I have got to say that playing VG has spoiled me for other MMOs. I try to log into any of my other MMOs and I just can't do it. There is something about Vanguard that has sucked me in. While I'll admit that the low population does bug me, having a good group of friends to play with is the best thing. Man this is the perfect MMO I don't even know what to say to convince anyone anymore except that you ARE missing out.
I had to reply because this post really struck a cord with me; you are right on. VG has spoiled me for other MMO's, and I'm not just saying that to hype the game. Every mmo I have looked at since playing VG, I have always used VG as the criteria by which another game is measured...and no other game has measured up. I wish more would...so many awesome concepts are realized in VG, and so many MMO's instead choose to go the route of WoW and so many other modern and not-so-modern MMO's.
I absolutely, utterly, cannot stand zones, instances, or invisible walls. Those right there are almost guaranteed game-killers for me. Playing in VG's massive world has made me realize just how abhorrent those stale mechanics are, and I won't settle for anything less than a seamless, immersive world. I just can't do it. I used to play EQ2...it was my first MMO and I loved it. Then I finally built a PC that could handle VG and I tried it out...I clung to my Station Pass account for a good while, then realized I was no longer playing EQ2, and didn't have the desire to go back.
I canceled it, subbed to VG alone, and have never looked back. I sincerely wish the population would grow, because man are people missing out. If they are looking for a definitive PvE world, and not just a series of contrived boxes with a linear path to follow... *shakes head* Again, it might be rough around the edges and creaky, but they are missing out on a real gem.
I agree with you about zones being game killers. I hate zoning, but I can live with a little bit (like going between continents, etc).
Where I am torn and differ from your opinion is instances. I do enjoy the feeling of a dungeon crawl with just my party of players. I also enjoy big public dungeons for the somewhat social aspect of multiple groups in the same area, but at the same time it is annoying. There is nothing enjoyable about a dungeon so filled with players that you can run from top to bottom without seeing a monster. The little "camps" also bug me as people sit around waiting for mobs to respawn, be pulled to the group and killed.
There is just something that is not enjoyable when masses of people are running around slaughtering everything in open dungeons.
This is where vanguards population problems are somewhat of a benefit. Having the large dungeons all to yourself is pretty cool. Fighting your way down to the bottom of a dungeon is much more enjoyable than running past groups of players clearing the path for you and looking for a spot far enough away from other players to actually get some challenge.
Personally I would like to see a mixture of instanced dungeons and open dungeons, but open dungeons with a little more umph to them. They need a little more action than the static spawn points and respawn timers.
Vanguard is an amazing MMORPG. The problem is the low population. There is a lot of cool dungeons you will never have the chance to explore because you never find people that wants to run them. So in the end, you grind like a mad or just look at how beautiful the game is.
If you have the chance to play with friends or find a guild that does not only play high-end content, then you may find your game here. If not, you probably will not renew the subscription past the first month.
I really loved this game for the time i played it, but i can probably count two or three times i crossed paths with another player in low level zones (except the Isle of Dawn, of course).
Anyway, this game really deserves YOU to give it a try.
Who has a vanguard account here? Please post a link to this on the official vanguard forums. Show the devs/SOE what they have, obviously they can't see it.
I don't know why SOE can't see they are sitting on a gold mine! This game is amazing, I quit because of the low population but im starting to reconsider......I wish they would put some money into this game and help it. Its a great game and could be very popular if they were to really work on it! Look how many people are interested in this game, all it needs is some love from the company that owns it........
I really feel bad for VG. I played the game for awhile and I have to say this game has some of the best animations, effects and graphics that can be found on ANY MMORPG to date. The amount of things you can do in this game blow all current ones out of the water. The problem I see and the reason I left was quite simply no population. The world in this game is as big as any other game and bigger then most, just some of the main cities seem bigger then many zones in games like WAR. It's too bad so much was messed up in the beginning.
Then there is all the SOE hate. That's too bad as well. Have they done things wrong...YUP. Have they done a lot of things right...YUP. What's amussing to me is all of these experts on the forums that seem to think they could of done things better when likely they would fail at running a lemonade stand with there mommies help even.
I don't know what everyone is on about.. I've never had any problems with SOE and i think their games are great, they just lack the money or dedication to advertise their products. I'd love EQ2 to have more players I would definately resub to it.
SOE has an entire department dedicated to publishing and advertising (platform publishing). They also have the funds to develop several mmos (free realms, dcu, the agency, eq next, planetside 2). Looking at the surge of advertising they did with free realms shows they have the resources and the know how.
SOE used to advertise all of their mmos.
Ask yourself what would cause them to stop.
It isn't lack of money. It isn't lack of ability.
The goal of advertising is to get people to try your product. If the product is good enough people will continue to buy it. Put the puzzle pieces together. If soe was increasing their revenue by advertising they would continue to do that, but they have stopped. Combine that with low populations in all their games and the answer is obvious.
Vangard and SOE lost my money forever (I will never buy an SOE product again- Hell never even a Sony Product again) as dealing with them has left a really bad taste in my mouth.
Vangard had the potential to be the best MMO BAR NONE ever created... I imagine its pretty awesome right now (I wont ever find out because its an SOE product) but how long did you have to pay to play (Alpha Test) that broken disaster of a Game? I preordered the "Special Edition" and stuck it out for 6 months just praying it would get some sort of attention... How many obvious bugs were never fixed? How many Forum threads removed or locked? Wow, Vangard was a complete nightmare- And it should have been great- It COULD have killed WOW- But SOE killed Vangard instead. It may be better now, but after the way SOE treated its paying Customers, NEVER will they get a dime of my money even if they somehow create the best game in the History of LIFE Itself.
As long as you avoid seeing movies made by Columbia and tristar pictures and listen to music produced by Epic and RCA you'll be good on your word.
and that's just to name a few of the areas Sony has its hands in.
Unfortunately it would be very difficult to avoid putting money into Sony all together since they have their hands in so many different areas.
The reason SOE isn't ever going to push vanguard is really simple; eq2. From what I understand both games are similair but I don't like eq2 at all and have had a good time thus far on vanguard. I think Vanguard is going to by my new home. Tons of classes and races, lots of content, and i actually die sometimes. In wow the only time I ever died was if we had a moron in the group during an instance run.
I am a traditional fantasy geek, it was this or eq2 for me, strangely enough it was the little things i didn't like about eq2, I hated that any race could be any class comes to mind as one. The only thing I wish they had was a team pvp server, but the population numbers just aren't there to justify it, and I am not quite hardcore enough to play ffa pvp, especially when everyone there has been there since opening day and I'd be contending with twinks until I was 50.
Anyways, I like this game, it will do for a couple months at least, hopefully there will be people to group with in which case I'll stay awhile!
Vanguard, It the only good mmorpg out there right now. The people that hate it are people that either dont like these type of games or cant figure it out. When u explore the world u feel a sence of adventure not know what u will find around the next corner. It just has the feel of a true mmorpg..
Vanguard, It the only good mmorpg out there right now. The people that hate it are people that either dont like these type of games or cant figure it out. When u explore the world u feel a sence of adventure not know what u will find around the next corner. It just has the feel of a true mmorpg..
Ah, but you forget the most important demographic. Those who don't hate the game, but saw the potential of the game wasted. I've played the game periodically. I don't hate the game, but its not worth the price for me. I loved the game when I did the trial Island. Then I left the island and realized the rest of the world was nothing like it. I like exploration. I love the crafting/influence leveling options. I love the customization. But only a fool would say that the game is not flawed.
Vanguard, It the only good mmorpg out there right now. The people that hate it are people that either dont like these type of games or cant figure it out. When u explore the world u feel a sence of adventure not know what u will find around the next corner. It just has the feel of a true mmorpg..
Yeah, 30 million other people who don't agree with you are just to dumb to figure out vanguard, because vanguard is serious business.
I played Vanguard open-beta and it actually was pretty fun. And your right, it DID feel a little bit like EQ1 idk why? well some of my friends got it after beta and they complained about the level grind and bugs and they said not to get it...but I would be more than willing to give it a shot, despite the haters...the housing sounds interesting, is it like DAOC at all?
I played Vanguard open-beta and it actually was pretty fun. And your right, it DID feel a little bit like EQ1 idk why? well some of my friends got it after beta and they complained about the level grind and bugs and they said not to get it...but I would be more than willing to give it a shot, despite the haters...the housing sounds interesting, is it like DAOC at all?
Not sure what DAOC's housing was like, but I can tell you about VG's. In VG's housing, you need to purchase an empty plot of land before you can consider building a house. There are plots on every landmass, and of course each continent offers its own style (of both houses and what the landscape look like). Housing in VG is non-instanced. Your house sits there on a plot of land for anyone coming by to see.
Once you've found a plot of land you like, you purchase it. Price varies; I know on Kojan (where I purchased and built my house), all the plots, save for the guild hall-capable plots, cost 10 gold upfront. After you've purchased your plot (only one per account), it'll cost you 60 silver per week (going off the Kojani plot example) in upkeep, and you can place more money in the upkeep account so that it's automatically withdrawn and you don't risk going over. If you don't have the 60 silver in the upkeep account (which is under a tab in the housing window when you inspect the house), then you lose everything and have to start over, except for any items you placed in the house, which go into escrow and must be reclaimed for a small fee per item.
After the plot's purchased, you can begin construction on a house. You choose from one of the preset styles and tiers listed in the house inspection window and start construction. Once you start construction, a frame of a house appears on your plot. Houses are player-constructed. All the bricks, planks, fasteners, etc., are all player-crafted items. One or two parts might be purchased off the NPC Housing Vendor, but the rest are player-made. I was able to purchase most of the stuff off the global broker (where players sell their items to other players in-game), but two components I needed to commission a crafter to make for me.
Keep in mind that, once you begin construction, you can still choose to build a different style/tier of house later on. BUT if you do, your current house is destroyed. You start over from scratch. So if you know you like the Tier 5 homes (highest tier, largest houses), then start construction on one of those from the start. It'll cost more to build, and it might take you longer, but in the end you'll have the house you wanted and won't have to go back and start from scratch.
To construct, you gradually add items to the construction window. When all the materials are gathered and placed in the house inspection window, you complete construction and voila, there's your house. Now you can decorate it.
Some decorations can be purchased off a vendor, but the furniture pieces aren't really the nicest. The nicest things are either crafted or they're rewards. In my house, I have a mixture of veteran rewarded, player-crafted, and vendor-purchased furniture and decorations. I even put a fish I caught up on the wall of my home. And that's housing in a nutshell.
So I've reactivated a few of my other MMORPGs such as AOC, FFXI, WOW, LotRO, and just finished my free month of Aion (ugh). I can not get back into any MMO after playing VG. VG has literally spoiled me when it comes to MMORPGs.
I try to run and cast in other games, doesn't work.
I try to go explore a massive world, but it isn't the same.
I try to meet some really awesome people, and it seems far and inbetween (LotRO has awesome people but a majority are like 50 year old bible thumpers who think the word ASS is the devil, so its a bit of give and take)
I try to find a game with the same diverse classes with each one actually being FUN and INTERESTING, and I can't do it. I think VG will be my MMO for a long time or until something comes out that can beat it.
You guys really gotta give this game another chance, nothing comes close and it is just amazing.
When I look back on the whole saga around Vanguard, I actually think that Sony bought the game not because they wanted to save it, but because they wanted to buy it so another company wouldn't have bought it and made it a real success. Vanguard is very similar to EverQuest in terms of the setting, and because they bought Sigil, EQ2 is still around. Otherwise some other company maybe would've bought Sigil and invested more money into it, and EQ2 would've already be long forgotten.
Let's face it, three or four developers on a game this massive is absolute nonsense! Vanguard could've been so much more if someone invested in the game. Hell, even now it's still not too late to give the game a complete overhaul. It's a great game in terms of immersion and actually feels like a real living, breathing world. But it's too bad that Sony never put some real money into this game. They saved it from drowning, but still let it stay in the deep waters, floating on a tiny piece of wood that's about to go under any minute. The main reason the game isn't pulling people in is because people are afraid the game is going down under at any given time.
Personally I loved a lot of aspects about the game, and I absolutely find it very sad that there isn't anyone investing in this game. My collector's edition is still standing here beside me on the shelves, and every now and then I watch at it and try to fantasize what could've been...
It would make a good EQIII if they would go through and optimize the code a bit. Cannot believe the game is still drawing stuff you cannot see and lagging so much.
Oh, there are improvements but, some stupid buggy crap is still there. I think they need to go through, revamp some of the architecture and skins..... Polish it a bit here and there and then re-release it as EQIII. With a good marketing campaign it could work!!!!
Say hello, To the things you've left behind. They are more a part of your life now that you can't touch them.
I doubt that they would ever make VG into EQ3 (which, in many players minds it is already the true successor to EQ1). The reason is that VG has this stinky stigma tied to it. Its too bad really, but I've spoken with so many people who think the game isn't even around any more, haven't even heard of it, or think it is still in the same state as it was at launch. None of this is true.
They need to do a re-release. The minor promotion they had with IOD was good and all, but it most definitely didn't grab the attention it deserves.
A lot of this game looks promising -- and it was ALRIGHT when I tried it some time ago... I still think the character models, or at least the most human ones, are ass ugly though.
A lot of this game looks promising -- and it was ALRIGHT when I tried it some time ago... I still think the character models, or at least the most human ones, are ass ugly though.
I know what you mean, but for some reason this game gives me a real "Oblivion" vibe. Even the animation/models of the characters in third person. They could fix this eventually but, as we have all heard before, it takes more subscriptions to afford this shit I guess. So start playing! You will only be contributing to the cause.
VG just needs to accept the fact that the game is going no where. It won't die, but it certainly isn't galloping around its competition. Case in point, I do not see in the near future that it will recieve any more new resources. Regardless of how many of these "give vg another shot" threads pop up, the game simply isn't holding its own ground. It brings folks in as its losing em. If it could shut the back door then it would have a chance but as it stands right now, the pota birds just NOW got killed and its been what 3 months since folks hit them since they were confirmed bugged? Heh my group was the first to reach Tier 3 like back in June and this would have iced it off so fast.
I had to reply because this post really struck a cord with me; you are right on. VG has spoiled me for other MMO's, and I'm not just saying that to hype the game. Every mmo I have looked at since playing VG, I have always used VG as the criteria by which another game is measured...and no other game has measured up. I wish more would...so many awesome concepts are realized in VG, and so many MMO's instead choose to go the route of WoW and so many other modern and not-so-modern MMO's.
I absolutely, utterly, cannot stand zones, instances, or invisible walls. Those right there are almost guaranteed game-killers for me. Playing in VG's massive world has made me realize just how abhorrent those stale mechanics are, and I won't settle for anything less than a seamless, immersive world. I just can't do it. I used to play EQ2...it was my first MMO and I loved it. Then I finally built a PC that could handle VG and I tried it out...I clung to my Station Pass account for a good while, then realized I was no longer playing EQ2, and didn't have the desire to go back.
I canceled it, subbed to VG alone, and have never looked back. I sincerely wish the population would grow, because man are people missing out. If they are looking for a definitive PvE world, and not just a series of contrived boxes with a linear path to follow... *shakes head* Again, it might be rough around the edges and creaky, but they are missing out on a real gem.
I agree with you about zones being game killers. I hate zoning, but I can live with a little bit (like going between continents, etc).
Where I am torn and differ from your opinion is instances. I do enjoy the feeling of a dungeon crawl with just my party of players. I also enjoy big public dungeons for the somewhat social aspect of multiple groups in the same area, but at the same time it is annoying. There is nothing enjoyable about a dungeon so filled with players that you can run from top to bottom without seeing a monster. The little "camps" also bug me as people sit around waiting for mobs to respawn, be pulled to the group and killed.
There is just something that is not enjoyable when masses of people are running around slaughtering everything in open dungeons.
This is where vanguards population problems are somewhat of a benefit. Having the large dungeons all to yourself is pretty cool. Fighting your way down to the bottom of a dungeon is much more enjoyable than running past groups of players clearing the path for you and looking for a spot far enough away from other players to actually get some challenge.
Personally I would like to see a mixture of instanced dungeons and open dungeons, but open dungeons with a little more umph to them. They need a little more action than the static spawn points and respawn timers.
Vanguard is an amazing MMORPG. The problem is the low population. There is a lot of cool dungeons you will never have the chance to explore because you never find people that wants to run them. So in the end, you grind like a mad or just look at how beautiful the game is.
If you have the chance to play with friends or find a guild that does not only play high-end content, then you may find your game here. If not, you probably will not renew the subscription past the first month.
I really loved this game for the time i played it, but i can probably count two or three times i crossed paths with another player in low level zones (except the Isle of Dawn, of course).
Anyway, this game really deserves YOU to give it a try.
Who has a vanguard account here? Please post a link to this on the official vanguard forums. Show the devs/SOE what they have, obviously they can't see it.
I don't know why SOE can't see they are sitting on a gold mine! This game is amazing, I quit because of the low population but im starting to reconsider......I wish they would put some money into this game and help it. Its a great game and could be very popular if they were to really work on it! Look how many people are interested in this game, all it needs is some love from the company that owns it........
WAKE UP SOE ! Polish this game and ADVERTISE IT !
I really feel bad for VG. I played the game for awhile and I have to say this game has some of the best animations, effects and graphics that can be found on ANY MMORPG to date. The amount of things you can do in this game blow all current ones out of the water. The problem I see and the reason I left was quite simply no population. The world in this game is as big as any other game and bigger then most, just some of the main cities seem bigger then many zones in games like WAR. It's too bad so much was messed up in the beginning.
Then there is all the SOE hate. That's too bad as well. Have they done things wrong...YUP. Have they done a lot of things right...YUP. What's amussing to me is all of these experts on the forums that seem to think they could of done things better when likely they would fail at running a lemonade stand with there mommies help even.
I don't know what everyone is on about..
I've never had any problems with SOE and i think their games are great, they just lack the money or dedication to advertise their products.
I'd love EQ2 to have more players I would definately resub to it.
SOE has an entire department dedicated to publishing and advertising (platform publishing). They also have the funds to develop several mmos (free realms, dcu, the agency, eq next, planetside 2). Looking at the surge of advertising they did with free realms shows they have the resources and the know how.
SOE used to advertise all of their mmos.
Ask yourself what would cause them to stop.
It isn't lack of money. It isn't lack of ability.
The goal of advertising is to get people to try your product. If the product is good enough people will continue to buy it. Put the puzzle pieces together. If soe was increasing their revenue by advertising they would continue to do that, but they have stopped. Combine that with low populations in all their games and the answer is obvious.
As long as you avoid seeing movies made by Columbia and tristar pictures and listen to music produced by Epic and RCA you'll be good on your word.
and that's just to name a few of the areas Sony has its hands in.
Unfortunately it would be very difficult to avoid putting money into Sony all together since they have their hands in so many different areas.
The reason SOE isn't ever going to push vanguard is really simple; eq2. From what I understand both games are similair but I don't like eq2 at all and have had a good time thus far on vanguard. I think Vanguard is going to by my new home. Tons of classes and races, lots of content, and i actually die sometimes. In wow the only time I ever died was if we had a moron in the group during an instance run.
I am a traditional fantasy geek, it was this or eq2 for me, strangely enough it was the little things i didn't like about eq2, I hated that any race could be any class comes to mind as one. The only thing I wish they had was a team pvp server, but the population numbers just aren't there to justify it, and I am not quite hardcore enough to play ffa pvp, especially when everyone there has been there since opening day and I'd be contending with twinks until I was 50.
Anyways, I like this game, it will do for a couple months at least, hopefully there will be people to group with in which case I'll stay awhile!
Too much Silius, not enough original Vanguard = Failed, Some Servers Dead and others dying.
GG Silius
Vanguard, It the only good mmorpg out there right now. The people that hate it are people that either dont like these type of games or cant figure it out. When u explore the world u feel a sence of adventure not know what u will find around the next corner. It just has the feel of a true mmorpg..
Ah, but you forget the most important demographic. Those who don't hate the game, but saw the potential of the game wasted. I've played the game periodically. I don't hate the game, but its not worth the price for me. I loved the game when I did the trial Island. Then I left the island and realized the rest of the world was nothing like it. I like exploration. I love the crafting/influence leveling options. I love the customization. But only a fool would say that the game is not flawed.
Yeah, 30 million other people who don't agree with you are just to dumb to figure out vanguard, because vanguard is serious business.
50 paladn 35 ranger account1
50 psi 35 bm account2
left cause of low pop / no end game
thinking about coming back, anything past apw out, group content for high end (have upgraded griffon)
Deinekes, xeth server now i think
I played Vanguard open-beta and it actually was pretty fun. And your right, it DID feel a little bit like EQ1 idk why? well some of my friends got it after beta and they complained about the level grind and bugs and they said not to get it...but I would be more than willing to give it a shot, despite the haters...the housing sounds interesting, is it like DAOC at all?
Not sure what DAOC's housing was like, but I can tell you about VG's. In VG's housing, you need to purchase an empty plot of land before you can consider building a house. There are plots on every landmass, and of course each continent offers its own style (of both houses and what the landscape look like). Housing in VG is non-instanced. Your house sits there on a plot of land for anyone coming by to see.
Once you've found a plot of land you like, you purchase it. Price varies; I know on Kojan (where I purchased and built my house), all the plots, save for the guild hall-capable plots, cost 10 gold upfront. After you've purchased your plot (only one per account), it'll cost you 60 silver per week (going off the Kojani plot example) in upkeep, and you can place more money in the upkeep account so that it's automatically withdrawn and you don't risk going over. If you don't have the 60 silver in the upkeep account (which is under a tab in the housing window when you inspect the house), then you lose everything and have to start over, except for any items you placed in the house, which go into escrow and must be reclaimed for a small fee per item.
After the plot's purchased, you can begin construction on a house. You choose from one of the preset styles and tiers listed in the house inspection window and start construction. Once you start construction, a frame of a house appears on your plot. Houses are player-constructed. All the bricks, planks, fasteners, etc., are all player-crafted items. One or two parts might be purchased off the NPC Housing Vendor, but the rest are player-made. I was able to purchase most of the stuff off the global broker (where players sell their items to other players in-game), but two components I needed to commission a crafter to make for me.
Keep in mind that, once you begin construction, you can still choose to build a different style/tier of house later on. BUT if you do, your current house is destroyed. You start over from scratch. So if you know you like the Tier 5 homes (highest tier, largest houses), then start construction on one of those from the start. It'll cost more to build, and it might take you longer, but in the end you'll have the house you wanted and won't have to go back and start from scratch.
To construct, you gradually add items to the construction window. When all the materials are gathered and placed in the house inspection window, you complete construction and voila, there's your house. Now you can decorate it.
Some decorations can be purchased off a vendor, but the furniture pieces aren't really the nicest. The nicest things are either crafted or they're rewards. In my house, I have a mixture of veteran rewarded, player-crafted, and vendor-purchased furniture and decorations. I even put a fish I caught up on the wall of my home. And that's housing in a nutshell.
So I've reactivated a few of my other MMORPGs such as AOC, FFXI, WOW, LotRO, and just finished my free month of Aion (ugh). I can not get back into any MMO after playing VG. VG has literally spoiled me when it comes to MMORPGs.
You guys really gotta give this game another chance, nothing comes close and it is just amazing.
-Computer specs no one cares about: check.
-MMOs played no one cares about: check.
-Xfire stats no one cares about: check.
-Signature no one cares about: check.
-Narcissism: check.
When I look back on the whole saga around Vanguard, I actually think that Sony bought the game not because they wanted to save it, but because they wanted to buy it so another company wouldn't have bought it and made it a real success. Vanguard is very similar to EverQuest in terms of the setting, and because they bought Sigil, EQ2 is still around. Otherwise some other company maybe would've bought Sigil and invested more money into it, and EQ2 would've already be long forgotten.
Let's face it, three or four developers on a game this massive is absolute nonsense! Vanguard could've been so much more if someone invested in the game. Hell, even now it's still not too late to give the game a complete overhaul. It's a great game in terms of immersion and actually feels like a real living, breathing world. But it's too bad that Sony never put some real money into this game. They saved it from drowning, but still let it stay in the deep waters, floating on a tiny piece of wood that's about to go under any minute. The main reason the game isn't pulling people in is because people are afraid the game is going down under at any given time.
Personally I loved a lot of aspects about the game, and I absolutely find it very sad that there isn't anyone investing in this game. My collector's edition is still standing here beside me on the shelves, and every now and then I watch at it and try to fantasize what could've been...
Sony should just transform this thing into EQ3!
It would make a good EQIII if they would go through and optimize the code a bit. Cannot believe the game is still drawing stuff you cannot see and lagging so much.
Oh, there are improvements but, some stupid buggy crap is still there. I think they need to go through, revamp some of the architecture and skins..... Polish it a bit here and there and then re-release it as EQIII. With a good marketing campaign it could work!!!!
Say hello, To the things you've left behind. They are more a part of your life now that you can't touch them.
I doubt that they would ever make VG into EQ3 (which, in many players minds it is already the true successor to EQ1). The reason is that VG has this stinky stigma tied to it. Its too bad really, but I've spoken with so many people who think the game isn't even around any more, haven't even heard of it, or think it is still in the same state as it was at launch. None of this is true.
They need to do a re-release. The minor promotion they had with IOD was good and all, but it most definitely didn't grab the attention it deserves.
-Computer specs no one cares about: check.
-MMOs played no one cares about: check.
-Xfire stats no one cares about: check.
-Signature no one cares about: check.
-Narcissism: check.
A lot of this game looks promising -- and it was ALRIGHT when I tried it some time ago... I still think the character models, or at least the most human ones, are ass ugly though.
I know what you mean, but for some reason this game gives me a real "Oblivion" vibe. Even the animation/models of the characters in third person. They could fix this eventually but, as we have all heard before, it takes more subscriptions to afford this shit I guess. So start playing! You will only be contributing to the cause.
-Computer specs no one cares about: check.
-MMOs played no one cares about: check.
-Xfire stats no one cares about: check.
-Signature no one cares about: check.
-Narcissism: check.
I'll take the trial again, but I hold out no hope that there'd EVER be a model or animation overhaul. Just not likely to happen.
Not that it matters much.... As long as I can get some headgear that complete covers my face.
VG just needs to accept the fact that the game is going no where. It won't die, but it certainly isn't galloping around its competition. Case in point, I do not see in the near future that it will recieve any more new resources. Regardless of how many of these "give vg another shot" threads pop up, the game simply isn't holding its own ground. It brings folks in as its losing em. If it could shut the back door then it would have a chance but as it stands right now, the pota birds just NOW got killed and its been what 3 months since folks hit them since they were confirmed bugged? Heh my group was the first to reach Tier 3 like back in June and this would have iced it off so fast.
Rift: Storm Legion Raid Progression Tracker
No thanks, SOE will never see a dollar from me.