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I dunno why, but whether its MMO's or the story line in Halo or a city in SC4 if I have more then 1 profile/character I lose intrest way faster.
I mean in WoW like I could create alts and stuff just for storage, but as far as leveling and stuff... I could never maintan two at the same time, I have friends on WoW and other MMO's that can have like 5 going all at once. btu fore some reson I can't.
Same thing with games, if I am playing 1 MMO and then I try another eather I can't get into the new one i'm trying, or I totaly lose intrest of the old one.
I dunno am I alone? or are some of you like me? :S
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The reason you probably don't play any alts/secondary games is because you are having so much fun on your primary character/game that there is no reason to try other things. I am the same way and the phrase "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." comes to mind.
A work in progress: (Update: 08/09/10)Easily find your favorite type of MMO
Horrible altaholic.
i am a one character player. it just dont interest me to have 5 alts in a game. if i resort to doing that i will leave the game cause its going to be the same exact content just under a different class. i know its impossible to have endless amount of content but i like to choose my favorite class of a game and just play that one character.
I get bored of mmos if i play more than one character. In fact, lately when i think on doing an alt I close the account and find another mmo, I learned to understand my self
If the game offers excelent character creation, that allow me to make "my" character and not a clone....
If the game offers excelent clothes choices, and not classbased or tierbased few armorsets and thats it...
If the game offers skills and free building of characters, and not classlocked...
Then I stick with one character, and love it.
But, since there's not many games like that, the games I play, I end up using more database space for the developer than I really need to, or wish to.
Same. I have 8 WoW characters over level 70.
I used to be a one-character person back in the UO and SWG days, but in class-based games I like to dabble with all classes. I guess I would feel that I was missing out on part of the game by not seeing how a (for example) Shaman handles in combat.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
When i started with WoW, 3 months after it released, i wondered 1 and a half year of what to make, (yes that long). i ended up having 2 account both with 50 characters, so 100 chars total
(80 of them are dwarf, just saying :P ). i tried like every race and class combo to find out what i liked. at one point i was so mad about my alt-addiction that i just sticked to 1, (a dwarf priest :P).
the rest of my wow carreer i played that dwarf, its hard to me to select my final char, but when i'm sure what i want. i stick with it, its what i enjoy in MMO's, making 1 char and progressing with it.
regards, vlad
I prefer to play just one char myself, although ill usually play one alt (not more) if ive been playing the game for some months. Its usually only to take a break from my main and try out the other faction or such.
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
I rarely ever have alts. My roommate has an army of alts I normally play one character and thats that. EQ1 was really the only game I had an alt that I leveled. Main was a necro and my alt a warrior. Other then that I never have alts. Just never wanted to level another character though all the same things again.
Sooner or Later
I don't like the ALT culture too.
I like to know that the person I am grouping with today, is not the same jackass I was playing yesterday (but with a different alt).
If something, I would like my character to be able to re-spec more often so I won't have to roll an ALT,
you are not alone *smiles*
i play - and in the past played in any game i played so far - only one single character.
i want to be inside an emmersive world were i "am" actually this character and feel part of the world, so i had never the desire to setup additional accounts.
at the time ultima online 2 (and after that downfall in the WHISH forum) has been developed i voted for the 1 char per acount limit
I've quit WoW 4 times and first 3 times I wiped the account clean, for the purpose of burning any bridges behind. Then after a few months I'd return to make a new class with same looks and name, starting from zero again. Guildies and friends thought me mad.
Done the same in AoC and a few others, but usually I get bored of the game before considering to make other characters. Alts aren't for me.
Sticking to one char means greater immersion imo, which is nice. But, since pvp is my favorite, I like playing alts so I learn the other classes. Of course you could study them without playing, but I've always felt more prepared when I had been inside my opponent's head. But. my biggest issue with alts is I tend to never max out on my "main" and get to the deepest content.
I sure used to be a one-character player, but lately I have been leveling different alts to 80 or nearly so.
This is a yes and no answer for me. I mean, I like playing different classes in a class based game, because they offer a variety of gameplay I otherwise would have if I stuck with one character, but I also lose interest faster if I am not dedicated and attached to one character. The same goes for playing only one game. I like the variety in playing multiple games, but I cannot get attached to a game when I play more than one. When I do get attached, I lose all interest in playing anything else, whether it's alts or alternative games.
Now in a skill-based game, where I can pick and choose whatever skills I want, to customize my own character, I only need 1 character. I'm a generalist by nature, which is why I'm so prone to creating alts in a class-based game, where specialization is the name of the game. Specialization is boring, especially in a game where you spend 100's of hours doing the same thing over and over again.
I'd find it a lot easier to enjoy specializing if there was only 1 character allowed per account. I'd actually prefer one character per account in any game for many reasons.
The problem is when the game either doesn't have your ideal class, or you enjoy a broad range of classes equally. It's also a problem when each game has their own spin on the class. A Paladin in DAoC and a Paladin in WoW are two totally different playstyles.
So how do you know the class you chose is actually the best class for you, or the class you'd enjoy the most? You can't truely know unless you try them all. But if you try them all, you repeat content. If you repeat content, you get bored and quit the game. A game that requires 100's of hours to beat it, or to complete all content makes the wrong choice of class painful. You never know if you made the wrong choice until you try another class, or see another player playing a different class, that looks more fun than yours. I'd love to know how you handle this.
I prefer playing and advancing one character, but most MMOs today hinder that with lockout timers or no form of advancement system after max cap. One of the reasons I loved EQ so much was there were no barriers set in place to keep me from advancing my toon. If I wanted to spend all day running the same dungeon over and over I could. If I wanted to spend all day getting exp I could. Now if I logon and want to run a dungeon, I spend 20 minutes clearing the dungeon and have to wait 24 hours for the timer to reset. If I want to fight over a contested territory, I can queue up for an instanced battle that lasts 20 minutes and starts every three hours....woohoo.
Totally depends on the game IMO.
Some you only have time for one char, like EQ and EVE, or can only have one like DFO
Some you have a main that twinks your lower level (toy) alts, but your favorite is the main, like WoW for example.
Some your interested more in the story / lore and PVE, like my 12 chars in VG with 12 different racial starting locations
Some are fun during leveling or grouping and less fun in endgame, like in AO where I wound up with multiple high level characters.
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun."
Yes i prefer 1 char only, in wow made far too many chars and ruined the game for me...
I never make alts, with the exception of CoV. It was just fun to make 'em in that game.
My biggest fault with EVE are the insane amount of alts (obviously 2 or more accounts) in the game. It's pretty much standard fair for Cap pilots as there is not always someone around to Cyno. I understand it's all business so i get it. Doesn't mean I like it.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
I rarely make alts and if I do they tend to be very casual "before bed" sort of things.
They never get to anything higher than say lvl 18 or 20ish.
I always feel that if I am playing my alt I could be working on my main character. I also tend to identify with the character I create and get used to all of its quirks, strengths, weaknesses.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I am an Mainchar-Player - in all the games i ever played i have one Mainchar and only Alts for banking purposes or for special group play in fixed groups.
"Torquemada... do not implore him for compassion. Torquemada... do not beg him for forgiveness. Torquemada... do not ask him for mercy. Let's face it, you can't Torquemada anything!"
MWO Music Video - What does the Mech say:
Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around:
Yeah thats how I am, didn't really recognize it untill you said it.
But I make my main, and even if i'm making an alt with the exact same stuff hunter tauren, or whatever... I really don't edentify with an alt like I do with my main, I get attached.
I guess thats why I didn't care for WoW much, is I burned through the game in 6 months and then most people just did engame, or made alts. I just couldn't get into it.
Thats why i'm hoping FFXIV will be a long game. That way I can stay with it.
Just my 2 cents though...
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Im a massive toon whore, constantly making alts and hopping around on them every few days, while usually having 2 or 3 mains that i spend most of my time focusing on. A lot of that has to do with the time ive got to play too since i also play most games from work. Thing is i tend to get bored very easily, not just with a specific toon but with the game in general. I havent been able to settle down and really get into 1 game for more than a month or 2, usually less, before i get bored and want to move on. The reasons above are why i really wish they would make some better/newer sandbox style games that allow you to perform multiple roles and build out your character exactly how you want without being stuck in some cookie cutter role with the same exact toon as a thousand other people youre playing against. Unfortunately for people like me, games are getting dumbed down more and more over the years and games are usually more succesful by holding peoples hands and saying "this is your class, these are your skills, you can only do this job, youre not allowed to think for yourself, just pick a class and go spam the 2 or 3 good skills we give you".
I'm a one toon dude. The only time I've ever had more than one toon per game was in CoV when I unlocked my VEAT and began using that for my main.