I don't think these are the official site yet. Nice, after testing CO with Cryptic I am a little skeptical, but I keep my fingers crossed that this will be a good game.
Originally posted by Jangocat I was about to post the exact same comments! The avatars or NPC humans in that screenshot look like graphics from 5 years ago, disappointing....
You must think TOR looks at least 7 years old, then, because as dated as this looks, it looks at least two years better than that.
Favorites: EQ, EVE | Playing: None. Mostly VR and strategy | Anticipating: CU, Pantheon
It should be noted that the ship in the first screenshot is Cheyenne class and was only seen briefly onscreen as a destroyed ship in the famous "starship graveyard" scene in TNG's Best of Both Worlds part 2. It's very neat that they have included such an obscure ship in the game. For more information on the Cheyenne class, see: http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/articles/cheyenne.htm
For the posts about the asteroids, I'm betting it'll be one of those "background" items that you can increase/decrease with a slider bar in the visual options menu.
The space shots are all pretty nice to look at, with the exception that there are too many asteroids in every single screenshot.
The ground stuff looks absolutely atrocious though.
I agree for the most part. I don't think it's the entire ground stuff that looks so bad though. I think it's the avatars themselves. They just seem to be...paper dollish? It's hard to describe. It just seems they have something missing. The ships seem to have more spirit to them than the character avatars for sure.
Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end
For a MMO, it has great graphics in space and on land, given there are better graphics out there in other genres, but MMO wise, I believe (could be wrong) that AoC is the only MMO with heavy duty graphics but they failed at the playability and "fun" department. I'm willing to take a hit in the graphics department for playabiloty and fun.
Also considering that the game isn't officially even in beta, gives a lot of time for more polishing.
I will agree that we need more screenies with less asteroids and more novas, nebulas, stars, or fighting the Crystal Entity (still wondering if they added that as an event )
[Changes chat to] Please make Cardassians playable race.....
I used to visit this site a lot however in recent years it has become the home of negative forum posts, illogical opinions and tantrums so I visit less often.
Played or Beta'd: UO / DAOC / Horizons / EQ2 / DDO / EVE / Archlord / PirateKingsOnline / Tabula Rasa / LOTRO / AOC / Champions / Darkfall / Mortal Online / DCUO / Rift / STO / SWTOR / TSW
It's looking real nice . I like this approach they did, everything looks interesting and vibrant compared to EVE-online which has a more dark and sober look.
Neither TOR nor STO are visually doing anything special, but I think both are fine for what they are. If they don't detract from the game (low fps), and they look at least as good as they do in the screens when released, I'm okay with either I guess.
Originally, I hated the graphics, but I've come to accept them. I'd prefer clean, like I'm seeing here, to crappy "realistic" graphics.
I love how they've depicted the Cheyenne in Star Trek Online (the ship shown on the upper right).
There's this variant I'm really eager to play of that ship which initially appeared in the GamesCon trailer (it's the four-nacelled ship we see at the very end destroying a Borg vessel). Curse.com released new pictures of that particular ship recently.
I don't think these are the official site yet. Nice, after testing CO with Cryptic I am a little skeptical, but I keep my fingers crossed that this will be a good game.
The space shots are all pretty nice to look at, with the exception that there are too many asteroids in every single screenshot.
The ground stuff looks absolutely atrocious though.
After seeing some of that gameplay it makes me feel a lot better, still praying tho.
You must think TOR looks at least 7 years old, then, because as dated as this looks, it looks at least two years better than that.
It should be noted that the ship in the first screenshot is Cheyenne class and was only seen briefly onscreen as a destroyed ship in the famous "starship graveyard" scene in TNG's Best of Both Worlds part 2.
It's very neat that they have included such an obscure ship in the game.
For more information on the Cheyenne class, see:
Nice information Xondar.
For the posts about the asteroids, I'm betting it'll be one of those "background" items that you can increase/decrease with a slider bar in the visual options menu.
I agree for the most part. I don't think it's the entire ground stuff that looks so bad though. I think it's the avatars themselves. They just seem to be...paper dollish? It's hard to describe. It just seems they have something missing. The ships seem to have more spirit to them than the character avatars for sure.
Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end
im starting to prefer the look of Star trek online over star wars:tor
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
Personally these are some really good shots. The Klingon ships look really cool. Looking forward to getting my hands on that game.
I think it looks pretty good,besides if the gameplay is sound I could care less what it looks like.
For a MMO, it has great graphics in space and on land, given there are better graphics out there in other genres, but MMO wise, I believe (could be wrong) that AoC is the only MMO with heavy duty graphics but they failed at the playability and "fun" department. I'm willing to take a hit in the graphics department for playabiloty and fun.
Also considering that the game isn't officially even in beta, gives a lot of time for more polishing.
I will agree that we need more screenies with less asteroids and more novas, nebulas, stars, or fighting the Crystal Entity (still wondering if they added that as an event
Just remember if you see detect a bird of prey it's prob too late
Fingers crossed that I get in the beta
Fingers crossed that I get in the beta
Fingers crossed that I get in the beta
Oh wait! I have a lifetime sub to champions
[Changes chat to] Please make Cardassians playable race.....
I used to visit this site a lot however in recent years it has become the home of negative forum posts, illogical opinions and tantrums so I visit less often.
Played or Beta'd: UO / DAOC / Horizons / EQ2 / DDO / EVE / Archlord / PirateKingsOnline / Tabula Rasa / LOTRO / AOC / Champions / Darkfall / Mortal Online / DCUO / Rift / STO / SWTOR / TSW
if not you can just make them
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
awwwsssoommeeeee. i wish this game was out...
It's looking real nice . I like this approach they did, everything looks interesting and vibrant compared to EVE-online which has a more dark and sober look.
Based on the looks: definitely!
I wish TOR would end this ridiculous "stylized realsim" bollocks. These shots are way better. Still wonder a lot about gameplay of STO, tho.
Neither TOR nor STO are visually doing anything special, but I think both are fine for what they are. If they don't detract from the game (low fps), and they look at least as good as they do in the screens when released, I'm okay with either I guess.
Originally, I hated the graphics, but I've come to accept them. I'd prefer clean, like I'm seeing here, to crappy "realistic" graphics.
I love how they've depicted the Cheyenne in Star Trek Online (the ship shown on the upper right).
There's this variant I'm really eager to play of that ship which initially appeared in the GamesCon trailer (it's the four-nacelled ship we see at the very end destroying a Borg vessel). Curse.com released new pictures of that particular ship recently.