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Who here enjoys the game?



  • PhiokuPhioku Member Posts: 36
    Originally posted by Rodzilla

    It was an ok game for awile but after rr 80 it really became mundane..... There was 8 of us from our guild that became rr80 and not one of us played another month after.


    I dont get it how people try as much as they can to get to rr80 then quit after that. It doesnt make any sense. You play to rr80 so you can dominate other players but instead quit?

  • PheacePheace Member Posts: 2,408
    Originally posted by Phioku

    Originally posted by Rodzilla

    It was an ok game for awile but after rr 80 it really became mundane..... There was 8 of us from our guild that became rr80 and not one of us played another month after.


    I dont get it how people try as much as they can to get to rr80 then quit after that. It doesnt make any sense. You play to rr80 so you can dominate other players but instead quit?


    Nowhere did he say he played to RR80 to dominate other players


  • NewhopesNewhopes Member Posts: 458

    I  know a few people who hit rr80 I don't think any of them are still playing.

  • PhiokuPhioku Member Posts: 36
    Originally posted by Pheace

    Originally posted by Phioku

    Originally posted by Rodzilla

    It was an ok game for awile but after rr 80 it really became mundane..... There was 8 of us from our guild that became rr80 and not one of us played another month after.


    I dont get it how people try as much as they can to get to rr80 then quit after that. It doesnt make any sense. You play to rr80 so you can dominate other players but instead quit?


    Nowhere did he say he played to RR80 to dominate other players


    I know he didnt say that. What Im tryin to say is why would you level up to rr80 and not try to dominate other players. It doesnt make any sense.

  • DaPrinzDaPrinz Member Posts: 39
    Originally posted by Phioku

    I enjoy the game and would love to hear positive feedbacks.


    The two things I love the most in this game are PQs and the fact that each race had their own classes. RVR is cool too. There are quite a few bad things in this game but the only real thing I'm complaining about is that the game is deserted. I re-subbed 2 weeks ago and the past two weeks felt more of a single player game than an MMO except for one RVR battle done.

  • SalvatorisSalvatoris Member Posts: 1,360

    It's not perfect, but there still isn't another MMO out I would rather play.  I have been playing since launch and I still play a few hours a day, sometimes several hours.  I am starting to run out of things to look forward to in-game, and it is clearly in maintenance mode now... so I  know I will probably be playing less and less over the coming months.  I guess I am just waiting for something better to launch at this point.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251

    Bueller, Bueller, anyone? anyone?

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • ArezonArezon Member UncommonPosts: 282

    I'd rather watch paint dry.


  • grandpagamergrandpagamer Member Posts: 2,221
    Originally posted by DaPrinz

    Originally posted by Phioku

    I enjoy the game and would love to hear positive feedbacks.


    The two things I love the most in this game are PQs and the fact that each race had their own classes. RVR is cool too. There are quite a few bad things in this game but the only real thing I'm complaining about is that the game is deserted. I re-subbed 2 weeks ago and the past two weeks felt more of a single player game than an MMO except for one RVR battle done.

    That is the problem with the game. After level 12 or so the PVE content is ignored, including the PQ's. I never had a long Q wait to get into scenarios so i know people were playing the game. But only  the scenarios it seemed. I last played about three months ago or so and that is what i saw.

  • SarbocabrasSarbocabras Member Posts: 257

     Warhammer relies on mass amount of people in all tiers at once.

  • SalvatorisSalvatoris Member Posts: 1,360
    Originally posted by grandpagamer

    Originally posted by DaPrinz

    Originally posted by Phioku

    I enjoy the game and would love to hear positive feedbacks.


    The two things I love the most in this game are PQs and the fact that each race had their own classes. RVR is cool too. There are quite a few bad things in this game but the only real thing I'm complaining about is that the game is deserted. I re-subbed 2 weeks ago and the past two weeks felt more of a single player game than an MMO except for one RVR battle done.

    That is the problem with the game. After level 12 or so the PVE content is ignored, including the PQ's. I never had a long Q wait to get into scenarios so i know people were playing the game. But only  the scenarios it seemed. I last played about three months ago or so and that is what i saw.


    You don't come across a lot of people doing PvE, but it's not because there isn't plenty of it to do.... it's because it is always more fun and more rewarding to fight against real people.  After you have even a short time to learn a game, PvE becomes an overly-simple, masturbatory act.  When a game makes PvP accessible, fun and readily available, I think people will tend to spend more time with it than PvE, especially if they can get all the same rewards. 

    I know people were playing scenarios heavily at launch, but that hasn't been the case for a long time.  There were several changes after launch that made it easier to find RvR combat, and made that combat more rewarding.  Additional map information and area influence rewards really brought people out of scenarios and in to the open RvR lakes.  Anyone playing the game now can attest to that.  This has been the case for at least the last 6 months.  Although the tools for finding RvR warbands still need some improvement, 3 months ago you should have had very little trouble finding open RvR in any tier, unless you were on one of the many underpopulated servers.  Finding an RvR warband has become a bit of an issue again lately, and I guess it's unfortunately time for another round of server mergers.

    The real shame is that the reasons most people state for not liking the game at launch are pretty much corrected at this point.... just a year too late for most people to ever even know it.  I think the biggest thing the game has going against it now is inaccurate negative word of mouth.

  • NewhopesNewhopes Member Posts: 458

    Er I don't know what your smoking but most of the things wrong with the game haven't been fixed.

  • SalvatorisSalvatoris Member Posts: 1,360
    Originally posted by Newhopes

    Er I don't know what your smoking but most of the things wrong with the game haven't been fixed.


    ......said the guy who doesn't play the game.  But hey, everyone go on his ignorant assumptions rather than those of the currently active subscribers.  Thanks for reinforcing my point about inaccurate negative word of mouth though. ;)

  • NewhopesNewhopes Member Posts: 458
    Originally posted by Salvatoris

    Originally posted by Newhopes

    Er I don't know what your smoking but most of the things wrong with the game haven't been fixed.


    ......said the guy who doesn't play the game.  But hey, everyone go on his ignorant assumptions rather than those of the currently active subscribers.  Thanks for reinforcing my point about inaccurate negative word of mouth though. ;)


    And you've just proven your pretty ignorant yourself because I do play because I'am an 20 year Warhammer table top player who has a vague hope they might make the worth playing, but that hope has just about vanished after my 500 man alliance has near enough vanished in the last couple of months. I'am just sick of the handful people who keep claiming everythings ok as guilds and servers crumble around them talk about having there heads stuck in the sand.

  • SalvatorisSalvatoris Member Posts: 1,360

    Population is a problem.. I don't ever see anyone argue that it isn't.  I think I said a few posts ago that it was time for server transfers.   Still, I think the population issues are based on people's opinions of the game at launch, rather than the game as it is now.  People will always cry about class balance and a lack of compelling end-game content.  That is true for every MMO ever made... and both are purely subjective.  People don't really want class balance, they want their class to be OP.  Endgame content is different for everyone.  RvR simply for the sake of RvR is enough for me.  Having read about 50 Warhammer books, I am content to explore and do quests, even though I don't get XP any more.

    People DO NOT just sit in scenarios all day, and they haven't for a long time... but it is still the number one criticism of the game.  There have been tons of adjustments to the game that were effective in getting people out of Scs in in to the RvR lakes.  If you are a current player then you know that to be true.  People ARE doing open RvR.

    Not being able to do PQs... that was addressed by making PQs of varying difficulty as well as adding them all to the map with mouseover info about how many people were working on each one at any time.  If you don't join a guild or play with any friends, it isn't really the game's fault you can't find anyone to do quests with.

    What are your specific complaints?  What are the "problems" with the game that you feel haven't been addressed?  I get it, people are leaving the game.  Our alliance on IR fell apart completely and it looks like our guild is headed the same way.  When a new MMO comes out, people move on... it's just the nature of the genre.  They can't make new content fast enough to keep us interested, so we will play another developer's content until we run through that and then move on to the new shiny toy on the store shelves.  The days when there were just a few MMOS on the market, and when there were years between new releases are gone.  It's a bummer that retention is such an issue, but it's true for just about every game out there.

  • RavingRabbidRavingRabbid Member UncommonPosts: 1,168

    Sorry OP the game was highly disappointing. Being a Warhammer fantasy fan the game was a complete letdown is so many areas.

    AAAAAAAAHHHHH fires plunger at Mark Jacob's head......

    All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care.
    Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes

  • TorakTorak Member Posts: 4,905

    Yeah I enjoy it.

    These days I find it difficult to go back to a more mundane MMO and grind on "kill 10 rats" and then raid at level cap once your eyes are done bleeding. You can PvP and PQ all the way through WAR and never touch the trash content. /shrug.

    I just logged off of AION, honestly, although I really like the world and the flying, I just don't have the patience right now to do all that grinding you gotta do in that game. I hit level 20 in beta and I'm like lvl 12 or so right now and, well, it's boring.

    Anything else out there is even weaker in terms of interesting content from my perspective. Way to much reliance on "rat killing" and generic task. I think only DDO really competes in terms of really good content. Right now I can log in and queue up for a scenerio and get in within a few minutes, roll out with my guild for some RvR or do a lair or something like that.  There is always something interesting going on that is fast paced when I play.

    Now what don't I like about WAR? The world design sucks, it's disjointed and doesn't work. It's a series of linear, level based maps and that fucks up the population distrabution. Warhammer should have went for an open world design with contestable territories.

    Because of the world design (a series of maps) they basically painted themselves into a corner in regards to expanding the world. Now if they do add, it's going to have to be into "side" areas like LotD. It also complicates any sort of future addition of new races should that ever come about.

    I also don't like their new solution for new players. Forcing everyone into the empire starter areas basically is going to throw all the other areas into a second hand status as no one will actually take the time to play through them now.

    I'm not rocket scientist but why don't they start everyone in Altdorf and then send them onto their respective areas and put a flight master at the front of the level 1 racial areas? Seems like a much easier solution to me.

    There is no "real" crafting which doesn't give anyone any stake in the well being of the non-combat aspects of the world.

    It also does get a bit repetitive but IMHO that's because they don't have enough non-combat activities to give a break so to speak and still be involved with the world / community. This game would have benefited greatly from a real crafting system.


    But at the end of the day if given the choice of killing 10 rats or doing some PvP or RvR, I will always go with Warhammer over PvE grinds. (unless it's something fun like some of DDO dungeons or something similar but those are super rare in 99% of MMO's.

  • TalinTalin Member UncommonPosts: 926

    WAR did a great job of making PvP extremely accessible. The battleground availability from level 1, combined with the Public Quest system should have been a slam dunk. Instead, it turned into an unpolished, unbalanced mess. In their efforts to make each class for each realm individualized, they often made one counterpart stronger/better than the other, and then would go through rounds of adjustments (read: NERFS).

    I loved the world but hated the lack of character customization both in terms of features (face/hair/etc) AND armor models. While character armor models "evolve" as you level, there is no real variety besides minor changes in color and small design elements. I'm sure this was done to keep each class with a "distinct" look, but if I wanted my tank to wear a robe, why shouldn't I be able to?

    Some good elements were introduced by the game that other MMORPGs will no doubt utilize, but this one is slowly on its way out. The best thing they can do now is offer a package deal with DAOC to keep subscribers longer.


  • PhiokuPhioku Member Posts: 36

    Honestly fixing what needs to be fixed and settings up official polls for the problems would be good. The PTS testing should take time and not rushed which was rushed countless of times. After all the problems are fixed and no one is complaining and whining then a Expansion Pack should be introduced. I want this game to be something I can play for a while and not just one year. This game should grow.

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