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Does anyone know of a really good MMORPG I could play, I've always been a World of Warcraft player until today when I merged my account with the Battle.Net thing for Mr. Chilly pet and then unable to log on to a Death Knight character I recently did a faction change with, I wanted to use this character to help clear mobs to make some quests easier for another character I do want to level up with and it had a lot of useful items I would need like potions and cloth materials. I then sent a GM note and I'd waited all day and still no reply. Despite being the most popular MMO in the world, the customer service is now so slow, the quality of standards have become...poor. I've just had enough of Blizzard and their lazy ways.
I have tried 2 other MMORPGs, Warhammer and Lord of the Rings Online, they were ok but I didn't like them that much, LotRO was quite good but I was quite lost to where to go for quests and I have trouble finding cities for auction house.
So I want to try something new, two have taken an interest in, Aion and Fallen Earth, both of these seem really good and I would like a few opinions of what you know about these games and which you would recommend most to me. If there are any other MMOs that are good that you think I should try out, do tell me.
In short...
Aion is grindy, straightforward, the typical Asian MMO, but really well polished, has state of the art graphics and with the not-often-seen ability for your player to fly with his/her own wings.
Fallen Earth is open-ended, completely up to you what happens, limited amounts of quests, lots and lots of crafting, the rising post apocalyptic genre, has some very ugly people/creatures, has sub-par graphics (not trashing it just saying), has some server-side issues (if Darkfall got fixed, FE will too) and such.
It all depends.
LF a theme park MMO? Aion
LF a sandbox MMO? Fallen Earth
Other than that, I'd look into Runes of Magic. It's free and the item shop is purely cosmetic. I've heard it plays a lot like WoW, so I didn't play it, but I know there's a market for that.
Other other than that, I'd look into Alganon. It's said to have all the things that were great about MMOs put into one package. Looks a bit like WoW to me. Idk, I didn't play the Open Beta. However, it's also very casual friendly apparently (one of the big draws to games like WoW and LotRO. Not necessarily casual but casual friendly).
Check out the MUD I'm making!

I was expecting more comments, maybe everyone missed it the first time. =p
Hey, if you get one post that answers your question, you should be good. Most people just post repeat suggestions anyways.
Check out the MUD I'm making!

Oh ok, so I guess I have to make my own choice of which game I should get, to be honest I don't really like f2p games, games like that are always on a budget such as the graphics or gameplay and you get the usual lag unlike payed games which have better quality servers.
Either way, there's got to be one that suits me, the one game I am looking forward to is Star Wars The Old Republic but it'll be ages until that comes. For the meantime, I just don't know which to pick.
i had(have
) the same problem, i got darkfall and fallen earth, i don't hate, but don't like em that much either, im stuck scouring over MMORPG.COM waiting for new updates on SW:TOR or global agenda, i suggest you should check out some trials, gameplay movies can be really misleading ^^
lol, well, it seemed like you wanted a game to meet some specific criteria, and the only mmo I currently play is Vanguard, which I don't know would meet that criteria.
I try not to just spam every lfg thread unless I think the game might be a fit...but if you're just looking for suggestions... 
Really, though, if you need an extra nudge for finding out where to go/what to do with quests and stuff, VG probably isn't for you. It's a game that forces you to think, to pay attention to npc dialogue and quest text, to patiently go through tutorials, and to find out where you want to go and what you want to do on your own. Some quests will guide you towards new areas, but that's the extent of it I'd say. Might have some nondescript waypoints to follow. Not too much hand-holding involved in that respect, although they've made it a little "easier" with the advent of the Isle of Dawn trial.
You also need a pretty decent PC to run it well. It's been optimized to run much, much better, but if your PC was built more with WoW in mind, then it might not. You can tweak the settings to make improvements.
It's a definitive PvE game: it has a beautiful and massive and seamless (no zones, no instances) world, oodles of quests, intriguing lore (discovered even moreso via diplomacy), is an explorer's dream (map is more of a guide, not a crutch), fully-controllable flying mounts (has an interactive z-axis), non-instanced player-crafted housing, player-crafted and -controlled ships, a wonderfully deep and complex crafting system, 3 spheres of independent gameplay (adventuring, crafting, diplomacy), well-designed raids, death penalty, lots of group content (but can be soloed if you prefer), and a helpful and mature community.
Possible cons: steeper learning curve, population is smaller than more popular games (and is further exaggerated by the massive and seamless world split between three landmasses), is rough around the edges and creaky (nothing game-breaking, but you'll notice them from time to time), updates/improvements are slower (although still consistent) than in more popular games.
Gl in your search!