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Aion: Review



  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    You misquoted me or misunderstood me.

    Yes, this site is focused on alternatives to what people were playing up to that point. That's why people are coming on this site. They don't come to hear praises about their favourite MMO (well, unless they are insecure). They come here to find alternatives when they get bored.

    In this context and because WoW is popular and therefore will have the highest amount of people leaving it out of boredom, it is natural that the site will try to promote alternatives to this game. Most people coming here will be WoW burnouts (which is easy to understand from some comments against WoW), who are looking for something different. This site is catering to the need for differentiation.

    There is nothing wrong with that. If you want to find the most popular brand, there are a gazillion other sites that do that. If you want to find alternatives, you come to this corner of the MMO world.

  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    Did you actually quoted yourself on purpose? Do you know what that reminded me of?

    Don't sweat about it overmuch. Our opinion and this site is but a blip in the whole MMO world.

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662

    Official? lol seriously?

    Please stay on the wow section or go on wow's forums.

  • someforumguysomeforumguy Member RarePosts: 4,088

    I think Aion is a nice polished game, but without bringing something innovative to the table, I think 8.7 score is too high. Especially compared to the other scores on this website.

    So I guess that on this site, polish gets rated higher then innovation, replayability or diversity? That seems a little shallow imo. After all, its "A mostly standard MMO" . After reading the review I expected a 7 or so, not a score that would rate it the best so far on .

  • LordDevilLordDevil Member UncommonPosts: 253

    Actually I have to say a pretty fair and good review! 

    Dont know why people think 8.7 is too high... I have to say my whole guild and me are having a blast with this game and are already heading into the 41+ ! Actually I think he could have written a bit more about the crafting system because if you really take some time to master it you have to realise that its actually very well thought out and has a real meaning in this game, not l ike others!

    If you combine all the little details and polishing of this game it really deserves to stand out of the masses of all the many and crappy MMOs these days...

    Oh and maybe its not the highest of innovations (even though if you really start to get used to the tactical combat with your limited flight time and the abyss etc. its really something new!), but definately a really fun and good game.

    Currently playing: Archeage
    Waiting for: Black Desert

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,105
    Originally posted by LordDevil

    Actually I have to say a pretty fair and good review! 
    Dont know why people think 8.7 is too high... I have to say my whole guild and me are having a blast with this game and are already heading into the 41+ ! Actually I think he could have written a bit more about the crafting system because if you really take some time to master it you have to realise that its actually very well thought out and has a real meaning in this game, not l ike others!

    If you combine all the little details and polishing of this game it really deserves to stand out of the masses of all the many and crappy MMOs these days...
    Oh and maybe its not the highest of innovations (even though if you really start to get used to the tactical combat with your limited flight time and the abyss etc. its really something new!), but definately a really fun and good game.


    Well, seeing all the cheaters and botters in this game. It pretty much destroys the 8.7 in my view.

    A game can be great and fun to play. But the moment it gets overrun by cheaters and botters. The fun and enjoyment ends real quick.

    Especially in a highly competitive PVP game like AION.


  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564
    Originally posted by someforumguy

    I think Aion is a nice polished game, but without bringing something innovative to the table, I think 8.7 score is too high. Especially compared to the other scores on this website.
    So I guess that on this site, polish gets rated higher then innovation, replayability or diversity? That seems a little shallow imo. After all, its "A mostly standard MMO" . After reading the review I expected a 7 or so, not a score that would rate it the best so far on .

    That's the crux of many people's problems with the review. Of course, you have to weed through all the hyper-defensive retorts from the rabid fans trying to spin it into "hate for Aion" so they can dismiss it and bash the posters, instead of dealing with the actual issue.

    Most aren't even saying "it's a crappy game". People who play the game are even saying that given what's said in the review about it, and their first-hand experience with it, that the score seems way too high. They're questioning whether it deserves the highest score ever given to a MMO on this site. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that; it's a valid question.

    Yet, it's driving many of the fanboys crazy that people would even dare question the unmitigated might of their (current) favorite MMO... so they're going into full on spin mode attempting to twist it into "people hating on and bashing Aion" (the first tactic used by many rabid fans - for any MMO - against any criticism about anything to do with the game in question).

    Sadly, that's all too typical around here. Some people defend their preferred MMO as though they were protecting their only child from rock-wielding bullies on a playground.


    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • RobsolfRobsolf Member RarePosts: 4,607
    Originally posted by Frostbite05

    Originally posted by Demz2

    Seems like a populist review to appease the rampant fanbois on this site.  8.7 plz dont make me laugh.


    Do enlighten us on how the game doesn't deserve that. Think about it for a sec its the first good game since lotro.



    ...though Aion didn't really float my boat when I tried it; a bit too cutesy anime for my taste.  Certainly can't be denied that it's a quality product, though.

    Yet another game to prove that quality and content trumps "innovation" pretty much every time.  That's why we don't reinvent the rules for football every year.

  • sijmistersijmister World of Warcraft CorrespondentMember UncommonPosts: 47

    Seems like a good enough review, still trying to gather information on this game to see whether it is worth the time/money. I hope that the PvP in the game is not so imposing that it could make doing raids inconvenient. That would be a deal breaker for me.

  • Player_420Player_420 Member Posts: 686

    I think over 300 comments speak for themselves.


    This will only be a round-about discussion back and forth until the person who wrote the review gives us some comments.

    If you cant handle forum backlash on a review YOU wrote then you shouldnt review a game man.

    I play all ghame

  • Player_420Player_420 Member Posts: 686

    EPIC FAIL - He has every reason to explain to us why this is the #1 reviewed MMO on the site, and if it truly is worthy, then it should be easy right?

    I play all ghame

  • ScalebaneScalebane Member UncommonPosts: 1,883

    Does it really truly matter?  people act as if he killed one of their family members, that is whats EPIC FAIL.


    "The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
    - Lewis Thomas

  • Player_420Player_420 Member Posts: 686

    Does it really truly matter?...... Then why are you posting?

    I play all ghame

  • DevilXaphanDevilXaphan Member UncommonPosts: 1,144
    Originally posted by Player_420

    Does it really truly matter?...... Then why are you posting?


    To you it seems so, but to him it does not. Take it for it's value or not, play it because you like it or find another game to peak your intrest.

  • ChannceChannce Member CommonPosts: 570
    Originally posted by Player_420

    EPIC FAIL - He has every reason to explain to us why this is the #1 reviewed MMO on the site, and if it truly is worthy, then it should be easy right?


    Anyone who still says Epic *fill in the blank* cant be taken seriously.

    When I said i had "time", i meant virtual time, i got no RL "time" for you.

  • XantheousXantheous Member Posts: 121
    Originally posted by Channce

    Originally posted by Player_420

    EPIC FAIL - He has every reason to explain to us why this is the #1 reviewed MMO on the site, and if it truly is worthy, then it should be easy right?


    Anyone who still says Epic *fill in the blank* cant be taken seriously.


    Moreover, your one line response to a perfectly acceptable statement (though not put in the best way) really puts merit to your words. Pot... meet... Kettle.


  • ScalebaneScalebane Member UncommonPosts: 1,883
    Originally posted by Player_420

    Does it really truly matter?...... Then why are you posting?


    you have a lot of anger over a video game, was just a bit concerned for your health.


    "The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
    - Lewis Thomas

  • reanorreanor Member UncommonPosts: 441

    I don't understand what people find so crazy cool sooper interesting about Aion? Ganking people in the Abyss? If you find it very fun PvP - it will grow old on you very soon. Game is beatiful, yes its fine. Not the best I've seen, especially the landscape made to cartoonish sorta shaders. So you level, do repetitive quests like in any other MMO. If you ask me, even though I hate WoW - at least WoW has an atmosphere, the world even though I hate it all cartoonish there is some kind of life going on. Aion is all about stationary NPCs, repetitive quests, and PvP gankage. What all this hype was about I've no idea. I am lvl 29 and I am almost burnt out of this already. If I am not in group ganking Elyos' or doing Rift raid - game is quite boring.

  • silkakcsilkakc Member UncommonPosts: 381
    Originally posted by solareus

    REad the review and count how many times the review states  something is "standard." 
    "The environments themselves can be quite spectacular. Aion definitely features a high fantasy setting with a very magical world, and there are plenty of unique and stunning places to explore."
    really ?


    LOL! I saw that screen shot and thought," WTH ! The graphics look TERRIBLE!!  It looks like the grass in my 1999 MMO!!".


  • colddogcolddog Member Posts: 173

    I just wanted to add this to the discussion since it seems relevant to me. On this site, the players generally give games a high score when a game is first presented and then they tend to fall over time. I believe this happens because the hype of the game is so enormous and people only have very limited experience actually playing the game.


    Here is what the players feel on this site about the game.


    Lord of the Rings Onli          8.38

    Fallen Earth                         8.36

    Atlantica Online                   8.32

    EVE Online                           8.29

    EverQuest II                        8.26

    Vanguard: Saga of Hero      8.25

    Ryzom                                  8.24

    Guild Wars Factions             8.23

    Warhammer Online: Age     8.23

    Guild Wars Nightfall             8.23

    Requiem: Bloodymare         8.23

    Runes of Magic                    8.23

    Guild Wars                           8.23

    Dark Age of Camelot            8.22

    Final Fantasy XI                   8.22

    The Chronicles of Spel         8.22

    Rohan: Blood Feud              8.22

    City of Villains                      8.21

    City of Heroes                     8.20

    Aion                                    8.19

    Champions Online               8.18


    This puts Aion, a very new game, at number 20 on this site according to the players. Of course this is no way to judge any of these games on this list, but there is an absolutely enormous gap between what the reviewer thinks (#1) and what the players think (#20). I doubt any other game possesses a margin of 19 spots between where the players rate a game and where the official review sits.


    On a side note, Metacritic, a site that takes a ton of different reviews and averages them together came up with 8.1. This is surprisingly close to what the players rated this game at on this site.


  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,142
    Originally posted by silkakc

    Originally posted by solareus

    REad the review and count how many times the review states  something is "standard." 
    "The environments themselves can be quite spectacular. Aion definitely features a high fantasy setting with a very magical world, and there are plenty of unique and stunning places to explore."
    really ?


    LOL! I saw that screen shot and thought," WTH ! The graphics look TERRIBLE!!  It looks like the grass in my 1999 MMO!!".



    bah, that's like saying "I have a beautiful girlfriend" and then showing people the picture of her just waking up.

    The devs have stated that part of their art design had to take into accuont that many pc's just can't run ultra high graphics so they struck a happy medium they thought would work. They have also said that they were considering putting out a high resolution texture pack for pc's that could go higher.

    as far as the shot above, I don't know where that is but it does seem (operative word "seem") that there are some things toned down. I don't see any ground cover for instance.

    I would never say that Aion when looked at up close had a lot of detail in the environments but there is more to it than that.

    It's like a painting, you just don't get up close to look at it. You have to find the proper distance so that the artist's work can be seen correctly. In any case there is some ground detail that helps to bring the world to life. We will have to wait and see if they put out the high res texture pack.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • bastiibastii Member Posts: 137
    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by silkakc

    Originally posted by solareus

    REad the review and count how many times the review states  something is "standard." 
    "The environments themselves can be quite spectacular. Aion definitely features a high fantasy setting with a very magical world, and there are plenty of unique and stunning places to explore."
    really ?


    LOL! I saw that screen shot and thought," WTH ! The graphics look TERRIBLE!!  It looks like the grass in my 1999 MMO!!".



    bah, that's like saying "I have a beautiful girlfriend" and then showing people the picture of her just waking up.

    The devs have stated that part of their art design had to take into accuont that many pc's just can't run ultra high graphics so they struck a happy medium they thought would work. They have also said that they were considering putting out a high resolution texture pack for pc's that could go higher.

    as far as the shot above, I don't know where that is but it does seem (operative word "seem") that there are some things toned down. I don't see any ground cover for instance.

    I would never say that Aion when looked at up close had a lot of detail in the environments but there is more to it than that.

    It's like a painting, you just don't get up close to look at it. You have to find the proper distance so that the artist's work can be seen correctly. In any case there is some ground detail that helps to bring the world to life. We will have to wait and see if they put out the high res texture pack.


    I'll own you with one picture, Aion is full of those and they look horrible, they also said they won't fix the ugly textures:

  • bastiibastii Member Posts: 137

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,142
    Originally posted by bastii

    I'll own you with one picture, Aion is full of those and they look horrible, they also said they won't fix the ugly textures:


    Yes that is true, they did say that they, to paraphrase, "they had other things on their plate than to change textures". However this is still the chance of a high rez texture pack.

    No guarantees of course but it was mentioned in an interview in response to a question.

    I suppose my point being is that there is alot good and bad but that in the end it's the art design that will carry Aion over high graphic quality. Again, part of that is to accomodate low end computers and in some areas, to allow for a great many players.

    From my limited siege experience I have to say that there are some impressive numbers to be had on both sides. I know that some people are getting a crash bug, but as far as performance, given the sheer numbers, I am rather impressed.

    You just aren't going to find that in some other games where there are limits on how many can be in a combat area.


    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • kaozz77kaozz77 Member Posts: 5

    Very nice review. You touched on  things I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere. I agree with a lot you said about Aion, it's a really nice game overall.

    Author of ECTmmo

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