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Why Play Aion Instead of EQ2?



  • ErindalErindal Member UncommonPosts: 54


    It does not mean that you can experience anything separately. Made for both means that you will experience both.

    However I do like to watch how peoples fight each other and claim that their words are true only because they want it to be true.

    Forums made to share experience mostly... But I still can't get what kind of experience you are sharing right now just because only few of you guys have actually played this game I am sure.

    And the answer to OP would be: If you want to get your own experience - just try it. $50 Is not a big deal.

  • metalhead980metalhead980 Member Posts: 2,658


    This is my last post in this thread since I feel I already gave my two cents to the OP. If a game has forced pvp at all it's a pvp game.

    Can I pve without dealing with pvp players? no.

    End of story.


    Edit: A pvp focused game still has pve, noone said otherwise. Problem is if you dont like pvp you wont like Aions pve since pvp is involved or forced on you. The quoted poster has yet to say you  can pve without pvp interuption.

    I'm sure anyone would agree.

    PLaying: EvE, Ryzom

    Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum

  • DeathstinyDeathstiny Member Posts: 386


    one word:


  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    As long as a game puts a heavy emphasis on PVE play as well, it's a PVE game as well. Adding PVP do a game does not make the PVE part suddenly non existant or less important.

  • thaniththanith Member Posts: 144


    @metalhead: i told you he wants to have the last word in EVERY thread in EVERY forum *laughs*




  • laikolaiko Member Posts: 25

    If a game has PvE content and also PvP content, you can not describe the game solely one or the other. Though, there are some games that are like 95% PvP with 5% PvE which is Rakion. Nevertheless Aion from what I've seen is both PvE and PvP oriented. One thing is for sure that saying Aion is pvp only is ridiculous, its not Gunz Online or any other game involving pure pvp.

  • ozrialozrial Member Posts: 50
    Originally posted by Erindal 
    And the answer to OP would be: If you want to get your own experience - just try it. $50 Is not a big deal.

    This is sad proof of how twisted off these threads get... the OP stated he was already playing it in his original post. 

    To quote:"I've been playing Aion for about a week now."

    My two cents: unless you want to run into this kinda BS in game (petty squabbling over terminology), play EQ2 where you are less likely to run into as many kiddies.



  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945
    Originally posted by Ilvaldyr

    He's got a point, you are kinda becoming the Zorndorf of Aion.
    To say that a game is built for both PvE and PvP implies that the player can experience them separately. Now, I haven't played Aion to high levels yet, so I'll ask the question .. can I PvE at high levels and never have to be subjected to PvP?
    If the answer is yes, then you're right .. it's a PvE and PvP game.

    If the answer is no, then you're wrong .. it's not a PvE game; it's PvPvE.


    I think gameloading is right that aion is a pve and pvp game combined.  Everyone else is putting in some unspoken qualifications that pve means you have some complete and absolute haven from another aspect of gameplay [in this case pvp].

    People seem to be selectively applying logic to what makes pve or pvp and trying to force aion into some predefined classification of either PVE or PVP game, when it is actually a blend of both.  So you cannot avoid the pvp part of Aion and the conclusion is that somehow makes it a PvP game.  When at the same time you cannot avoid the PvE portion of the game either, but somehow that doesn't make it a PvE game? 

    Aion is both pve and pvp.  It is not a pure pve or pure pvp game, it is a combination of both. 


  • laikolaiko Member Posts: 25
    Originally posted by Daffid011

    Originally posted by Ilvaldyr

    He's got a point, you are kinda becoming the Zorndorf of Aion.
    To say that a game is built for both PvE and PvP implies that the player can experience them separately. Now, I haven't played Aion to high levels yet, so I'll ask the question .. can I PvE at high levels and never have to be subjected to PvP?
    If the answer is yes, then you're right .. it's a PvE and PvP game.

    If the answer is no, then you're wrong .. it's not a PvE game; it's PvPvE.


    I think gameloading is right that aion is a pve and pvp game combined.  Everyone else is putting in some unspoken qualifications that pve means you have some complete and absolute haven from another aspect of gameplay [in this case pvp].

    People seem to be selectively applying logic to what makes pve or pvp and trying to force aion into some predefined classification of either PVE or PVP game, when it is actually a blend of both.  So you cannot avoid the pvp part of Aion and the conclusion is that somehow makes it a PvP game.  When at the same time you cannot avoid the PvE portion of the game either, but somehow that doesn't make it a PvE game? 

    Aion is both pve and pvp.  It is not a pure pve or pure pvp game, it is a combination of both. 



    Daffid said it all and hopefully this answers the Ops question

  • NetzokoNetzoko Member Posts: 1,271

    EQ2 has better PvE than Aion, and theres dozens of other games with better PvP than Aion.

    So in the end Aion doesn't hold itself as king of anything at all. It has no strongpoint... just a pure cookie cutter mmorpg.


  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,656

    For your next question how about:

    "Why play chalk instead of chesse?"

  • DawnsingerDawnsinger Member Posts: 212

    This Gameloading guy seems really slow.
    The Best New Sandbox Game Out There.

  • EthianEthian Member Posts: 1,216
    Originally posted by nonjonron

    That is the question I am asking myself today.   I've been playing Aion for about a week now.  Its a good game so far.
    That said, I have played EQ2 on and off over the years.  It is a very polished game at this point with loads of content.  I've played on the PvP server.
    With the exception of flying, I don't see a huge difference between the game play in Aion and EQ2.  Granted, Aion is faster - you are always moving.  But EQ2 is quite deep.  The spell options and character advancement options in EQ2 are enormous.  Both have great graphics (EQ2 graphics are very good).
    I will keep playing Aion for at least a month or 2.  Anyone else played both games?  Thoughts?


    Firstly, Aion is a brand new MMO. Don't even waste your time comparing the two. If you want loads of content EQ2 is your best choice. If you want the new MMO feeling, Aion is your best choice.

    IMO Aion is the best online game out right now. Not because its packed full of content and has crazy insane pvp but because I enjoy the lore, gameplay, and look of the game. If you like a game play it, if you don't try something else. Pretty simple rule I go by LOL.


    Good Luck!!

    "I play Tera for the gameplay"

  • EthianEthian Member Posts: 1,216
    Originally posted by metalhead980

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Originally posted by metalhead980

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Originally posted by metalhead980

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Originally posted by nonjonron

    That is the question I am asking myself today.   I've been playing Aion for about a week now.  Its a good game so far.
    That said, I have played EQ2 on and off over the years.  It is a very polished game at this point with loads of content.  I've played on the PvP server.
    With the exception of flying, I don't see a huge difference between the game play in Aion and EQ2.  Granted, Aion is faster - you are always moving.  But EQ2 is quite deep.  The spell options and character advancement options in EQ2 are enormous.  Both have great graphics (EQ2 graphics are very good).
    I will keep playing Aion for at least a month or 2.  Anyone else played both games?  Thoughts?


    It seems that some people have the misconception that Aion is a PVP game. It's not

    Aion is a game that puts a heavy focus on both PVE and PVP and the game is designed as such. Everquest 2 on the other hand, PVP is just an afterthought.

    Any game with forced pvp is a pvp game.

    If you want to relax and not have to deal with pvpers play EQ2, Aion doesn't have a  non pvp server since the whole game revolves around a pvp area and ladder system (again proving its a pvp focused game).

    A pvp game is where the primary objective is player vs player confrontation. That's games like Darkfall and Warhammer, where the PVE is just an afterthought.

    Aion isn't a PVP game in the sense that is its primary focus.

    uh huh.....

    So In Aion I could get the best shit and never deal with rifts, the pvp areas or the ladder system? also I wont be ganked after level twenty doing pve quests if I hate pvp?

    Yeah I thought so.

    Aion = a Pvp game.

    Dont lie to the poor guy, you want him to waste 50 bucks to find out he could be ganked at anytime while innocently leveling in a questing area?


    I'm not lying at all, you're pretending as if Aion's primary focus is PVP hence you said EQ2 for PVE, Aion for PVP.

    Aion is a game that is designed for both pvp and pve play from the ground up. A correct describtion would be EQ2 for PVE, Aion for PVE and PVP.

    THe main focus in Aion is The world pvp through the dedicated zones and Rifts that open up anywhere so the other faction can gank the shit out of questers. Also the game has something called Pvpve basically dungeons that are contested and are forced pvp.

    I don't see how anyone could consider Aion a PVE game at all. Pvp is in everything, this isn;t a bad thing but if you want a total pve experience without pvp interfering you would be better off playing EQ2.

    I know it's hard for you being a Aion player and all to sway anyone toward another game but seriously Aions is anything but a focused pve game.



    Ya I agree. I always ask anyone considering Aion if they like PvP. If their answer is no I tell them not to bother. It takes awhile to level up in Aion so why even bother wasting your time on a game thats has so much PvP content. Your wasting your time and your money.


    If you don't like PvP stay away fro Aion is my opition. If you still decide to play please don't whine and complain about getting ganked....Its going to happen and hopefully its me standing over your dead body.   :-)

    "I play Tera for the gameplay"

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,142
    Originally posted by thanith

    @metalhead: i told you he wants to have the last word in EVERY thread in EVERY forum *laughs*


    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Ofcourse I care enough to quote and respond to the guy, it's not that difficult to do. You're acting as if it takes an enormous amount of effort to respond to a post.

    *mod edit*

    Would I tell a person who hates pvp to Aion? Ofcourse not, because PVP is a big part of the experience. But I wouldn't send a person who is looking for a PVP game to Aion either. The people I would send to a game like Aion are people who are looking for a game that offers both PVE and PVP gameplay.

    I agree with this.

    Listen, I don't always agree with where Gameloading is coming from and sometimes I think he seems like a "young Turk" to me.

    And for those who are not familiar with the expression or who are actually Turkish, here:



    In any case, the one thing that Gameloading has is a good head on his shoulders and he explains his point very well. Whether or not people agree with his postion or not is another thing. I more often than not usually see the logic in what he says. Quite frankly if I was a game designer I would actually ask for his opinion even though I may or may not follow it because it is so well thought out and he sometimes he can see the heart of the matter is a very concise way.

    Having said that, Gameloading is very Right and very Wrong in this postion.

    He is wrong in that the lead designer stated, in no uncertain terms that Aion is a PvE and PVP game and is their attempt to bring equal focus on both.

    He is right in that his above statement is correct in my eyes.

    If I was a pve player and hated pvp, quite frankly I would steer away from Aion. There, I said it. From what I have experienced thus far (lvl 29) the pve is not really very compelling. Oh sure there are some great stories and the world has an interesting backstory but it really is very much a kill x and bring y to z pve experience.

    And yes, LOTRO has this and a lot of it. So does WoW and any number of games. But Aion's would not satisfy a strictly pve person. At least in my opinion.

    The pve does act as a nice diversion from an all out pvp experience. Which many would not want. The game does not work as a strictly pvp game because those who want to do nothing but pvp will not be happy. Heck, even now on the Aionsource forum, there is a post where a player wants to completely remove the npc guard posts in the abyss.

    So I agree with his statement that EQ 2, though a fine game in its own right (but a bit precious for me in some regards) really is not a pvp game. The pvp really was tacked on afterwards. And I would probably steer anyone who wanted a more robust pvp experience toward Aion over EQ 2. conversely I would steer anyone who wanted a more robust pve experience to EQ 2.


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  • bahamut1bahamut1 Member Posts: 614

    Because Aion doesn't charge you extra for items or dungeon access.

    As for as the PvE / PvP thing...

    EQ2 does have better PvE, although it's been out for 5 years. Aion has better PvP than just about every game, depending on your personal tastes of course. They're both high fantasy games with quests and mobs and dungeons (even though your $15 / month does not give you access to all items and dungeons in EQ2). You COULD level to 50 in Aion and never PvP, although you would miss out on a lot of content.

    "Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."

  • drbaltazardrbaltazar Member UncommonPosts: 7,856

     yep eq2 had the edge till today 

    aion received sli supoort from nvidia  today so it should improve those guys by a long shot

    eq2 is still a very good game,but some dont like it because its too gothic 

    very real feel ,but most a lot love the genre

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  • nate1980nate1980 Member UncommonPosts: 2,075
    Originally posted by nonjonron

    That is the question I am asking myself today.   I've been playing Aion for about a week now.  Its a good game so far.
    That said, I have played EQ2 on and off over the years.  It is a very polished game at this point with loads of content.  I've played on the PvP server.
    With the exception of flying, I don't see a huge difference between the game play in Aion and EQ2.  Granted, Aion is faster - you are always moving.  But EQ2 is quite deep.  The spell options and character advancement options in EQ2 are enormous.  Both have great graphics (EQ2 graphics are very good).
    I will keep playing Aion for at least a month or 2.  Anyone else played both games?  Thoughts?


    The only reason to choose a new game over the one you're playing when both games are similar enough, is when you're tired of the old game. It's also better to choose the new game over the old game when you haven't played either yet, because the new game allows you to get in the game while it's still new.

    It sounds to me the OP isn't tired of the old game, so perhaps the OP is just wasting his time in AION? Another thought is there must be some reason you picked up AION in the first place; perhaps boredom of EQ2?

  • tro44_1tro44_1 Member Posts: 1,819
    Originally posted by metalhead980

    If you like more of a pve experience play EQ2 if you like more of a pvp experience play Aion.


    But if we like a Balance of both, Play WoW | RoM


  • MurashuMurashu Member UncommonPosts: 1,386

    If I was a casual player looking for a small group themepark PvE game then EQ2 is a valid option.


    If I was looking for a PvP game with themepark PvE and horrible crafting then Aion is a valid option.


    Since I wanted a good PvP game with indepth crafting and economy without the themepark PvE I decided to give Fallen Earth a try and loving it so far :)

  • catlanacatlana Member Posts: 1,677

    Aion has pretty well thought out PvP setup. The RvR gives PvP a meaning. PvP in Aion is very good. The PvE in Aion is lacking.

    EQ2 has very good pve setup and enviroment. EQ2 has the best crafting system out there as well. Raiding is also alot of fun in EQ2. I simply did not like the graphics of EQ2 very much. 

  • HeallunHeallun Member Posts: 149

    Goddamn children in here, whoever said PVPVE was right, and has been right since beta when the people who made the game announced it.

    Sliced Gaming: What are the key features of Aion that differentiate it from other MMORPGs?

    Lani Blazier: We know players have choices in what to buy and play, so it’s important to us that we offer them game mechanics and experiences that they’re not necessarily going to find in any other MMORPG. Aion features tactical flight, introducing three-dimensional combat as a game mechanic. Tactical flight will change the way players and Legions (Aion’s guilds) think about combat strategies. We’ve combined PvP and PvE—into PvPvE—so players no longer have to commit to one or the other.

    PvPvE allows them to play both while also giving them the option to focus on one over the other. NCsoft has also always been known for its robust character creator systems (City of Heroes, Guild Wars), and we’ve definitely taken character creation to the next level with Aion. Not only can players create a truly distinctive character look, but they can also customize the way they play the game with that character. An example of gameplay customization is the use of Stigma stones. By using different combinations of Stigma stones, players can enhance and change their character’s class so that the character’s abilities are unique.

    The odd part of this quote is "allows" --not an option of PVPVE, because half the fun of ganking is ganking people who don't want to PVP anyway? =D

    On a personal note I do believe the PVE only crowd still  make up the larger market share but according to mmo numbers, Aion is currently the #2 mmo in the world subscribers wise.

    Hopefully it doesn't experience the warhammer drop--no one should ever have to experience the warhammer drop =P (lotta people hired on and fired off in a few months, very sad)


  • BuzWeaverBuzWeaver Member UncommonPosts: 978

    Originally posted by blueturtle13 EQ2 is a far better game than it gets credit for.
    I would have to agree. EQ and EQII have stood the test of time. In hind sight had EQII been released as the design that SOE has developed it into today, it may have brought in more people. Granted it did divide the EQ community and tested the loyalty of players. I returned to the game last year and was really impressed with all the changes. I've not played since this time last year, but the newest GU coming up in the first quarter of next year is really promising and I may return for that.
    As of now I'm kind of looking forward to Evequest Next.

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  • EphimeroEphimero Member Posts: 1,860
    Originally posted by metalhead980

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    You got to love people who actually convinced themselves a game can only be a PVP or a PVE game and not both.


    If someone told you that they hated pvp and loved pve would you point them to Aion knowing of Aions forced pvp?

    Of course not.


    If someone told you that they hated pve and loved pvp would you point them to Aion knowing of Aions forced pve?

    Of course not, unless they wanted to hire someone else to level their chars and wanted to buy gold to get competitive equipment from the very first moment.

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