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I've spent two days trying to figure out why this game doesn't want to work for me.
I've uninstalled it, reinstalled it, redownloaded it, manually downloaded the patches.
I've been all over their forum trying to look for answers to the problem, until I got to "Game versions don't match, Please try again later", and I'm done.
Fuck this game. If it can't even get me into the game smoothly, then it's not worth my time.
I mean, I've dabbled in Free MMO's before. They've always been some what of a pain when it came to downloading and installing, but this is ridiculous.
I wish I could get back all that time I wasted trying to get this to work.
i downloaded the torrent version and its working fine, are u sure servers arent down?
now: GW2 (11 80s).
Dark Souls 2.
future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord.
"Bro, do your even fractal?"
Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
I did the same thing, I used utorrent and it worked just fine, I've noticed that the game downloader on the website tends to be fked up at times,
try the torrent this time *shrugs*
sorry that its not working out for ya ;(
Could be a corrupted file at one of the mirror locations. I remember RoM being that way back in beta. It's worth a shot to try and redownload from another location.
Tried- L2, Ryzom, WAR, DDO, PWI, Tab Rasa, Requiem, Champs, AA, JD, PWI, SUN, Dawntide
Played- SWG (pre-cu), AoC, VG, WoW, LoTRO,CoX, EQ2, DAOC, GW, PotBS, Aion, MO,APB, NASA, Fallen Earth, DCUO, Rift
Playing- EVE, Black Prophecy, TOR
Waiting for- Tera, Jumpgate Evo, WH40K, WWE, WOD, TSW
"Hey, if Activision liked it, then they should have put a ring on it," Double Fine President Tim Schafer said. "Oh great, now Beyonce is going to sue me too."
Yes it is always not the player's fault when they can't smoothly get into a game. Shit happens.
Requiem is actually a decent game even though it is of a F2P nature, the animation far surpass normal F2P standard, and dare I said it was actually a bit, fun. I tested it out but I could not stay with it since I am a hater of itemshop no matter if the price is good or not. Itemshop is just not my thing even though I can spend money on it.
I recall that there was some user made patcher that worked for me when i had problems with it.
the best way to kill a troll is to FLAME ON! ...or with acid...
I would play requiem if it wasn't a grinder. All this game needs is a good quest system, and some UI improvements and it would be good.