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Bored of your MMO? Play Vanguard: Saga of Heroes.



  • GPrestigeGPrestige Member UncommonPosts: 523
    Originally posted by Shazzel

    No thanks, SOE will never see a dollar from me.


    Blah blah blee blee bloo

    -Computer specs no one cares about: check.

    -MMOs played no one cares about: check.

    -Xfire stats no one cares about: check.

    -Signature no one cares about: check.

    -Narcissism: check.

  • XeonsoldierXeonsoldier Member Posts: 190
    Originally posted by GPrestige

    Originally posted by Shazzel

    No thanks, SOE will never see a dollar from me.


    Blah blah blee blee bloo


    Another reason why VG is the way it is :p

  • gauge2k3gauge2k3 Member Posts: 442

    "You can discover islands that no one has been to before."


    This is untrue, and in fact a lie.  Every inch of that game has been covered.  I like that people promote the games they like, as everyone's taste is different, but blatant lieing to get people to play is wrong.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,107
    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    "You can discover islands that no one has been to before."
    This is untrue, and in fact a lie.  Every inch of that game has been covered.  I like that people promote the games they like, as everyone's taste is different, but blatant lieing to get people to play is wrong.


    there is a difference between lieing and being mistaken.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • JazqaJazqa Member Posts: 465

    Downloading the trial now. Looks so damn awesome ALWAYS wanted to try. If its as good as you say I will probably buy it.

  • raystantzraystantz Final Fantasy XI CorrespondentMember UncommonPosts: 1,237

     Unfortunately, the people make the MMO.. and if there are NO people.. there is no MMO.. I tried vanguard, bought it.. and loved it.. just wasn't enough people.. has it gotten any better?

    Currently playing:

    FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA. 

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,107
    Originally posted by Jazqa

    Downloading the trial now. Looks so damn awesome ALWAYS wanted to try. If its as good as you say I will probably buy it.


    The thing is, it really takes a certain mentality to play Vanguard.

    One, you have to be patient and allow the game to be what it is. It is going to be creaky. There are going to be some stupid little bugs. If the people who are trying the game are the type where everything has to be "just so" then Vanguard will not be for them.

    If you are the type where you have to see people running around all the time, then Vanguard won't be for you. Oh, you'll see people, but because of Vanguard's size it feels (to me) more like a real world rather than a video game where everybody and their uncle are chasing each other all over the place.

    It's hard to feel that you are Dungeon exploring when it's like grand central station.

    You have to be proactive about groups and about finding a guild if that is your thing.

    If you are a soloer then Vanguard works extremely well. This is not to say people won't ask you for groups or that there is no one to play with but I find that the people who must be grouping all the time tend to have the most complaints about Vanguard.

    Though from my experience, if I needed a group it really wasn't a problem. But my tendency is to go out and explore the world on my terms and then help people as it comes up or ask for help if I need it.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • KatillaKatilla Member UncommonPosts: 829
    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Jazqa

    Downloading the trial now. Looks so damn awesome ALWAYS wanted to try. If its as good as you say I will probably buy it.


    The thing is, it really takes a certain mentality to play Vanguard.

    One, you have to be patient and allow the game to be what it is. It is going to be creaky. There are going to be some stupid little bugs. If the people who are trying the game are the type where everything has to be "just so" then Vanguard will not be for them.

    If you are the type where you have to see people running around all the time, then Vanguard won't be for you. Oh, you'll see people, but because of Vanguard's size it feels (to me) more like a real world rather than a video game where everybody and their uncle are chasing each other all over the place.

    It's hard to feel that you are Dungeon exploring when it's like grand central station.

    You have to be proactive about groups and about finding a guild if that is your thing.

    If you are a soloer then Vanguard works extremely well. This is not to say people won't ask you for groups or that there is no one to play with but I find that the people who must be grouping all the time tend to have the most complaints about Vanguard.

    Though from my experience, if I needed a group it really wasn't a problem. But my tendency is to go out and explore the world on my terms and then help people as it comes up or ask for help if I need it.

    i always had a tough time with grouping in this game...theres not that many people playing it anymore so you end up spending the majority of it soloing, and only grouping if theres an impossible quest you need.

  • KierstenKiersten Member Posts: 23

    I tried out the 14 day trial, and the game looks amazing.  The system is pretty fun, the graphics are nice.  The only complaint I would have is there was just not enough people around that the world felt somewhat empty to me.  Depending on how you think about it though this is kind of more realistic.  In a real fantasy world you are not going to run into adventurers every time you turn around.

    I think that if this game could get some publicity, a interview and re-review on a few MMO sites you would find it became wildly popular.  If they were to give out 1 month free, it would be even better.  You would see many people that would come in to see what the hype is about, have no risk taken.  And would end up staying.

    The problem is we as players, can only do so much.

  • orlacorlac Member Posts: 549

    Vanguard is ok...



    Boy the OP sure sounds like a shill. Tell us again about all that housing! Been all taken since a week after launch!

  • bigdaddysfebigdaddysfe Member Posts: 89

    I liked the different systems in Vanguard. The diplomacy was fun and crafting isn't bad for what it is. Like others have said, I like the fact that if you die, you lose all your non-bound stuff and have to go back to get it. It keeps you honest as a player so you don't try to tank 57 guys like you would in some other games with meaningless death penalties.  It's was kind of weird being in some big elf city and being like the only person there, but I don't mind so much right now.


    What I would suggest is if you are going to play, do not buy the game. Do the trial first and then upgrade to an account there. Not only do you not pay for the game(although you can find it at some places for 1-2 dollars), you also get a bonus item by typing in /claim. I thought it was going to be these rocket boots that they advertised, but instead it was they crazy powerful bags. You'll see what I mean if you do it.


    I had my doubts since I guess I started in the worst week bug-wise they have had in over a year. There was something like 2-3 downtimes and none of us could leave the starting area. The good news was in a day it was fixed and during that time a GM would come help us when it was needed. I understand some people's hatred of Sony and respect if they will never play again. I have a list of companies myself(Funcom, Cryptic, Nexon etc.) that I would never give a penny too, but I think every company deserves a chance to prove themselves at least once to a customer. If you don't have any compunctions about the company behind Vanguard, I would suggest at least giving them a try. It's a pretty fun game and even though it has a low population, there is alot of stuff to do solo at lower levels and places to find groups and guilds when you are ready for that.

    This is off of one week in the game so far, I can't tell you how it will be after that but I tried to be as honest as possible. Hope it works out for the people who play.



  • GPrestigeGPrestige Member UncommonPosts: 523
    Originally posted by orlac

    Boy the OP sure sounds like a shill.


    Gotta say, go f*** yourself man. Getting kind of sick of people thinking I work for the company or something.

    -Computer specs no one cares about: check.

    -MMOs played no one cares about: check.

    -Xfire stats no one cares about: check.

    -Signature no one cares about: check.

    -Narcissism: check.

  • KreeaytivKreeaytiv Member Posts: 5

    Thank you soo much for showing me this amazing video of the game, i am going to join no questions asked.

    This is the MMO I want.


  • AbalisAbalis Member Posts: 48
    Originally posted by orlac

    Vanguard is ok...
    Boy the OP sure sounds like a shill. Tell us again about all that housing! Been all taken since a week after launch!


    Not a shill.  We're players trying to get the word out there about a game we really enjoy.  I've heard this sentiment from other people that they and others just haven't heard of this game, or don't realize that it is alive and well and vastly improved from launch.  Because of how SOE markets their games (haha), we're taking it into our own hands.  This game has such an awesome set of features and really sets an excellent foundation...the things that could be done with this game, and the things that can be done in it now, are incredibly difficult for others to match.  We the players want to see this game succeed and thrive, and the only way to do that is to step beyond that hurdle that's slowed the game's progress: smaller population.  And again, the reason it has a lower population? See above. :p

    No, VG isn't for everyone.  Yes, the population is smaller than in more well-known games.  No, the world is not a ghost town.  Yes, it feels that way because guess what? When you have a massive, seamless world, when there is no set path you have to follow, people spread out across the land, across the seas, and across the skies.  But people are there.

    And housing? I find plots all the time.  It isn't always easy, and sometimes you won't get that prime piece of real estate you've had your eye on.  I went house-hunting, and was fortunate enough to find a prime piece of real estate that I really like.  As people forget or neglect to keep up with the plot upkeep costs, previously owned plots open up.  Some are snatched up quickly, others sit for a while.  But there is housing to be found, but yes you'll have to find it.

    And you know what? The housing plots in game won't be the only ones in the future...if demand increases and supply can't meet that demand, the devs will open up more plots for purchase.  But demand hasn't exceeded supply on all the continents.  So yeah...there are still plots...just might not be that prime piece of real estate you have your eye on...then again, if you wait long enough and the owner hasn't been actively watching it, you might just get lucky. :p


  • UberA13cUberA13c Member Posts: 5

    I played EQ from early 2000-2004, WoW from 2004-2007, and been trying other games along the way...... Age of Conan, WAR kinda, etc etc...

    I first tried the Vanguard trial and was like wow this is retarded.   Then i went back about a month later and retried it, and I loved it. 

    Been playing for about a month, and I'm having a blast.  If more people would play, and SOE would just put more money in to the game, it could really be a great one.  That being said I'm enjoying it a lot right now.  Give it a chance, download the 1GB trial for 14 days, try it when your bored and you might be surprised.

  • VaedurVaedur Member Posts: 430

    Played vangaurd for a year and loved it.. no AA sucks imo..

    but i just want to point out the Trial is bogus.. it is not representative of the actual game imo.. they made it an optimized small area to "demo" and "try" world buidling that the team doesn't even do..


    That being said, if you can find a cheap game key online, give it a go.. it's worth the money..


    Classes are TOP notch, best in any mmo hands down.


    F Sony for not puting devolpment into this game, it would have more players..  There is a decent amount of people who want a game like this, but want one that is actively devolped..

    pardon my poor spelling.


  • KierstenKiersten Member Posts: 23

     The big question is, when we try out vanguard what server should we play on?

  • GPrestigeGPrestige Member UncommonPosts: 523
    Originally posted by Kiersten

     The big question is, when we try out vanguard what server should we play on?


    Seradon or Xeth

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  • KierstenKiersten Member Posts: 23

     Out of the two is one preferable?

  • AbalisAbalis Member Posts: 48
    Originally posted by Vaedur

    Played vangaurd for a year and loved it.. no AA sucks imo..
    but i just want to point out the Trial is bogus.. it is not representative of the actual game imo.. they made it an optimized small area to "demo" and "try" world buidling that the team doesn't even do..
    That being said, if you can find a cheap game key online, give it a go.. it's worth the money..
    Classes are TOP notch, best in any mmo hands down.
    F Sony for not puting devolpment into this game, it would have more players..  There is a decent amount of people who want a game like this, but want one that is actively devolped..
    pardon my poor spelling.


    AA has been in development and was temporarily postponed while Silius was helping development of another game.  (He has still been active within the community and development of the game, for those wondering.) 

    But what I really wanted to address was your point about the trial.  It is only representative of a small sampling of what one can expect to experience in the full game world.  What it does really well is offer a kinder tutorial to new players than the racial starting areas.  People can get a good walk-through of just how combat, crafting, and diplomacy work, and you can see what people mean when they mention the flying mounts...and it helps new players be eased into the game.  Because as you said, it's a small area (only one chunk in size)...and for some, like me when I first played this game, being thrown into the actual world can be incredibly disconcerting and intimidating...because Telon is huge.  (I started in Dahknarg with my first-ever character.)

    And for those who like what little they've seen in the trial, don't need to buy a CD key online, although no one will stop you if you want that. :) All you have to do is subscribe and the rest of the game will be installed.


    @Kiersten: Well, I'm biased and I would say "Seradon." :p But a more honest answer would be: what are you looking for in VG? Would you ever be interested in joining an established guild?  If so, look to see what guilds are on which server, and then go with your preference.  Or you can create characters on both servers to "try them out" and see which one you prefer.  Both are active, have helpful communities, and have solid guilds.  And if you find you made a mistake and don't want to reinvest in a new character, there's always a server transfer (rarely they are free, but it might be worth the cost if you got to that point where you'd even consider one).

  • GPrestigeGPrestige Member UncommonPosts: 523
    Originally posted by Kiersten

     Out of the two is one preferable?


    Seradon probably has a bit more population. I'd pick that if anything.

    -Computer specs no one cares about: check.

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    -Xfire stats no one cares about: check.

    -Signature no one cares about: check.

    -Narcissism: check.

  • KierstenKiersten Member Posts: 23

     I started trying out a few classes on Seradon and i'm having a lot of fun with it.  But i'm not sure how these classes perform later in the game.  I find myself doing an equal amount of soloing and grouping.  So i would like to play something that can solo well.  The classes i've enjoyed so far are the druid, monk, and Psi.  I hear people say the druid is a great soloer, but no one can tell me how the monk or Psi are later in the game.

  • GPrestigeGPrestige Member UncommonPosts: 523
    Originally posted by Kiersten

     I started trying out a few classes on Seradon and i'm having a lot of fun with it.  But i'm not sure how these classes perform later in the game.  I find myself doing an equal amount of soloing and grouping.  So i would like to play something that can solo well.  The classes i've enjoyed so far are the druid, monk, and Psi.  I hear people say the druid is a great soloer, but no one can tell me how the monk or Psi are later in the game.


    I think every class can solo well, unless they can't kite or heal themselves. Just so you know, warrior and rogue are the worst soloers, I believe.

    Every class is useful endgame, however. I play a paladin and a psi. The psi can solo everything it can kite, but if the monster is immunte to kiting then you will have a problem. My paladin can literally solo most 4 dot mobs. When it comes to grouping, just play what you want. I think tanks are the least populated class during leveling, but at endgame there is an overabundance.

    Healers are common because of how they designed healers in this game. Every healer can DD, especially the blood mage since that is what they are SUPPOSED to do. The Cleric can tank if I remember correctly. The shaman can dd as well. Seriously, play what you want. Psi has the coolest spells in my opinion, then again, the highest DD is a sorcerer. Psi have amazing CC spells, though.

    I feel like I'm rambling on, so just play what you find the most interesting class. This is one of the rare games where no matter what you play you will be needed. I've had groups with multiple tanks and multiple healers and we were unstoppable. Kills didn't take long either.

    -Computer specs no one cares about: check.

    -MMOs played no one cares about: check.

    -Xfire stats no one cares about: check.

    -Signature no one cares about: check.

    -Narcissism: check.

  • LotosSlayerLotosSlayer Member Posts: 247

    Have a couple of quick questions about Vanguard. Firstly, is the leveling like WoW and EQ2 where you just keep doing quests over and over again or is it like FFXI where you get into groups and kill things/progress through areas for exp? I'd prefer if it was like FFXI. Imo, there shouldn't be a lot of quests, they should be really long and only be for storyline/items/skills, etc., not exp. Secondly, I was told that the game developers don't work on the game anymore. Is there really no development at all or is it just slow/rare?

  • GPrestigeGPrestige Member UncommonPosts: 523
    Originally posted by LotosSlayer

    Have a couple of quick questions about Vanguard. Firstly, is the leveling like WoW and EQ2 where you just keep doing quests over and over again or is it like FFXI where you get into groups and kill things/progress through areas for exp? I'd prefer if it was like FFXI. Imo, there shouldn't be a lot of quests, they should be really long and only be for storyline/items/skills, etc., not exp. Secondly, I was told that the game developers don't work on the game anymore. Is there really no development at all or is it just slow/rare?


    Its a mix of both. There are TONS of quests, but if you want, you can get a dedicated group and as long as no one leaves, take the epic quests that last many hours and levels and span an entire 6 hr dungeon. Perfect example, there is a dungeon (can't remember the name) that has multiple parts. You set up a group and progress through it together. The only tough part is you need to all do it together, because catching someone else up is a pain in the ass. So, what I did was get a group with guild members, and say "we will finish after quest X" then pick up the next day. Really fun to do that, since you end up even forgetting you're XPing and start talking about random crap.

    Thats what I loved about FFXI and what WoW lacked. You can go and do all solo quests if you want too.

    -Computer specs no one cares about: check.

    -MMOs played no one cares about: check.

    -Xfire stats no one cares about: check.

    -Signature no one cares about: check.

    -Narcissism: check.

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