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What do you think of Aion?



  • DibdabsDibdabs Member RarePosts: 3,241
    Originally posted by tro44_1

    Aion has time to improve

    I don't pay for games that "have potential" or need to "improve" when I can play something equally uninspiring and simplistic for free.

  • thaniththanith Member Posts: 144
    Originally posted by AnimusChaser

    Don't worry about NCsoft giving all their love to the east. Every patch they get we get. All the attention they get we get. Its just for once your not playing a western developed game. Normally the west gets the patches first then a few weeks later they are out in other parts of the world. This time around the east gets all the patches first and we receive them a few weeks later.
    I personally prefer this deal as we get less buggy content.


    This is very strange!

    You are employed with how can you freely state claims here about another company's (NCSoft)  way of running their business?

    Are you in any way involved with NCSoft?



  • luckturtzluckturtz Member Posts: 422

    Aion is soild game nothing special,It is the perfect game for Ncsoft to release after TR failing for them.Aion won't fail,Aion won't set the world on fire but it won't fail.The best comparsion is Lotor which is just constistent never reallly up and never really down

  • postpwnpostpwn Member UncommonPosts: 87

    I'm an Elyos and just hit level 15 (Templar) and have had a good time so far. I come from FFXI and this feels like a pseudo-sequel to that, with more Westernized elements. I never played more than a day of WoW, but I can see some of the similarities between the two. I suppose it's like FFXI-meets-WoW and that seems to be perfect for me.

    I like Aion. Aion will be getting subbed (well, I say that now...)

  • WickedjellyWickedjelly Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 4,990
    Originally posted by Ilvaldyr

    You're being a bit silly here.
    I can't think of one major MMO title in the past 10 years that has withheld patches internationally. WoW comes to mind, but it's been well publicized that the delay in releasing WotLK in China was due to their slightly odd laws rather than being the choice of the developer.
    No, I'm sure that any patches and/or expansions that Aion gets will come to the NA/EU markets too.
    The OPs concerns seemed to be more in regards to the lack of customer service and NCSoft's seeming inability to adequately deal with the problem of spammers and botters on the NA servers and provide technical support via websites/forums, etc.
    That's a pretty valid concern, imo.


    Don't mind Zorndorf.  He's probably just still pissed his topic about how Cake Mania was the best selling pc game per  was deleted.

    1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.

    2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.

    3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.

  • EphimeroEphimero Member Posts: 1,860
    Originally posted by Ozmodan

    Just a simple question for the pro Aion posters.  What do you plan to do at end game?  Besides pvping there is little else to do.  True more content can be added to alleviate this problem, but I doubt it will be significant to keep you attention long.


    Run instances like Dark Poeta, Draupnir, fortress ones and Adma Stronghold, get some "esport" with the Dreadgion, some massive fights in fortresses, conquering an artifact, killing open world raids and maybe PvP for the priviledge of killing them, some more PvP to get my level 50 abyss armor set and weapon, recipe hunting, gathering mats to craft consumables, and play with the market so I can become a bit richer, and maybe even play around with advanced stigma setups to find the best suited one for my needs.

    Got any game with more things to do at end game?

  • FastTxFastTx Member UncommonPosts: 756
    Originally posted by Ephimero

    Originally posted by Ozmodan

    Just a simple question for the pro Aion posters.  What do you plan to do at end game?  Besides pvping there is little else to do.  True more content can be added to alleviate this problem, but I doubt it will be significant to keep you attention long.


    Run instances like Dark Poeta, Draupnir, fortress ones and Adma Stronghold, get some "esport" with the Dreadgion, some massive fights in fortresses, conquering an artifact, killing open world raids and maybe PvP for the priviledge of killing them, some more PvP to get my level 50 abyss armor set and weapon, recipe hunting, gathering mats to craft consumables, and play with the market so I can become a bit richer, and maybe even play around with advanced stigma setups to find the best suited one for my needs.

    Got any game with more things to do at end game?


    Beat me to it.

    P.S. People still respond to Zorndorf?

  • NetzokoNetzoko Member Posts: 1,271
    Originally posted by Dibdabs

    Originally posted by Netzoko

    I think Aion is the most unoriginal crap to come out in years. Crap like it does nothing but hurt the genre as a whole by encouraging cut-paste EQ grind clones. By giving NCSoft money for this you are encouraging future devs to create even more mindlessly shallow themepark games rather than once again creating virtual worlds where players control the environment.
    You asked =/

    I agree 100% with you.  It's a sad-sack "copy 'n paste" game thrown together using someone else's graphics engine.  It is everything people have bitterly complained about for years on these forums, but which they are now desperately defending - antiquated, uninspiring quests, pointless running around that has nothing to do with exploration, simplistic levelling system, ONE quest chain per race, ONE starting area per race, headache-inducing combat effects and stilted animations, and a world so linear you could drive a train down it. 

    Basically everything that's bad you see in a F2P Korean grinder, except they've actually, unbelievably, induced people to pay for it!  



    It definitely has F2P written all over it.

    Sadly, nowadays F2P and P2P arn't distinguished by the quality, but rather if there are enough goons dumb enough to pay for it. Aion obviously takes the latter. Honestly, the reason Aion has sold so many copies is the same reason the top selling musical artists are people like Brittney Spears and T-Pain.


  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    Some people seem to exhibit some psychological need for their "rival" MMOs to fail. It's both hilarious and sad at the same time. Why people feel threatened by "rival" MMOs baffles me. Is the football fan mentality really needed in the gaming community?

  • HitechLolifeHitechLolife Member Posts: 210

    In answer to the OP's question, I think Aion is great fun.

    When I tried it in beta I was initially turned off it. It did seem extremely generic. If you're willing to play the game past 25 you'll see that it does find it's own distinct voice from other similar MMOs. Z-axis fights are just plain fun and once you have a few complete combat chains every fight seems like an epic anime battle.

    Sure it's nothing groundbreaking but it does take the old systems and in most cases make them as fun as possible. Definately worth a look if you're a fan of the genre but be willing to get to lvl 25+ before you see any real difference to the current generation of MMOs.

    Incidently, anyone who goes looking at other games subscriber numbers to use as debating points in a forum discussion is farking pathetic as a person and needs to have a hard look at themselves. Honestly you would need to be incredibly insecure to care enough about your silly video game looking better in terms of subs to the point where you bother to look it up.  If people are having fun be happy for them and move on you sad fool.

    Currently Playing: The Game

  • HitechLolifeHitechLolife Member Posts: 210
    Originally posted by Netzoko

    Originally posted by Dibdabs

    Originally posted by Netzoko

    I think Aion is the most unoriginal crap to come out in years. Crap like it does nothing but hurt the genre as a whole by encouraging cut-paste EQ grind clones. By giving NCSoft money for this you are encouraging future devs to create even more mindlessly shallow themepark games rather than once again creating virtual worlds where players control the environment.
    You asked =/

    I agree 100% with you.  It's a sad-sack "copy 'n paste" game thrown together using someone else's graphics engine.  It is everything people have bitterly complained about for years on these forums, but which they are now desperately defending - antiquated, uninspiring quests, pointless running around that has nothing to do with exploration, simplistic levelling system, ONE quest chain per race, ONE starting area per race, headache-inducing combat effects and stilted animations, and a world so linear you could drive a train down it. 

    Basically everything that's bad you see in a F2P Korean grinder, except they've actually, unbelievably, induced people to pay for it!  



    It definitely has F2P written all over it.

    Sadly, nowadays F2P and P2P arn't distinguished by the quality, but rather if there are enough goons dumb enough to pay for it. Aion obviously takes the latter. Honestly, the reason Aion has sold so many copies is the same reason the top selling musical artists are people like Brittney Spears and T-Pain.


    Yes. I am so stupid for paying for a game that is entertaining me. Or is it because my tastes don't match with yours that I am dumb? Hopefully one day I can be smart like you and get my entertainment by wasting my time being bitter on some forum.

    Currently Playing: The Game

  • laokokolaokoko Member UncommonPosts: 2,004
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by Xasapis

    Some people seem to exhibit some psychological need for their "rival" MMOs to fail. It's both hilarious and sad at the same time. Why people feel threatened by "rival" MMOs baffles me. Is the football fan mentality really needed in the gaming community?


    I think that describes perfectly the mentality within

    Instead of looking at games, every dud is being launched and supported as a savier of the industry.

    I couldn't find any other reason why else a Korean game would get a "perfect" best ever score by the editors and being defended in the 'no worries" part by a mod editor in a meaningless thread.

    And every time you come up with evident proof of that fact (remember the Chief editor of mmorpg stating - after 3 weeks - that he found War a VERY good game with only a few minor faults ... on the forums), someone is here to rescue the face of the industry.

    Try again.


    I think his talking about you Zondorf.

  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    How about this for a reason?

    "It's fun to play"

    Sure, there are people who don't like it, but for those who play it it's fun and that's what really matters.

    Sometimes reading these forums and the comments here can make people depressed on the state of the MMO community. This is the main reason I avoided the WoW forums when I was playing. The whiners were nitpicking every minor annoyance and were blowing it out of proportions. It was easy to be influenced by the foul mood of those people, thus why I didn't bother with the forums (especially the class forums). The very same thing is happening on these forums, the only difference is that the debate is not between classes, but between games. Flaws again are blown out of proportions "to make a point" and it's easy to get absorbed by the foul atmosphere.

  • laokokolaokoko Member UncommonPosts: 2,004
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by laokoko

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    I think that describes perfectly the mentality within
    Instead of looking at games, every dud is being launched and supported as a savier of the industry.
    I couldn't find any other reason why else a Korean game would get a "perfect" best ever score by the editors and being defended in the 'no worries" part by a mod editor in a meaningless thread.
    And every time you come up with evident proof of that fact (remember the Chief editor of mmorpg stating - after 3 weeks - that he found War a VERY good game with only a few minor faults ... on the forums), someone is here to rescue the face of the industry.
    Try again.


    I think his talking about you Zondorf.

    Yep and reread what I wrote and explain the things everyone else sees.



    The mod didn't say anything else except Aion west get the samething as Aion east, and they will be less buggy.  I dont' even see it as a positive comment about Aion.

    As far as review.  You can write a wow review with a 8.8 and submit it to  If it's well written enough they'll probably post it lol.  Someone said Wow get a 9.5 a few years ago on this site, I don't know if that's true or not, lol. 

    As far as warhammer goes, I found warhammer to be a very good game 3 weeks after it's release too.  So do most people.  What's wrong with that?

    And as low as warhammer's subscription now, there isn't even many game with higher subscriber number. 

    But the fact remains is a staff shouldn't post any negative review or bash any mmorpg, because it's not professional.  You can't really say the staff are standing on any game's side because they just don't put negative review or comment about any game.

    Lastly: here is the wotlk review.  a 9.2.  I dont' see how a 8.7 for Aion is a big deal.


  • Konner920Konner920 Member UncommonPosts: 295

    Its made by NCsoft there for. I think its shit.

  • TheNitewolfTheNitewolf Member Posts: 102

    i think it has more than enough threads discussing ppl's opinion about it in the game forum and therefor no need for yet another one in the pub area of the boards.

    My Signature

  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    No, Aion doesn't need those inflated numbers to be fun, in the same manner that WoW doesn't need the 12M subscription numbers to be fun. Some of the more rabid fans do need to hear and parrot them though, in both games.

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662

    Zorndorf do you know that the review mmorpg has here of wow is when it launched?

  • laokokolaokoko Member UncommonPosts: 2,004
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Ok want a challenge?

    Wotlk (the latest WOW incarnation)  had an average professional review on the web of ... 92.46
    That's average from all over the web. gives it officialy 8.1 (preceded by such HIGHLY fantastic games like "you name" it and it's up there ...)
    Aion has (at the moment) an average professional review on the web of 81.54% gives the best rated mmorpg ever: 8.7%
    That's a ... 18% difference on ... average pro ratings.
    So the editors of simply don't put reviews on the same bench test.
    Aion is the new kid on the block they want desperatly to succeed (like Aoc was, like War was).
    The main and very PROFOUND underlying problem is : you don't help anyone with this kind of politics.
    The farce is that what they DO create is even more people driving back to WOW OR (far worse) back to playing consoles.
    As these scores are average, a 18% difference is so huge it is showing a prejudgement all over the place.
    Not acceptable by a site calling itself "".


    The review number is just a stupid number made by a random person which isn't even important.

    I gave Aion a 8.2.  My score is as important as any random number given by a random person.  Let it go.  It isn't even important.

  • laokokolaokoko Member UncommonPosts: 2,004
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by bloodaxes

    Zorndorf do you know that the review mmorpg has here of wow is when it launched?

    No change to what I said (average basic WOW was 91.71 and coming from ... 68 reviews btw).


    So there is NO way to explain the average 17 or 18%  difference between what you get here and the reality outside of this "site".

    WHO exactly has mmorpg in hands anyway? Do you know it?

    The above averages show it is clearly not normal ... at all.



    The score is made by a "random" reviewer of 

    If you care so much.  Apply to work for and send in a review.

    It's just a trash number which is pointless.  Let it go.

    It's just a perspective from a random single person.  Which is not even important.

    Last thing which is more important is most people in dont' like wow. I dont' mean the staff, but in general.  Since if we like wow, we'll be happy in the wow forum spaming how unbalance the class is. 

  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    So is biased towards finding the next big thing post WoW? Who isn't really?

    I'm sure when SW:TOR launches we'll see the same reviews and the same results and the same hysterics about how is biased in favour of SW:TOR. It's so obvious it's like I can see it happening.

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by Xasapis

    So is biased towards finding the next big thing post WoW? Who isn't really?
    I'm sure when SW:TOR launches we'll see the same reviews and the same results and the same hysterics about how is biased in favour of SW:TOR. It's so obvious it's like I can see it happening.

    Exactly. We agree.

    Now the next problem is: biased reviews (with a whacky 18% difference between 4 reviews) will not make for better games in keeping people's intrests.

    Nor "support".

    So we  should all HAIL Blizzard and praise it just like me :)))

    Of course not, but don't loose touch with reality either or you will NEVER find a good game again.

    Lesson 1 for a gaming site with the url: and its credibility.


    Or maybe you should stop thinking that wow is the best game and get in your mind that there are people who don't like it and enjoy playing something else.

  • laokokolaokoko Member UncommonPosts: 2,004
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by Xasapis

    So is biased towards finding the next big thing post WoW? Who isn't really?
    I'm sure when SW:TOR launches we'll see the same reviews and the same results and the same hysterics about how is biased in favour of SW:TOR. It's so obvious it's like I can see it happening.

    Exactly. We agree.

    Now the next problem is: biased reviews (with a whacky 18% difference between 4 reviews) will not make for better games in keeping people's intrests.

    Nor "support".

    So we  should all HAIL Blizzard and praise it just like me :)))

    Of course not, but don't loose touch with reality either or you will NEVER find a good game again.

    Lesson 1 for a gaming site with the url:


    Haven't you notice everyone here in general don't like Wow?

    Since really, if we like wow, we won't be in  We'll be at the wow forum.

  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    Well, the real answer is play whatever is fun for you. Reviews usually shade a positive light on the reviewed product. It's up to the people who read the reviews to identify the aspects of a game they like. There will always be issues, since certain design decisions collide with each other (for example instanced PvP with open world PvP). There is no perfect game out there, we just need to find for ourselves what fits best our tastes. For this purpose these forum boards are not a very good indicator, since they tend to inflate both the good features and the bad ones.

    These forums though and this site in general serve its purpose. The purpose being to shed some light on the alternative MMOs available. People don't come here when they are happy with their MMO. Even I wouldn't be posting if I wasn't doing this from work. People come here to search on alternatives. And since a good deal of people leave the more popular MMOs, it's only natural for both the people and this site to try and address this need.

    You find it suspicious. I find it natural.

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by bloodaxes

    Or maybe you should stop thinking that wow is the best game and get in your mind that there are people who don't like it and enjoy playing something else.

    Since I showed you the the average 18 % (!) difference in ratings above (coming from as much a 65 professional reviews and sites), I do think my personal opinion is meaningless here.

    I am being backed up by the majority of rating sites. is biased as was clearly shown by the average numbers above.

    They should include a paragraph in their header: "looking for an alternative to play WOW as an"

    But no longer worthy of the name as such.

    So I ask you : who owns ?

    Who cares who owns mmorpg they can review how they want you won't change their opinion it's an opinion.

    No one forces you to read them you can always check that "uber" site you keep on mentioning since it''s giving wow great reviews and stick to wow sections. The amount of trolls that attack other games other then wow is very bigger then the ones that go in wow section to flame.

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