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All hell breaks lose on the Official forums!



  • MalakhonMalakhon Member UncommonPosts: 224
    Originally posted by natuxatu

    Epic fail! Sorry but you should not release such a patch on LAUNCH day.. I mean seriously, what were they thinking. They are going to have enough issues as it is. This should have been done before the headstart... otherwise what was the point of the beta.


    Exactly, they should never patch or tweak the game! We should have PVP matches that last for hours and hours because no one can actually kill anyone else.

    In the 20th level cage match Someone with PPF and Teleport can usually just teleport away once they start taking damage. It was a game of just wearing someone out until they just got bored enough to over-extend themselves/war of attrition.

    It should remain unfixable, after all beta made it perfect.

    (Is today opposite today? if not I mean that they should go ahead and do whatever they need to do to keep the game balanced as long as they make it easy for us to respec once we find out our strategy has been nerfed. This includes writing software and testing it internally)


  • shamus252shamus252 Member UncommonPosts: 226

    I think a nerf was probley needed also I remember in beta in pvp mini games id have around 20 kills every match and 0 deaths with my build.

    Sic semper tyrannis "Democracy broke down, not when the Union
    ceased to be agreeable to all its constituent States, but when it was upheld, like any other Empire, by force of arms."

  • PatchDayPatchDay Member Posts: 1,641

    edit- hm, im ingame and I dunno doesnt seem so bad so far

  • natuxatunatuxatu Member UncommonPosts: 1,364
    Originally posted by Malakhon

    Originally posted by natuxatu

    Epic fail! Sorry but you should not release such a patch on LAUNCH day.. I mean seriously, what were they thinking. They are going to have enough issues as it is. This should have been done before the headstart... otherwise what was the point of the beta.


    Exactly, they should never patch or tweak the game! We should have PVP matches that last for hours and hours because no one can actually kill anyone else.

    In the 20th level cage match Someone with PPF and Teleport can usually just teleport away once they start taking damage. It was a game of just wearing someone out until they just got bored enough to over-extend themselves/war of attrition.

    It should remain unfixable, after all beta made it perfect.

    (Is today opposite today? if not I mean that they should go ahead and do whatever they need to do to keep the game balanced as long as they make it easy for us to respec once we find out our strategy has been nerfed. This includes writing software and testing it internally)



    You missed the main point, big shocker there, about the fact that it should have been released before the game launched. If it wasn't ready then should haven't waited untill this weekend. If the game had matches that went on for hours, obviously that is something huge that should have been fixed long ago.

    The developers on not on their game and they've had failure after failure. But if that's what you like from your MMO.. then enjoy.


  • fiontarfiontar Member UncommonPosts: 3,682

    I had some fun with CO in Open Beta. Fortunately, I played the two days after the official end of OB, when they quietly kept the servers open for further testing. It was clear from the changes they were making that the retail game was not going to play like the OB.

    I canceled my pre-order,figuring I can always check it out again in a few months. Glad I went that route,sounds like things are even worse than my pessimistic predictions.

    The game just was not ready for release and Cryptic seems to have gone out of their way to make OB fun, while intending to nerf the fun at launch.

    Too bad. Yet another MMO with wasted potential.Maybe they will eventually get things right.

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  • DameonkDameonk Member UncommonPosts: 1,914
    Originally posted by fiontar

    Too bad. Yet another MMO with wasted potential.Maybe they will eventually get things right.


    The sad part is they had it right, at least for me, in closed beta a few months back.

    You could take on hoards of henchmen and you actually felt SUPER!

    The un-broken powers worked great in PvE and you really had a sense of being a powerful super hero.

    Then they started balancing the powers for PvP.  That pretty much killed the game for me.

    "There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."

  • xover33xover33 Member Posts: 70

     I played CO for Open Beta, and there were a ton of things I hated about this game, but the biggest thing that bothered me was I thought because I can take out 10 plus mobs at a time that the game would become repetitive and I would burn out of the game way to quick.  

    The nerf did something I think the game needed was prolong the fun factor to people.

    Now people complaining that their Hero doesn't feel super hero enough, you mean to tell me all the travel abilities, super powers, and all the things you get in game is not Hero enough for you.

    Then explain to me how you are supposed to be a lower ring hero from the start yet the higher brass of Champions such as Defender cannot beat a Villain that you can solo at level 5.

    There is something wrong there.  

    Nerf neeeded to happen.

    Is it going to make me want to play the game, Nope. graphics still clunky, combat not smooth, PVP GOD AWFUL, and I still think there is still not enough grouping going on.

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,103
    Originally posted by natuxatu

    Originally posted by Malakhon

    Originally posted by natuxatu

    Epic fail! Sorry but you should not release such a patch on LAUNCH day.. I mean seriously, what were they thinking. They are going to have enough issues as it is. This should have been done before the headstart... otherwise what was the point of the beta.


    Exactly, they should never patch or tweak the game! We should have PVP matches that last for hours and hours because no one can actually kill anyone else.

    In the 20th level cage match Someone with PPF and Teleport can usually just teleport away once they start taking damage. It was a game of just wearing someone out until they just got bored enough to over-extend themselves/war of attrition.

    It should remain unfixable, after all beta made it perfect.

    (Is today opposite today? if not I mean that they should go ahead and do whatever they need to do to keep the game balanced as long as they make it easy for us to respec once we find out our strategy has been nerfed. This includes writing software and testing it internally)



    You missed the main point, big shocker there, about the fact that it should have been released before the game launched. If it wasn't ready then should haven't waited untill this weekend. If the game had matches that went on for hours, obviously that is something huge that should have been fixed long ago.

    The developers on not on their game and they've had failure after failure. But if that's what you like from your MMO.. then enjoy.



    The whole timing was wrong. PERIOD!

    They had a looong closed beta with more then enough players!

    They had an Open Beta wich had far more players in it, then the 3 days of headstart!!

    They could have discovered all that stuff there. And not wait till all boxes are shipped and then slam this patch on the LIVE servers and so screw over all Headstart players.

    That is the MAIN gripe people have with this patch.

  • jonezi92jonezi92 Member Posts: 224
    Originally posted by Pocahinha

    well..its peoples fault to play a sucky game...ok they like it..but man..what a poor excuse for mmo?? is it an mmo? really?? dont think so...


    Dont hate, it offends fanboi's like myself and others

  • riceae02riceae02 Member UncommonPosts: 180

    Boo hoo ... quit !  If u bought a LT sub then ... ROFLMAO

    BTW I am a lifetimer. Game is gonna change many times ... if this upsets you stick to console crap.

  • PsatiyahPsatiyah Member Posts: 71

    It's fucking BILL ROPER running the show.


    Seriously, what the fuck do you expect? Anybody who buys this game is running a serious risk.

  • YunbeiYunbei Member Posts: 898

    I felt the powers had been nerfed way too much in the last beta days already, so I decided to wait what happens. Seeing they nerf the powers even further this game left my watched list now. A pity. They just have zero clue how to make a fun game in so many ways.

    And do they reply? They never intended player chars to be so powerful. Oh, great NOW you think of this? Bit late, innit? Combat was the only fun thing in this game, and making it tiresome and weak is kinda the most stupid thing I can imagine people doing with CO. This is SO going to sink.


  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,103
    Originally posted by Yunbei

    I felt the powers had been nerfed way too much in the last beta days already, so I decided to wait what happens. Seeing they nerf the powers even further this game left my watched list now. A pity. They just have zero clue how to make a fun game in so many ways.
    And do they reply? They never intended player chars to be so powerful. Oh, great NOW you think of this? Bit late, innit? Combat was the only fun thing in this game, and making it tiresome and weak is kinda the most stupid thing I can imagine people doing with CO. This is SO going to sink.


    The moment DCUO comes out, this game is history!

    Sure SOE had it's fair share of screw ups, but Cryptic really spans the crown yewel on this one. How to turn a very fun game into a chore.

  • YunbeiYunbei Member Posts: 898
    Originally posted by Guillermo197

    Originally posted by Yunbei

    I felt the powers had been nerfed way too much in the last beta days already, so I decided to wait what happens. Seeing they nerf the powers even further this game left my watched list now. A pity. They just have zero clue how to make a fun game in so many ways.
    And do they reply? They never intended player chars to be so powerful. Oh, great NOW you think of this? Bit late, innit? Combat was the only fun thing in this game, and making it tiresome and weak is kinda the most stupid thing I can imagine people doing with CO. This is SO going to sink.


    The moment DCUO comes out, this game is history!

    Sure SOE had it's fair share of screw ups, but Cryptic really spans the crown yewel on this one. How to turn a very fun game into a chore.


    I hope. We know little about DCUO, but lets hope they make it better. Actually it doesnt take much, lol, given how crude CO is.


  • ManchineManchine Member UncommonPosts: 469
    Originally posted by Guillermo197

    Originally posted by Yunbei

    I felt the powers had been nerfed way too much in the last beta days already, so I decided to wait what happens. Seeing they nerf the powers even further this game left my watched list now. A pity. They just have zero clue how to make a fun game in so many ways.
    And do they reply? They never intended player chars to be so powerful. Oh, great NOW you think of this? Bit late, innit? Combat was the only fun thing in this game, and making it tiresome and weak is kinda the most stupid thing I can imagine people doing with CO. This is SO going to sink.


    The moment DCUO comes out, this game is history!

    Sure SOE had it's fair share of screw ups, but Cryptic really spans the crown yewel on this one. How to turn a very fun game into a chore.

    A First person shooter with superheroes won't even come close to taking out a real MMORPG.  So far Cryptic hasn't done anything wrong.


  • DrekenDreken Member Posts: 44

    First off my Main is stuck at level 31 with absolutely no Missions left to do anywhere. I have done every mission up to this point and yet no missions left for me. You would be shocked to learn how many players are stuck at this same point and posting on the forums and yet a Dev hasn't commented on it yet.

    Knowning this I still went out and picked up my pre-order from gamestop yesterday in hopes that they would do something to get my character unstuck with a launch day patch because it seemed like a really big issue to many. So I log in after entering my retail key and yeah there's a patch, but are the handful of bugged missions fixed? Nope.... Everyone in Zone chat is furious about their healing and damage being nerfed by 50%.

    Once again players winning and QQing on the official forums "Game is too easy" "I level too fast" led to this, and I hope they all use munitions (Which was already weak before the nerf but now is laughable) heavy builds and can't do instances meant for soloing now without getting a group and can't find a group so they basically are stuck to reap the benefits of their crying and what it had done to the game

    Also, casual players who cry and whine about the fears of not getting 6 months out of leveling a character to max level please note the cause and effect of constant QQing on the forums leads to. First we had the huge XP nerf which was a result of players crying they were leveling too fast the effect of this a major progression breaking  XP nerf throughout the game during OB. Then we have the constant QQing over "This game is too easy" "OMG I can pull 50 mobs at once and not die" and it leads to yet another progression breaking 50% nerf to all powers.

    So learning now that Cryptic doesn't do things in moderation or well thought out  or even tested for that matter before they change things they just make knee jerk reaction over extreme changes to the game at the first hint of someone even slightly mentioning that it's 'easy' to do something to get to level 40. Also on a final note one of the developers made a post in regards to the power/healing nerf and it was basically done because rate of progression in leveling NOT because they were simply overpowered that's why everything got nerfed instead of nerfing the obviously overpowered powers.

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056

    These are general comments, not about CO in particular:

    Most players aren't going to gripe about fast leveling if there is rich and varied end game content to enjoy. It seems to be standard procedure to skimp on end game (both in quantity and quality) for release. Any xp-nerf or attunement/lock out system brought in for release will show you the devs don't trust their end game. If they offer a life-time subscription BEFORE release - watch out.

    When you don't get to see end game in beta - expect the worst. We Warhammer players learned that lesson.

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • ManchineManchine Member UncommonPosts: 469
    Originally posted by Dreken

    First off my Main is stuck at level 31 with absolutely no Missions left to do anywhere. I have done every mission up to this point and yet no missions left for me. You would be shocked to learn how many players are stuck at this same point and posting on the forums and yet a Dev hasn't commented on it yet.
    Knowning this I still went out and picked up my pre-order from gamestop yesterday in hopes that they would do something to get my character unstuck with a launch day patch because it seemed like a really big issue to many. So I log in after entering my retail key and yeah there's a patch, but are the handful of bugged missions fixed? Nope.... Everyone in Zone chat is furious about their healing and damage being nerfed by 50%.

    Once again players winning and QQing on the official forums "Game is too easy" "I level too fast" led to this, and I hope they all use munitions (Which was already weak before the nerf but now is laughable) heavy builds and can't do instances meant for soloing now without getting a group and can't find a group so they basically are stuck to reap the benefits of their crying and what it had done to the game

    Also, casual players who cry and whine about the fears of not getting 6 months out of leveling a character to max level please note the cause and effect of constant QQing on the forums leads to. First we had the huge XP nerf which was a result of players crying they were leveling too fast the effect of this a major progression breaking  XP nerf throughout the game during OB. Then we have the constant QQing over "This game is too easy" "OMG I can pull 50 mobs at once and not die" and it leads to yet another progression breaking 50% nerf to all powers.

    So learning now that Cryptic doesn't do things in moderation or well thought out  or even tested for that matter before they change things they just make knee jerk reaction over extreme changes to the game at the first hint of someone even slightly mentioning that it's 'easy' to do something to get to level 40. Also on a final note one of the developers made a post in regards to the power/healing nerf and it was basically done because rate of progression in leveling NOT because they were simply overpowered that's why everything got nerfed instead of nerfing the obviously overpowered powers.


    Yeah I am at the same point there is a break in Missions from 30 to 33.  Level 34 there are missions again but they are way to hard now.  I can get those level 34 missions.

    Everyone in zone chat just seems to be wanting to group togethor.  There were really no complaints.  I switched to my level 23 to level him up.  The game before the nerf was way to easy.  Sorry its true.  Within 24 hours of game play I have a level 31 and a 23.  I did it all by soloing the content without any problems, that is to easy.

    As of right now I also noticed that powers at lower levels seem to have no problem.  I tried my level 11.  I raised up from 9 yesterday.  Everything seems to be working the way it should.  It just seems the high level characters feel gimped because we were use to playing that way.  I don't have anyone in the teens to check out how it feels so I can't comment on that.




  • ajm563ajm563 Member Posts: 48

    I got the feeling that something like this was going to happen when I was in OB.  It just didn't feel fully tested or balanced to me.  So, I decided to take a wait and see with this game.  I love the superhero genre, but for some reason this game didn't grab me like COH did when it first came out.

    When are developers going to stop skimping on testing?

  • GiddianGiddian Member UncommonPosts: 418
    Originally posted by riceae02

    Boo hoo ... quit !  If u bought a LT sub then ... ROFLMAO
    BTW I am a lifetimer. Game is gonna change many times ... if this upsets you stick to console crap.


    This is going to be released on the Console in March, So I take it, this is crap.

    Thanks for the info


  • BureykuBureyku Member Posts: 488

    Well when you pay for life to get 1-2 months worth of content I could see some people unleashing hell on the forums.  I can't wait to see what they look like in about 30-45 days.

  • MacScarfeMacScarfe Member Posts: 100
    Originally posted by Bureyku

    Well when you pay for life to get 1-2 months worth of content I could see some people unleashing hell on the forums.  I can't wait to see what they look like in about 30-45 days.


    In 30-45 days the only people on the forums will be the whiners and the devs

    All the people i have talked to since the patch have been indifferent about it, and all the people in the guild i'm in, plus ALOT of people i have talked to since OB have already abandoned the forums in dispair due to the excessive amounts of trolls, whiners and haters.

    I can't see this trend reversing or even slowing down in the next month or so.

  • BureykuBureyku Member Posts: 488
    Originally posted by MacScarfe

    Originally posted by Bureyku

    Well when you pay for life to get 1-2 months worth of content I could see some people unleashing hell on the forums.  I can't wait to see what they look like in about 30-45 days.


    In 30-45 days the only people on the forums will be the whiners and the devs

    All the people i have talked to since the patch have been indifferent about it, and all the people in the guild i'm in, plus ALOT of people i have talked to since OB have already abandoned the forums in dispair due to the excessive amounts of trolls, whiners and haters.

    I can't see this trend reversing or even slowing down in the next month or so.


    Smart smart smart.  When I find a game I like and enjoy I usually post on forums leading up to launch if even that, and then I avoid them like the plague.  Games speak for themselves once launched, but I like to discuss them leading up to launch.  Forums tend to attract the players who want to talk about the game more than actually play it which usually means they aren't that happy.  Maybe it's that or just that the unhappy players are the most vocal.

    Whatever it is I understand why some companies don't have official forums.  If you like the game play it and avoid the forums and you will be happier than 99% of the people posting.

  • ShastraShastra Member Posts: 1,061

    Originally posted by Bureyku
    Originally posted by MacScarfe
    Originally posted by Bureyku Well when you pay for life to get 1-2 months worth of content I could see some people unleashing hell on the forums.  I can't wait to see what they look like in about 30-45 days.

    In 30-45 days the only people on the forums will be the whiners and the devs
    All the people i have talked to since the patch have been indifferent about it, and all the people in the guild i'm in, plus ALOT of people i have talked to since OB have already abandoned the forums in dispair due to the excessive amounts of trolls, whiners and haters.
    I can't see this trend reversing or even slowing down in the next month or so.

    Smart smart smart.  When I find a game I like and enjoy I usually post on forums leading up to launch if even that, and then I avoid them like the plague.  Games speak for themselves once launched, but I like to discuss them leading up to launch.  Forums tend to attract the players who want to talk about the game more than actually play it which usually means they aren't that happy.  Maybe it's that or just that the unhappy players are the most vocal.
    Whatever it is I understand why some companies don't have official forums.  If you like the game play it and avoid the forums and you will be happier than 99% of the people posting.

    I totally agree and the mood in game is totally different from forums. I only post there now if i have to give some feedback or suggestion. Otherwise i avoid forums at all cost. Its just a troll fest. Cryptic really need to make forums available to paying customers only. Right now its free for all and majority trolling are not even playing the game.

  • ayanelayanel Member Posts: 150
    Originally posted by ayanel

    Originally posted by CyanSword

    Almost all that stuff is lower level than you though if you are 18. I am actually 18 as well and have a close set up to yours (use Ego Blast and energy blades, but otherwise close) and when trying the robot cowboys in the desert (18-20) the experience was far, far different.
    Maybe the difference is accepting we have to fight below our level now and not equal to it as we could before.
    ...time to grind some grey crap in MC I guess than before trying the cowboys again


    Everything I did today was set for levels 17-20 with the exception of fight club (which was just a test).

    The level 20 mission I did was a Bank Robbing I happened to come across--very cool--where I dies three times towards the start as I learned how to fight backs of villains and henchmen 20 levels above me.  After that it was very challenging and several fights were close but I took out everyone there including 6 henchmen at a time, and mixed groups of henchmen + villain and a lv 20 master villain + a henchman.


    I have not tried the robot cowboys but I will next time I log in too see if they are much harder then the stuff I've seen.


    For the record I went made a point of fighting the robot cowboys last night and did not find them to be harder then the stuff I was fighting in MC.  I did ding 19 shortly after getting there and the only time I died was when I over agroed and ended up fighting three villains and 5 henchmen at once...

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