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NCWest Executive Producer Lance Stites addressed the Aion community in a recently released State of the Game letter. The topic of discussion? Horrible queue times! The problem isn't a lack of servers, Aion has plenty. The problem is that many players are attempting to pile onto the more popular servers (anyone who played WAR at launch should find this problem all too familiar) and so queue times are still a stand out issue.
So, what's the solution? It's not more servers, according to Mr. Stites. Mr. Stites explains that throwing more servers at the problem wouldn't solve the issue, due to the fact people are simply lining up to enter the same servers.
What NCWest will do, however, is implement one-time free server transfers beginning next month to help players frustrated by queue times but unwilling to move servers due to a loss of character progress an opportunity to make a new home on another server.
What a dumb fix. People play on popular servers so they can compete on multiple levels as in, pvp, raids, gvg and whatever else you can imagine. I predict that this will solve nothing because players that want to remain competitive will always play on busy servers and the casual players want to be on a busy server so they can continue to find groups. Not bashing the game I just think it will solve nothing. They need a better fix.
Hey guys im a member on the site since a long time and so far this is my 1st post.
Well about AION all what i can say is that i know lots of ppl are angry because of the ques or how is it sayd, i have preordered the game aswell. I'm lucky that i can say that im working from home and i can play on morning where there are no lines so u can get in the game instantly, at night well thats a nightmare. Anyway if you guys are a normal human beings then u guys have friends. I usually go out with my friends when the lines get started so around 17:00 GMT +2 and when i come home there are like 2k ppl in front of me. What do i do? well il go on the list and keepit thatway... il go eat, take a shower do my home things etc. and when i get done with these things im already in the game so donno why the players are so angry and flaming NCSoft. NC is only doing there job they are keeping the servers crash free and thats a good point. This is a better way (waiting 2 hours) then waiting 1-2 days because the servers crash every 10 hours and there are roolbacks etc. If there would be more caps on the servers then there would be alot less mobs like now you need to wait minutes if your not high enough for the new zones to get 1 mob...
This is just a game, get a life if your addicted... im waiting for the flamings :P
P.S: sry for my english
. . . what?
So what do you think NCsoft should do? I personally think they should be forced transfers for the idiots that continue to "pile" onto the heavy servers and then continue to complain about the queues . . .
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
I wonder if there will be a need for the transfer in a month. A lot of the people that buy the games when they first come out, play the first month, and then never subscribe will be gone and some will have reached end game and start playing at a more casual level. Both should drop the queue time. People that are paying for the game need a fix now, not a month from now when there might not be a need.
WoW in its first months had lots of problems Blizzard was wise enough to offer free game time as compensation . Ncsoft would do well to learn from them . They either do the right thing now and have good PR or the game and Ncsoft get a bad reputation . Aions a great game but people are going back to thier previous mmo simply because of the ques . People arn t happy and i hate to say it Aion is starting to get a bad rep . It ll be a shame to see such a good game lose potential long term players because they dont realise a little goodwill goes a long way but thats what will happen . This does nt go anywhere near far enough .
Your 1000% right and you know what NCsoft WON'T do that.I have been in email after email with the gms of Aion about the non stop gold spam(craziest I have ever seen in a mmog period) It literally covers the enter chat screen till you can get some of em on block then 10 mins later they are logged onto new chars doin same crap.head start plus 2+ weeks of retail has been 1+ hour server queue times.And they really think I give a damn about a free transfer? No I want my playtime back that was including with the game when I purchased it.But no NCSOFT is pulling a funcom cash grab and will pay for it over time in 2-3 months will be laughing when the numbers have dropped and they are beggin former players to come back and try the game again.This is why WoW still has the numbers it does 5 years after release is blizzard actually has good customer support.
People really need to calm down. The game has barely been out 3 weeks and people are acting like it needs to perfect. If you just wait all the problems will be ironed out I'm sure. But if you need to complain about know issues then at least do it on their website. Ncsoft has provided info on the sit, twitter, and other fansites. These issues don't go away over night. As long as I see issued being addressed and handled then I'm happy.
And for the love of all that is good please stop mentioning how WOW has it right and is soo perfect! I would hope so after 5 years, tons of patches and 2 expansions. Wow had many problems at first and still have ques some days. They still have goldspammers and bots as well. The only reason people see the gold spammer problem in Aion so bad is becasue they have a general chat that is worldwide. For being out 3 weeks I think NCsoft has done a great job. Crying about Ncsoft not fixing everything that is wrong in the game in 3wks is like crying about your baby not walking at 2 months. Get a grip on reality.
I m not expecting the game to be 100 percent perfect i m just suggesting Ncsoft do the right thing by the people that have brought thier product . The ques suggest they underestimated the number of servers needed . I can understand that its not easy and mistakes will be made at the start of any game . But if they wish to retain the people that have given up trying to get into a server and gone back to WoW ( for the most part ) they need to offer some sort of compensation in the way of extra free game time to make up for the 30 days a lot of people have lost . In the short term they will lose a months subs but if they dont do it they will lose possibly millions of potential players and eventually 100s of millions of dollars of future earnings . Its not just common sence its good buisness practice . If they dont do it and only end up with 300 thousand players in the west as opposed to 2-3 million they only have thierselves to blame .