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or is it WAY easier to level to a noob character on the Elyos side? Ive leveled 2 characters to about 15 on each side. It just feels so much easier on the Elyos side. The quests flow alot better and there is alot less running around. The Odella Plantation on the Asmodian side just slows things down a lot. I love the Asmodians, but I think I'll stick to Elyos during beta so I can level characters up faster... Anyone else notice this, or is it just me?
P.S. - This game kicks ass!
Long Ago - Dark Age of Camelot, Guild Wars
Now - Aion
Looking Forward To - SW: TOR, GW2, FF14
Will Never Touch Again - WoW
Smashed Hopes - Vanguard
Did you level Asmodian first? I know the by the third character I leveled everything seemed to go faster
This is on purpose. Your observation is correct. It's part of the lore. Elyos have a fruitful land with raidbosses and such. The Asmos are forced into the abyss in order to find means for survival.
Yes I leveled Asmodians first, then I went to Elyos and it felt like a breeze...
Long Ago - Dark Age of Camelot, Guild Wars
Now - Aion
Looking Forward To - SW: TOR, GW2, FF14
Will Never Touch Again - WoW
Smashed Hopes - Vanguard
I would also mention that I believe the populations also play a role in this perception
A lot more players on Asmodian mean more competition for resources, mobs, etc and slower leveling
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
That's why you can switch channels. If your mob is all killed out, change the system channel you're in and play in a channel where they aren't all dead. Only good up to the abyss though. No channels there.
This is interesting... Can you explain how this would affect things in the end game? Will it still be true there? I've always played "the good side" on games because thats where my friends always go (however this time I'm trying to lead them towards Asmodians).. I'm sick of *Alliance* lol.
Endgame will be a lot more Asmodians in the abyss when they want to raid boss or grind. Resources become scarce in their areas. The Elyos do have more Raid boss in their homeland and don't need to go to the abyss unless another clan killed it etc.
The raidbosses have nice gear of course, but the top gear is from Abyss Points (PvP). So just because Elyos have more raid content (without the need to watch out for PvP), doesn't mean they'll have the better gear. If Asmodians are in the rift more, they'll have the Abyss Point gear... So having the fruitful land is a benefit and a curse.
I think that GoldenDog is crazy.
I find Asmodians easier to level for one thing, but from the experiences of most levelling 1-25 it is slightly faster (several hours play time) to level Elyos.
The difference with Asmodians having a harsh environment has nothing to do with how the endgame will play and is mainly to offer aesthetic and storyline diversity as well as drive animosity between the two factions.
Objectivity is delivered with a lack of personality made for the mainstream but never used for the mainstream.
Endgame will be a lot more Asmodians in the abyss when they want to raid boss or grind. Resources become scarce in their areas. The Elyos do have more Raid boss in their homeland and don't need to go to the abyss unless another clan killed it etc.
The raidbosses have nice gear of course, but the top gear is from Abyss Points (PvP). So just because Elyos have more raid content (without the need to watch out for PvP), doesn't mean they'll have the better gear. If Asmodians are in the rift more, they'll have the Abyss Point gear... So having the fruitful land is a benefit and a curse.
Thanks alot, sounds like a cool dynamic. Asmodian it is ;-)
Could be, I mean theres the chance faction A has more running then faction B as they arnt exact duplicates... that would be lame if they were and really kill the game. I'm actually hoping they add a new starter zone for each side just to give players 2 experiences from 1-10 as opposed to the same each time.
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"

I don't think what he said is really exact.
What I heard from many people back in cb is the elyos have an faster lvling in the early maps but harder later on while asmodans the other way round have a tough startup but gets easier going up.