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And people are really complaining about the "Grind" or not being MAX Level... Wow... I can't wait for you to not resub so I can enjoy a game that removed some of the easy mode to actually make most aspects pretty challenging. When you get to 25 and enter the Abyss theres groups of lvl 40's waiting to gank your forum trolling asses and give you something new to whine about.
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"
two things
#1 your text is really hard to read.
#2 I don't see the point of this post at all, you are Q.Qing about people Q.Qing? yep.... all I see is more crying.
The amazing thing is a lot of them aren't subbed to begin with but insist on still posting about this game. You just have to look at it like the gold spammers. Give it about two months and it'll die down. Until then...what can I say...
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
I gave it two weeks. I already am bored with the game and am coming to loath it completely.
All the flaws I talked about before launch have been amplified and confirmed after playing it for way too many hours the last two weeks. The game will be a niche title in less than six months, with subscription drop off after month two to rival AoC or WAR.
The entire game design is a confluence of bad design decisions that come together to make a game that few will find enjoyable as time goes on. It's almost as if the game was engineered to draw people in, then spit them out until there are few people left.
There will need to be server mergers, which may seem ludicrous with the recent queue times, but the drop off will be fast and furious.
There are many, many flaws, but for me the biggest one remains world design. The main world is too linear and far too small. The Abyss is horrible, feels like a total "theme park" and is a very poor implementation of a cool concept.
The character design is awesome. The class design is solid. Great armor and weapons. Great mob design. Decent enough game engine, sound, music, etc... They just failed on over all game concept and world design. What a waste of potential.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated

Replying to a thread with nothing constructive to say yet instead relegating your words to assault the OP's intentions through you're independently conceived notions of who,what,why,when,where, and how which have no valid premise yet merely come off as slander of even theory or whats taken place... followed by replying to a reply matching the audacity of the one of presented in the same manner and tone displaying a mirror effect of your own actions that you then indicate as trolling following your troll post.... is hypocrisy
Edit: I like MMO's in general, no certain game is the best to me, I never played WoW... never will but I respect it caters entertainment to 12 million people. I can play any MMO (Pretty-Much) and find a pleasant aspect to it. I am not like you or the other one track minded people who can only like one thing at a time or have one idea of whats good.
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"

I agree with you on the main world observation but completely disagree on the Abyss. I rather enjoy the setup there and have been having fun getting into more and more PvP action.
The biggest flaw of this game to me is that you have to wait 25 levels to even get into the action. Up until then, besides rifting whivh can be fun, you do have to endure the PvE side of things which is rather linear and while not bad isn't really anything special either.
I still say unless The Abyss falls to pieces that this game can do rather well with the PvP crowd. I still say it will have higher numbers in the long run than the two games you mentionned but of course it will never have the subs of WoW.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
It really isn't a grind, not if you actually want to work for something ... and then you hit the Abyss, where your little pixels can fight someone else's little pixels and validate your life (if you win) ... wow
Your "intentions" are clear as day sir.
Don't try to hide behind a hastily constructed defense, you sir are trolling people, blatantly attacking people and saying "I hope you get ganked."
So I don't see where you think you can take the moral high road, you already sunk as low as you can.
Edit: Your comment "I've never played WoW never will."
Proves to me that you don't make an opinion yourself, you just let everyone else lead you to one. If you are SO against WoW without having any information or experience on it then clearly you cannot form a valid opinion yourself, you are only here to incite people.
Assuming that others have a "one track mind" is also folly. Stop making an ass out of you and me.
Some people are angry... a game in which they can't reach the level cap in 2 weeks of 24/7 playing.
For these people that only seek levels before playing the rest of the game as if the game magically starts only at the level cap, it is the ultimate frustration... for me, the game started at level 1.
Unless there is some "Anti Gold Spam Shield I" passive skill that you get at 50, then I'll agree on the need to rush to 50 as if anything before it is a "waste of time" (yes, just used this term while talking about a virtual game).
They announced server transfers will be available next month. If you think AION will be the next AoC/War then you fail. It will not it offers a far more solid experience than either of those at launch. Much like myself most of those players are busy playing... not coming to the forums... this is my first trip to MMORPG forums in some time I stop in once in a while as I have for 6 years.
Everything you said WOULD be true if you put the amazing "IMO" in there. Instead you displayed your opinion as fact or the opinion of everyone which is most certainly is not. All MMO's are a THEME PARK... it's simply how you look at it. All mmo's cater to a certain playerbase... People cried I WANT CHANGE! Darkfall came out and it failed... That Chronicles of Spellborn.,.. failed and pretty much every mmo since eq2 and wow failed if you listened to people on the forums. Yet each of you have a game in mind that isn't fail even if someone else on the interweb forums says it does.
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"

They announced server transfers will be available next month. If you think AION will be the next AoC/War then you fail. It will not it offers a far more solid experience than either of those at launch. Much like myself most of those players are busy playing... not coming to the forums... this is my first trip to MMORPG forums in some time I stop in once in a while as I have for 6 years.
Everything you said WOULD be true if you put the amazing "IMO" in there. Instead you displayed your opinion as fact or the opinion of everyone which is most certainly is not. All MMO's are a THEME PARK... it's simply how you look at it. All mmo's cater to a certain playerbase... People cried I WANT CHANGE! Darkfall came out and it failed... That Chronicles of Spellborn.,.. failed and pretty much every mmo since eq2 and wow failed if you listened to people on the forums. Yet each of you have a game in mind that isn't fail even if someone else on the interweb forums says it does.
your statement
"Everything you said WOULD be true if you put the amazing "IMO" in there"
is plain nonsense as its obvouis that it is his opinion.
who's else opinion do you think he utters?
They announced server transfers will be available next month. If you think AION will be the next AoC/War then you fail. It will not it offers a far more solid experience than either of those at launch. Much like myself most of those players are busy playing... not coming to the forums... this is my first trip to MMORPG forums in some time I stop in once in a while as I have for 6 years.
Everything you said WOULD be true if you put the amazing "IMO" in there. Instead you displayed your opinion as fact or the opinion of everyone which is most certainly is not. All MMO's are a THEME PARK... it's simply how you look at it. All mmo's cater to a certain playerbase... People cried I WANT CHANGE! Darkfall came out and it failed... That Chronicles of Spellborn.,.. failed and pretty much every mmo since eq2 and wow failed if you listened to people on the forums. Yet each of you have a game in mind that isn't fail even if someone else on the interweb forums says it does.
Stop fucking saying FAIL .. do you r0xx0r 7337 pwnage?
Your "intentions" are clear as day sir.
Don't try to hide behind a hastily constructed defense, you sir are trolling people, blatantly attacking people and saying "I hope you get ganked."
So I don't see where you think you can take the moral high road, you already sunk as low as you can.
Edit: Your comment "I've never played WoW never will."
Proves to me that you don't make an opinion yourself, you just let everyone else lead you to one. If you are SO against WoW without having any information or experience on it then clearly you cannot form a valid opinion yourself, you are only here to incite people.
Assuming that others have a "one track mind" is also folly. Stop making an ass out of you and me.
I do not understand where you're coming from on this reply. I openly stated I can't wait until you do not re-sub??? So when they hit 25 and 40's are ganking them they will cry more and quit faster! I'm not hiding my feelings at all. I'm not trolling other peoples threads I have my own. You though are trolling my thread with your opinions, opinions that have no merit and no basis to stand on. You're just doing the the nit picking thing
Here you said "The" what exactly do you mean with this word "The"
I'm sorry you confused yourself during your adventure in my thread but I'll work with you here and try to get you back on track. You assume me and my lack of participation in WoW has to do with other peoples opinion? I mean do you read what you say before you say it? Seriously? I live on an Army base... even with all of my Jock, Body Building, Partying friends here half of them know what WoW is or played it at some point in their life. I can walk next door right now and check WoW out from an Enthusiast who has several lvl 80's characters. Trust me ... random internet prophet I hear mostly good things and persuasive tactics to get me to play. It's all my perception of the game why I will not partake.
So explain how do you not have a one track mind?
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"

They announced server transfers will be available next month. If you think AION will be the next AoC/War then you fail. It will not it offers a far more solid experience than either of those at launch. Much like myself most of those players are busy playing... not coming to the forums... this is my first trip to MMORPG forums in some time I stop in once in a while as I have for 6 years.
Everything you said WOULD be true if you put the amazing "IMO" in there. Instead you displayed your opinion as fact or the opinion of everyone which is most certainly is not. All MMO's are a THEME PARK... it's simply how you look at it. All mmo's cater to a certain playerbase... People cried I WANT CHANGE! Darkfall came out and it failed... That Chronicles of Spellborn.,.. failed and pretty much every mmo since eq2 and wow failed if you listened to people on the forums. Yet each of you have a game in mind that isn't fail even if someone else on the interweb forums says it does.
Stop fucking saying FAIL .. do you r0xx0r 7337 pwnage?
You're lack of coherent intellectual thought and method of advertising your dismal existence striving for attention on the internet(Breeding anarchy since 1977) upsets those who bred you... Obviously I was mocking the fail threads which take up every game on the forums. Have a good day and thanks for trolling my thread.
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"

They announced server transfers will be available next month. If you think AION will be the next AoC/War then you fail. It will not it offers a far more solid experience than either of those at launch. Much like myself most of those players are busy playing... not coming to the forums... this is my first trip to MMORPG forums in some time I stop in once in a while as I have for 6 years.
Everything you said WOULD be true if you put the amazing "IMO" in there. Instead you displayed your opinion as fact or the opinion of everyone which is most certainly is not. All MMO's are a THEME PARK... it's simply how you look at it. All mmo's cater to a certain playerbase... People cried I WANT CHANGE! Darkfall came out and it failed... That Chronicles of Spellborn.,.. failed and pretty much every mmo since eq2 and wow failed if you listened to people on the forums. Yet each of you have a game in mind that isn't fail even if someone else on the interweb forums says it does.
We'll see who's right on subscription numbers six months from now. I predict at least a 50% drop off, probably worse.
In some areas, Aion is better designed that AoC or WAR. However, in core game and world design, it may just be the worst of the three for fostering long term, enjoyable play.
All MMORPGs fall somewhere closer to Theme Park than Virtual World on that scale. The good ones give the illusion of an immersive world, in spite of the design limitations. Aion is OK as far as presentation goes outside the Abyss (although the world is still far too small).
With in the Abyss, however, it's completely Theme Park. About as far to that end of the spectrum as you can get. The mobs are all arranged in their neat little pockets. This little spot for Skeletons, that little spot for Plumas, over here is the Ghostly Warrior exhibit, over there the Aether Worms. A huge step back in MMORPG world design, IMO.
BTW, since you seem to also have so much time to post on the forums, one has to ask why you find this more compelling than actually playing the game? I've been too busy playing to post here for the last two weeks myself. Now that I'm looking at the game and seeing a waste of time lacking in fun, I have time to share a few thoughts before moving onto something else...
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated

What? One of the biggest grievances most had with those two games were the core designs of those two games. AoC might salvage itself because from my understandting they've reworked the core mechanics of the game so it might actually make it by but I haven't seen much done with Warhammer besides limiting what can be done in PvP affairs to try and limit the amount of lag and server crashes people were experiencing.
As to why some are posting here rather than playing, he could always be posting at work. Know that's what I do.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
I know you are using big words to sound smart, but in this post b4 your edit, this is one big run-on sentence. Tighten up on the punctuation! Anyone with a natural vocabulary like yours would and least use a period.
ps You can deliver your point with the same punch, if you put the thesaurus down.
The gold spam is killing me.
Read a thread about them dealing with it. Logged in today and was assailed by it.
I really enjoy the game, but the spam is to the point of distraction for me. (I don't enjoy spending my first few minutes logged in /blocking gold spammers then going /anon)
Plus, I have yet to figure out how to keep my graphics adjustments to stay adjusted. They seem to reset when I log off and then log back on later.
Though I do like the game and the leveling pace is comfortable for me.
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I know you are using big words to sound smart, but in this post b4 your edit, this is one big run-on sentence. Tighten up on the punctuation! Anyone with a natural vocabulary like yours would and least use a period.
ps You can deliver your point with the same punch, if you put the thesaurus down.
I don't consider any words I use big nor I do I pick them as intelligent as opposed to differs from the norm of slang ebonics and ignorant dumb-ass speak. This is a forum, this forum does not pay me for my thoughts so I will not take the time to revision what I say. If you're looking for quality reading material... get a book. If you want bad punctiation go to forums. Secondly I do not need a dictionary... or thesaurus to know basic knowledge words. I'm sorry your educational provider has failed you to the point you think these basic and common words are "Smart".
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"

Anyone with a genuine desire to communicate with others likes it. Since you've made it very clear in this thread that you have no real desire to interact with others in a positive manner, it's understandable that you cannot see any reason to change the text color.
- RPG Quiz - can you get all 25 right?
- FPS Quiz - how well do you know your shooters?
I know you are using big words to sound smart, but in this post b4 your edit, this is one big run-on sentence. Tighten up on the punctuation! Anyone with a natural vocabulary like yours would and least use a period.
ps You can deliver your point with the same punch, if you put the thesaurus down.
Actually there arent any big or complicated words in that convoluted mess of a paragraph. All he's done is strung out a pretty ordinary sentence by padding it out with extra descriptive words. He's not attempting to come across as being clever either. He's just rambling for the sake of it. In case no-one has gathered he is thriving off of the interaction. There is nothing neccessarily wrong with that. He's just bored thats all.
I dunno I thought it was explaining exactly what I wanted it to. None the less w/e can't win em all even the US presidents are split decisions.
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"

You guys have to read the OP's posts. The first person, that i have heard of, that has played ALL MMO's.
Funny read check it out...
Grind = lack of content
Dont fool yourself.
Hows this funny? With trials or open betas or even fileplanet beta give aways it's easier than ever to check out each and every MMO. You act like it's impossible or most of this community hasnt played most US released MMO's. Jeez don't be so amazed by common things it's like console games... I bet most of you have played triple the amount of console games I have I dont find that hard to believe with and other game passes that offer unlimited titles for a small monthly fee.
Never played a MMO where I didn't grind millions... possibly billions of mobs before hitting max level. Whether I do this for quests or do it for mob specific grind for XP it's a part of every Level or Skill-Based MMO. Don't fool yourself.
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"

There are many serious flaws in the core game design.
The most serious is the way in which the game experience completely changes the further behind the leveling curve you are. I was lucky to stay near the leading edge of that curve for most of the first two weeks and was able to enjoy the Abyss. Already it's a very different experience for those just now entering the Abyss, for whom constant ganking by higher level parties is a common occurrence. This will get worse with each passing day, presenting a large barrier to trailing or new characters. Eventually, the Abyss content will be inaccessible to anyone who isn't at least level 45 and traveling in a full group. That's a serious design flaw.
Why do you think the game has people playing more hours on average than in other MMORPG releases? It's not because the game is so fun, it's because people understand if they don't stay ahead of the curve, they will be toast.
Everything in the core game design and world design is exponentially weighted in favor of power levelers who stay ahead of the curve. You even get additional bonuses beyond stats and equipment for every level higher than an opponent you are, for mitigation and resistances. As someone who enjoys balanced PvP and has never been a fan of unfair griefing, this has actually made the game less enjoyable for me, because lower level characters are too easy to kill to present any fun or challenge.
The game seems to be designed around catering to the top 5% of players, at the detriment and exclusion of everyone else. That's a more serious design flaw than anything in WAR or AoC.
World design is at least as flawed as WAR. Small world size is at least as big an issue as it is in AoC.
The game economy is also horribly broken, with the amount of money you earn increasing exponentially with each level. Pricing is already geared towards wealthy players looking to level alts. New players or those at lower levels can't afford level appropriate items sold by other players. This has also provided a perfect environment for gold sellers.
I could go on. Extremely flawed in too many ways. Expect interest in the game to drop off a cliff in the near future. Once again, a shame, because a lot of the little things are great, only to be ruined by the larger game design.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated