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I'm just wondering....are we gonna have to uninstall the original and reinstall the new or will it update on it's own?? That 'Download New Client' got me thinking about it.
So help me, if you pull a Leeroy Jenkins on us I'll kill you with a rather large and smelly tuna named Kelly!!
I believe it will patch on its own....that would be really painful if it was uninstall then install the new one...I think its a patch
That's what I'm beginning to think. I had to wait for 3 hours to download it, and then another 2 for it to install. It was very annoying XD
I noticed that you have a Requiem banner in your signature. You play it too?
So help me, if you pull a Leeroy Jenkins on us I'll kill you with a rather large and smelly tuna named Kelly!!
Yeah I do at times but on an hiatus..Im waiting for the whole new Requiem game to be complete...I don't wanna play it when its half way through...I believe it is all complete on Sept 22nd and by then Ill be playing again ^^
What do you play as? (assuming that you do also play
Well hopefully it is a patch and i'm going to be lazy and assume it is. If it isn't then the people that know must be keeping quiet to get a head start on the rest of us ;P lol but it sure is going to suck if come tomorrow we all have to wait to download the new client, not to mention how long it will take since it will likely be flooded at that time..
Exactly and right now its up to download (the 2nd chapter game client) for those that are curious but I believe for the ones that already have the first game, it will patch itself up tomorrow when it is release..*crosses fingers*
dude i have a bottle of champagne and my party hat on already to celebrate when it's finally back up! XD (jk, but i will drink some gatorade since that's all I got XD)
So help me, if you pull a Leeroy Jenkins on us I'll kill you with a rather large and smelly tuna named Kelly!!
It will be an update patch.What bothers me,is that there has been quite a few bugs over the year,for them to not utilize a test server is really acting like a second rate developer.However i guess Frogster would be in control of that over here.
What this all means is that there will be more bugs to come in this update ,all because they do not utilize a test server.Then because they do not have a test server,they will have to shut down the servers usually always for 8 hours at a time to fix a couple patches at a time.I am guessing you will see 3 server shut downs in the next week alone.
LOl i just noticed something ,you said "DUDE" that's my saying lol.Are you Canadian or something?eh?
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
so we don't have to download? SWEET!
I agree with you about the bugs. I really hope that it will work with no problem, but knowing Frogster, I know not to get my hopes up.
So help me, if you pull a Leeroy Jenkins on us I'll kill you with a rather large and smelly tuna named Kelly!!
oh yeah, forgot to add, no I'm not Canadian XD I'm a Native American (half)
So help me, if you pull a Leeroy Jenkins on us I'll kill you with a rather large and smelly tuna named Kelly!!
Although the bugs are present, and seemingly at time for a great while, I have NEVER seen another F2P game company pump out patch after patch after pathc to correct known bugs. i mean fo a long while there it was a weekly thing. Furthurmore There are P2P games that have been released for quite some time that still have bugs that arent being fixed. I am very happy with what Runewaker and Frogster are doing with RoM.
<a href=""><img src="" width="440" height="111" /></a>
I think the top five RPG's that I've played that really kept me going are gonna have to be:
So help me, if you pull a Leeroy Jenkins on us I'll kill you with a rather large and smelly tuna named Kelly!!
hey guys, feel free to add me on XFire!
I just got it started again, so it's not as good as I would like it to be, but I'm working on it! XD
So help me, if you pull a Leeroy Jenkins on us I'll kill you with a rather large and smelly tuna named Kelly!!
It's a 5 gig download that does not install over the old client. After installing the new client the launcher shows that it still needs more data to complete and I assume that will patch with the new release.
dam....we gotta download it after all. Guess it'll be an all nighter for me (good thing I'm homeschooled)
So help me, if you pull a Leeroy Jenkins on us I'll kill you with a rather large and smelly tuna named Kelly!!
Mine is updating as we speak.
just to clarify... do we need to uninstall the old client and reinstall the new one?
Long Ago - Dark Age of Camelot, Guild Wars
Now - Aion
Looking Forward To - SW: TOR, GW2, FF14
Will Never Touch Again - WoW
Smashed Hopes - Vanguard
Just start the game and let the loader update itself. Mine is at 54% complete.
Mirrors to new Client guys:
Patched and ready to go....didnt find any manual patch yet :-/
I downloaded the new client just in case the patch had problems. When I started the old client updater it did not load correctly and the update process seemed to be taking a long time. So I stopped the update. Uninstalled and installed the new client. It took about 20 minutes to install and patch and I was all set.
My only problem now is I can't loggin because it says my login info (which I haven't changed) is incorrect. Anyone else seen this?
-Greater Force
IIRC that happens when the login server is down. Not positive though.
IIRC that happens when the login server is down. Not positive though.
men this update is big i got 10mb/sec connection and its very slow been dl for 10 min and im only at 25%
this is book 2 ,wther it will be activated today or not is another question thos since its supposed to be released the 22
wow nice finally done downloading book 2.see ya guys
You ~DO NOT~ need to redownload the client!
I just finished updating my old client through the autopatcher, elf and both new classes are now available. If you already have pre-chp2 runes installed, let the autopatcher do it's thing and you'll be all set.
So anyways just a heads up, you don't need to waste hours of your time redownloading the massive client. Updating only took about 30min, I was also a patch or two behind.
Couple things,
You do not need to download the client, the patcher will do the patch for you to update it to chapter 2. Also for those who did download the new client and can not connect to the server but have not changed your log in info, make sure you downloaded the american client not the european client. My uncle accidently downloaded the wrong client and couldn't log in for that reason. You can either redownload from the US site or change a config file. I do not remember the name of the file though. Sorry
God Bless,