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Ryzom Encyclopedia, explain this feature to me.

metalhead980metalhead980 Member Posts: 2,658

I've been playing Ryzom on and off for over a year now and once or twice i've come across the ryzom encyclopedia.

I honestly paid it no mind since I wasn't really mission guy back then.

Well, now that I decided to create a new character I would like to tackle Ryzoms missions and actually mess with this feature.

I was told in Uni chat that certain missions fill the encylopedia and rewards were given for meeting particular requirements.

Well I've continued to ask, I checked the forums so let me ask you guys.

Can anyone explain in detail how to use this feature, where do I start and what rewards are given.

The encyclopedia seems like a cool idea, kinda like a lore achievement feature but I would like to actively fill this bad boy up I just need some info on how to do this.

An explanation, link to info and stuff like that would be awesome.

PLaying: EvE, Ryzom

Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum


  • CodenakCodenak Member UncommonPosts: 418

    Two sites with information on the Encyclopedia missions, including which ones are currently completeable.


  • MaDSaMMaDSaM Member Posts: 627

    Sadly some of these are not completely installed yet. But as said in the other thread, these missions, along with the "normal" ones, will hopefully be completed in the upcoming patches.


    But as you realized completely correct, the encyclopedia missions are meant mostly as a "Lore-Recovery-Tool" inside the game.

    As the Homin people did lose much of their lore in the great swarming, they are now on the way to re-discover it, by way of these missions, to some extend. As one of the first Mission givers will have explained to you, there kind of a semi-secret society that collects and helps rediscover lost knowledge and you are now a part of it.

    You´ll get mostly "Lore" as rewards, but small helpful things too. Like an increase in focus, or a new Aura, that reflects damage, amongst other things. They are in a way your typical "Quest-Lines" from other games, but with more focus on storytelling and less "epic" rewards, for less "epic deeds"

    That means, you don´t get to kill a Dragon in the end, but you will have learned something about the ecological-equilibrium of Atys for example (a pretty neat Zorai-Rite, knowledge which btw. can be perfectly converted to real life earth).

    And like Gilgameesh said in the other thread, these missions were never meant to be done all in one go and all in a rush. Take your time doing them, maybe even get help. Some can´t be done by people of an opposing faction and/or race with negative fame.

    Neutral people will find their advantage as opposed to the limited teleporters here, they can have sufficient fame for almost all these rites. (Still some greedy people complain about it as being unfair, but well that´s what fame and allegiance are for *shrug*)

    Anyway, enjoy what you can do atm and here´s to hoping that the Devs will finish the missing ones soon (tm)





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