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My opinion about Aion

grues0megrues0me Member Posts: 23

First of all, i played a lot WoW, as many of us did, but got totally burned out by the content. Waited for WAR, got disappointed by an empty world and uninspired RvR, tried AoC, but except nice graphics there was nothing that could impress for all PvP is pointless in my opinion.

Got a beta key for Aion and all i saw before...nice screenshots, videos, promised a lot.

I have to add that i tried many "free mmorpgs", mostly korean/chinese like Rappelz, LC etc etc. All those games looked the same, skill windows, icons, those popping up numbers, comic style, in combat. Like they were all using some kind of "MMORPG construction kit".

First i was pleasantly surprised seeing the smooth UI, but i couldnt help but wonder if they just put a new graphic overlay over the Lineage/Rappelz UI. Animations also disappointed me a bit. Running with my toon looks a lot like all those asian grinders, walking back animation is a bit....weird on my male char. Also the casters run around strangely with books/orbs in their hands, looks strange.

Music is beautiful i have to admit, while the graphics are so-so. Vanguard has much more detailed graphics for example, some ground textures and the sky just looks washed out, even though i have everything on max.

Quests - as i expected nothing new here. It was heavily annoying to have so many "gathering quests" in the starting zone (Asmo) - "collect x sacks of wheat" etc, since it was naturally very crowded.

Combat feels ok, but not as smooth/dynamic as in other titles. Movement feels a bit clunky but overall its quite ok. I just feel that later on the limited variety in char development will make things pretty boring, since there are no talent trees and all classes are basically carbon copies of the equivalent of the other faction.

Got to level 10 in 4 hours. I feel like playing a bit more, but it wasnt like i was going to order my copy of the game after my first evening playing the game. It feels too much generic right now, just like a pimped Rappelz. Lets see.


  • sa1yamansa1yaman Member Posts: 272

    "not as smooth/dynamic as in other titles. Movement feels a bit clunky" - I always wonder what this means. It's so common complaint about any game other than WoW, but really wft are trying to say?

  • drbaltazardrbaltazar Member UncommonPosts: 7,856

     ya same here its just a over-hyped regular  asian game.

    i tried eq2 hell i dont know how it works yet but when you pass in  branbleshire village al the villager literally watch you pass from the corner of their eye ,im like wtf is this i move a bit you see their eyes movce a bit kind of kreepy.

    and lot of char are voiced over(is an option)but trust me it make the game come alive when you ear all those folks speaking

    and often its just a story (or is it something deeper)

    beats me one thing is sure eq2 impressed me a lot

    eq1 is wow hard core mode no,with a gcard setting replacing all makor graphic tyou get good graphic 

    but no spoon feeding here,in eq1 its very easy to pass in front of something and never know there was something to do there

    but if you ever asked where wow idea came out of .

    play eq1 in my view we re playing vanilla wow 1 .and eq1 is wow 0

    steep learning curves but feel very good once you accomplish anything in eq1


  • vladakovvladakov Member Posts: 710
    Originally posted by sa1yaman

    "not as smooth/dynamic as in other titles. Movement feels a bit clunky" - I always wonder what this means. It's so common complaint about any game other than WoW, but really wft are trying to say?

    he is trying to say Aion didn't live up to it potential, it feels like a pimped up korean grinder


  • HardwareGuyHardwareGuy Member UncommonPosts: 64

    I can see where people are coming from by being critical nowadays.  However, the genre isn't new anymore.  MMO is gonna be an mmo.  If you don't like the way they work now, you probably wont like it later.  

    Look at your favorite MMO and then honestly compare it to Aion or WoW...  you aren't going to get very far.   Aion is the best thing out right now until ToR, just play and have fun until you can switch to something else better imo.

    Playing: Nothing
    Retired:Too many to list.

  • SgtFrogSgtFrog Member Posts: 5,001
    Originally posted by drbaltazar

     ya same here its just a over-hyped regular  asian game.
    i tried eq2 hell i dont know how it works yet but when you pass in  branbleshire village al the villager literally watch you pass from the corner of their eye ,im like wtf is this i move a bit you see their eyes movce a bit kind of kreepy.
    and lot of char are voiced over(is an option)but trust me it make the game come alive when you ear all those folks speaking
    and often its just a story (or is it something deeper)
    beats me one thing is sure eq2 impressed me a lot
    eq1 is wow hard core mode no,with a gcard setting replacing all makor graphic tyou get good graphic 
    but no spoon feeding here,in eq1 its very easy to pass in front of something and never know there was something to do there
    but if you ever asked where wow idea came out of .
    play eq1 in my view we re playing vanilla wow 1 .and eq1 is wow 0
    steep learning curves but feel very good once you accomplish anything in eq1

    You make very little sense, what has this got to do with anything >.>


    March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon

  • ronan32ronan32 Member Posts: 1,418

    get to 25 before giving a review..the game really changes after that point. Most wow players wont stay with Aion because it not  a pve raiding game. Put it this way, if you played wow to level 10 do you think you would be in a place to write a review on the game?

  • darkplessdarkpless Member Posts: 4
    Originally posted by HardwareGuy

       Aion is the best thing out right now until ToR, just play and have fun until you can switch to something else better imo.
    Painfull but so true. Maybe I'll give Lotro another chance with the new expansion.


  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,100
    Originally posted by HardwareGuy

    I can see where people are coming from by being critical nowadays.  However, the genre isn't new anymore.  MMO is gonna be an mmo.  If you don't like the way they work now, you probably wont like it later.  
    Look at your favorite MMO and then honestly compare it to Aion or WoW...  you aren't going to get very far.   Aion is the best thing out right now until ToR, just play and have fun until you can switch to something else better imo.


    People are just burned out on MMO's and don't want to admit it. Simple as that.

    Instead they keep playing WoW (or any other long existing title), because they have a max level char there in wich they invested a lot of time... and start bashing and trolling the new MMO's.

    Trust me! The moment SW:TOR or Guild Wars 2 releases. It will be exactly the same.

    Those 2 games won't bring any new to the table either, when it comes to gameplay mechanics and being level/class based.

    It will be the same quest grind, get new skills, new gear. Rince and repeat.  Just like how today's MMO are.

    The only thing Aion brings new to the table is the flying mechanics in PVP... introducing the XYZ (PVP) gameplay into the Fantasy MMO's.

    And with a Third NPC faction... it might spice up the RvR a bit in the Abyss.

    And who knows. This might be exactly what I needed to have fun in PVP again in an MMO. Or maybe not. And then I'll just move on and happily continue playing EverQuest 2 (still do, always do. Great game).


  • grues0megrues0me Member Posts: 23

    I stated that i played WoW, but its not my holy grail of MMORPGs. Even though it has many flaws it made MMORPGs easily accessible for casuals - kind of making webpages in old days; you had to write them in html code and it was hardcore...when things like "webpage construction kits" or dreamweaver came out, every casual could make a webpage for himself.

    Technically WoW plays smooth as butter, char animation just flows at a fingertip and thats what i want to say. Gameplay wise every MMORPG is identically, pick up this, kill that, target and press skill keys. WoW has a lot of content and variety because its on the market a long time - and thats it.

    AoC tried to be different but did it like some people try to cover hits of the past - they just sing the song different, no matter if it sounds good. Clicking directional keys to attack is as useful as putting an extra handle on my beer mug. Its just *different*.

    I dont say Aion is bad, but it feels and plays a lot like those free games out there.

  • VarknynVarknyn Member UncommonPosts: 19
    Originally posted by drbaltazar

     ya same here its just a over-hyped regular  asian game.
    i tried eq2 hell i dont know how it works yet but when you pass in  branbleshire village al the villager literally watch you pass from the corner of their eye ,im like wtf is this i move a bit you see their eyes movce a bit kind of kreepy.
    and lot of char are voiced over(is an option)but trust me it make the game come alive when you ear all those folks speaking
    and often its just a story (or is it something deeper)
    beats me one thing is sure eq2 impressed me a lot
    eq1 is wow hard core mode no,with a gcard setting replacing all makor graphic tyou get good graphic 
    but no spoon feeding here,in eq1 its very easy to pass in front of something and never know there was something to do there
    but if you ever asked where wow idea came out of .
    play eq1 in my view we re playing vanilla wow 1 .and eq1 is wow 0
    steep learning curves but feel very good once you accomplish anything in eq1


    I'm sorry, but you seem like you could very possibly be a total idiot.

    Anyway, I am so sick of people bashing this game because it first came out in Korea, or people calling it "an over-hyped asian game"

    Again I'm sorry (actually, I'm not) but you people are ignorant and closed minded.

    I can guarantee that if this game was made in the US by an exclusively Western company and played exactly how it does now, NO ONE would be saying anything about this game feeling like a cheap Asian MMO, or that it should be F2P, or any of the other similar garbage some idiots are saying.

    This is an extremely well made and polished game, PERIOD. You may not like it, maybe it's not your cup of tea, but it is on par with any top MMO out right now, and to deny that you're either just plain ignorant, you haven't given it a fair chance, or you came in with unrealistic expectations.

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