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EVE Online: By The Numbers - EVE Statistics

StraddenStradden Managing EditorMember CommonPosts: 6,696

Most MMO companies are loathe to give out even the most trivial of their game's numbers. Not so for EVE developers CCP who, at this year's Fan Fest, gave out a number of new statistics just waiting for our collective consumption.

EVE Online Screenshot

With MMORPGs, it can often be like pulling teeth to get any real, concrete numbers free of confusing marketing spin language, especially when it comes to subscribers. Imagine my surprise then, when at this year's EVE Fan Fest, the developers released a bevy of numbers on everything from subscriptions to the average age of their player base. For CCP, it seems as though transparency is king:


It has always been a goal of CCP's to populate their game with more people than Iceland. For the record, that number is about 320,000 according to the country's Wikipedia entry.

Read By The Numbers - EVE Statistics

Jon Wood
Managing Editor



  • bomber009bomber009 Member Posts: 21

    I think it's awesome that CCP publishes these numbers.

    Also I think 5% female is a little high for EVE. ;)

  • VarnyVarny Member Posts: 765

    Too many people in EVE now every belt in empire is dry and frigging you don't feel lonely anymore which sucks. I remember playing in 2003 and you could find so many empty systems which was really great.

  • StonedogStonedog Member UncommonPosts: 32

    leave the mission hub systems then

  • LynxJSALynxJSA Member RarePosts: 3,334
    Originally posted by Varny

    ... and frigging you don't feel lonely anymore which sucks.


    Now you know the secret to why many MMOs merge servers. Developers know players love to feel lonely in MMOs so when server pops drop to that optimal level of subscriber-pleasing emptiness they stick it to you with a server merge just to be evil and spiteful.



    -- Whammy - a 64x64 miniRPG 
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  • ManbevaManbeva Member Posts: 7

    ¡¡FOR EVE R!!

  • SecurionSecurion Member Posts: 206

    EVE is a slap in the face on all those who said you couldn't have that many people on the same server, in the same world, and not have instances.

    Its also a slap in the face on all those who said that there cant be a completely player run economy, and a player run "end-game".

    Finally, its a big kick in the ass on all who thinks that a player must be guided and cared for through a specific path from char creation to logging off for the final time.

    EVE is complete freedom.

    Really nice game.

    Now, give us the same thing but on the ground please.
    Maybe Earthrise will be it...?

  • Kudos to the 76 year old player.


    Of course, CCP could encourage more older folks to play simply by making an option for bigger text so we can read all the writing. Jeez, it gets hard to read sometimes.

    I love this game though.

  • ZeroxinZeroxin Member UncommonPosts: 2,515
    Originally posted by Varny

    ... and frigging you don't feel lonely anymore which sucks.


    Lol, there are places in eve you could go to that you could sit in for hours and only one person would fly through it, there are places in eve that have so many belts and absolutely NO MINERS, there are places in eve that no one will hear you spam.... and then there's wormholes.

    This is not a game.

  • DewmDewm Member UncommonPosts: 1,337
    Originally posted by LynxJSA

    Originally posted by Varny

    ... and frigging you don't feel lonely anymore which sucks.


    Now you know the secret to why many MMOs merge servers. Developers know players love to feel lonely in MMOs so when server pops drop to that optimal level of subscriber-pleasing emptiness they stick it to you with a server merge just to be evil and spiteful.




    With space games its a little diffrent. I had an EVE account for around 3 months earlier this year (meh I drop'd it because it just wasn't my type of game, still a good game though)  Anyways and when I was playing it was kinda lame that no matter where I wen't in diffrent systems there where 90% 2 or more people already there.

    Which does take some of the emersion (sp?) of space out, I mean thats whats so cool about space. this huge dark empty void, just you and your thoughts echoing off of nothing...

    Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!

  • shavashava Member UncommonPosts: 324

    I know y'all don't like it when people call Second Life a game (in fact, most residents of Second Life don't like it when anyone calls it a game) -- but on a technical basis, it's a massive multi-player single-shard game -- and it's been supporting upwards of 80,000 concurrency in recent months.  Admittedly with a few speedbumps (aggravated by the nature of SL in being rendered on the fly in OpenGL.  Crazy way to run a universe! :).

    Still, people shouldn't think that Eve is the largest single-shard contiguous world-space (or universe-space in their case?).



  • DewmDewm Member UncommonPosts: 1,337
    Originally posted by Securion

    EVE is a slap in the face on all those who said you couldn't have that many people on the same server, in the same world, and not have instances.
    Its also a slap in the face on all those who said that there cant be a completely player run economy, and a player run "end-game".
    Finally, its a big kick in the ass on all who thinks that a player must be guided and cared for through a specific path from char creation to logging off for the final time.
    EVE is complete freedom.
    Really nice game.
    Now, give us the same thing but on the ground please.

    Maybe Earthrise will be it...?


    Ok I've said this before, but I might as well say it again. Even is a instanced game. when you go through the jump gate that is taking you from 1 instance to another.

    and the whole argument "Well if you wanted to travel from one system to the next, but no one has ever done it and it would take a life time" is just retarded.

    If no one has done it then how do you know its not instanced?


    (Not to mention the argument about being on one server.....and EVE doesn't have any graphics to speak of, they have a few low texture rocks floating around, your ship. and the back ground scenary. So yeah....)

    Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!

  • tvalentinetvalentine Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 4,216
    Originally posted by Dewm

    Originally posted by Securion

    EVE is a slap in the face on all those who said you couldn't have that many people on the same server, in the same world, and not have instances.
    Its also a slap in the face on all those who said that there cant be a completely player run economy, and a player run "end-game".
    Finally, its a big kick in the ass on all who thinks that a player must be guided and cared for through a specific path from char creation to logging off for the final time.
    EVE is complete freedom.
    Really nice game.
    Now, give us the same thing but on the ground please.

    Maybe Earthrise will be it...?


    Ok I've said this before, but I might as well say it again. Even is a instanced game. when you go through the jump gate that is taking you from 1 instance to another.

    and the whole argument "Well if you wanted to travel from one system to the next, but no one has ever done it and it would take a life time" is just retarded.

    If no one has done it then how do you know its not instanced?


    (Not to mention the argument about being on one server.....and EVE doesn't have any graphics to speak of, they have a few low texture rocks floating around, your ship. and the back ground scenary. So yeah....)


    they're called zones, not instances btw.


    Playing: EVE Online
    Favorite MMOs: WoW, SWG Pre-cu, Lineage 2, UO, EQ, EVE online
    Looking forward to: Archeage, Kingdom Under Fire 2
    KUF2's Official Website - -

  • XantheousXantheous Member Posts: 121
    Originally posted by Dewm

    Originally posted by Securion

    EVE is a slap in the face on all those who said you couldn't have that many people on the same server, in the same world, and not have instances.
    Its also a slap in the face on all those who said that there cant be a completely player run economy, and a player run "end-game".
    Finally, its a big kick in the ass on all who thinks that a player must be guided and cared for through a specific path from char creation to logging off for the final time.
    EVE is complete freedom.
    Really nice game.
    Now, give us the same thing but on the ground please.

    Maybe Earthrise will be it...?


    Ok I've said this before, but I might as well say it again. Even is a instanced game. when you go through the jump gate that is taking you from 1 instance to another.

    and the whole argument "Well if you wanted to travel from one system to the next, but no one has ever done it and it would take a life time" is just retarded.

    If no one has done it then how do you know its not instanced?


    (Not to mention the argument about being on one server.....and EVE doesn't have any graphics to speak of, they have a few low texture rocks floating around, your ship. and the back ground scenary. So yeah....)


    Eve looks nothing like it used to. Do some research before you open that beef flap.



  • BluefixBluefix Member Posts: 166

    Yeah you can call them instances as often as you want, but it's still a zone and the difference is everything. There's only 1 of each zone, while instances would mean that each zone is copied.

    Just for the record I'm 99,9% sure that you cant travel to other systems by just flying for hours in the same direction. But then again: That has nothing to do with instances and is quite insignificant in every way that matters.

  • qazymanqazyman Member Posts: 1,785
    Originally posted by Securion

    Now, give us the same thing but on the ground please.



      What he said x2!

    I'll still play EVE I promise :)


  • eric_w66eric_w66 Member UncommonPosts: 1,006
    Originally posted by Securion

    EVE is a slap in the face on all those who said you couldn't have that many people on the same server, in the same world, and not have instances.
    Its also a slap in the face on all those who said that there cant be a completely player run economy, and a player run "end-game".
    Finally, its a big kick in the ass on all who thinks that a player must be guided and cared for through a specific path from char creation to logging off for the final time.
    EVE is complete freedom.
    Really nice game.
    Now, give us the same thing but on the ground please.

    Maybe Earthrise will be it...?


    1) EEhhhh, it has instances. And it has zones. It isn't "one world". It's economy is sector based. Only the chat server actually can be called "server wide". EQ1 had a global chat server in about 2000.

    2) It isn't a completely player run economy. There's base prices for everything, and NPC's who buy at fixed prices.

    3) How is Eve a "big kick in the ass" to people who enjoy storylines? Heck, UO had this, and it wasn't a "big kick in the ass".... in fact, it helped drive people away from the game (as it does in Eve as well).

    4) Eve is far from complete freedom. Can I destroy planets/stars/gates? Can I destroy NPC stations in high sec? Can I invent stuff that isn't in the game already as a blueprint? Its actually very restrictive, you just have blinders on that make you think you're free.

  • BluefixBluefix Member Posts: 166
    Originally posted by eric_w66

    1) EEhhhh, it has instances. And it has zones. It isn't "one world". It's economy is sector based. Only the chat server actually can be called "server wide". EQ1 had a global chat server in about 2000.
    2) It isn't a completely player run economy. There's base prices for everything, and NPC's who buy at fixed prices.
    3) How is Eve a "big kick in the ass" to people who enjoy storylines? Heck, UO had this, and it wasn't a "big kick in the ass".... in fact, it helped drive people away from the game (as it does in Eve as well).
    4) Eve is far from complete freedom. Can I destroy planets/stars/gates? Can I destroy NPC stations in high sec? Can I invent stuff that isn't in the game already as a blueprint? Its actually very restrictive, you just have blinders on that make you think you're free.


    I was about to make a proper reply, but realized that I should'nt give it more effort that you did:

    1&2 are just 90% lies.

    3) That's not what he wrote.

    4) If that's what you compare total freedom to in games, no game will ever achieve it. Ever heard of comparing things relative to each other? If you did that, you might not sound as a complete troll.


  • ComanComan Member UncommonPosts: 2,178
    Originally posted by Securion

    Finally, its a big kick in the ass on all who thinks that a player must be guided and cared for through a specific path from char creation to logging off for the final time.


    Yes REALLY big kick, I mean it is not that the game with is best at taking your by your hand has 10+ million subs.....that sound wrong....


    Anyhow, I think more smaller devs should look at what the EVE developer did or maybe even talk to them and see if they willing to share some tips and tricks. They have done a great jobs. I dislike that game, but that does not take away that the devs made a games with some basic features and a good amount of subs and expended from there.

    Hardly any small developer have followed this line and have become way to competitive and even try to kick WoW from it trown. They are unrealistic and start to big. Only company with might follow the success is Fallen Earth. They started small, however they delivered what they promised. Plenty of room to expend and a decent player base. Mortal Online also set out on this patch, but a bit sceptical if they succeed. 

    Also the game does not run one just one server. It has plenty of servers, however it is one world.


  • RenkoRenko Member UncommonPosts: 97

    It's a pity not all mmo companies are as open as CCP.

  • DevilXaphanDevilXaphan Member UncommonPosts: 1,144
    Originally posted by Dewm

    Originally posted by Securion

    EVE is a slap in the face on all those who said you couldn't have that many people on the same server, in the same world, and not have instances.
    Its also a slap in the face on all those who said that there cant be a completely player run economy, and a player run "end-game".
    Finally, its a big kick in the ass on all who thinks that a player must be guided and cared for through a specific path from char creation to logging off for the final time.
    EVE is complete freedom.
    Really nice game.
    Now, give us the same thing but on the ground please.

    Maybe Earthrise will be it...?


    Ok I've said this before, but I might as well say it again. Even is a instanced game. when you go through the jump gate that is taking you from 1 instance to another.

    and the whole argument "Well if you wanted to travel from one system to the next, but no one has ever done it and it would take a life time" is just retarded.

    If no one has done it then how do you know its not instanced?


    (Not to mention the argument about being on one server.....and EVE doesn't have any graphics to speak of, they have a few low texture rocks floating around, your ship. and the back ground scenary. So yeah....)


    It has been done but i forget the name of the person who did it, a youtube vid has been made showing the players progress in his search to reach the next system.

    It's not possible to travel from system to system by warping, you have to use the gates or a player created worm hole.

  • metalhead980metalhead980 Member Posts: 2,658

    Eve is not instanced. You may be mistaken due to the mission system how it spawns  a escalation for a particular missioner but believe me people can easily scan you out and jump right into your mission.

    As for jumping gates, those are zones. Big difference.

    I wish the people that hated this game could educate themselves on the topic.

    PLaying: EvE, Ryzom

    Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum

  • markh777markh777 Member UncommonPosts: 150

    There is one statistic in which they are wrong...I was in a corp with a guy who is 81 years old...ROCK ON

  • BaronJuJuBaronJuJu Member UncommonPosts: 1,832

    "•95% of EVE's subscribers are male"

    I find that to be interesting and very out of the norm for most MMO's.  I actually thought there would have been many more in EVE.  Female players, from what I have read, usually comprise about 20% or more of the populations.

    "If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"

  • metalhead980metalhead980 Member Posts: 2,658
    Originally posted by BaronJuJu

    "•95% of EVE's subscribers are male"
    I find that to be interesting and very out of the norm for most MMO's.  I actually thought there would have been many more in EVE.  Female players, from what I have read, usually comprise about 20% or more of the populations.


    Eve is a game where you play with spaceships, in cold dark space and where everyone is actively trying to get a upperhand.

    Honestly im not surprised by the female numbers.

    The Game isn't sunshine and rainbows.

    PLaying: EvE, Ryzom

    Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum

  • BaronJuJuBaronJuJu Member UncommonPosts: 1,832
    Originally posted by metalhead980

    The Game isn't sunshine and rainbows.


    Wow, that was about the damn dumbest assement I've ever seen to why women might not play EVE. I've met and spoke to alot of women, both harcore and casual players, on my time in EVE. I was suggesting that I thought the "95% are male" comment seemed a bit off to me as I believe it to be alot higher.

    "If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"

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