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I've been following Aion for a long time.. and it's a good game imo. But for me, the gold spammers sat outside the auction all for weeks, the lack of exploration capabilities, and the Abyss (I got to level 30).. it's just not giving me what I need in a game.. I've spent all weekend trying to do something fun and found myself sat here, 2 days later, having done nothing that would fit that category.
I'm ideally looking for a game where I can explore. Something where you once again get excited to log on and play.
I'll give you an idea of what I loved about certain games, then maybe advise if you can:
EQ2 - Loved the sheer ammount of contentand race/class selections. But it got old, just like every other (5 years now)
LOTRO - LOVED the community, and openess of the world.. but it didn't feel epic enough for LOTR.
UO - Loved this game all around. Just empty now .
Vanguard - Miss this game bad, but I keep hearing how empty it is and that puts me off a little.
What i'm really looking for is a new UO, or possibly a return to Vanguard. My major problem with the latter is i keep hearing how empty it is, and that its become grindy and hard to find groups.
I've tried Darkfall. It's not that I hated it, just couldn't get into it. And as for Mortal Online? Great potential.. just it's not going to be ready anytime soon.
I love the idea behind SWG too. Going from planet to planet etc.. kind reminds me of Mass Effect.
To sum it up, really looking for an exploration game, with enough people playing to call it home for a while, and not something that's too ancient. Does it even exist?
P.S. I'll mention I don't mind instancing, but GOOD instances. Fire Temple, NTC etc in Aion were very dull. Give me something like Veeshans Peak etc for an instance. Maybe something like Oblivion Online?
If you really like exploration you should try eve online, great game, steep learning curve though.
Here is the link to the Eve free trial: EVE Online
Final Fantasy Fourteen.
Although it comes out in a <year, something to look forward to at least!
Think of it as a mix between EQ, UO and some Oblivion thrown into the mix.
If you got any questions, I'll try to answer them.
Im enjoying "farmville" on facebook at the moment.. im level 8 =D
lmao at farmville. Tomorrow (in 17-18 hours from now) a game called bright shadow is going into OB. it's got grinding, instances, classes, class exclusive skills, can grind. levels goto 120. no crafting. that's as much as i can explain. I played the closed beta and loved it. There's going to be a lot of grouping into guilds from the start. its f2p with item mall coming soon. Esy to learn. Well, there ya are.
If you really miss VG like that, then hey, I'd suggest giving it another shot.
Yes, the population is lower than on other more popular games...but it isn't a ghost-town. From what I understand, both the Seradon and Xeth servers have activity levels equivalent to some of the more popular games' servers out there, and I think that's because almost everyone rolls a toon on one or the other. I assume you already know how the "ghost-town" feel is facilitated by VG's seamless world, so I won't go on and on about it. But it's active, I see a good mix of new toons, mid-level toons, and high-level toons. Mentoring has been added in VG, so you don't have to be concerned with people not being in your level range.
That said...especially because of the overall pop and the world design, you need to be proactive with grouping. Join a friendly and helpful guild (easiest way to take care of grouping), bring a friend or two with you, utilize region chat and the social window ("O" key), etc. It isn't impossible to find groups, and I've never had difficulty finding groups when I needed them. I mainly duo with my bf these days, but we've run into people in passing and formed PUG's to accomplish specific goals.
Seriously, stop recommending this game to people who are looking for something to play RIGHT NOW.
Anyways, my .02 Give DDO a whirl. Its got an interesting take on MMO's right now, is f2p, and if you take about 10 minutes or so to set up your controller, it sorta plays like Oblivion. I use a 360 controller, and now I just can't stand the game without it.
There's a huge exploration aspect in games like Roma Victor and LOVE but both cost money and RV is realistic, meaning open PvP and you're always at risk, and has had a lot of complaints but from what I've seen has improved significantly since those complaints and now only costs a one time fee.
RV is on the game list.
LOVE is...something else. =]
FFXI also has a huge world but REQUIRES grouping.
Check out the MUD I'm making!

I would really recommend giving Vanguard another shot and returning. Seradons population in no means is big. but big enough to enjoy the game still and find groups. I still see people chatting through global looking for groups all the time. I play a multitude of characters and i can get groups with all of them. If you put in a little effort and find peple to group with yourself, its very easy. There are so many people who like to group, but are too lazy to put out the effort to find members for a group! The game runs really good now and smooth too. More end game content was added if you have higher lvls also. I think you'd enjoy the game if you returned now, especially if you played on the seradon server.
Yeah, I used to play on Seradon (Back when it was erm.. Florendyl?). My main concern was always that it was low pop, but I am very interested in 2 titles next year (SWTOR and FFXIV). It needs to keep me busy until then really.
. It's either that or go and try out SWG again.
I've still got my box lying around somewhere. Havn't played since 2 months or so after release so i'm sure the game has changed loads. Even have a chance to try out the Isle of Dawn too