the previous experience, so this time use this experience to your advantage. Don´t go too near that one mob and see if you can try that knowledge on another.

    That's basically what my night consisted of last night. I spent just shy of three hours running around a couple zones looking for a "secret spot" one of my guildmates had posted to our site. We have a long-running contest where someone takes a screenshot of a "secret spot" in Atys and posts it to the site. The first person to find it and post their own screen of the place wins money and can post their own secret spot for others to find.

    While I was running around, I had to constantly be alert, watching both the minimap and looking all around me for dangerous mobs. I was chased by gibbaï, kinchers, gingos, torbaks and kipestas several times and died twice, but it was still a lot of fun to be exploring with a purpose and with a sense of danger all around.

    Once I escaped a gibbaï by running through a large, dense herd of animals to "trip" him up. He got tangled in the middle of the herd which gave me enough distance to make my escape. Now that I know that trick works, I can use it again in the future.

    Another time a huge kincher seemingly came out of nowhere and wanted to eat me for lunch. I had to use self heal and speed and just barely made it to a portal that I remembered was nearby. I barely escaped with only around 200 health left! The adrenaline rush and sense of accomplishment from escaping death like that was quite fun!

    It's things like this that make Ryzom fun and addicting for me. It doesn't have to be a constant grind to level. And I'm not that high level either. My highest skill is only 87, so there were plenty of mobs that could (and did) kill me.

    Current: None
    Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
    Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
    Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN

  • lancelot76lancelot76 Member Posts: 119

    To the OP:  I've been there with testing 50 games to try and find one, just one to settle down with. Maybe your reasons are different than mine, but I followed almost every link I could on MMORPG to see if I could find that one.

    Like they might say in Kung Fu Panda, a great movie: it's just you. There is no secret ingredient. I tried to find it and failed every time.

    I went back to what drew me into online gaming in the first place. For me that was story, exploration and community. (Mostly.) I had mined out my previous MMO for 4 years and felt the well had run dry. Then I discovered two MMOs: LoTRO and Ryzom.

    I won't discuss LoTRO here other than to say that I, personally feel at "home" there for my own reasons.

    My other home is now Ryzom. MadSam and Nizur posted some reasons why I enjoy Ryzom but I have many of my own. When I'm in Ryzom, I just get a sense I am in a place that resonates with a sense of history and adventure. It is a world, not merely a space to play in. There are drawbacks to that of course, but as you've seen here, there are players who connect with that and enjoy it for what it is.

    If you are looking for that special something, what the French call a certain "I don't know what," from Ryzom you can find it, but only if you connect with it. You may or may not be able to do that. If you can find a way to absorb Atys and find elements you enjoy, you may be drawn in and want to stay for a while. If you want the WoW experience of course you will find that elsewhere. :-)

    Take your time and see what you can see. And let us know how it turns out. :-)


  • PhelimReaghPhelimReagh Member UncommonPosts: 682
    Originally posted by metalhead980

    So you strickly using magic with your character?

    You don't like Digging and probably crafting either (assuming).

    Honestly all you would be doing in Ryzom is killing mobs either solo or with guildies.

    The game has kitin lairs but these are very challenging and I wouldn't advise you to try those bfore you have atleast one combat or support skill to 200

    The game has boss mobs roaming around, I'm sure you've seen them. They're those oversized versions of regular mobs with actual names. They drop high quality materials and require a group to take down.

    When it comes to Ryzoms spell system it may seem basic at first but as you level you can customize more and more.

    As an example in Ryzom you have Acid bolt as you level it you can change the spell quite a bit through the stanza system.

    you can increase range, damage add several different AoE effects, add a DoT effect to it.

    I have five or six versions of acid bolt. One that jumps from mob to mob and one that sprays a group of mobs I could go on and on.

    Also in the defensive magic line you get fear, blind, root and other cool magics. Once you hit 120 magic you unlock the racial spells like Fire, shockwave and others.

    All in all if you add up all the spell combinations Ryzom actually has way more spell possibilities than any other mmo.

    Same goes for melee, prospecting, crafting and more.

    You say you have a good guild, let me guess do they make armor for you ever time you level up? have they given you cats? Did they supply a mount, packers and apt?

    While guilds are great in Ryzom they also can destroy any type of goal you may have if you were on your own. Like working toward that apt or digging and having the satisfaction of making your own armor and weapons as you level.

    Even trekking you to every area could destroy the mystery of Atys.

    When I first played last year, I had that happen to me and I was left with nothing but a well geared Fyros 2h sword character that did nothing but grind mobs all day.

    I had nothing to work toward except skill cap and since getting to 200 takes a while I got frustrated and bored.

    Recently I created a new character thats totally self suffcient and I'm loving the game, I have all of these goals now and the game feels so much better.

    Anyway sorry for the long post If you do leave Ryzom I wish you luck in your next game.


    Your post makes me wish Ryzom would adopt something akin to the Runescape model: Make certain areas and abilities lifetime F2P, but keep 80% of the content reserved for subscription-paying members.


    The game sounds so rich, but I just could not get the hang of it in the trial time. It would kill two birds with one stone: (1) drastically increase community, and (2) allow new players  to learn the many intricacies of this game at their own pace. The game itself would quickly weed out the folks who don't have the patience for a PVE and Crafting-focused game.


    I know people always seem to think following models like this is catering to cheap people or something, but given the fact that Ryzom is several years old they really need to do SOMETHING to try to breathe new life into the game. Turbine breathed new life into DDO with that method, and there's no reason Ryzom couldn't do it too.

  • metalhead980metalhead980 Member Posts: 2,658
    Originally posted by PhelimReagh

    Originally posted by metalhead980

    So you strickly using magic with your character?

    You don't like Digging and probably crafting either (assuming).

    Honestly all you would be doing in Ryzom is killing mobs either solo or with guildies.

    The game has kitin lairs but these are very challenging and I wouldn't advise you to try those bfore you have atleast one combat or support skill to 200

    The game has boss mobs roaming around, I'm sure you've seen them. They're those oversized versions of regular mobs with actual names. They drop high quality materials and require a group to take down.

    When it comes to Ryzoms spell system it may seem basic at first but as you level you can customize more and more.

    As an example in Ryzom you have Acid bolt as you level it you can change the spell quite a bit through the stanza system.

    you can increase range, damage add several different AoE effects, add a DoT effect to it.

    I have five or six versions of acid bolt. One that jumps from mob to mob and one that sprays a group of mobs I could go on and on.

    Also in the defensive magic line you get fear, blind, root and other cool magics. Once you hit 120 magic you unlock the racial spells like Fire, shockwave and others.

    All in all if you add up all the spell combinations Ryzom actually has way more spell possibilities than any other mmo.

    Same goes for melee, prospecting, crafting and more.

    You say you have a good guild, let me guess do they make armor for you ever time you level up? have they given you cats? Did they supply a mount, packers and apt?

    While guilds are great in Ryzom they also can destroy any type of goal you may have if you were on your own. Like working toward that apt or digging and having the satisfaction of making your own armor and weapons as you level.

    Even trekking you to every area could destroy the mystery of Atys.

    When I first played last year, I had that happen to me and I was left with nothing but a well geared Fyros 2h sword character that did nothing but grind mobs all day.

    I had nothing to work toward except skill cap and since getting to 200 takes a while I got frustrated and bored.

    Recently I created a new character thats totally self suffcient and I'm loving the game, I have all of these goals now and the game feels so much better.

    Anyway sorry for the long post If you do leave Ryzom I wish you luck in your next game.


    Your post makes me wish Ryzom would adopt something akin to the Runescape model: Make certain areas and abilities lifetime F2P, but keep 80% of the content reserved for subscription-paying members.


    The game sounds so rich, but I just could not get the hang of it in the trial time. It would kill two birds with one stone: (1) drastically increase community, and (2) allow new players  to learn the many intricacies of this game at their own pace. The game itself would quickly weed out the folks who don't have the patience for a PVE and Crafting-focused game.


    I know people always seem to think following models like this is catering to cheap people or something, but given the fact that Ryzom is several years old they really need to do SOMETHING to try to breathe new life into the game. Turbine breathed new life into DDO with that method, and there's no reason Ryzom couldn't do it too.

    They had an unlimited trial on the tutorial Island it was capped at skill rank 20.

    The new devs decided to give access to the whole game but restrict playtime to 21 days.

    The problem with the tutorial island unlimited trial was it gave people a false sense of what the game was really like.

    The island was full with quests, was solo friendly and limited in skill tree. When players subscribed to the game they were instantly turned off by the open endedness of the main game.



    PLaying: EvE, Ryzom

    Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum

  • NizurNizur Member CommonPosts: 1,417

    Like metalhead posted, the trial island has a different feel and pace than the mainland. You have quests the entire time you're there. You're paced and told what to do because it's trying to teach you the basics of the game. Once you hit the mainland, it's like you've had a bucket of cold water dumped on you. It's completely open. There are quests, but you're not told where to get them or who gives them out. Because you have nothing telling you where to go from here, it can be very overwhelming.

    The best thing you can do at that point is join a guild. I was getting frustrated for a while and running around without any direction or plan. Once I joined a guild, they were able to answer all my questions and help me along whenever I really needed it. I'm not sure I would've stuck with the game if I tried to do it alone.

    Current: None
    Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
    Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
    Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN

  • MaelkorMaelkor Member UncommonPosts: 459

    So a few questions myself. I have not played the game yet(except I think way way back years ago I might have played some form of trial or something I am not completely sure now).

    Several things interest me. The skill system and all of that. I think I have a good sense of most of it.

    What I would like to know is have they done anything with the rings expansion stuff(user created content)? IE can you make a dungeon now and leave it open for people to play it whenever? or do you have to log in as( if i read this correctly) a GM version of your character to "run" the dungeon? I really love the concept of the user dungeons, but I hate the idea that I have to be around exactly when the person who created it is around. This to me seems to be a very big step towards making a game with a limited budget(caused by limited number of players) fill in a very crucial content gap. It can also be very rewarding(potentially) for both sets of players(GM and Adventurer).

    In fact something I could imagine is a dungeon that was well constructed and played as an instance from the user created area could be added to the actual game world permanently and thus do a huge portion of the job that is required from developers. Then they would merely need to tie in the areas with specific lore in that specific area.

    Anyways I like the sound of all of the core systems of play for this game thinking that if all of those were put in the hands of a company that could invest 10 or 20 Million dollars to refurbish the game and bring all aspects up to a high quality comparable with present day games(graphics, content(not stupid little gimme level quests), etc) then perhaps this game could become an actual smash hit with 100k to perhaps 1 Million subs. I know a lot of it "sounds" like something I would like to sink my teeth into, but only time will tell if this is so. Anyways I look forward to trying out the trial in the next few days sometime.

  • MaDSaMMaDSaM Member Posts: 627

    At the moment they are concentrating on bringing more "content" and fixes to the main game.

    Fixing the Ring is on the "to do list" and will be adressed in the future, when everything else is set and done.

    So atm, there still is the sad fact that you have to be IN your Scenario to host it.

    But hopefully that will be revised once they´ve got the time for it on their hands.





    Ryzom, we dare to be different.
    Do you dare to adapt?
  • MaelkorMaelkor Member UncommonPosts: 459

    Hmm thats too bad. It seems they probably would not have to struggle so hard bringing in new content if you didnt have to be logged into your scenario for others to play. But at least there is an active development team doing something with the game. I am sure I will be trying it out in a day or two...heck maybe even tonight.

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