Just how bad is internet and MMOG addiction, really? I mean, you have millions of people that sit and watch tv or read a book for hours on end and you don't see the mainstream public complaining about that, but when it comes to the internet and gaming, there are tons of articles and studies done that say that surfing the internet or gaming for hours on end is bad for you.
Personally, I'd rather sit at a pc and game then sit in front of the tv.
They used to complain about people sitting in front of their TVs eating chips, drinking beer... and we've all see the negative impact that had on people. The term "Couch potato" is less used in our computer generation. Probably cause all the couch potatos have already converted to the computer generation and that the remaining couch potatos are much less and the media seems to care less about them now.
And well if you're someone that spends all his time reading books non-stop, keep up the good work. Heck most of those bookworms end up becoming geniuses or famous writers in the long run. I'm having a hard time trying to think of a friend that's a bookworm and isn't a lazy bum.
I think there's a lot of articles on internet and MMORPG cause more and more people are becoming too addicted to internet and MMORPGs that they are putting their real life aside and are living in a cyber world.
Interent addiction can take u to some serious problems. like the ppl who get crazy in the chats and so, then kill themselves or whatever... not to spek that the cpu is a lot more unhealthy to ur eyes thatn the TV and books togheter
speaking of 'taking it too far', one guy commited suicide over a game, i'm not sure why or what game but he did, and another guy bought an island in-game for like, $26,000
Originally posted by macchesney speaking of 'taking it too far', one guy commited suicide over a game, i'm not sure why or what game but he did, and another guy bought an island in-game for like, $26,000
Funny I read this now... I JUST got done reading some stuff on this subject and I would like to expand on a few ideas that I crossed.
First.. Addiction by definition is a "Compulsive physiological and psychological need" for something. And no matter how much you want to try, or how bad the consequences are, you do not stop. It is dangerous for any activity. And we all know there is an addiction for them all.
It is just the internet's turn for social focus. The couch potato thing was a good example of labels. These labels pass from one activity to another. book worm, Couch potato, nintendo nerd, internet geek, etc.. The list is endless. It seems to be that anything lacking in the in your face social interaction must be a waste of human time.
But what difference does it make where one gains personal satisfaction? Because that is what we do in life. We use the time in the day to best suit our personal needs. I can spend 4 hours in the gym working my body, or 4 hours on the internet working my brain.
So then... Where does the satisfaction from personal achievement/reward/friendship start? because we know it has no limits. If I walk a mile and feel great about myself and at the same moment some kid in EQ gets that UBER sword he has been working towards.. Can't the goal be equally satisfying? Life is all about personal reward right?
I guess the internet has gotten the label it has because it is more of a loner activity. You don't usually catch friends gathered around a computer screen. The social interaction is supposed to be too disconnected. Yet one can and has argued that the social interaction and community aspect is really no different. Is there a larger community on the planet than the one you are a part of? The internet.. Most of you have exchanged dialogue with people from all over the earth. 50-100 years ago. Not even the President could claim that.
I have friends that I have never seen face to face, yet known longer and consider just as much of a friend as my "real life" ones. When does a friend start to become your friend.. the moment you have them in front of you?
Even those that "Waste away" in a MMO. It takes a certain kind of personal commitment to excel in anything. So again who puts the value on personal reward or interaction? A good example I read something about is guild leaders. The gist of it was.. Anyone who has run a large guild, or any for that matter knows what a task it is. Management on any level should be acknowledged. Some people cannot even manage a check book let alone another person. Trying to keep people motivated, in-guild fighting, etc. So because it is internet related, it doesn't hold any water. Why should society put less value in it? I want to see a day where one can put that on his resume.
Some people have spent years working on an internet presence. Known only by a handle. Yet probably more known than any of us could ever be in "real life".
Anyway.. that's all I got for my rant.. if you read this far. Thanks!
make sure you check out this website, http://www.nickyee.com/hub/home.html it has some really good articles/essays on the psychology of MMORPGs & addiction.
^ but when you get PKed that ussually pisses me off.
anyways those people that talk about computer addiction are people that probably have never touched a computer further than microsoft word, or if they have a mac i laugh in their face. see now a ocmputer you can do ALOT of stuff on. its not really an addiction its doing alot of different things on a computer since it has almost limitless options theres no way to stop. thats why D&D had so many followers and probably still have alot today just because you could choose what you wanted to do.
it's controllable.
so I don't call it an addiction, I call it "fun"
sure, some people may take it too far, but then back to the point you made..what about the people that sit in front of the tv the whole day?
it's entertainment for the brain. Not an addiction.
They used to complain about people sitting in front of their TVs eating chips, drinking beer... and we've all see the negative impact that had on people. The term "Couch potato" is less used in our computer generation. Probably cause all the couch potatos have already converted to the computer generation and that the remaining couch potatos are much less and the media seems to care less about them now.
And well if you're someone that spends all his time reading books non-stop, keep up the good work. Heck most of those bookworms end up becoming geniuses or famous writers in the long run. I'm having a hard time trying to think of a friend that's a bookworm and isn't a lazy bum.
I think there's a lot of articles on internet and MMORPG cause more and more people are becoming too addicted to internet and MMORPGs that they are putting their real life aside and are living in a cyber world.
___________ ___ __ _ _ _
Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P
Interent addiction can take u to some serious problems. like the ppl who get crazy in the chats and so, then kill themselves or whatever... not to spek that the cpu is a lot more unhealthy to ur eyes thatn the TV and books togheter
i think, that is... :P

Played- Runescape, Conquer
Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld
Played- Runescape, Conquer
Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld
Just out of curiousity, in how many places have you started this thread?
Just came from rpgdot.com, and you made it there aswell :P
>slak wrote:
>Just out of curiousity, in how many places have you started this thread?
>Just came from rpgdot.com, and you made it there aswell :P
Doing some research for a paper and am trying to get as many opinions on this subject as I can.
Well have i have to give mmorpgs kudos they must be the first thing to addict people to their products without using nicotine.
one guy?
More like hundreds to thousands of guys/
We call the village idiot Mr. President
We call the village idiot Mr. President
Some people have spent years working on an internet presence. Known only by a handle. Yet probably more known than any of us could ever be in "real life".
Franky Bones - MMORPG Staff
[email protected]
^ but when you get PKed that ussually pisses me off.
anyways those people that talk about computer addiction are people that probably have never touched a computer further than microsoft word, or if they have a mac i laugh in their face. see now a ocmputer you can do ALOT of stuff on. its not really an addiction its doing alot of different things on a computer since it has almost limitless options theres no way to stop. thats why D&D had so many followers and probably still have alot today just because you could choose what you wanted to do.
thats all i oculd think of o_O
Bobbler master of the obvious/rules