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I've always avoided mission running in Ryzom. Other than running a few so I could choose a faction for pvp I just didn't bother.
Recently I decided to make a new account and decided to start in a new area and actually do every mission i see.
My problem with the missions right now is the overall difficulty.
As an example for a delivery mission a NPC will say bring this item to this guy and name an entire zone where he could be found. If this isnt hard enough then they tack on a 10 minute timer to find the son of a bitch.
If you never played Ryzom let me tell you an average zone in Ryzom is like 3-4 times the size of a zone in WoW or Lotro with multiple camps and outposts with hundreds of npcs. A main city can house near 200 Npcs just living within its walls.
So yeah it could get frustrating.
As for combat missions, descriptions give no skill level requirement so I could be magic level 25 and be on a kill mission that wants me to kill level 40-50 mobs.
Two things would fix this imo, Just give more of a description to a particular mission Like the actual city or outpost a Npc can be found and maybe a skill requirement note at the bottom of a mission description.
Honestly, I don't mind a challenge but I think Ryzom maybe going a bit far.
As for the missions themselves its standard mmo stuff so there's no need to really go into them in detail they work well within the context of the game and I think the rewards (money and Fame) is fair.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
Ha! I've also run some of those missions and felt the same way. I like that you're not led by the hand directly to where you need to go, but some of those missions are pretty frustrating. Especially the timed ones.
I thought some of the missions did hint at what level mobs/mats you'll need to finish? I know I've skipped some of them after seeing what was needed.
Current: None
Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN
Yep, I agree.
A challenge is OK, but it does go a bit far as it is now.
The Issue has been known for years.
The New Devs have begun to solve this problem in the Missions they added with the patch previous to the last.
Some new missions were introduced that contain better descriptions and are quite ok in my mind, as far as I´ve done them.
Additionally the Devs said that those Missions currently InGame, will be overhauled some time in the future. During the whole "re-outfitting" process that is going on at the moment.
These "new Missions" are contend from level about lvl 50 - 150, more will follow.
As they stated that the next upcoming patch will contain "more content for higher level players" it is a good chance that it will be just what you´re looking for.![](
Or something else entirely, but that doesn´t mean that they are not aware of the problem and aren´t doing anything to fix it.
I´m sure they will.
Do you dare to adapt?
I agree with you, missions maybe are a bit too frustrating for the beginners.
Anyway, the difficulty of missions is in the range of the region the npc (or tribe or high power) is. That means if you pick a mission in a capital, it will be between 1 and 50.
If you are geared up well, you can generally kill monsters up to +20/25 your skill without a healer (but with a nasty cooldown). Well, not all kind of monsters, really, but many.
Anyway, all the normal missions (except the new long quest-lines from the city welcomers and the sages, that can be taken only once) can be redone, so it's not a big issue deleting it or just leaving it in the journal till you feel ready to complete.
Delivery missions are the most frustrating, if you are not the kind of player that like to explore the land.
The point is: because the missions are not directly needed to raise your skills, there is no need to rush to complete one. The approach should be different from the quests you normally find in other MMO.
I still have one mission i got one year ago from a tribe welcomer in PR and still got no time to do it. I will do at one point![:) :)](
Another example is: when i decided to do the fyros rite to increase the durabilty of items crafted, i found out that i could not directly do them, because didn't had fyros crafting but only tryker (my race).
Well, patiently i waited till i found a player that could craft the stuff for me (the rites can be done in team) and helped. One of missions is timed and we had to syncronize to be able to do (1.5 mins, i had to get the mission and give him a go!
So, the rite took some time (days) to complete, but of course i was not logging in the game just to do that, so i did other things till i got the help. Not sure if I explained well what i mean when i speak about the approach to the missions.
Of course, if you are doing missions to gain fame, it can be different, as you don't wanna wait much. Then, don't use delivery missions to gain fame but do the others, being them crafting harvesting or hunting missions. You'll find pretty fast what will be the good missions to raise your fame, and, as you have seen, there are tons of missions to choose from.
Anyway, some trick on delivery missions: if the destination NPC is in a town, you can just ask to the Tourist Guide (or city welcomer) . He will give you a direction for every npc that has some importance. The npc will be one of them, except the merchants.
In some town the npc can be into a building.
Delivery in a region is indeed a long task, if you have no clue. You have to search the entire region! One thing to do (without using spoiling sites) is to move and look at the compass zoomed to 250mt for a white dot, go there and check, and so on.
Best is doing it mounted, so you can also experience better the mount that often makes people afraid to lose it (the mount can die). People should learn how to use the mount effectively instead of being afraid to lose it. But I know at beginning is not easy to buy and use a mount.
But, as i said, i agree with you. Would be nice to have some more clue (no direct pointers) on what and where, maybe the npc could give a 'tip' about where the destination npc could be.
Generally I tell the beginners to avoid the delivery missions, at least for a long time.
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It's been a long time since I've done any missions in Ryzom and a long time since I've been on the started island. I know on some missions you can right click your compass, select mission and target the next NPC (in that stage of the mission) and point your compass to their location along side how far away they are. I really cant remember how many missions/ aspects this applys to or if it is ever bought up in any of the tutorials on the starter island? Just thought id bring it up for discussion
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Missions in Silan have compass pointers. Some of the new questlines for the beginners, introduced some patch ago, also have pointers, but all the old missions in mainland have none.
Remember also that the icon near the name of npc givers is a new thing (that i have disabled as soon as devs patched it), before you only had the titles of npc telling you he is a mission giver and in what skill he is focused (a corporal gives mainly hunt missions, a messenger gives delivery missions and so on...). Personally i never understood why the titles were not enough to understand who gives missions.
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