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Microtransactions and item store...really?

Theres a rumor going around that in the ToS agreement wording is there for this kind of crap.  Does it mean they are going to have this?  I hope not. 



  • demarc01demarc01 Member UncommonPosts: 429

    Bad poll dude.

    Your not being very specific at all. Change your poll to reflect the true options and I'll vote. For example =

    "There may be an item store in SW:TOR, which of these model's would you support over the others:

    1 - Items store and Monthly Sub.

    2- Item store OR Monthly Sub options.

    3- Item store only (A F2P model)

    4- Monthly Sub only.

    5- None of the above I hate SW

    6- None of the above I hate Bioware.

    Add comments as you see fit."



    (and if you dont get the edit joke go read EVE forums :p )

  • neoterrarneoterrar Member Posts: 512

    I'm here to express my ire and indignation about something I know next to nothing about, where do I sign up?

  • Sain34Sain34 Member UncommonPosts: 293

    It really all depends on what is available through the item store. If the most powerfull items in the game are only obtainable through the item store then its going to suck just like every other game where you can buy power. However, if the game is micro trans with fluffy stuff in the item store it could rock socks.


  • demarc01demarc01 Member UncommonPosts: 429
    Originally posted by neoterrar

    I'm here to express my ire and indignation about something I know next to nothing about, where do I sign up?


    Welcome to MMORPG.COM.

    You already signed up .. feel free to post opinionated shit about things you really have no clue on anywhere .. we dont judge ! (much)

  • apocalanceapocalance Member UncommonPosts: 1,073

    Originally posted by neoterrar
    I'm here to express my ire and indignation about something I know next to nothing about, where do I sign up?


  • RoosterNashRoosterNash Member Posts: 283
    Originally posted by demarc01

    Bad poll dude.
    Your not being very specific at all. Change your poll to reflect the true options and I'll vote. For example =
    "There may be an item store in SW:TOR, which of these model's would you support over the others:
    1 - Items store and Monthly Sub.
    2- Item store OR Monthly Sub options.
    3- Item store only (A F2P model)
    4- Monthly Sub only.
    5- None of the above I hate SW
    6- None of the above I hate Bioware.
    Add comments as you see fit."
    (and if you dont get the edit joke go read EVE forums :p )


    Well said.

    And I'd prefer to have 3 or 4. 3 would  depend on restriction base. Any dev that incorporates MTs should give a level or skill (if it's skill-based) restriction for any item that can be crafted, worn, or in anyway contribute to a player's performance. To me, this seems like common sense, so I don't know why it's so hard for MT MMOs to see.

    I think - whatever the case - BioWare will do what they ultimately feel will enable the game to grow and function successfully. I'm being Captain Obvious now, but some people need to hear this absolute.

    THE Rooster Nash

  • NaryathNaryath Member UncommonPosts: 26
    Originally posted by Sain34

    It really all depends on what is available through the item store. If the most powerfull items in the game are only obtainable through the item store then its going to suck just like every other game where you can buy power. However, if the game is micro trans with fluffy stuff in the item store it could rock socks.


    What he said.

  • Xodus316Xodus316 Member Posts: 12

    Every modern mmo has MT. I don't really see the issue.

  • HarabeckHarabeck Member Posts: 616
    Originally posted by Xodus316

    Every modern mmo has MT. I don't really see the issue.

    Not true at all. There are tons of games with no MT, what are you thinking?

  • SwaneaSwanea Member UncommonPosts: 2,401

    As was said to me, Every MMO has this in their TOS.

    Also, they very well could have a normal monthly fee, OR the choice to pay for things in MT, which is used to buy points.

    I don't doubt for a second they won't have points that can be used for race changes, server changes, name changes, and the like.

  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,521

    you guys, what if the points are just factional points you can use to buy stuff?  relax.

    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • AdigironAdigiron Member Posts: 83
    Originally posted by Harabeck

    Originally posted by Xodus316

    Every modern mmo has MT. I don't really see the issue.

    Not true at all. There are tons of games with no MT, what are you thinking?


    first thing that pops into my mind is that he is hinting at the usage of online auction/sale sites.

  • BaronJuJuBaronJuJu Member UncommonPosts: 1,832
    Originally posted by tillamook

    you guys, what if the points are just factional points you can use to buy stuff?  relax.


    NO NO NO

    They must take everything said/written and embelish it to the worst possible conclusions!!!!!!!!






    "If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"

  • greed0104greed0104 Member Posts: 2,134
    Originally posted by BaronJuJu

    Originally posted by tillamook

    you guys, what if the points are just factional points you can use to buy stuff?  relax.


    NO NO NO

    They must take everything said/written and embelish it to the worst possible conclusions!!!!!!!!


    I agree people should not stop having interest in the game now. People need to acknowledge this is still a rumor. It has not been confirmed or denied. BioWare is still considering all payment methods, RMT included. It's fine to give an opinion on what you think of RMTs. But don't stop following/interests in the game just yet. Wait and see what system they have to offer, then you can make your choice.

  • SwteaSwtea Member Posts: 12

    I think that an item store wouldn't do anything for the game except make people with lined pockets invincible, that is unless they use "Fluff" like special lightsaber hilts or colors that wouldn't change any stats. The Exiles Alliance SWTOR guild

  • dmcgdmcg Member Posts: 87

    I hope its just a rumor and not true otherwise I just lost any interest in playing like alot of people who arent into micro transactions

  • MoiraeMoirae Member RarePosts: 3,318

    Its not like it would be a surprise. Its incredibly aggravating, but the kids are usually just fine with it, and since they're the majority of gamers, its what many games offer now because no one stops them from doing it. Even regular games like The Sims 3 are offering it now.

  • mrroboto40mrroboto40 Member UncommonPosts: 657

    No poll coming from this forum could ever represent the MMO player population.


  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,521
    Originally posted by Moirae

    Its not like it would be a surprise. Its incredibly aggravating, but the kids are usually just fine with it, and since they're the majority of gamers, its what many games offer now because no one stops them from doing it. Even regular games like The Sims 3 are offering it now.


    Actually the majority of gamers are 20-35, if that's a kid well then you must be really an old fart and fibbing about you age.

    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • BenjolaBenjola Member UncommonPosts: 843

    Cash shops only comes from greed and it's only implemented in games that even their devs know it sux so they try to milk it as long as they can.

    Good MMO makes millions.

    No need to be dumb enough to put cash shops for extra money, because you are aknowledging that you dont believe your game will be popular.

    Just dont suck at the dev process, make a good game and more money than you can ever spend will come your way.

    So, when you see a cash shop on top of monthly sub in a game... you spotted a fail game.

    I doubt Bioware will be that dumb, but I wont be supprised if we see cash shop.

    This game always smelled like a failure, Bioware or not.

    I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.

  • thaniththanith Member Posts: 144
    Originally posted by Xodus316

    Every modern mmo has MT. I don't really see the issue.


    1. this is not true.
    2. i will never buy a microtransaction game and would therefore say goodbye to SWTOR.


  • ElwalpoElwalpo Member Posts: 23

    i would still buy SWTOR if the microtransaction is done RIGHT by pay for items in the ingame store or get the same items later as a grind ingame either way you get the same item.  If it has the subscription included or not, it needs to be done right and fair.

    played: EQOA,EQ1, EQ2, SWG, DAOC, FFXI, GW, WoW, Eve, Vanguard, COH/COV, Pirates of Burning Sea, Pirates of the Carribean, Freerealms, AOC, Warhammer, UO, Secondlife (LMFAO), The Matrix Online.
    Waiting for: SWTOR, STO

  • StellosStellos Member UncommonPosts: 1,491

    C'mon this is complete rubbish.  But for the record, NO I would not play a game with microtransactions and item stores because they are 3rd rate MMOs.  Please keep this garbage out of here.

  • beladanbeladan Member Posts: 15

    Good news. Love microtransactions!

  • IhmoteppIhmotepp Member Posts: 14,495

    Microtransaction to pay for moving a character to a different server? Sure, no problem. If you can buy any items that are weapons, armor, or power ups that enhance xp, hit points, stats, no way won't even try it.


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